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The theme to ANGEL is loading........go kick a vamp while you wait.

Another in a series of television shows that really annoy my husband, "Angel" was a spin-off from the show "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer".

Once her romantic lead, Angel (David Boreanaz) proved himself as an actor, and reached beyond the role's prescribed destiny toward something new.

As a demon fighting vampire-with-a-soul, Angel and his team took us through the occult world of Los Angeles. Angel took Buffy's fallen watcher, Wesley Wyndam-Price (Alexis Denisof) and her long-time rival and sometime friend Cordelia Chase (Charisma Carpenter).

Also joining the ex-Sunnydale trio were: Charles Gunn (J. August Richards), a self-styled vampire slayer; Lorne (Andy Hallett), a green-skinned, red-horned demon who can read your 'aura' when  you sing; the perky, bizarre and joyful Winifred "Fred" Burkle (Amy Acker), who later becomes the goddess Ilyria; and at the last, Spike came back from the dead to join the team.

Sadly, the show was cancelled and now lives on in DVD. However, it remains a favorite of mine even after it's untimely end.

*FREE* Angel Desktop Backgrounds!

CLICK to view or download the full size wallpaper. 600x800

Text reads:  I'm just looking for someone to ... rescue. Are you maybe in need of some rescuing? -from Lonely Hearts

CLICK to view or download the full size wallpaper. 600x800

Text reads: "So, are you still...grrr?" "There's not actually a cure for that."

CLICK to view or download the full size wallpaper. 600x800

Text reads: You wouldn't like me when I'm happy.

For pretty much all things Angel, try:

Angelic Vamps

Member since Jan, 2001 - Click to join.

 [ Vampire #04 ]

Only members of the above can become guardians! I guard the lives of:

Sadly, he's closed the Angelus Fan Club. (But as you can see, I'm keeping my Guardianship!)

Angel is owned by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemies and Greenwolf. I only intend to enjoy, and share the enjoyment, not to infringe. Images, sounds and characters are copyright to their original creators. This webset, the AIM icons and all backgrounds are ©2003 Crescent Designs for the Fifth House.