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The Doomed Campaign: (Module summaries)

Beginning: (Forgotten Realms)
The Party-
Andrais Delnivien: Grey elvin fighter/mage blade singer
Damanthius: Half elvin Mage/specialty priest of mask
Karius Grimhand: Gnomish thief/illusionist

1st- Terrible Trouble in Tragladore: (Andrais, Damanthius, & Karius)
The adventuring party is formed in the town of Hanuman north of Mulmaster. They are united by their common cause to search out adventure and new magics. The learn that the town of Traggladore has witnessed a bizzar series of dissappearances and other bad things. They quest to find the source of this. Eventually the trail leads to a female drow wizard named Zara. Her and her drow soldiers had been conducting a mining operation for precious metals. The human abducted had been enslaved by her and put to work. The group killed her and collapsed her mines. Then bum rushed her spellbook.

2nd- The Black Tower: (Andrais, Damanthius, & Karius)
The adventuring party had now traveled to Suzail, capital city of Cormyr in search of adventure. The party was hired to retrieve a magical dagger that had been stolen from a merchant. The parties legwork deduced that the dagger had been stolen by a member of the Autorium, a secret sect of theives and fighters. The criminal activities of this group led the party to a great black tower which stood in the center of the city. The party infiltrated the tower. They recovered the dagger but finally stumbled upon the throneroom. There they saw a powerful drow warrior. The party went to attack as the drow polymorphed into a massive black dragon. The party then made an escape. They barely survived. But they did recover the dagger. This encounter led the heroes to think perhaps they should leave Suzail.

--The party travels to Arabel and Andrais joins the bladesingers guild there--

3rd-The Coldest Reach: (Andrais, Damanthius, & Karius)
The party quested into the far mountain north of the dalelands. In the caverns they came upon the white dragon Icendoom. The party attacked the beast and a massive battle followed. Damnthius was rendered unconsious early in the fight. Then as the battle raged Karius was ripped in half by the monsters jaws. Finally in a last desperate attack Andrais dropped from the ceiling bringing both of his blades down through the dragons spine (double 20’s). The day was won, but how much was lost. After the adventure Andrais and Damanthius buried Karius in the cemetary in Arabel.

-Interlude- The original party disbands. Time goes by. The Time of troubles comes and goes. Andrais returns home and studies. Damanthius recludes into darker interests. Finally, 12 years later Andrais and Damanthius reunite and return to Arabel to quest to resurrect their long lost compatriot Karius Grimhand.

--The Ravenloft Chapter:--

4th-Pulled to Darkness: (Andrais & Damanthius)
Andrais & Damanius arrive at Karius’s grave to find it emanating with mists. When they opened the coffin they found a gate. Upon entering it they found themselves in Ravenloft. Duke Gundar had pulled in the body of karius and had him ressurrected so as to black mail Karius’s brother drazzius and the Riders of the mists adventuring party to slay Count Strahd. Andrais and Damanthius attempt to save Karius but are unsuccessful. Upon entering the misty borders the two party members are seperated.

--Party split-----(Andrais & damanthius take separate adventures)

5th-Adam’s Wrath: -A Ravenloft Campaign adventure- (Andrais)
Andrais joins up with the riders of the mists and a theif named Alriss and a gnome named Sulv on a Sea voyage. The ship crashes and everyone is slain by Sea Hags. The party is revived as flesh golems by Doctor Mordenheim. The group had to quest to recover their bodies and defeat the great flesh golem Adam. They succeeded.

--Andrais learns that Autrilar has been pulled into Ravenloft--

6th-Lost Bretheren: -A loose Ravenloft adventure- (Damanthius)
Damanthius joins up with Karius’s brother Drazzius and a dwarf named Falkrin to save Karius from the clutches of Duke Gundar. They are successful.

7th-Return to the House of Strahd: -A loose Ravenloft adv.-(Damanthius)
Damanthius along with Drazzius, Karius, & Falkrin head to castle ravenloft to kill strahd. Along the way they meet up with Vistani Gypsies. The gypsies all sense the evil that has been growing in Damanthius since his entrance into Ravenloft. The head gypsy lady calls him on this. Damanthius turns evil and slays all the vistani. Then he begins slaying the entire party. All the party members are dropped save for Falkrin who manages to kill Damanthius.

8th-Ship of Horrors: A Ravenloft Camp. adventure-(Andrais & Karius)
Andrais still traveling with the riders of the mists hooks up with karius who is traveling with Falkrin and drazzius. All the heroes embark for a cruise on the ship of horrors. The army of heroes for this adventure consisted of Andrais, Karius, drazzius, sulv, alriss, Amer, falkrin, flennatar, loom, and zondyr. During this terrible boat ride the heroes are seemingly lost one by one into the mists. Zondyr vanishes first. Then sulv, then amer, then loom, then flennatar, then alriss. Andrais appalled by what is occuring decides to steal a rowboat and try to head for the borders of ravenloft. Karius refuses to join him choosing instead to quest with his brothers. Andrais departs.

---Andrais is unsuccessful in his attempt to escape Ravenloft. He instaed washes up on the shore in the domain of Darkon. He lays low in a city there for some few months trying to find a way of escaping the demiplane.-------

---Meanwhile the Grand conjunction come to pass on Ravenloft----

9th- The Fallen: (Damanthius)
Damanthius finds himself resurrected by the archlich Azalin. Damanthius is made to serve the lich. Another former hero named Loom also serves the lich. Loom had once been a rider of the mist but had now turned evil. During this adventure Damanthius and Loom set out to cause mayhem. They kill innocents. They come upon a town and break into the mayors house. For no reason atall they execute the mayor. Loom rapes the mayors wife and Damnthius tortures the 5 year old son.

