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Dragonlance Campaign


Crusaders of the Lance:

Krieg Dragonaxe (Booth): Minataur Barbarian

Avarist Malorum (Cheez): Human Knight of Solamnia

Abisai (Buck): Kagonesti Barbaric Cleric of Kiri-Jolith (War)



Krieg was from the Minataur island of Kothas, His father was Soarogg Dragonaxe. Soarogg had taken a woman by the name of Sarannia and impregnated her. But as always Soarogg felt the call of the high seas. Thus Krieg was raised by his mother and his uncle Arthax in the way of the Barbarian.


Abisai: Came from the wolf clan, father was Maztolk, Abisai was born a twin both with green eyes, his brother was Azorum. One day while hunting returned home to find his whole village killed by Green Dragons in service to Draco Dathsmag.


Adventure Summaries:

-1st-The Deception:

The Party was hired by a Shaman named Ostentyrth to recover a dragon orb. They fought some Baaz Draconians, and some Bloody evil mountain dwarves. They transversed a rope bridge and entered a secret vault protected by riddles. They returned only to learn that had acquired the orb for an evil man.


-2nd-The Hammer of Theros:

The Party was sent to recover the Hammer of Kharas by Sir Gunther Uth Wistan. They traveled to meet Theros Ironfeld who tells them that he awoke one day and the hammer was gone. In its place was an albino Raccoon tale. They battled some Draconians and continued their journey to Daligoth. Skrogg Longhorn gave them a ride on a ship that was not his own. They battled a giant Crayfish on the way. Soon they arrived in kinder town of Hylo, prince Miskick told them a Knight in white plate mail riding a White Dragon had taken the Hammer. He said the knight had an axe made entirely of ice. This lead the party to Rilhar Glacier, they were taken over sea by Sulv Skullsplitter. Once there they befriended some Thanoi Walrus Men and met with the clan leader Brixtak. Brixtak says they have been enslaved by a dragonlord named Orlock who wields the dreaded Ice Reaver. The party confronts and kills Orlock and his White Dragon Frostflight. They recover the Hammer of Kharas and the Icereaver.


-3rd-The Springs of Yesteryear:

The party was sent to locate the Springs of Yesteryear, a variable fountain of youth. They traveled to Quolonesti and learned of the location. They took a boat helmed by Captain Fairhaven and once again battled giant Crayfish and Draconians. They reached their destination only to have to battle Hill Giants. Eventually they reached the magical treegate that was guarded by a Tylor (Huge serpent). They killed the beast and transcended some obstacles to locate the Springs of Yesteryear.


-4th-What Lurks in Tahladas:

Sir Gunther Uth Winston sent the party to the far off continent of Tahaladas to recover the Dragon Orb they had lost. They were aided with information from Dah Rak and Darzanius. They battled some draconians before reaching a river where they summoned Darkmoore the Dragon Turtle. Darkmoore magically transversed the world and released the party on the continent of Tahaladas. Once there they killed an amphibian dragon and some nixes. They could see many dragons flying around and suspected something. They were Minataur empire of Aurim ruled by the dreaded Maglarlemagne. They soon found their way to the capitol city of Syyrlia. There they made their way to the mazes. They battled many minatuars who confronted them with many riddles. They killed a stone minatuar with 4 arms. After overcoming the maze they are brought to the Arena where Krieg was forced to fight in the arena. He defeated a mighty minataur gladiator named Orphidius. With this victory the party was brought before Emperor Maglarlemagne. They ask the emperor about the Dragon Orb. He says the humans in the east have it and that he is more concerned with the Orge armies are soon going to invade the minatuar lands. The party then left traveling to the east. As they did they could see the Ogrelord Banthor (Servant of Ostentyrth) leading an army of dragons and ogres to crush the minataurs. Soon an army of 10,000 humans appeared with Ostentyrth leading them. Ostentyrth had the Dragon Orb but he was unstoppable. The minataurs fled into their mazes and the party followed. The dethroned Emperor told the party to seek Obsidian and tell him of the evil. They make their way across the lands and gain aid from a Goblin ranger and his pet lions. The party is taken to the Sea of Fire where sits a ship made of Glass. Here they encounter for the first time Admiral Obsidian a great leader of the Lava Gnomes. The gnome lord shows them Storm Keep where the evil comes from. He accompanies them to strike within. Inside they kill many ogres. Finally they reach the Ogre lord Banthor and defeat him and kill his Black Dragon. The party recovered the evil Dragon orb and learned much of a coming threat.


