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The Dread Campaign

Dread Inc.

The party was brought together by Liquor smuggler named Charles. He hired the party in the city of Furthinghome to escort a ship full of illegal contraband to the city of Masember. Captain Cordero was most kind and helpful to the young would be adventurers. Upon arriving in Masember the operation was aided by a corrupt doc master on the payroll by the name of Flarhannon. The party had a few days before the return trip so they went down to the Casino to burn some time. While in the casino the party was befriended by a wealthy man named Sealey. The party made many bad bets which would soon become their trademark. But one bet that went right was on a pit fighter named Dan the Hands. He was nice.

The party was in the city of Masember burning a few days while they awaited they journey back to Furthinghome. They had lost virtually all their gold gambling and were hoping to recoup these loses. This led to attempt an adventure in just two days time. The party sought the employ of a Purple Dragon Knight named Patro the Just. Patro had basically been tasked with a mission far below his status or standing. He felt content to subdelegate it to a group of Yahoos like the party. The mission was the enter the sewers and to kill a group of Goblins thought to be operating outside of their. The party quickly located the Goblins and the battle was won easily… By the Goblins. The Goblins took the parties equiptment and began their lucrative adventuring career. They had many great adventures filled with risk and danger. Unfortunatly those events will not be chronicled here. The party was tied up and left for dead. Patro the Just learned a valuable lesson about subdelegation. His fate lied in the sewers with the pathetic party he’d sent there. The brave knight recovered the party and sent them on their way with nothing but purple cloaks to keep them descent. The party immediately sold these fine cloaks in exchange for rags and really cheap weapons. If things had not gone bad enough matter were made worse by the fact that the party had missed their ride back to Furthinghome and to their paycheck for services rendered. The party went to Charles’ connection in Masember for help. It was their employers brother Sam. Sam made an arrangement were the party could work their way on a ship which could get them closer to Furthinghome.

3rd: -Magnus-Ludwig-Sparks-
The party had failed their last adventure terrible. They were currently working their way on a ship that would take them closer to Furtheringhome. The ship they were on was called “Hard Times” captained by Captain Hardy. Captain Hardy was extremely kind and even provided the party with fine quality weapons which he expected to get back. Captain Hardy would soon learn a valuble lesson about expectations. The “Hard Times” took the party to the city of Dlusk. At this point the party had virtually abandoned all hope or intentions of returning to Furthinghome to collect the small amount of GP Charles might have given them for half a job completed. Instead Magnus went for a walk in the bad neighborhood. Some Thugs quickly took notice of him and attempted a robbery. He killed them and took their stuff. Later the local thieves guild leader (Terrence) came for revenge. Luckily Captain Hardy protected the party though Terrence made it seem like the instance would not be forgotten. By this point the party had roughed a up a minute amount of gold. They decided they should use these funds to have a War Wagon constructed. They put down a payment and turned over the plans. Soon after the party heard rumors of a call for monster killers in the city of Escalant. Having faired so well against the Goblins the party figured this was a job for them. Captain Hardy introduced the party to a ranger named Vineryder who could guide them to Escalant. Magnus did not get along with the ranger but he got the party to their destination non the less. It seemed some ships had gone missing and the city was paying a reward. The party soon deduced their were pirates pulling a scam. These pirates had built a false light tower to lure the ships into crashing on rocks. The party found their base and took out a patrol. They waited for more patrols but non ever came. The party then found the pirates base empty. The party set up an ambush for when they returned. But apparently the pirates had done the same thing. They had rowed out into the water and waited for someone to come to their base. Eventually it came down to the pirates storming the base. The party used smokepowder barrels as explosives to kill as many pirates as they could. But the pirates kept on coming. Sparks was killed and Magnus was knocked out. Ludwig stood alone. Until Vineryder arrived. Together Ludwig and Vineryder killed the pirates. Vineryder searched all the bodies which angered the now conscious Magnus. A dispute ensued and then a fist fight which Magnus lost. Vineryder eventually agreed to take only a fair share of the treasure. The party retruned to Escalant and received their reward. With the reward and booty the party was able to have Sparks resurrected.

The party had garnered some success. They were leaving Escalant and traveling back to Dlusk. During their travel a terrible storm hit and the party was forced to take refuge in a cave. A cleric of Torm named Lorn had been traveling separately but took the same refuge. The cave however was more then a cave. It was some kind of underground mausoleum. The party explored it killing many undead. When the storm cleared the party traveled back to Dlusk to find their War Wagon waiting. The dubbed it the Dreadnaught. It was here that the party made their fellowship official and Dread Inc was founded. Their crest was painted upon the side of the Wagon and hell followed with them.

The party heard rumors of adventure to be had in Wyverndon. Captain Cordero loaded the Dreadnaught on one of his boats and brought the party as close to the city as was convenient for him. The party would have to travel some many miles before they reached the city. The party successfully killed an Owlbear and had a rare encounter with a Ice Mephit. The party awoke the next morning with strange memories in their brains. It seemed over the night the party had dreamed that they had completed the adventure before them but it had gone horribly wrong. Magnus had been executed, Ludwig imprisioned and Sparks had abandoned his friends. Fortunately this was but a dream but many of the details of the dream would come to be. The party would just have to make sure it did not go the same way. The party arrived in Wyvernton and immediately joined up with a cleric of Kelmvor named Rumius and a Favored Soul named Farran. Prince Alvar, ruler of the city hired the party to go to a meeting in the mountains. Some mysterious being there claimed to know a way for the blocked mountain passes to be unfrozen so that trade could commence to the fair city. The party traveled into the mountains where they once again fought an owlbear. Later the party killed some bandits. Eventuaully the party reached the meeting point. An abandoned mountain inn. There a hideous creature named Primus told the party what must be down. He explained his master was a mistress of magic named Kavon. She had been trapped a few years back and since that time the mountain pass had been frozen. The party would have to free the mistress to succeed. Primus guided the party to a ruined tower which was guarded by a terrible Remorhaz. The blasted creature did its best to eat the party but to no effect. Within the depths of the tower the party killed many creatures including some dire apes, Cold Hounds, and orcs. They found the Mistress frozen in ice and used a magic stone Primus had given them to free her. As soon as she was free she teleported away. Leaving the party to battle the water elemental they had just defrosted. Fortunatly the party killed the elemental before it could do the same to them. The party returned to Primus and told him what had occurred. He asked the party to meet him back at the inn. Magnus chose to follow the creature instead. Primus traveled to another tower a few days away. It seemed it was his mistress’s tower now fully functional once more. Magnus was caught and sworn to secrecy of what he had seen. Magnus returned to the inn to find his friends and the Mistress waiting. The Mistress expressed her gratitude and offered magic items as rewarded. The party enthusiastically excepted. Back in Wyvernton the party was celebrated with a parade and all. It was a good day.

