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The Dagmar Campaign

The Dagmar Campaign



The Characters:

Ogar: (Boof) ½Ogre Ranger Druid Lord of Dagmar God of Beasts

Ulv Grimhand: (Groza) Svifneblin Fighter Rogue God of Stone

Blackblood (Andru Demears) Human Fighter

Jarlax: (Pete) Drow Fighter –Dead

Gimly Hellraiser: (Tom Burns) Minataur Fighter –Dead

Morphius Hellraiser: (Steve Burns) Dwarf Cleric –Dead

Quickkick: (Tom Moose Martin) Half Elf Fighter Assassin –Dead

Sypass: (Ryan) Human fighter Cleric -Dead

Nitro: (Ryan) Human Cleric –Dead

Gemini: (Ryan) Human Fighter –Dead

Avatar: (Andrew Lemon) Human Fighter

Shellyak: (Chris Lemon) Human Fighter

Goliath: (Quasim) Human Fighter –Survived

Claygin: (Albert) Human Fighter –Dead

Foster: (Lano) Human Fighter –Dead

War: (Justin) Human Fighter –Dead

Psycho: (Ron) Human Fighter –Dead

Others: Brian Soltish, Tim Durkin, Main Banks, all Dead



Elkhorn Oakenshield: Dwarf Super Soldier

Mel-Con: Elf Warrior

Ty-Fun: Elf Warrior

Smash: Ogre Warrior

Zylon: Human Fighter Rogue

Brunt: Ogre Warrior

Krin: Ogre Warrior –Dead

Yotaz: Ancient Wizard, Current master of Hall of records in Sigil

Mardigan: Human Warrior Dragon rider



Nicodemus: Ancient Shadow Wizard –Dead

Rygar: Ogre Blooded Fighter Druid Pirate –At Large

Carnage: The Eldest of the Prime Material Dragons –Dead



The Campaign

This was the first campaign ever Dm’d by Rob G. It started on Christian Desimone’s driveway with Ryan Jawar. The First official party formed in the Town of Peace:


The Town of Peace Party:

Quickkick (Tom Moose Martin) Fighter/Rogue Assassin Ninja

Sypass (Ryan Jawar)

Nitro (Ryan Jawar)

Gemini (Ryan Jawar)


This group had many adventures surrounding the great walled city known as the town of peace. Quickkick came to rule the city and the party erected a castle outside town.


Later at school Rob G would meet Andrew Lemon and learn that he also played D&D. I played once at his house where I met Mark Booth, an Ogre like human who was playing an Ogre Character named Ogar. I did not care for Andrew Lemon’s DM style so I poached Mark Booth to play D&D with me the two of us never allowed Lemon to DM us again. Though Andrew and his Brother Chris made up characters and joined the Dagmar campaign.


The Lemon Party:

Avatar: (Andrew Lemon) Human Fighter

Shellyak: (Chris Lemon) Human Fighter


The Lemon party had many adventures. Some were solo modules for Andrew. At times they intermeshed with Moose’s Town of Peace Party.


Soon there were numerous new people joining the campaign. Which meant they made characters and played whenever. Generally Moose’s party played on their own. The rest of the guys just played with whoever. Though Ogar usually vanguarded the group and thus came the Ogar Party


The Ogar Party:

Ogar: (Booth) Ogre Ranger Druid

War: (Justin Sypek) Human Paladin

Foster: (Lano) Human Fighter

Blackblood (Andru Demears) Human Fighter


At this point theres like 3 different groups operating in the Dagmar area. Often joining up and intermixing.


Then one day in the summer 1990 a strange black kid in my neighborhood named Quasim knocks on my door and asks to play D&D. I don’t know him and make him go away. He does this numerous times and I persistantly turn him down. I see him doing strange things like using a metal detector to look for gold on the street. Eventually he breaks me down and makes his own party with Albert Cordero. The Goliath Party.


The Goliath Party:

Goliath (Quasim) Human Fighter

Claygin (Albert Cordero) Human Fighter


Quasim’s thrist for D&D was insatiable. I would wake up sometimes and he would be in my room ready to go. Now there were 4 parties operating in Dagmar.


Through this time many would come and go including such luminous players such as Main Banks, Pat Rickie, Tim Durkin, Brian Soltish, Ron Masacone and others.