---Kuth Krythlu, the god of ravenloft is slain by the riders of the mist.---
---This gods power becomes dispersed amongst the darklords of ravenloft-
--The riders of the mist embark on a quest to slay all darklords.--

10th- Alone in the Darkness: -A Ravenloft Campaign adv.-(Damanthius)
Serbian lightbringer finds himself in the domain of Darkon with only the werebear Grizzly at his side. Serbian Enters castle Avernus to destroy Azalin. Serbian comes close but Azalin gets him in a Bigby’s crushing hand spell. Serbian is doomed. It is at this point that Damanthius turns on Azalin as does Loom. Damanthius and Loom defeat Azalin with the help of Serbian and Grizzly. Afterwards Damanthius gives Azalins Phylactory to Serbian. Damanthius and Loom go their own way.

11th-The Fallen Reign: - (Damanthius & Loom)
Damanthius and loom slay and kill Doctor Mordenheim and the flesh golem adam. Upon doing this they become joint darklords of the domain of Lamordia.

12th-Lamordia: -A Ravenloft Campaign Adv.-(Damanthius vs. Karius) The riders of the mist (Amer, serbian, drazzius, karius, falkrin, & Emeric) travel to Lamordia to face the darklord who they believe to be adam. They are instead ambushed by Damanthius, Loom, and the shadow dragon ebb. Damanthius and the shadow dragon are killed. Loom is left unconscious.

--Damanthius is dead again----

13th- Agent of Darkness: (Andrais) Andrais is summoned by the lich Azalin. He is sent on a mission to acquire the remains of Damanthius to assure that Loom or anyone else cant resurrect him. Andrais acquires the bones and carries them with him. Andrais does not return to darkon to get his reward from Azalin.

---From this point Andrais takes up living in the vacated castle Pantera. He hides the bones of Damanthius in the walls of the castle.------

---Azalin and Autrilar form a union to fight against the riders of the mist who are systematically slaying all the darklords.-------

----The riders of the mist are victorious. Azalin, Autrilar, and all remaining darklords are slain. The continent of Ravenloft is planeshifted into the seas of Abeir Toril(Forgotten realms).----

----Andrais sets off the continent at once on a tiny rowboat-------
----He arrives on the continent of Korlandor, in the nation of Kharas. Andrais takes up living at a vacated Monestary-----

-MALAR'S MANIFEST: (All characters from all Campaigns)
This super mega adventure represented an enormous storyline which stetched accross all of forgotten realms and beyond. The Torilian gods of Fury led by Talos had allied with Malar and his monster cults. Mainly the dreaded cult of the dragon. A war in the heavens had begun as Talos was opposed by Tempus and his ally Gond. On mainland faerun a continental war had begun between their clergies. It took the combined efforts of the heroes of the banishment, the riders of the mist, the luminaries of kharzen, The sons of ulv, The crusaders of the lance, aswell as Andrais delnivien to stop this threat. In the end the dethroned god Malar was cast upon the earth where he met his demise at the hands of OGAR.

14th-Day of the Hunt: (Andrais & Brom the gold*)
Andrais finds himself in the city of Talysyr on a holiday called the day of the hunt. On this day contestants enter to hunt down a creature that is released by the town. 2 man teams are needed. This years creature was a Firbolg, a particularly crafted giant who could shapechange. Andrais teamed up with a barbarian named Brom. Together they hunted down the giant but in the finale had to battle one of the other teams. Plithadin, lord of rogues and Cauldrin the spriggan. They defeated the other team but did not kill them. They did however win the contest.

---When Andrais returned to castle pantera he found it not there. The entire castle had been transplanted by Falkrin and his dwarves. --
---Meanwhile, Loom had tracked Damanthius’s remains down and had him resurrected.----

-Shadow of the Past: A Ravenloft encore campaign adventure(Andrais, Karius + The heroes of the hex) All of the Ravenloft lords found there lands under seige. Creatures had been plaging their lands and they were coming from beneath the surface. The ravenloft alliance united and were joined by Karius's old friend Andrais delnivien. Together the entered the underground beneath Darkon. Soon the Heroes learned that shadow of the past survived. Unbenkownst to them there had always been an underdark area in ravenloft. It was called the domain Arak, a drow city. Its darklord had been a drow preistess. But during the time of Manifestation Azalin had killed the Drow priestess and assorbed Arak into his own domain. Thus the heroes never knew that beneath their sovereign nation lied a dark city of drow. But once the heroes entered the city they learned more. Autrilar had been a black dragon but when he teamed up with azalin, he had done so for a price. He agreed to help azalin but only if azalin taught him the secret of Lichdom. When the heroes had slain Autrilar in the final battle of ravenloft they had forced Autrilars final step into Lichdom. He was now a Dracolich and he had been plotting his vengeance for some time. For decades Autrilar had taken form in disguise as a drow, now he was using that form to be lord of Arak, and the drow served him. He was being aided also by a drow lich and a drow blade singer named Vzul N'tathshyr, one of Andrais's worst enemies. So the party faced the dracolich and killed him once and for all.

15th-Cavern of Doom: (Andrais, emeric*, and Javell*)
Andrais hooked up with emeric, one of the heroes of ravenloft and a gnomish explorer named Javell. They embarked on a quest to recover the staff of Indevra. They defeated Darkalis the lich and Prismonifyr the red dragon.