6th: Sons of Gruumsh:
The party once again joined up with Captain Cordero. The Captain was looking to hire the party for protection for his journey to the City of Melvaunt. The party agreed to do it for free. Ludwig bid farewell to Farran and Rumius was nowhere to be found. Upon arriving in Melvaunt the party found the place to be a walled city full of suspicion. Melvaunt was a city based in a hard part of the world. With neighboring cities such as Mulmaster and Zhentil Keep. Beyond Melvaunts gates were the rough and desolate lands of Thar overrun with orcs and much more dangerous creatures of all shapes and sizes. Not long after arriving the party received a summons from Lord Worston Nanthar of House Nanthar. The party did some information gathering based out of The Crows Nest tavern. Magnus found a particularly informative thief named Raven who was most helpful. It seem Melvaunt was ruled by Six Noble Houses. (House, Nanthar, Bruil, Leiyraghan, Marsk, Caladra, and Natalley). The official Government was that of Council of Iron which was represented by the 3 largest Noble houses, The 3 great guilds (Armorers, Smithy’s, and Weavers), and an elected despot. (Despot=A Ruler with absolute power, or Tyrant, In this instance Despot means Master as in the Greek). The local commotion in Melvaunt was that many of the Noble houses Scions (Heirs) were missing. The party already had an idea as to why they were being summoned. Upon attending the meeting Lord Nanthar offered the party some 1100 Platinum to recover his son Oreol who had been missing for 5 days. The party investigated around town and gained much information. All indications were that the Scions of the noble houses were friends and would meet in secret to go on adventures with a dwarven adventurer named Doron. It seemed they had gone on one such adventure some 5 days ago and had not returned. They had been given a map by a mapmaker who had since closed his shop. This bizarre event would not go uninvestigated. The party visited with the other noble houses to learn more information and possible to insure greater reward. They were met with mixed responses.
House Nanthar, Lord Worston Nanthar, missing Scion Son Oreol
House Bruil, Lord Banth, Outcast son General Hulmuth, missing scion grandson Argens
House Leiyraghan, missing Scion Calman
House Marsk, Lord Puter elected Despot Lord of Keys, missing daughter Kara Marsk
House Natalley, Lord Var, son not missing, son was Brin (a feeble mind)
Kara Marsk was also said to be a wizard with a Raven familiar called Oscelios
The party had determined the general direction and distance at which the Scions had traveled. Now they would visit the local churches for assistance. Upon approach of the Temple of Oghma Magnus met his contact Raven. Raven said he was about to go perform an assassination. Magnus could not allow this evil and set about attacking the man. A chase ensued. This chase was interrupted by a band of mercenaries sent by one of house Nanthars rivals to get the party out of town. Luckily some dwarves arrived to aid the party. Both Raven and the mercenaries were defeated. The guards did not seem to care and ordered the whole thing cleaned up. The party took all the bodies. Two of the Mercenaries were unconscious. The first one did not respond to interrogation. Magnus exacted justice on one of them by cutting off his arm. The other was helpful and was granted reprieve. The party learned the mercenaries were sent by house Leiyraghan. The party released the men there informing the house guards to send more men next time. Next the party visited the Temple of Tyr. It was here that Magnus saw the divine image that had haunted his dreams for so long. It was Tyr god of justice that had divinely inspired him in repent for his wickedness by utilizing his knowledge of the dark arts and of the underworld to extract vengeance and justice upon those transgressors who seek refuge there. Magnus sought guidance from the priest there whose name was Jans Gault (Yes really). Unfortunately the temple was very small. The party eventually enlisted a dwarven cleric of Moradin named Darwin Stonegrinder to join them on the adventure. The party took the wagon out the north gate. A few days later they located tracks leading off the road. They had Swampthing take the wagon back to town while the party ventured on further on horseback. The party encountered another Owlbear whom they slew quickly. They were becoming increasingly proficient at slaying these populous creatures. The party next came upon an orc raiding party whom they ambushed and killed. Not long after the party found a site a battle. In the ruins were many dead horses and a dead dwarf. The party concluded that the Scions had come here with this dwarf as part of their adventure. But they were ambushed here by orcs and taken captive. The only thing left unknown was if the whole affair was a setup to begin with. The party followed the trail for days. The next met a half orc ranger named Hairvac and his pet wolf. Hairvac explained that there was a massive Orc gathering at the ancient orc Stronghold of Zul Surak, the Grey Citadel. It seemed all the Orc clans were gathering for the coronation of a new great Walord to set rule over all the clans. Hairvac agreed to guide them to the citadel but not to enter. A day into the journey the party was attacked by a cunning Manticore but with perseverance they brought the beast low. Upon reaching Zul Surak the party saw a massive castle nestled upon a plateau. The circumference of the citadel was lined with thick mist. It seemed the many clans were encamped around the citadel but the mist could provide cover for entrance.. The party was soon met by Kara’s familiar raven named Oscelios (Kara was one of the imprisoned Scions). The raven had limited speech but it explained that the Scions were alive but were chained and hungry and meant to be sacrificed. Sparks, having some knowledge of Orc culture explained it sounded like the Blackspear Ceremony whereby sacrifices were made as part of the ascension of a new leader. Now time was of the essence. The party had the familiar bring an earring to its master. Then Darwin cast Locate object on the item. This gave the party a good idea as to the location of the prisoners. They were many levels beneath the citadel. The party went in under darkness, cover of mist, and heavy rainfall. They came upon the rear of the citadel, which was closest to their locative magics determined the prisoners to be. They stoneshaped through the wall and entered. They covered their entrance with some boxes. Inside was a kitchen where the party had to kill some soldiers performing cooking duties. Sparks found a secret passage that started their descent into the depths of the citadel. The lower levels had a common theme. There was a central pit that descended through the entire complex. The party could have descended the put but decided it wiser to use the steps. They systematically stalked through the dungeons killing orcs by the dozens. At one point the party went head on with some orcs while Magnus utilized a rope to swing down behind their enemies. In the bowels of the citadel the party could hear what sounded like the beginnings of the Blackspear Ceremony. It was time for the full assault. The party charged right into the lion’s den. Inside were the Orc Warlord, his ranger/rogue major domo, an orc adept, and 5 soldiers. Magnus tossed Sparks the wand of fireballs and charged in for a sneak attack. This sneak attack failed so Magnus finished the attack by sending his own body plummeting onto the floor. This maneuver almost amused the orcs until a fireball erupted a moment later centered a few feet off the floor. Most of the soldiers were killed instantly. The orc warlord proved to be a ferocious adversary as he wielded the Hammer of Grumsh. The fireballs soon aggravated the warlord so the massive Orc charged sparks and put him down. Magnus was next to fall. The cleric too was cut down. With all his friends slain Ludwig slid into a battle trance. Methodically he drifted in and out of combat wielding his double bladed sword with surgical precision. Not even the great orc warlord could withstand this agony of untethered aggression. When at last it was Ludwig and the Major Domo. The cowardly orc fled. Ludwig used all of Sparks personally purchased potions to heal the party. The party’s health was restored but their patience would continuously be tested by Sparks complaints. Not long after the party located the imprisoned Scions. They freed them and made their escape. The party arrived back in Melvaunt many days later to receive much reward and adoration by the noble houses and peoples of the walled city. The gratuity of the city seemed shared by all. Even the Noble House Lieryghan who had sent mercenaries to stop the party issued an invitation for a dinner. After much consideration the party suspected a trap. Much discussion ensued on how to handle the situation but the conclusion was to simply attend the dinner. Almost immediately upon arriving the party was surrounded by Orcs. It seemed the older son of House Lieryghan had been involved all along. The Orc ranger/rogue whom had survived the final battle at the Orc fortress now lead the ambush. Unfortunately for him the party had grown greatly proficient at slaying orcs. The ambush was put down and every single orc slaughtered. The treacherous son of house Leiraghan was imprisoned and all was put right. The party wished to question the basterd but they were not allowed. It seemed all the details of what had occurred in Melvaunt would never be revealed. After leaving Melvaunt the party had a brief layover in Hillsfar where Magnus had some magical wands created and the party relaxed for a time.