-5th-In Myth and Legend:

At this point all evidence was pointing to the fact that Ostentyrth would soon launch an invasion of Ansalon. Theros Ironfeld using the Hammer of Kharas had already started crafting new dragonlances. But the forces of good would need dragons to battle the evil dragons. The problem was that after the last was the good dragons had mostly left. So the party would need to recover the only good dragon orb ever created. It had been constructed by Rastlin Majere but had vanished with the crazy wizard Fizban who many believed was really the god Paladine. Now Fizban had also disappeared. He had taken flight on his Gold Dragon Pyrite and left the world of men. Some legends told that he returned to his Mystical tower of Maji-Benign. The leader of the white Robe Wizards Par Salian had provided this information. The party went off to meet with Astinus of Palanthus, the oldest being on Krynn who chronicled all of time. Astinus is not entirely helpful but tells the party that the man who knew Fizban best was a red robed IRDA wizard named Dynin Vrist who now resides with his people on the desolate island of Iridian. Astininus gave the party the coordinates and Admiral Obsidian took them there on his new ship “the Glass Wood”. On route they battled some new more powerful Draconians. Eventually they reached the Irda island to find beautiful cites of sandstone. They located Dynan who plainly stated that Fizban was not the god Paladine (false). But that before Fizban had left he had agreed to leave 1/10th of his knowledge behind which he scribed in 360 volumes of encyclopedia. Within these volumes the characters locate cryptic information concerning the tower of Maji-Benign which can only be seen when hit by thunder. The books seem to tease the reader in riddles which eventually makes the party think that the tower is located on the South Pole. An expedition begins. Admiral Obsidian takes them to the city of Caergoth where the party stakes up on equipment for the long cold journey. On route there they are attacked by Sahaugin and Locathah. Once in the savages of the Antarctica they begin a grueling expedition. They battle yetis, Frost giants, and white dragons before they eventually reach a cave. The cave is the lair of frost giants and White dragons. Inside they find a giant named Dundorin bound in chains. They free him to learn he is a Storm Giant. Dundorin begins killing all the Frost Giants and White Dragons. After this Dundorin takes the party where they need to go. He summons lightning to give them entrance into the Tower of Maji-Benign. The tower is revealed to be an elaborate series of riddles and games all in the spirit of the madly insane Fizban. The Party figures it all out and eventually is brought before a rock man whom they call Detrian the Immortal. He gives them the Dragon Orb they have been seeking.



The invasion had begun. Ostentyrths forces from Tahladas had reached the continent and were marching on the nations of Tahladas. The forces of good began to counter attack. The party was assigned to hunt down and killed the titan known as The Droxen. They took sail on Admiral Obsidians Glasswood and faced endless resistance as the forces of evil were rising across the world. They battled sharks, serpents, Aquatic dragons, Giant gators, a Kraken and a Froghemoth. Atlast they arrived at their destination and cut down endless draconians to reach the great titan. The Droxen met them in battle and began to crush the party. In the end it was Krieg and The Droxen. Krieg struck but missed and the Droxen embedded his sword in Kriegs chest. It seemed to be over but Krieg moved forward impaling himself further on the blade. The Droxen’s eyes widened as blood gushed from Kriegs chest. When Krieg got close enough he slammed his trident into the Droxen killing the titan instantly.


-7th-The Center of Earth:

At this point the armies of Ostentyrth have pushed across the continent. The pirates were unable to hold Sanction. But just as things seem worse there is good news. The minataurs and Kagonesto elves have begun counter attacking. The party is once again summoned by Sir Gunther uth Winston who is now accompanied by non other then Fizban. Gunther needed the third and final Dragon orb to create a beacon for the good dragons. Fizban tells the party that the three dragon orbs were separated long. He had taken the good dragon orb to his tower on the south pole where the party had recovered it. Dalamar had hidden the Evil Dragon Orb on the north pole where Ostentyrth had taken it from. The party had also recovered that one. The third was given to Justarius, head of the neutral order of wizards to hide himself. The party had to seek out Justarius in the seas of Gearnet where his crimson tower stood. On way to the Crimson tower the party was attacked by draconians. They find the crimson tower abandoned but there is automated spell riddle which when answered revealed that the Orb was in the Center of Earth. The last part of the riddle told the party to “tink” about it. This led them to seek the tinker gnomes. They traveled to Caergoth killing some Gully dwarves along the way. Once there they booked passage on the Sea breeze, an elven sailing vessel captained by Captain Astrin. They battled some Wyverns and soon reached Whitestone. Whitestone was a huge mountain fortress of Tinkergnomes on Mount Nevermind. They met the Tinker King Mixton Mightymaker who told them that the center of the planet could be reached under the mountain. But that many years ago a group called the Jell Slammers had come through with a flying ship and they had never returned. The gnomes agreed to help and built a device that resembled a large steel ball that would take the party to the planet core. They transversed the depths of the planet to find a huge pocket of air in a great many miled radius. Someone had created a chamber here. All that first appeared in the cavern was a great pool of magma. The party was soon attacked by varying forms of elemental creatures. In the air above they could see the flying spelljammer ship. They took command of the ship and began searching. Soon from the lava rose a city of brass, atop the city was an enormous diamond dragon who called himself Matrix. Matrix told the party of the neutral gem dragons who had fled beneath the surface millennia ago. The party explained their intentions and matrix opened a tunnel to a spherical room. Inside there were 4 statues. They were a wemic of Water, an Ogre of Air, a Centaur of Earth, and a Minataur of fire. They party was forced to choose one and correct chose the Centaur of Earth. They recovered the dragon orb at last. Moments later they could hear a strange noise coming from a device the gnomes had given them. Something about evil army having invaded Mount Nevermind and that it was time for Detonation. At the same time the Brass city began to sink and the lava began to boil. The part had to go. They returned to their flying ship and shot up the tunnel they had come down pursued the whole way by the exploding lava. They reached Mount Nevermind fast and crashed. The place was under attack and detonation had been triggered. The mountain was going to explode and there was no way to stop it. The party went to the device room and put themselves on the biggest catapult ever built. As the mountain exploded the party catapulted themselves 1 mile out into the sea. They would have drowned but were rescued by Atraymis Entearson and his Aquatic elves. They now had all 3 dragon orbs.


-8th-Heavens Prisoners:

As this adventure began Ostentyrths forces were closing in. They had taken Darguard keep, Lord Soths abandoned castle. The Minataur Dah Rak and his army had been killed. Darzanius the bard had barely escaped. The 3 dragon orbs had been set up to create a beacon for the good dragons but only 20 had come. Something was stopping them. The party took flight on a dragon and went to the Dragon isles. There they found a force field generated by a Cloud Fortress. They killed many Cloud Giants, demons, Yugaloths, and brought the field down. The dragons of Good were coming.


-9th-The Lance of Huma

With time growing short it was decided that to fight this battle the forces of good would need the greatest weapon of all time. The Lance of Huma. The weapon that had banished the Dark Queen so long ago. The retrieve it the party would have to enter Tahkisis lair which could only be reached from the first level of the abyss. The party ventured fourth and battled many demons. Along the way they were pursued by the creature Palidrac. It seemed long ago Huma had loved a dragon and from their love a lifeless egg had been produced. Ostentyrth had gained the egg and Draconised it. Producing the most power Draconian ever, the powerful Palidrac. The party eventually defeated Palidrac and reached the place were the lance was held. Inside Tahkisis had left a guardian. It was the stripped power of Rastlin majere made into an incarnate shadow. The party managed to escape the Rastlin fiends wrath and escape with the Lance.


-10th-As Darkness Comes (Conclusion):

Time had run out. Ostentyrth had swept across the continent and now was upon the forces of Good. But in the time it had taken him the forces of good had amassed their dragons and gained the lance of huma. Still matters grew worse. For at last it was revealed that Ostentyrth The Soul Shaman served Tahkisis and now the dark queen had sent him aid. A dark warrior was released from the Shadowy Prison that held him. Lord Soth had returned. The forces of good and evil clashed as the fate of the world stood in the balance. Ostentyrth came upon his Dragon Cindar, Banthor the ogre warlod rode the ancient black dragon Khrisanth and Lord Soth came upon the aspect of his dark queen, A chromatic dragon. The party took the 2 most powerful dragons of good, Pyrite and Dargents and went to battle. Before they could leave the high priest of Paladine came. He cut his wrists I sacrifice. His blood began to spread over the top of the high clerists tower. The blood kept coming more then any body could provide until the entire top of the tower was covered. Then from the pool of blood rose a figure. It was the aspect of Paladine, a great Platinum Dragon. The party charged the Generals of the forces of darkness. The battle was one of myth and legend and in the end the forces of good prevailed. The dark queen was banished once more and the Crusaders of the Lance had been victorious.



Sir Avarist Malorum became the High Clerist after the Death of Sir Gunther Uth Winston

Lord Krieg became great lord of the Barbarian tribes of Kothas

Abisai returned and brought new prosperity to his peoples by reforming the Kagonesti clans.

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