16th-Return of the Fallen: (Damanthius & Loom)
Damanthius now resurrected by loom wanted Vengeance. He joined up with Loom and a the spriggan Cauldrin to attack and kill the riders of the mists one by one starting with Falkrin. Damanthius devised a scheme to turn 2 of the ravenloft heroes against each other. He killed Maveric, Emeric general and made it appear as though it was done by Falrin. Emeric thus went after Falkrin. Their armies battled on Falkrins island of Malkovia. Falkrin defeated Emeric and then Damanthius attacked the wounded Falkrin with Loom. They defeated Falkrin but the party was overrun by emerics elves. Cauldrin was supposed to take care of these elves but he had betrayed the party. The party was defeated. Damanthius alone, later managed to escape captivity.

17th-Dragonwyr: (Andrais, Javell*, & Dahrak) Andrais now traveling with Javell joins up with the minataur Dahrak. They go on a quest to kill the red dragon fire demon. They succeeded.

18th-Dark Territory: (Andrais, Javell*, Mackrane, & Ravenwood)
Andrais and javell hook up with the dwarven champion mackrane and the fighter Ravenwood. As they are all summoned to the city of Brandenburg in the nation of Corthasia. They met Lord Devlin of Castle Darkspur. He hires them to steal a magic well from castle brantar and carry to a sanitarium where the evil item can be destroyed. The party battles many foul and evil things and is continuously pursued by werewolves led by a greater werewolf named prax. Upon reaching the sanitarium they battle a powerful evil necromancer named Calivar. They destroy the well and unleashes 2 powerful creatures. The archlich Count Lacrotis and the warlock Baron Mortis. Devlin was trying to free Lacrotis who was his lord long ago. Devlin arrives and reveals himself as a vampire. Mortis is the enemy of Lacrotis however. They had both been imprisoned in the well long ago. Mortis and Lacrotis went right for each other while the party went after devlin. They defeated the vampire and got the hell out of there.

19th-The Curse, Dark Territory 2: (Andrais, Ravenwood, & Hades)
Andrais and Ravenwood meet up with Hades the paladin. The Vampire devlin and his undead creatures track andrais down to recover a ring which holds the soul of Count Lacrotis. The ring is taken but Andrais manages to slay Devlin.

20th-Final Fall: (Andrais, Emeric*, & Serbian* vs. Damanthius)
Emeric has discovered who was behind the plot that killed Maveric. He and serbian accust andrais in an attempt to find Damanthius. Damnthius finds them. Finally Serbian kills him. Andrais once again takes the ashes. He has the remains incinerated and frees the remaining particals into the ocean. Holding on to but a single peice of Damanthius.

---Damanthius dead for good----
---Andrais and Hades establish the new Doomed campaign---

21th-Day of the Hunt 2: (Andrais, Hades, Ravenwood)
Andrais is summoned back to the city of Talysyr to particpate in Day of the hunt. He brings the party with him. This year there are numerous giants to be hunted. Through the adventure the party discovers that the giants have their own game. They’ve been hunting the humans. The party teams up with the other teams and attack the ginats. Together they succeed. Immediately following the victory Plithadin and Andrais go at it. Plithadin defeats Andrais but does not kill him. Just as Andrais had done to him one year prior. Andrais and hades eventually win the hunt as joint winners are decided. The team of hades and Andrais and the team of Jim and Ted(Keg dudes).

22nd- Homeland: (Andrais and hades)
Andrais decides to travel back home. Accross the oceans and into the forgotten realms. He returns to his home city of Moondale along with Hades. Along the way they encounter the evil Paladin Chaotis. Later Andrais’s bladesinger mentor dies of old age. In elvin terms he chooses to pass into the next world. Many of his former students attend the funeral. Among them is Vzuul N’that shyr. Apparently Andrais’s mentor had been imprisioned in the drow city of Arak for many years. Whilst there he was made to train the youngest son in the arts of bladesinging. This was Vzuul. Vzuul eventually had him freed. Vzuul was the oldest most advanced of the bladesingers present. Rivalled only by Andrais. At the funeral the sword of the mentor was left to andrais. Vzuul felt the sword was his right and so he challenged Andrais for it. Andrais defeated him.

23rd-The Search for black bane: (Andrais & Hades)
The party was hired by the church of Kelemvor to recover the blade of blackbane. They were accompanies by Andrais’s little brother Enray and Darkwood, a priest of Kelemvor. They quested long and hard and eventually found it in the depths of castle kilgrave. They came upon it just as the bad guys did. The bad guys consisted of The evil paladin Chaotis of cyric and his knights of the ebon spur. They were accompanied by the drow elvin bladesinger known as Vzuul n’tath shyr. Hades defeated chaotis and joined the battle against vzuul. The drow escaped with blackbane.

24th-Incanteron: (Andrais & Javell*)
Andrais travels back to Kharas to gather his followers and things. Once there he is accusted by a man who works for the wizard Sazario. Sazario also hires Javell, Plithadin and Cauldrin. Andrais agree to do the mission with plithadin because the Sazario is offering good stuff. The party infiltrates the magical tower of Incanteron and steels a magic artifact called the Tormoc. Afterwards the imminent battle goes down. Javell and cauldrin go at it aswell as Andrais and Plithadin. When cauldrin falls, plithadin grabs him up and retreats.