7th: The Grey Citadel: Part 1: The Crypts
-Ludewig-Magnus-Sparks-Brother Melph (NPC)-
The party had decided it was time to perhaps set up a residence. Their adventures thus far had kept them traveling far and wide and they were beginning to feel it might be time to enjoy the fruits of their labor. A place at Ludewig said, “To call home”. After pouring over maps and discussing numerous future plans they eventually decided to give it a go at city call Dun Eomon, The Grey Citadel. The city lied perched on the Fire River near the Dragon falls within the greater region known as The Vast. Its location placed it squarely on the crossroads of trade routes leading through the mountains into the Unapproachable east and only a few miles from the Metropolis of Raven’s Bluff. The party hooked up with Captain Hardy and his ship “The Hard Times”. Magnus was able to finally return the fine quality cutlass Hardy had loaned him long ago. Captain Hardy would take them as far as Ravens Bluff but not without incident. On the first night of the journey an enemy ship approached. It was a ghost ship manned with undead and controlled by some kind of Spectre. The Spectral captain commanded that 1 life be paid as toll. Captain Hardy agreed and was about to hand over a capture stow away. Magnus said and offered his own life. Captain Hardy got the idea and decided it was time for the undead to fall upon “Hard Times” The captain and the adventuring party descended upon the ship and laid waste to the forces of evil. After the battle The Party laid claim to the rickety old ship and declared it The Dread Fin. The two ships traveled to Ravens Bluff where the party would part ways with Captain Hardy. They paid a cleric who seemed to worship evil deities to use his divine incantations to repair the ship. This was successful and the Dread Fin was made whole once more. The party paid the dock master to keep their ship in dock. Less then two days later the party came rolling up to the Grey Citadel in the Dreadnaught. Not long after arriving in town the party came to learn there was a great deal afoot in their new home. It seemed that demons were now infesting the city and stalking the streets at night. The local government had an open reward. 50 GP for every demon slain. In the wake of this demon uprising there seemed to be other issues as well. Rumors abound that the thieves’ guild was making a grab for power. There were also many stories to be told of a female wizard named Elinda Bandon. The party set up shop at The Market Tavern. Not long after they witnessed a spectacle within the city. It seemed an adventuring party known as the Crimson Mantle had killed a demon. The whole town cheered them as the cities ruler gave them their payment. The party took the opportunity to introduce themselves to the local government. It seemed the cities ruler was a descendant of its founder. Orb Angus was one of 3 brothers and the current ruler of the city that had taken its name from his ancestor (Eomon Angus). Orb had heard of the party and offered them 4,000 GP to put an end to the demon infestation. The party agreed but decided they would need to hire a cleric. They tried the temple of Helm to no avail. Though they did discover the church was run by the youngest Angus brother. After a brief search they found the perfect man at the bar. A quite and easily aggrievatable man named Melph answered the call. He was a cleric of Tyrmora and today was his lucky day. The party was relaxing on this first night when they heard trouble outside. A group of demons were trying to kill a child. The party slew the demons (Dretch) and decided it was time for them to make a show. The bodies were attached to the wagon and dragged through the streets for all the townspeople to see. Magnus hired a bard to sing songs about the party. Then Magnus used his hat of disguise to appear as a townsperson and create a commotion about how great the party was. As the wagon drove through the streets Ludewig threw piles of copper pieces from the roof. One child was injured in the excitement but Magnus healed him. Dread Inc. had arrived. The following day the party was met by the same bard Magnus had hired. He said he had information but would only reveal it to the party through his entertainment show. It was really weird and the party paid it little credence. The party tried to use speak with dead to converse with the dead dretch demons but it failed. Next they tried to hire an urban ranger to track but that also failed. Finally the party decided to investigate the sewers that had more then their fair share of rumors. Immediately after entering the sewers the party found two dead bodies. They conceived that the reason why the grates where being tampered with was that the thieves guild was tossing its victims down there. The party pressed on after killing some Carrion Crawlers and discovered a complex consisting of crypts. Within these crypts they killed many undead and came across the crypts of many of the cities heroes. After discovering that the crypts had a second level the party decided to go back to the surface and rest.