As junior high rolled around friends were a changing. Mike Pulcastro and Kevin Oberle eseentially replaced Lano and Justin. The Ogre group reflect this.


Ogar Party 2:



Mad Dog (Mike Pulcastro) Human Fighter

Raph (Kevin Oberle) Human Fighter


It was during this time that Ogar came to rule the two towns just south of the Town of peace. These were the Town of the Sea and the Town of Hobo.

Inevitably with this many groups operating in the same area conflicts were bound to pop up. Especially as the landscapes of social groups were shifting. Some how a belief came into being that if you killed a PC you got all his experience points. This proved too much of a motivation. Thus Ogar and Blackblood embarked on a killing frenzy.

They started knocking on doors and killing characters. Depending on how much I liked the individual in question I might require their presense at their charcters slaughter.

The first to go was Albert Codero’s character. Then there were the many left over characters of people who had passed through at one time or another. Lano heard of this all out player slaughter and hired an army to help to defend himself. Me and booth appeared at his house. Booth killed his army then his charcter. As Lano began to cry we disembarked. Justin Sypeks character also met with this fate. Next it was off to Andrew Lemons house. Outside on his picnic table Booth continued the business at hand. Chris’s charcter was also killed.


The town of peace party heard what was going on and a war was planned. Booth, Andru, Mike, and Kevin went up against the whole town of peace crew and slaughtered them.


Everyone who died in these battles never played again. Eventually Andru Demears would disappear never to be seen again.


The only surviving characters in the campaign at this point were


The Ogar Party 3

Ogar: (Booth)

Mad Dog (Mike Pulcastro)

Raph (Kevin Oberle)


It continued this way till high school where I met a new click who all played D&D. They all joined as an underdark campaign due to the popularity of Drizzt Do’urder. This was also the transistion to second edition D&D.


The Underdark Party

Jarlax (Pete Sylvester) Drow Fighter

Ulv Grimhand (Mike Groza) Svifneblin Fighter Rogue

Gimly Hellraiser (Tom Burns) a dwarf polymorphed to a minataur fighter

Morphius Hellraiser (Steve Burns) Dwarf cleric


This party had many great adventures trying to get out of the underdark. And when they did they entered the surface in the realm of Dagmar. Eventuallu the two current groups came into conflict and battled. Ogar’s side lost though Ogar himself survivied. Mike and Kevin were killed and did not really play D&D ever again.


Eventually the Burns brothers would be ostresized and disappear forever.


What was left became the base for all parties after.


The Ogar Party 4

Mark Booth (Ogar)

Mike Groza (Ulv)

Pete Sylvester (Jarlax)


Ogar was essentially the heart of the Dagmar campaign. Most of his early adventures had to do with battling his orge heritage. His half brother Rygar and being guided all the way by a small green man named Yotaz. The climax of the campaign came with the battle against the Gray Dragon Carnage who dwelt in the underdark. Shortly after that mission Pete’s charcter Jarlax continued doing evil and was killed by a magical bear.


Soon other campaigns were beginning. But Booth and Groza would continue the Dagmar campaign into the heavens.


Ogar and Ulv did many epic adventures before finally taking the Gods test which essentially imbued them with Divine power.


A few years later after I had run about 5 campaigns I came up with a super module which involved every character in every campaign. The most powerful of which would come together in the end. The plot had to do with The Cult of the Dragon teaming with the Church of Malar, the beats god. In the final battle Malar was cast down to the realm but walked as a demigod. Ogar appeared from the Heavens to face him. After killing Malar, Ogar became the God of Beasts. He came to reside in a massive mountain fortress on the outer planes of the Beast Lands. He named his dwarf general Elkhorn his champion. Though he never did finish off Rygar. Sometime later Ulv would battle Skoreous Stonebones, stone giant god of stone for his portfolio. He would ascend to demigod status under Grumbar the Earthlord. The remnants of the Dagmar Campaign are The Gods Party.


The Gods Party:

Lord Ogar (Booth): ½ Ogre Ranger Druid God of Beasts

Lord Ulv Grimhand: (Groza) Svirfneblin God of Stone

Elkorn Oakenshield: (NPC) Dwarf Warmaster Demigod Champion


The three cities of the campaign were at one point all united into one under Ogar and came to be called Dagmar.