25th-The Orb of Dreams Pt 1, From the shadows: (Andrais & Javell)
Andrais and Javell are summoned to NewZhentil and hired by Thisten Blackheart of the Zhentarium. They are to steal a magic item called the Orb of dreams from the temple of Phantystra in Kharas city. They venture into the depths of the temple but are suprised when they grab the orb, for they are sucked in. Inside the orb the adventures relive events that Andrais only saw in dreams. While in the nightmare lands of Ravenloft Andrais saw all the events leading up to the grand conjunction. Primary in this was the actions of the riders of the mists. Inside the orb andrais now had to relive the final adventures they had taken. Javell came along for the ride. In the dream world the heroes were captured by azalin and sent back in time to change the events of strahds history. Doing this would weaken the walls of ravenloft so azalin could escape. The heroes accomplished this but were ambushed and managed to destroy azalin. Then they escaped ravenloft. -Cont-

26th-The Orb of Dreams Pt 2, Roots of Evil: (Andrais & Javell)
-Cont- The party was in advertantly carrying the phylactory of azalin as they escaped ravenloft. This allowed azalin to also escape and in effect destroy the boundaries of ravenloft. All the darklords the begin escaping. Andrais no longer cares to see this dream fulfilled and so he just gets as far from azalin as he can. The dreams becme more and more disrupted but finally the party is freed from the orb by the preists of Phantystra. They fail in retrieving the orb for the zhentarium however.

27th-A Light in the Belfry: (Andrais & Hades)
Andrais and hades find themselves sucked into Ravenloft again. Apparently the demiplane is growing again. Reforming somehow. The Party must break a curse and slay a necromancer to escape. They accomplish this and get the fuck out of Ravenloft.

28th-The time of wrath: (Andrais & Hades)
Andrais and Hades return to Korlandor to find the whole continent dying. They flee to forgotten realms but it is much the same. The Socerer Nicodemus has allies with the creature known as Ordathus and is quickly destroying the world. Andrais and Hades convince the socerer Mythrais to gate them out of the world. He sends them through a gate to Oerth.

---The Greyhawk Chapter-------

Queen of the Demonweb pits Super module campaign (Andrais & hades)

Part 1: Against the giants

29th: Steading of the hill giant chief:
Now on oerth the party comes upon a crisis a little more exceptable. The capital city of Itivin has been encased in a mysterious black magic bubble. The party is hired by the king of Keoland to quest to save the city. The party follows the giants who had been attacking the city back to their lair. A large hill giant fortress. The party destroys all giants there and find maps depicting an ice fortress to the north. But nothing that can save the city.

30th:Glacial Rift of the frost giant Jarl:
The party assaults the glacial fortress of the frost giants. They conquer the lair and find evidence which will lead them into the mountains where more giants lurk.

31st:Hall of the fire giant king:
The party invades this mountain lair many names as they are repelled on numerous occasions. Eventually they defeat all the fire giants and kill their king. Caverns below lead way to the underdark as hint are left that the drow may be behind the fate of Istivin.

Part 2: Into the Depths

32nd:Descent into the depths of the earth:
The party travels deep into the underdark faces many monsters and obstacles. Finally they come to the drow city.

33rd:Vault of the Drow:
The party infiltrates the city and does battle with many drow including the first ruling house of Eilserv. Evenually they slay Eclavdra the drow priestess and learn who is behind the fate of istivin. None other then the spider queen Lloth. The party enters a gate into her domain in the abyss.

Part 3: Queen of the Demonweb pits:

34th:Queen of the demonweb pits:
The party had to survive the perils of Lloths demonweb pits. Lloth had a special suprise for Andrais however. She had summoned Vzuul and Autrilar to face Andrais. Vzuul only wanted a fair duel. He did not want to serve Lloth. And so he joined Andrais. Together they defeated Autrilar. Loth refused to help the dragon. Autrilar did manage to kill ertuu in the final moments of the battle when he relised Lolth had used him. Then the party faced the demigod Lolth herself. They defeated her and she was sent assunder into the lower levels of the abyss. Andrais granted Vzuul his duel. Andrais won.

---Exiled---The party returned to keoland heroes and were given much gold, riches and land. Furthermore andrais resurrected the dead king Hazendel of Suundi. He reclaimed his throne and granted the party the same thing keoland had given. The good retired life in greyhawk was going great for a few years when Vandergast of forgotten realms showed up. Apparently the party was upsetting the power balance in the flaeness. Mordenkainen demanded that they return to their homeworld. And so Andrais came back to forgotten realms-

---Casino time-Back in forgotten realms the threat had ended. Andrais and hades built a town with a casino and relaxed.--

35th-The Ruins of Myth Drannor: (Andrais & Hades)
The party travelled to the ruins to save andrais’s brother Enray. They encountered Vzuul along the way who had just got what enray had come for. A powerful bladesinging sword. Andrais just got his brother and left.

36th-Dark opposition: (Andrais & Hades)
This was not really an adventure but a series of negotiations. The party was summoned to Scornubel for taxation concerns. They got involved with some Zhemntarium affairs and were threatened by lord Sememmen of Darkhold. Luckily nothing came of the Affair.

37th-Pool of Radiance, Ruins of Myth Drannor: (Andrais & Hades)
Some of andrais’s towns people began to disappear. The investigation brought the group through a portal and back into myth drannor. Their they discovered that the cult of the dragon had discovered a massive pool of radiance inside castle cormanthor. They were attempting to transverse the red dracolich pelenralar into the pool so that the dracoliches power could grow hundred fold. A second party of adventurers slew the dracolich. Andrais and hades were led by the communes a powerful good elvin lich named Molostroi to the creature phylactory. They killed the head cultist and his necromancer associate aswell as slaying an undead dragon. Hades was slain in the final battle but the phylactory was destroyed. The other adventuring party turned out to be Vzuul.
-Resurrecting Hades- Andrais first went to ravenloft island for help but learned that all the lords of ravenloft had been slain. Except for karius and drazzius who had been summoned by Ulv for something called the gnome quest. Evenrtual hades got ressurrected by the battlelord Thastar of tempus in waterdeep.