-(Incomplete Summary)-
The party was planning a second incursion into the sewers when they decided to do some research. This research brought them across a sage who divined their future revealing that the local thieves guild would attack the party that night. With this advance water the party was ready for the attack and as a result were able to kill nearly all the attacking thieves. Later that day the party returned to the catacombs which led deeper underground. The party rescued Alinda Bannon and recovered the Mamathex Apeture. Unfortunately the clever Succubus Lillith managed to escape. The party considered their options but the Succubus’s abilities made her impossible to locate. Still having stripped her of the aperture she would be unable to gate in any more demons. They considered the threat to Dun Eamon subsided and would soon head out.

-Magnus-Ludwig-Xromm (Larry)-Ny (Nyjul)-
Magnus and Ludwig hooked up with Xromm the Lasher and Ny the Warlock guy. Sparks had gone off on some magical studies and said he would catch up with the party later. Dread Inc. was preparing to leave when they were they were encountered by a Succubus Queen. It was an aspect of the demon lord Malconteth. The aspect had been sent to reclaim the aperture. The party bantered with the creature for some time before finally engaging. With Magnus leading the way the party banished the fiend. The following day the party arrived in Raven’s Bluff to find their ship (Dreadfin) fully repaired. While in town they learned that the some city workers had been attacked by creatures from the sewers. The cities count Johan Gold agreed to pay the party 25,000 GP to deal with this threat. The party asked for a 1000 GP advance then used this advance to through a massive party complete with keg stands, blanket celebrations, whores, and building diving. The following the party entered the sewers and battled many undead (Zombies, Ghouls, Ghasts). After a short time of exploration the party fell victim to a trap which dropped them down a pit and into a massive pool of water. Waiting for them was a 100ft undead Cave Wyrm. The creature nearly killed Magnus before Ny could slay the creature. Xromm killed some ghouls and the party took some much needed rest.

The Party awoke to find themselves still trapped in the sewers of Procampur. To their relief Sparks had caught up with them. Xromm, having received to much damaged decided to turn back. The party proceeded their search of the undead ridden lair and came upon the source of the evil. It was an undead generating altar being controlled by a powerful spectre. The party dispersed the spectre and freed its long dead corpse of the altar. Magnus returned briefly to the surface to bring back a cleric of Tyr who could bless the altar thus destroying its power. The party returned to their employer Johan Gold who paid them a mighty reward. The party held a massive town party on their ship complete with a guest appearance of Karn the Curst. Karn agreed to teach both Swampthing and Asstrash the shills of seamanship. The party remained in Procampur for another month having magic items created and generally enjoying their victory. Eventually it was time to head out anew. Within the sewers the party had found an ancient map which promised great treasure. After having established its location the party paid a wizard to teleport them away where they would first encounter The Red Hand of Doom.

11th: The Red Hand of Doom: Part 1: The Storming of Vraath Keep:
The party had found a mysterious map in the sewers of Procampur which indicated a mighty horde of treasure. They had paid the hefty sum of 1,000 GP to be teleported to the region. They were now within the Witchwood, southeast of The Shaar and thousands of miles away from the realms of which they knew. The Teleportation had no gone well and they had arrived many miles off their destination. They party gathered themselves and headed north taking in the beatiful scenery of the Elsir Vale.

Shortly into the journey they were attacked by a tribe of Hobgoblins, complete with a Shaman and many hell hounds.

After killing these infidels the party found their stronghold littered with dead villagers and guards. The Goblins also seemeed to bear the symbol of The Red Hand as well as marking which indicated worship of Tiamat.

Just a few miles away the party came to the town of Harfell’s Ferry.

There they found out that the hobgoblin raiders had been attacking the area. The town had suffered greatly from this. The speaker of the town hired the party to put an end to this. The party spent some time hanging out at the local bar before heading out. They enlisted the services of Jor the Ranger and he vowed to guide them to Vrask Keep where there was suspected activity. Jor also told everything he knew of the keep.

The Speaker of Drellin's Ferry

The Captain of the Drellin Guard

Jor the Ranger

” After the Restalore kingdom was dissolved. Amory Vrath inherited control of the keep. He claimed the Witchwood and sought to rid the new domain of it evil reputation, There were Jungle giants called the Twist tusks who raided merchants from time to time. When it was over Vrath thought he killed them all. The Keep has been in ruin ever since. That was 200 years ago. “
The party later found themselves cross the Blackwater causeway when they were attacked by a Hydra.

They brought the creature down and proceeded onward. They rested the night and in the morning set off to explore the keep. Inside they first encountered a Manticore who barely got a chance to speak.

Later they were ambushed by more Hobgoblins, including a sorcerer and a squad of Goblin Worg Riders. The sorcerer was the only villian to survive the battle. They would soon learn this sorcerer was Wyrnmlord Koth.

After the battle the party was so badly weakened they took the unconscious sorcerer hostage, then barricaded themselves in a room to get some rest. The plague of the Red Hand was only just beginning.

12th-The Red hand of Doom: Part 2: The Battle at Skullgorge Bridge:
-Magnus-Ludwig-Sparks-Xromm-Ny-Jor (NPC)-
The Party was resting in the ruins of Vraath Keep.

They had defeated a force of Goblin Worg Riders and had captured their leader, the Bugbear Sorceror, Wyrmlord Koth. Shortly after their rest the party was once again joined by Xromm who had tracked them a great distance. The party interrogated Koth with some success. They learned that A great war chief Azaar Kul had raised a massive army of Hobgoblins and other vile creatures called The Red Hand Horde to conquer the Elsir Vale. The Bugbear mentioned that someone called Osenrenion would deal with the party. After the interrogation Xromm briefly tortured the Bugbear before Magnus ultimately smited him. A further search of Vraath keep not only rendered the deed to the keep but also a map of The Red Hand Horde’s invasion plans. It seemed to indicate that the horde would march into the region in ten days time. It also indicated they it was vital for their advance force to hold the Skull Gorge bridge. The party had a dilemma. They needed to warn the people of Drellin’s Ferry of the impending doom but also needed to try to destroy the Skull Gorge Bridge as fast as possible. With a timeline for invasion the party decided to break the cardinal rule of adventuring. Sparks and Ny would return to Drellin’s Ferry while the remainder of the party would scout out the bridge. They would meet back at Vraath Keep the following day. In Drellin’s Ferry Sparks convinced the Speaker of the coming danger and that preparations were to be made. Meanwhile Xromm scouted the bridge with Magnus and Ludwig in support. They found the bridge held by a platoon of hobgoblins led by Osenrendion, a Green Dragon.

