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These websites may be of interest to you.

Drug Policy Alliance

Stop the Drug War!

Addiction Related Web Sites

Addiction Resource Guide
Addiction Search
Addiction Technology Transfer Center Program
Addiction Treatment Forum
Afvocates for Treatment Through Medicine
Drug Policy Library, Online
Drugs and the Whole Person
Duncanian Studies Centre - London
Duncanian Studies Centre - Sydney
Harm Reduction Coalition
Heroin Pages
Kids, Drugs and Drug Education
Methadone Today - N.A.M.A.
Push Harm Reduction
Recovery from Addiction
Safer Smoking
Safety First
Health Nexus - health info site
Responsible Drug Use
The Futility of DAWN
Institut f�r Duncanian Suchtforschung
Prof. Duncan's alma mater
Prof. Duncan's doctoral alma mater
Post-Legalization America

Favorite Personal Home Pages

Dr. Duncan's Professional Website
Dr. Duncan's Commonplace Book
Chris Conrad's Home Page
Eddie Ellison's Home Page
Ruth Engs Home Page
Paul Glass' Home Page
Robert Gold's Home Page
Arianna Huffington Online
Robert Marks' Home Page

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