38th-Final Darkness: Part 1:
-Andrais-Hades-Barrin Negate(NPC/Papo), Laredo (NPC)-
Andrais awoke from a nightmare. All had been well in his town of Shadowy Brook. The casino was a s busy as ever. But his dreams had been plague in darkness as of late. He struggled to remember his dreams with little success. All he could remember was a vile voice welcoming him home. “But where was home?” he thought. He sought out his companions and told the guard to keep watch as bad things were a foot. The first of these were about to reveal themselves. The ferry boat which carried gamblers from the nearby city of Scornubel was coming into port. All on board revealed themselves as the undead. Barrin and Hades made short work of them. Andrais and his party traveled south down the river only to find a wall of mist spanning the horizon. Andrais expected Ravenloft was creeping. Ravenloft had long ago been a shadowy prison which existed as a demi plane within the Astral plane. But so long ago Andrais had escaped Ravenloft. Supsequently the heroes of the Hex had killed the demi-god Kuth Krythlu and destroyed the power of the demi plane. The land mass that had constituted the demi plane had been rematerialized into the world of toril. Now existing as an island. Andrias had heard months ago that all the Lords of Ravenloft island, the retired members of the Heroes of the hex had gone missing. But Andrais too was retired and wished not to meddle in such affairs. But one cannot avoid its destiny. The party members explored to find that the town of shadowy brook and the surrounding area were now completely encapsulated by mist. They soon came upon a gypsy wagon. Andrais remembered Gypsies from Ravenloft. They approached and brought before the Vistani seer Eva. She read their fotunres in her crystal ball. “He who has once sought power, but now seeks only peace. But the shadows of his past are cast over him. He has walked a thin line between the light and the darkness, and indeed, what is a shadow, is it darkness cast into light, or be it light cast into darkness. The answer to this riddle will be told in short time. All that has occurred before has been but a prelude to the final doom that now lurks upon him. In his final condemnation he has achieved both the power and the peace of which he has sought. But in this he will finds no solace, for the reckoning alone will be his catylist. He will not surcome to his enemies will, no matter the cost. For this his destiny lay set before him, the limitations apparent. In this final struggle he may only gain power, in the form of freedom, if hes victorious, or gain peace in death, if he fails.” The seer continued… “There are many enemies about, some perhaps forgotten, but there is one most near. He has been stalking you. Sent by others to have you slain, but now he finds himself trapped in the mists and too seeks to escape. But even though he comes of anothers will, he himself has long waited to see you dead. Even now he waits for you.” After this encounter Andrais grew more desperate. He bcame suspicious of everyone arround him. He made numerous efforts to confirm his friends identities. A few starnge circumstances lead the party to a death scene. One of Andrais’s followers had been killed. All clues lead to a giant sized person who could shape change into a smaller person. This Andrais believed was Cauldrin. An evil gnome spriggan. Not long after Barrin Negate had found the vistani all killed. There were no foot prints. Andrais was convinced it was an old enemy of his named Plithadin. During one of his attempts to confirm the identities of his friends he discovered he was near correct. Barrin Negate and Laredo the theif were revealed to be Plithadin and Falkrin in disguise. Not long before Barrin Negate had rode off alone to find clues. He was killed and replaced on doing so. Laredo was lead astay and met a similar fate. Without even an inkling of battle Andrais teleported away. His fate uncertain.

39th-Final Darkness Part 2:
-Andrais---Maalastation (Fred)-Ravenwood (NPC)----
Andrais’s town had apparently been pulled back into Ravenloft somehow. It appeared he was now a Darklord of his own domain. The rogue Plithadin and the dwarves were lynx Falkrin had infiltrated his town. They had assassinated his friends Laredo and Barrin Negate then had come for Andrais. He had just teleported to safety. After gearing up with spells. He immediately returned to battle. Meanwhile the half fiend Malastation was unknowingly entering the battle zone. The after Malstations death he had chosen to serve in hell. He had become servant to Baalzebul and Viceroy to the Garkin. He had been in command of a garrison on Pazrael’s layer of the abyss. But had been sequestered and gated randomly into the Ruins of Myth Drannor. The vile magic which still reigned in that place continuously gates in demons and other fiends. Malastation had become but the newest victim. Having returned to the world of his first life Molestations memories had begun to return to him of that time. He had been traveling for many days and was now entering the casino in Shadowy brook. Unknown to him the realm he now walked had become a piece of the Raven loft. Plithadin was angered by andrais’s retreat. He began to blast fireballls down into Andrais’s beloved casino. Many died and others burned badly. Andrais came upon Plithadin as Malastation charged his attacker. A magical duel ensued. Andrais atlast struck down plantain with the dreaded finger of death. As expected Plithadins body disappeared into magical energies. But Falkrin was great warrior and brought Malastation low. Then he came for Andrais. Meanwhile Plithadins sidekick Cauldrin had joined the battle but had been chased away by Ravenwood. Using tactics andrais was able to defeat Falkrin but the dwarf warrior arose again as a were creature. He attacked Ravenwood tearing the necklace from him. Without the necklace Ravenwood began to turn to his primal form, that of a Werewolf. The two were creatures battled and Ravenwood defeated him. But ravenwood did not control his form and so began to stalk the streets. Andrais found Malastion and Malastation agreed to aid Andrais for a high price of gold. Andrais was eventually forced to deal with the Ravenwood situation and forced the werewolf to stop trying to eat people and turned him back into a man. Ravenwood would aid them. Andrais launched an investigation to find Cauldrin but all attempts failed. The town seemed to be atleast taking care of themselves. The retired General who ran the general store had taken all the townsfolk to an underground chamber beneath the stables. Andrais and the group next went off to explore a disturbance in the borders of Andrais’s domain. A disturbance Andrais had been feeling since he defeated Plithadin. At the borders of his domain they found Plithadins body begin torn apart continuously by the swirling mist blades which constituted the borders of Andrais’s realm. On the body they found evidence that Plithadin had joined the Zhentarium. It seemed The Zhent lord Sememnon who andrais had scorned months ago had sent Plithadin to kill him. So Plithadin like Malastation had wondered into this. Next Andrais sent out General Vargus, his henchman to explore the surrounding lands. When Vargus returned he explained that it appeared Shadowy Brook now was part of Ravenloft island. Vargus had rode out and found Faarhaven castle. There he had met up with Karius Grimhand. One of the Ravenloft heroes and current lord. Andrais sent vargus to have Karius meet him at the borders of their domains. As Karius was now a darklord aswell he could not actually leave his realm but the two lords could meet at their border. Karius greeted his old friend Andrais. They two had not seen each other in ages. Karius explained that for the past few years he had been on the Gnomequest. An adventure to save Ulv Grimhand who was now captive by Dlinkiizarn, the gnomish god of madness. All the sons and grand sons of Ulv were questing to save him. But Karius had been ripped away from this quest to find himself trapped in his own domain. The two discussed who could have done this. Karius suspected Damanthius though he they knew him to be dead. Andrais was uncertain of what to do next. It seemed he was trapped for eternity in the lands he had always hated most.