Discouraged at the prospect of facing a Dragon the party quickly returned to Vraath Keep. The party regrouped at the newly dubbed Dread Keep and discussed their options. They thought it likely they could destroy the bridge but could not foresee facing the Dragon and coming out on top. They devised a plan to destroy the bridge and then to quickly escape. However as time went by Morality would wield an attack of opportunity against the party. They knew the horde was coming and that the Dragon would cause much death and destruction. Their odds of the defeating the beast would never be better then now. Thus it was decided they would indeed face the dragon. The party snuck up on the bridge as Sparks launched an orb of force against the Bridge’s structural weakness. The dragon responded immediately by hitting Sparks and Xromm with its breath weapon.

Ludwig, Magnus, and Ny tried to join the battle from range. They soon came under attack by Hell Hounds.

Sparks was near death and thus grabbed Xromm and teleported thousands of feet away to safety. The Dragon was bearing down on Magnus and Lugwig just as they had killed the Hell Hounds. The Dragon first tried its breath weapon but Magnus had readied a Wind Wall rendering the gaseous attack ineffective. The Dragon grew infuriated and entered into Melee. Ludwig stood against the beast in defiance. Meanwhile Sparks was flying as fast as he could to rejoin the battle. As soon as he closed into range he began hitting the dragon with spells. Ny did likewise. Magnus seemed unable to pierce the Dragons scales so instead bolstered Ludwig with much needed healing. As the battle waged on Magnus was able to get into position delivering a strike that dragon could not withstand. With a furious final roar of defiance the Green Dragon Osenrendion was laid to rest. The party regrouped then began hunting the remaining Hobgoblin platoon stranded on the other side of the bridge. They successfully hunted them down and smited them. Next the party traveled north beyond the broken bridge to Cindar Hill. There had been multiple implications that the Horde was amassing there. It took little surveillance to locate an enormous force numbering in the thousands.

Among the ranks were Hobgoblins, Giants, and a great Red Dragon. Many hours later the party was back in Drellin’s Ferry. Upon their arrival they came upon an advance raiding party of Worg Riders assisted by a sorcerer. The party took out this group then proceeded to convince Speaker Winston and Captain Soranna Anitah to get the people of Drellin’s Ferry to evacuate. Just as the city was finishing the evacuation a messenger was arriving. It was Teyani Sura Lion of Rethmar, sent by Lord Jarmath. She brought word that the city of Rhest to the north was now occupied by the Wyrmlord Sarvith. The party considered their choices. They could attempt gorilla attacks against the horde or travel north to deliver Wyrmlord Sarvith a well needed slaying.

13th: The Red Hand of Doom: Part 3:
The party was overseeing the evacuation of Drellin’s Ferry. It was decided that Ny and Xromm would travel with the evacuees whilst the remainder of the party would travel north to the ruins of the city of Rhest. Information had come through indicating that another Wyrmlord (Sarvith) had a substantial force up there and had set up roadblocks. The party members joined by Jor the ranger road hard and long to the town of Talar. There they tried to speak with the town Elders but were denied. Magnus broke down the doors and demanded the Elders listen to the warnings of the coming horde. The Elders said they would call for the druidic circle. They sent a man out and Magnus followed him. Once inside the Druid’s grove Magnus revealed himself and warned the druids of what was the come. The druids said they would try to save or evacuate Talar. The party road out the next day and were crossing the swamplands leading to rest. They came upon a giant dead owl. They went to inspect but were ambushed by a Greenspawn Razorfiend. The creature caused great havoc then sought to escape. But Ludwig’s eagle eyes and dead on accuracy had him slaying the beast at 300 yards in high wind. Only a hand full of archers in the world could have made that shot.

Not long after this battle the party was happened upon by a squad of Owl riding elves.

The Elves brought the party back to the elvin tree town of Starsong Hill.

There the party met with the masters of that town. They were grateful to the party for slaying the Greenspawn and offered their help. The party took advantage of some of this and tried to get the elves to join the battle against the incoming horde. The elves felt as though the coming invasion would not affect them. The following day the party attended the first hour of a funeral before disembarking to finally face Sarvith. The party traveled to Rhest to find the city basically now sunken in a lake. Some of the cities larger buildings now remained rising in ruins out of the lake. Magnus used his magical powers and stealth abilities to recon the area. Within one of the buildings were 3 more Greenspawns and a Black Dragon.

The party began designing a plan to eliminate this black dragon.

14th: The Red Hand of Doom: Part 4:
-Magnus-Ludwig-Sparks-Jor (NPC)-Trellara (NPC)-
The party was ready to face the Black Dragon. They fly invisibly till they were over the building that housed the creature. They could see the serpent through a hole in the roof. Sparks and Magnus unleashed a Maximized Orb of Force and a Fireball respectively. Ludwig and Jor reigned down arrows. The Dragon rose to his feet just in time to be utterly slain. The party had brought fourth such terrifying and magnificent force that not even a great dragon could withstand it. Soon the Wyrmlord Sarvith and his minions appeared.

The party continued to lay siege against these forces until such time as they were forced to retreat. Many hobgoblins and a Razorfiend would meet their doom before this battle had ended. Unfortunately Sarvith and the other bardic Wyrmlord had escaped. With the complex the party found some treasure and necklace accompanied by a note. The note inferred that the necklace was the Phylactery of the Ghostlord.

It seemed the Red Hand Horde was using the necklace as a blackmail to gain the aid if the Ghostlord’s forces. The party returned to Starsong Hill to recoup and gain some information. They learned there that the Ghostlord had once been the Druid known as Yurikol Zar. He had lead Nomad’s who were wiped out by the men of Rhest. Yurikol rose from the dead and lead his ghostly army on a siege of the city. Now the Ghostlord maintained a lair in the south that had once been called the Verdant Plains. The party decided they would travel there and attempt to get the Ghostlord’s aid for their cause. The party sent Jor to travel to the city of Witchcross. He was to spread word of what they had learned and prepare to reunite with the party in Witchcross. With Jor gone the party asked if Trellara would aid them in facing this treat. The scorned elven bard agreed to come along. The party teleported to Drellin’s Ferry which was not far from the Verdant plains. Magnus used stone shapes on the remains of the old bridge to make it impossible for the horde to rebuild it. The party traveled into the south and began their search for the Ghostlord’s lair. After a day of travel they still could not locate it. Instead of resting in the wasteland the party teleported to Witchcross. They visited with the druids for further information on the Ghostlord. After this meeting the party had the druids transport the party back to Verdant plans. The party soon came upon a cave in front of which stood the massive statue of lion.

