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I know what you are thinking, who is this beautiful siren? This is Louise Brooks. She was a film actress, dancer, and model. Between 1925 and 1938, Louise appeared in 24 silent films, including "Pandora's Box", the German film she is best known for.


Since discovering the actress' online society, I've seen two of her movies. "The Show Off" and "Pandora's Box". I love them both, although like most silent movies, they were easier to watch in small increments.



"The Show Off" was funny, and Louise's role in it was small and virulent. She was a kind of nosy neighbor who attacked the Show Off and basically stood around looking disapproving and shook her head a lot. But the movie itself was worth watching, she was just an added attraction.


"Pandora's Box" was dark and deep. About a 'kept woman', the story line is as timely today as it was then. There's a tragic ending you knew was coming the entire time. They quite literally don't make movies like this anymore. Film Noir at it's very finest.



What I enjoy most is pawing through the many photographs of Louise at the Societies homepage. There are just hundreds of them, all subtly different in some way. If you like what you see here, visit them and enjoy the changing moods of Louise on film.


Visit the Louise Brooks Society!

Pandora's Box


Look, this page won an award from Eden's Garden!



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