40th-Final Darkness Part 3:
-Andrais-Amer(cheez)-Ulv (papo/npc)-Malastation(fred)-Damanthius (npc)-Loom (npc)-Ravenwood(npc)
Andrais was now a dark lord of Ravenloft, his town of Shadowy Brook was his domain and as Dark lord it was impossible for him to escape. He had recently enlisted the services of a Half fiend warrior called Maalatstion. One of many dark travelers that had been caught within his realm upon its usurpation into Ravenloft. The rogue assassin Plithadin was also caught along with his minions Cauldrin the Spriggan and the former Ravenloft hero Falkrin, the were lynx dwarves warrior. Andrais had killed Both Plithadin and Falkrin but Cauldrin was still loose somewhere in the domain. Recently Andrais had discovered that essentially the entire continent of Ravenloft island had been pulled back into Ravenloft while his town had been pieced into that continent near the edge of the Shadow Rift. Fortunately this meant his domain was immediately adjacent to South Grimland. The realm of his old friend Karius Grimhand, who like all the other Ravenloft lords was now a Dark lord. The two had arranged to meet at the borders of their domains each two day to discuss progress. After conducting an extensive search for Cauldrin with no success, Andrais decided it was time to take desperate measure. He stabbed himself in the throat and ordered Maalastation to cut him down. Malatstaion agreed and beat Andrais into unconsciousness. Upon Andrais’s fall a force of energy shot out from his body. When Andrais was healed he was no longer the Dark lord of this Domain. Thus he was now fee to quest against the evil. He along with Malastation and Ravenwood set off to see Karius. Karius did just as Andrais had done to free himself of his domain and joined the quest. Lord Karius commandeered a ship and the group set off to see Professor Rudolf Von Richten on the island of Domainia. There he too was trapped as a Dark lord. The Gnomish ship Sea Beaver helmed by Captain Flohtius took them down river through the lands of The Morning Dawn and out into the open misty waters of Ravenloft. During their journey their ship fell siege to a 120 ft undead sea drake. The beast did enormous damage to the ship and swallowed Malastation whole. At last it was killed by spells and Malastaion freed himself. But now the ship was sinking. Andrais and Ulv teleported back to the nearest city to call for aid. They found that teleportation could only take them as far as a domain’s borders. After numerous teleportation’s they arrived in a city and Karius again commandeered a ship for aid. The human captain Sawtooth took his ship to their aid. They found the Sea beaver damn near sinking. All hands were transferred and the Sea beaver sank into the depths of the seas of dread. The heroes arrived by ship in Dominia some time later. There they found Von Richten deep in study. All his researched had not yielded much. Though he felt that only the power of another god could refuel the dark powers of Ravenloft. He gave the party the sum of all his knowledge in a codex entitled the Ravenloft Manifesto. The party set sail to return to the main continent but their voyage was interrupted. Another vessel met them at sea. It was the ship Nightblade, a ship sailing under the banner of the Knights of the Shadows. After conversing with these Knights the party learned that they were a Knighthood founded by the mad warrior Gondegal. Apparently Ravenloft had been growing on its own for the past dozen years or so. New domains had been created with new dark lords. Now it seemed the old Ravenloft had been recaptured and annexed to this new Ravenloft. These Knights were children of the new Ravenloft, disciples of Gondegal who had gone missing many years ago. The party asks the Knights to take them to see Gondegal. The knights agreed and the two ships sailed south and into the lands of the new Ravenloft. They landed in a Port city none of the party had ever seen. From there they were brought to the Knight’s headquarters, the Citadel of Shadows. Once inside they found Gondegal, now cleaned and dressed in the black armor of his Shadow Knights. No longer a raging madmen Gondegal was now a regal figure. Though he had aged greatly. Gondegal explained that after they had freed Ravenloft his insanity had subsided but that after a short exodus he had been pulled into this new Ravenloft. He had been here for over decade fighting alone against the evil. He told the heroes there was a new dark lord more powerful then any they had ever encountered. This dark lord was known only as the Whispered One and resigned in a domain in the south known as Cavitius. All who had ever cross the volcanoes that formed the border to that domain had never returned. The party decided they would seek aid before crossing into that dark domain. The party returned to the ship and took voyage back to the city of Egertus in the Realms of the Morning. They elected to seek out Serbian Light bringer for aid. On the journey they a large skeleton dragon flew down to meet them. It was being ridden by the long thought dead Damanthius and his old henchman Loom. Loom still wore the garb of the Judgment Knights. Damanthius appeared now as he did in the last days of Ravenloft. While within Ravenloft Damanthius had been a Vassallich to Azalin. A curse that was broken when Ravenloft was destroyed. Apparently as Ravenloft was reforged Damanthius’s old Phylactery became active again. Damanthius awoke in Andrais’s vault where Andrais had stored the last particle of the dead wizard. Unfortunately the vault also stored an emergency copy of Andrais’s spell book. Apparently Damanthius had been loose for over a week. After his escape he fled to Darkon. Animated the remains of the long dead Autrilar. He captured and interrogated one of Janzen Cloak Shadow scribes. He enlisted the aid of Loom once more. Loom, ever the follower enlisted. Now Damanthius explained that he was repaying old vendetta’s. He claimed to have already killed Serbian Lightbringer. Andrais and Damanthius came to the