They had last located the lair of the Ghostlord.

15th: The Red Hand of Doom: Part 5:
-Magnus-Ludwig-Sparks-Trellara (NPC)-
The party was still questing to form some kind of defense against the impending armies of the Red Hand Horde. They had retrieved the phylactery of the Ghost Lord. An ancient druid lich who once bore the name of Yurikol Zar. It seemed the horde had planned to use the phylactery as collateral to gain the aid of the Ghost Lord and his forces. The party now sought to accomplish the same goal. Having traveled south to the wasteland that had once been the verdant plains the party now found themselves standing before the lair of the Ghost Lord. The statue of a giant lion marked the lair of the Ghost lord. The party entered the tunnels and shortly fell to an ambush of Dire Lion Ghosts. These creatures proved to be formidable foes as even after they were slain they could immediately remanifest and attack anew. Still the party defeated the beasts and proceeded onward. They came upon a pit that seemed to be used for the disposal of necromantic waste. In the depths of this pit Magnus killed a Gray Ooze. Next the party fell to an ambush of Stone fist Hobgoblin Monks. Ludwig tore threw the goblinoids and the and the party proceeded onward. Soon the party came to a large room with a massive Lion statue within. As the party began to search they fell victim to attack by 6 undead Bonedrinkers.

The creatures’ tentacles made them almost impossible to engage. The battle began to go bad as both Ludwig and Magnus were being overwhelmed. The female Bard Tellara was slain and it seemed as though the rest of the party would soon join her. Sparks was able to free Magnus with a Scorching Ray. Both Magnus and Luwig took flight to escape the marauding undead. Unfortunately this left Sparks to face the creatures alone. Soon Sparks was overwhelmed and his party was virtually helpless to aid him. Sparks finally managed to teleport down the hall as Magnus descended to stand between the creatures and Sparks. More Blooddrinkers would die but the party was growing ever weaker. Eventually Magnus was again being overwhelmed and would have fallen if not for Ludwig rejoining the melee. With a moment to recoup Magnus empowered himself with Divine Power and enabled his blade with the Gravestrike. In blaze of divine might he re-entered the combat in a frenzy of shattering attacks killing the last of the undead creatures. The party quickly took to healing and gathered up the body of the fallen bard Trellara. It was time to exit this place and take some rest. They agreed to Teleport to the distant city of Melvaunt.

The Evacuation of Drellin’s Ferry: A Red Hand of Doom side adventure:
-Xromm-Arkon (Rob in guest appearance)-
-(Xromm split from the main party at Drellin’s Ferry. He remained to guard the people of the small town during their evacuation and trek to Rethmar. He would soon find aid from the wizard Arkon (Thorndale Campaign PC))
Xromm was overseeing the evacuation of Drellin’s Ferry when he was met by Arkon Locreedus. Arkon was a powerful Conjurer from the Dalelands searching for his lost compatriot Laramis Lightbringer. He soon learned that Laramus had traveled with the party for a short time in the Melvaunt area but that he had not accompanied them here. Having established that Laramus was safe Arkon decided to travel to Rethmar. Xromm successfully enlisted Arkon into helping to protect the refugees. They party met their first encounter while scouting the area around the city. It was vile twisted creature known as a Chimanticore. The creature thought it would take advantage of ranged attacks but Arkon casted fly upon Xromm. Xromm entered the creature in aerial combat whilst Arkon unloaded evocations. The creature quickly fell. The first stop along the road to Rethmar was in the city of Terrelton. There Xromm had much trouble convincing the town elders to evacuate the city. Arkon aided in this effort by charming one of the speakers. Eventually the town agreed. Later Xromm uncovered thieves guild attempting to hatch a plot once the city was evacuated. Xromm engaged them in combat but was forced to flee. Later Xromm and Arkon returned entering a bar and ordering all patrons to leave except for the members of the thief’s guild. Arkon conjured up his greatest allies, the twin Hound Archons Hammer and Smite. The thieves proved cunning and fought hard. But in the end they would take the cowards road. Two of the thieves attempted to escape but were hunted down and killed by the Hound Archons. After the death of the thieves the party checked on a half orc cook they had knocked out. They apologized and gave the half orc some gold. The half orc named Goth immediately quit his cooking job. Xromm say an opportunity and immediately hired Xromm to the parties cook. He was renamed Chopmeat and signed up. Xromm explained to Arkon that the government of the town was involved with the guild but the party decided the town needed their Elders for the evacuation. The elders of Terrelton said they would need a day of preparation. The party opted not to wait for these immoral miscreants and traveled on with the people of Drellin’s Ferry. A few days later the party and the refugees of Drellin’s Ferry arrived in the great walled city of Rethmar. They were greeted by Lord Jormath who was quickly informed of the coming invasion. Jormath declared that he would do all he could to hold the city and fight off the Red Hand. He enlisted the party a new mission. They were to carry a message to the dwarves of a nearby stronghold and enlist their aid. While the party waited they took some time to visit with some churches and local weapon’s dealers. Meanwhile the grasp of the Red Hand continued to close around the Elsir Vale.

16th: The Red Hand of Doom: Part 6:
-Magnus-Ludwig-Sparks-Jor (NPC)-
The party was still questing against the Red Hand Horde. They had just left the lair of the Ghost Lord, an ancient powerful Druidic Lich. The Red Hand Horde had procured the Ghost Lord’s Phylactery and had used it to black mail the Ghost lord into having his undead minions aid the horde. Now the party had the Phylactery and planned to use it to gain the Ghost Lord’s aid against the Horde. The party had entered the lair and took some damage and sought to escape to get some rest. They had teleported to the distant city of Melvaunt and rested there. In the morning Ludwig went off to see his Occult Slaying mentors to procure some more magebane arrows. Magnus took the body of the fallen elven bard Trellara to a coroner. He paid the coroner to hold onto the body for an extended period of time. After this the party teleported back into the room they had left. Once again within the Ghostlord’s lair the party quickly encountered the lich.

