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The Cursed Campaign

The Cursed Campaign begins in mid year 2013. A Gothic Horror Campaign set in the realm of Ustalav in the World of Golarion using the new Pathfinder Rules.

About Pathfinder:
Pathfind is essentially D&D 3.75. Or the proper 4th edition created by the guys who used to do Dragon Magazine and many former D&D designers. Much of it derived from 3.5 but almost everything has changed a little. The classes and races are all improved and more powerful. Many of the spells are slightly different or the base mechanic of which they work off has changed. The majority of these changes are designed to speed up game play or fix broken parts of the game. Unfortunatly because almost everything has changed a bit there is some degree of difficulty interweaving 3.5 and Pathfinder. In general check with your DM about any 3.5 stuff you want to use. Pathfinder occurs on the World of Golarion but essentially every nation of Golarion is its own Campaign setting with very different feels. Generally a campaign is resticted to a single nations. For the Cursed Campaign the events will occur in the Dark Nation of Ustalav.

Here are some useful Pathfinder links: (The Important stuff is linked in this page below)

Pathfinder SRD (AWESOME)
Pathfinder Wiki (Great for Background)

Rulebooks to Reveiw For Charactor Creation:
Pathfinder Core Rulebook
Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide
Ultimate Magic (Pathfinder)
Ultimate Combat (Pathfinder)

Campaign Setting:
  • The World of Golarion
  • The Nation of Ustalav

  • Classes:
  • Barbarian
  • Bard
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Fighter
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Ranger
  • Rogue
  • Sorcerer
  • Wizard
  • New
  • Alchemist
  • Cavalier
  • Gunslinger
  • Inquisitor
  • Magus
  • Oracle
  • Summoner
  • Witch

  • Prestege Classes:
    (Core Pathfinder Revised)
  • Arcane Archer
  • Arcane Trickster
  • Assassin
  • Dragon Disciple
  • Duelist
  • Eldritch Knight
  • Loremaster
  • Mystic Theurge
  • Pathfinder Chronicler
  • Shadowdancer

  • New:
  • Agent of the Grave
  • Balanced Scale of Abadar
  • Battle Herald
  • Bloatmage
  • Brightness Seeker
  • Chevalier
  • Cyphermage
  • Daivrat
  • Demoniac
  • Diabolist
  • Divine Scion
  • Genie Binder
  • Halfling Opportunist
  • Harrower
  • Hellknight
  • Holy Vindicator
  • Horizon Walker
  • Inheritor's Crusader
  • Inner Sea Pirate
  • Justiciar
  • Liberator
  • Lion Blade
  • Living Monolith
  • Low Templar
  • Master Chymist
  • Master Spy
  • Nature Warden
  • Pain Taster
  • Pathfinder Delver
  • Pathfinder Savant
  • Rage Prophet
  • Red Mantis Assassin
  • Shackles Pirate
  • Souldrinker
  • Spherewalker
  • Stalwart Defender
  • Steel Falcon
  • Student of War

  • Core Races:
    (Pathfinder Revised)
  • Dwarf
  • Elf
  • Gnome
  • Half Elf
  • Halfling
  • Half Orc
  • Human

  • Exotic Races:
  • Aasimar
  • Catfolk
  • Changeling (There are Males)
  • Dhampir (Half Vampyre)
  • Drow
  • Duergar
  • Fetchling (Shadow Touched)
  • Goblin
  • Hobgoblin
  • Orc
  • Tiefling (Half Fiend)

  • Lycanthropes (Were-Wolves, Bears, Bats, Rats, Etc) -See DM


    Major deities of Golarion

    Abadar | Asmodeus | Calistria | Cayden Cailean | Desna | Erastil | Gorum | Gozreh | Iomedae | Irori | Lamashtu | Nethys | Norgorber | Pharasma | Rovagug | Sarenrae | Shelyn | Torag | Urgathoa | Zon-Kuthon

    Minor deities

    Achaekek | Apsu | Azathoth | Besmara | Chamidu | Dahak | Droskar | Ghlaunder | Groetus | Kurgess | Lissala | Milani | Peacock Spirit | Sivanah | Ydersius | Zyphus

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