agreement that eventually they would share the same goal to fight whatever force had bound them again to Ravenloft. This encounter was tense but no conflict would come to pass. After a short meeting both parties went their own way. Andrais and his group still traveled to Serbians Castle. There they encountered Lucius, Serbian greatest cleric. He explained that Serbian had disappeared. Andrais informed him that they had encountered Damanthius and that Damanthius had claimed to kill him. Lucius asks why they did not destroy Damanthius. Andrais explained that Serbian was not his friend. Lucius screamed at the party and refused any further help. He called forth the guard and expelled them from the lands of the Morning Dawn. The party next traveled to Barovia to seek help from the Paladin king Amer Strongblade. Upon entering the woods they were ambushed by Vilewights who drained much of their life force. By the time they arrived at castle Ravenloft they were in poor shape. They were met and Greeted by Amer’s Chief Lieutenant Aldar. He explained that Amer had gotten a message from Rudolf von Richten. He had freed himself as Dark lord just as Andrais and Karius had done. He had rode off to face the evil alone. Amer’s clerics revived the party entirely. They rode south to the Citadel of Shadows. Gondegal sent a knight named Sir Membar to guide them into Cavitius. There they climbed through miles of mountainous volcanoes. The temperatures climbed to fatal conditions and raging lava flows threatened them throughout. As they crossed the borders of Cavities a mist rolled in. Malastation found himself embroiled in magical energies and in an instant he was gone. The party pushed on. Beyond the volcanoes and found an endless plain of ash. They traveled on and after a time came to a flag stone road. In one direction the road entered into more volcanic mountains. In the other direction it simply went on forever into the ashen oblivion. The party traveled east into the volcanoes. There at the pass they came upon a tower. They infiltrated it assassinating most of the inhabitants save for one whom they interrogated. He told them the tower was a guard post between the domain of Cavitius and Tovag. This tower served the Whispered one and guarded against the forces of Kas the Destroyer, the darklord of Tovag. Andrais informed the man they could not leave him behind to live. He agreed and sacrificed himself to his lord. The party traveled back down the flagstone road and into the Ashen Oblivion. After much travel they came to a skull keep. Known to its inhabitants as Citadel Cavitius. The portcullis and doors opened as the party traveled, they were being welcomed. Alas they came to a throne room. The room was lined with Cultists wearing the symbol of circle within a hand. There was large throne dominating the rear of the chamber. To the left of the throne was Starhd, held by a chain around his neck. Just a few feet from him was an altar with a freshly blooded heart. To the right of the Throne was Azalin held in similar bindings. An altar before him kept a large dragon skull, the lichs Phylactery. Upon the Throne said the darklord or Cavitius, the Whispered one, the maimed lord. He was a lich with one missing eye and one missing hand. This appearance left no doubt to his identity. The legend sof the most powerful wizard who ever lived were known on all worlds. It was Vecna, one of the oldest and most foul evil beings of the prime material plane. Vecna began to speak slowly and carefully as it appeared difficult for him to communicate in such a cursory form as speech. He explained first that he was not the enemy whom they were seeking. He went on to say that long ago Kuth Krythlu had dispatched magic that would imprison him in Ravenloft but that Vecna while on the para elemental plane of Ash was unreachable. But that later he returned to Oerth as a god but was thwarted by a group of heroes who cast him through gate. When Vecna’s consciousness returned he was here, trapped in Ravenloft. His nemesis Kas had suffered the same fate and it Ravenloft fashion their domains were set together. 2 arch enemies that could never engage each other. But after Vecna’s imprisonment the Dark tower became active again now fueled by Vecna;s divine power. And thus Ravenloft began to grow anew. But recently another had returned and was now in control of the Dark tower. Someone else was wielding the power that was feeding from Vecna. The Archlich found this unacceptable and now planned to send all the forces he could against this infidel. He had already sent other forces though he would not reveal who. He told the party that they must enter the Shadowrift and there they would find the enemy. Strahd tried to beckon the party for aid but he was quickly silenced. The party backed out slowly and departed on the final leg of their quest. While traveling through Barovia toward the shadow rift they encountered another ally. It was Amer Strongblade. He would join them for this final battle. Together the group descended into the Shadow rift. Thousands of feet down into the darkness they found the earthen floor. As they traveled they soon came to the encounter they were dreading. It was Damanthius and Loom but they had not come to oppose the party. It seemed they were there for the same reason. So together they proceeded though Damanthius told Andrais that only one of their parties would ever leave this place. As the mist began to clear they could a single figure before them. It was the Drow Blade singer Vzuul N’That Shyr. Andrais’s greatest adversary. When last they had encountered each other in the ruins of Myth Drannor they had agreed not to fight. But now Vzuul claimed he had to stand between them and his master. Andrias beckoned to know who his master was. He revealed the new master of Ravenloft to the Great Wyrm Black Dragon Dracolich Autrilar. When last Andrais encountered Vzuul was in the ruins of Myth Drannor where the cult of the dragon was attempting to corrupt a Pool of radiance there. Apparently Autrilar had used