They told him they had his Phylactery and tried to coerce him into aiding their forces. The Ghostlord contended that he would not be blackmailed again. After enduring a many attempts of coercing the Ghostlord made his answer final. As the Ghostlord was escorting the party out the party began heading for the undead lion-generating chamber. The Ghostlord proclaimed “This was not the way out”. Magnus unsheathed his sword explaining to the Ghostlord “This is your way out”. The Ghostlord was instantaneously accompanied by 4 of his massive undead ghostly lions. Ludwig charged into combat hammering away at the Ghostlord. The Ghostlord responded with a vicious Horrid Wilting spell. Magnus used his spells to enhance the party’s weapons making it possible to strike the Ghostly creatures. Spark’s bore in with a volley of Evocations. The Ghostlord never had a chance and before his next spell could be unleashed Ludwig brought him low. The party continued to battle the lions but they continuously remanifested. Eventually the party decided this was futile and thus teleported away. They arrived in the town of Witchcross where they had planned long ago to reunite with Jor the ranger. Magnus had taken the Lich’s body in tow. The party pilfered the Ghostlord’s possessions and inflicted pastimes abuse upon his remains. The party then destroyed the Lich’s Phylactery, the Ghostlord was no more. Magnus took the Ghostlord’s remains to the nearby Druid Grove and buried him there, saying a prayer to man he was. The party reunited with Jor who was waiting with 4 horses to go. The party finally rode to the walled city of Rethmar.

Once there they met with Lord Jormath and his council told him of everything that had happened.

The walled city would make their preparations. The party next went to visit with Emerstol the Red, the cities most powerful wizard. They instead spoke with his consort who maintained his magic shop. Magnus learned that the shop had a Rod of Nullification. A magic item the party could use to dispel the undead generator back the Ghostlord’s lair. He explained this and asked if could leave collateral and perhaps borrow the rod to fulfill this goal. The lady turned him down. Magnus was growing frustrated with the people’s unwillingness to help aid against the coming attack. An argument began and the lady called for Emerstol the wizard. Emerstol confronted Magnus outside. They argued further until finally the wizard threatened to kill Magnus. The wizard went for his components as Magnus backed off. Magnus produced his holy symbol as he called for the Guards. Emerstol promptly teleported away. The party rested the night as they prepared to return to Ghostlord’s lair. The following morning Magnus found a note on his door. It was a challenge to Magnus from Emerstol for a legal battle in the street. Failure to appear at noon would have Magnus dubbed a coward. Magnus did not have time for petty trifling and instead would go to fight the evil facing the land. The party teleported back the Ghostlord’s lair and after a lot of work (and a ton of gametime) they destroyed the undead generator. They searched the area to find that two Wyrmlord’s and a Dragon had been here but had now left. The party returned to Rethmar to plot their next move. (Game left off midway through Day 10).

17th: The Red Hand of Doom: Part 7:
-Magnus-Ludwig-Sparks-Xromm-Jor (NPC)-
The party decided they would make strike attacks at the leadership of the Red Hand Horde. They teleported around before finally encountering the horde at Drellin’s Ferry. They waited till the horde was two days beyond Drellin’s Ferry to launch their assault. Spark’s and Magnus infiltrated the horde in disguise. Once close enough Magnus used Clairaudience to spy into the tents of the commanders. There was a large tent with the many leaders making plans. Of the leadership tents only one was occupied by a seemingly meaningless human. While Magnus and Sparks were spying Ludwig and Jor came under attack while waiting for them outside the horde. A band of Goblin Worg riders had attacked and were now alerting the entire horde. Magnus and Sparks knew they had to act quickly. In the hopes of salvaging some progress from this mission they sought to murder the sole human leader. The human had already awoken and was now standing outside his tent. Magnus and Sparks invisibly dimension doored behind the man only to have him turn into a Red Dragon. Magnus and Spark’s quickly teleported back to Ludwig. They found Ludwig in dire straights. Jor had already fallen. And though Ludwig reigned down arrows upon the worgs they elected to coup de grace the unconscious Jor. Magnus ran into harms way to recover Jor’s body and the party reunited just in time to teleport away. The party returned to Rethmar in shame. Magnus went outside town to create a temporary grave for Jor. Upon removing Jor’s possessions he found Jor held much gold. Enough possible to be resurrected. The clerics of Kelemvor provided the party with a discount price to raise their fallen comrade. Later that day Spark’s returned from meeting with the wizard Emerstol. Spark’s informed Magnus that Emerstol had called Magnus a coward. A deep rage swelled inside Magnus. Having been faced with an impossible scenario. An army that no measure could stand against. The party had decided to stand and face this threat. Though so many of the people of this region would not stand for themselves. The party had struck deep into the horde’s forces only to find it more terrible and evil then anything they could have imagined. Their plan had failed miserably and their compatriot had been slain. Now having returned from this defeat this wizard was calling Magnus a coward. Magnus set out to Emerstol’s house. He encounter Emerstol’s consort, the woman who had starting this whole feud. The thought of this wench causing two mean to duel to one’s certain death yet she lay unscathed scorned Magnus, He yelled at the woman and tried to strike her. The woman immediately turned into some kind of winged beast. Magnus began calling Emerstol out. Emerstol appeared and Magnus challenged him. Emerstol replied he would not duel in the street, only in a legal duel, he proclaimed he was a “lawful character and that Magnus should try it sometime”. They agreed to fight the following day. The following day the party had prepared a plan to have Ludwig fight in Magnus’s place. But alas the fight would never occur. Emerstol send a message announcing that such a duel seemed trivial in the face of impending doom. The very same excuse Magnus had sited the first time they were to duel. Embarrassed by his previous behavior Magnus sought to end this madness for all time. He went to visit Emerstol and apologized to both he and his consort for his transgressions. Emerstol responded and all nonsense was subsided so that Dread Inc could devote their full efforts into battling the horde. The party considered for hours what their next move should be. They were soon joined again by the duergar Xromm. He had gone to get help from the Hammerfist Holds. While Magnus and Ludwig continued planning Xromm and Sparks teleported to Waterdeep. Using direction given him by Magnus Xromm found his way into Skullport and purchased himself a Steeder. They returned to find Ludwig and Magnus at a crossroads. Their was no new plan. Instead the party would execute the old. They teleported to Terrelton to find the horde resting their. They used invisibility and spying techniques. They teleported into the building with all the leaders. They killed some soldiers in the aura of a silence spell. Then all at once they rushed into the room with all the leaders and concentrated their attacks against Karn, the army’s general. Karn could not withstand such a vicious assault. He was slain instantly and before the other leaders could respond the party had teleported away.
(Mission left off going to sleep on night 14)