this exact process to submerge himself in the pool and garner onto him virtually unlimited power. But as his power increased so had his perception and this had driven him virtually mad. His mind recessed into the past and he returned to Ravenloft. He had taken control over the Tower and wielded its power to imprison his slayers. The party could feel Autrilars approach and thus prepared for battle. Vzuul challenged Andrais to a final Duel in the ancient style of the Bladesong. Damanthius, Loom, Amer, Karius, and Ravenwood chased Autrilar while Vzuula and Andrais began. Autrilar proved to be virtually immune to all attacks and magic. Amer alone seemed the only one capable of harming the serpent. None the less the battle waged on. Vzuul and Andrais were locked together in blade song cutting each other to pieces. Ravenwood was the first die as Autrilars acid breath ripped through the group. But the loss of one warrior was followed by the arrival of another. From the heights of the Shadowrift above a single figure came crashing to the ground below. Out of the crater created rose Gondegal, armor destroyed, body disjointed. The calm he enjoyed for years was gone. He was once more overtaken by insanity. He came in with flurry of blows to join Amer. Together they began to fight back the beast. Autrilar used the most to his advantage disappearing and reappearing to siege his attackers. Amer pushed through to the black tower and blasted down the doors. Autrilar seemed to determine not to let them enter. Damanthius managed to effective render Autrilar with a spell of binding. A dimensional anchor that would prevent Autrilar from teleporting. Amer was lifted by the dragons jaws and sent hurtling into darkness. But he returned to the battle and pushed through into the Tower. Autrilar shape shifted into the form of a drow to pursue him. The other attacks followed aswell. Within the tower the battle continued but the quarters were close and not all could attack. Gondegal grew frustrated and smashed Loom out of his way. Loom then backstabbed Gondegal. Karius then backstabbed Loom and the fighter went down. Damanthius back off and launched a fireball against every one. Karius and Gondegal then engaged Damanthius now protected by a fire shield. Autrilar managed to put up a wall to prevent Amer further entrance into the tower. Damanthius then struck down Gondegal with a Phantasmal killer. Karius fled to rejoin Amer. Karius used a scepter to create a whole to the upper levels of the tower. There they encountered Autrilar apparently all healed up. Karius and Amer continued the battle. Meanwhile The blades one duel was ending. Now near death Andrais dispatched a final assault and cut down Vzuul. He drank some healing potions and ran for the Tower. Out side he could see Damanthius hovering in the air. Andrais took flight too and a magical spell battle began. Damnathius vs. Andrais as it had always been. Back in the tower Amer and Karius found Autrilar a much weaker opponent. Karius, an illusionist grew suspicious. His suspicions proved right as he discovered the still wounded Autrilar hiding inevitably. The other create was a simulacrum of Aurtilar. Autrilar had broken the Dimensinal anchor and teleported out. But he reappeared at the door of the tower. Apparently teleportation was hampered here aswell. Damanthius and Andrais subsided their battle to bombard Autrilar who again took flight as a black dragon. He fled off into the mists. Damanthius and Andrais began to hammer away at each other anew. But Damanthius’s spells were running low. And Andrais would prevail. Finally in a blast of lightning Damanthius was again destroyed. Andrais entered the tower and joined the battle against the similacrum and it was destroyed. Only Amer, Andrias, and Karius remained now and all were very near death. They tried to escape the mists but they proved to be infinite. Back I the tower Amer used his abilities to locate Autrilars Phylactery and they found it to be the skull of Azalin from long ago. It was then they heard Aurtialrs voice. The dragon was also very near death. Autrilar offered bargain. He told them he would provide them exit from Ravenloft if they left the Phylactery intact. If they did not he would kill them before they could leave the tower and they knew it. Andrias could tell Autrilar was very near death but it would be difficult to even harm the serpent. The party decided no matter what happened they would probably die and so it was time to make one last strike against evil. They would not take the out that Autrilar offered. Amer destroyed the Phylactery. They could hear the roars of Aurtilar outside. Now they would surely die. The party sucked up their fear and prepared to make one final futile charge. THE LAST CHARGE OF THE DOOMED. In a poorly planned attempt Amer rode on his Pegasus with Andrais holding on while Karius stood ready to unleash a fireball. Autrilar was waiting invisible. His acid breath reigned down upon the party. Andrais and Amer were incinerated. Karious unleashed his last spells to no effect. He tried to teleport out but failed. Finally he stood toe to toe with the Dragon. His attacks also proved futile. As Karius back into the safety of the Tower Autrilar released one last blast of Acid. Karius joined his companions in the dark clutches of death. The adventurers had all been slain.

Final Darknes: Part 4
The assault against Autrilar coninuted even after the deaths of the Doomed. Emeric, hero of the hex had lead other heroes which met with similar defeat. But Emeric did manage to ressurrect Andrias and some of the other. (These events are chronicled in Ravenloft Shadows Fall Part 2). Andrias returned to face Autrilar along with what remained of the Heroes the Hex. Together they destroyed Autrilar and retruned the lands of Ravenloft to where they had originally came from. Shadowy Brook was restored. Andrias subsequently resurrected those who had been slain. All of the Doomed adversaries had been slain. Andrais could retire in peace. Damnation would have to wait.