18th: The Red Hand of Doom: Part 8:
The party spent the remaining time until the siege preparing the cities defenses and training their guards. At long last the invading forces finally arrived. The Siege of Rethmar (Brindol) was underway. The party was first called upon to defend a wall being sieged by Hill Giants. The party killed these giants before they could break through the wall. Next the party would face their greatest adversary yet. A massive Red Dragon was wreaking havoc through the city. The party recognized the Dragon as Osenrendion, the Red Dragon who had scared them off during one of their assassination missions. The party had no choice but to engage the beast. Newton bombarded the Dragon with Spells while Ludwig and Magnus engaged in melee. After a number of lucky strikes the party brought the creature smashing to the ground. As the party descended into the city they found Lord Jarmath who quickly ordered them to shore up a barricade. The party fought off a mass of rampaging Ghost Berserkers but the hordes pushed on.

Fane of Tiamat: A Red Hand of Doom side adventure:
-Xromm-Arkon (Rob)-Rezzle (Boof)-
Shortly before the attack on Rethmar (Brindol) Xromm rejoined his comrade Arkon for a special mission. Lord Jarmath had received intelligence that another Wyrmlord had a lair in the mountains to the west. Lord Jarmath also enlisted the aid of another semi famous adventurer who had been traveling through the area. Rezzle the Rogue of Freeport had teleported into the area seeking some obscure information regarding something called Yarshaad. The whole event turned out to be yet another wasted lead. Then Lord Jarmath contacted Rezzle promising him a nice amount of gold. And so the trio of adventurers set off to find this Wyrmlord and gather some information. Jarmath had the city’s wizard teleport the party into the area. During their trek through the mountains the party encountered Ghost Berserkers and a Chimera. Eventually they came upon the Fane of Tiamat. After sneaking inside they were quickly met by a large Blue Dragon. Another Dragon could be heard moving around inside. The Blue Dragon asked the party to give him gold that they did. After this the party left. The party next tried to sneak back into the complex through a different doorway. Once again the Blue Dragon was upon them. The party decided they had enough information gathered and teleported out of there. They returned to find the city under siege. They quickly relayed their information to Jarmath and then set out to help defend the city. Just as Dread Inc was defending one end of the city Xromm and his party would have to defend the other. They quickly manned a barricade to receive incoming. It did not take long for a horde strike force filled out with Greenspawn Razorfiends. This hoard almost overcame the party but the line held. Rethmar (Brindol) had not yet fallen.

19th: The Red Hand of Doom: Part 9:
The party was still in the middle of the siege of Rethmar (Brindol). After rebuilding the barricade the party braced for another assault. It did not take long as another squad of Thunderlizards and other horde creatures came crashing through. The party managed to slow the squads with some web spells but eventually that broke and the barricade was destroyed. In the end only a few of squad broke through the barricade and they were handled by some reserve forces. The party tried to regroup at the Cathedral. They found Lord Jarmath and the cities other powerful protectors totally wiped out. The cities forces were trying to muster but they kept being taken out by arrow fire. The party pinned down the location of sniper and set to attack. Inside a building they came upon a Ninja. Magnus and Ludwig tore into him only to be ambushed a moment later by four Hobgoblin adepts. The party changed their priority and went after the adepts as the Ninja slipped away. Caught within a silence sphere these Hobgoblin adepts were shortly slain. As the party returned to the Cathedral the vanguard of the horde came upon them. Among the armies leaders were Urwai the Druid, Sarvith the Goblin archer, and the Fiendish Behir. These ranks were filled out with Ogres and Hill Giants being led by a Gelugon Ice Devil. After measuring up these forces the massively depleted party released this battle was beyond their capabilities. They teleported away assuming the city of Rethmar to be lost. They arrived at the nearby city of Channathgate assuming it would here that the next battle would be fought. They were quickly brought before the cities ruler who assessed the situation quickly. The party had only left the battle of Rethmar moments ago. With some magical assistance and another teleport the party could be back in the battle again. This was the way it would go. The party arrived back in Rethmar mere minutes later and came upon their enemies. The Ogres went first. Then the Hill Giants. Ludwig killed Urwai then chased off Sarvith. The Fiendish Behir left the field of battle to take care of some other business. As the battle wore on only the Gelugon Ice Devil Remained. He took Magnus down and was tearing through Ludwig. Sparks came in and created a protected force shield around his party. They got Magnus back and his feet and the entire party regrouped. They teleported above the Devil and then seized upon him. The aerial battled waged on across the city. The Devil focused primarily on Sparks while Ludwig and Magnus struggled to damage the fiend. After continuous bombardment the devil fell. The body of the beast crashed down into the city, impaled onto the spire of the cathedral. With their leadership decimated the horde began to disperse. Through overwhelming odds the city of Rethmar had endured. The Siege was repelled and the Red Hand Horde was sent into retreat. In the days that followed the city was able to regroup. The Party was commendated with medals and praised for their great deeds. This celebration was made even brighter by the arrival of Asstrash and the Dreadfin. Lord Jarmath allowed the party some time to revel in their victory before dropping the next bit of bad news. A series of scouting missions had determined the location and purpose of The Fane of Tiamat. It was there that the Horde’s mantle of power rested. The Great WyrmOverlord Azar Khuul ruled there accompanied by at least two dragons. This Azar Khuul was in the process of a great ritual that would open Toril to the court of Tiamat allowing an army of fiends to enter the Prime Material Plane perhaps even calling fourth Tiamat herself. Through all their victories the party’s greatest challenge still lied ahead.

20th: The Red Hand of Doom: Part 10: The Fane of Tiamat:
-Magnus-Ludwig-Sparks-Xromm-Vor (James)-
Having saved Rethmar from utter destruction the party was now ready to make their counter attack. Lord Jarmath had sent out an expeditionary force consisting of Xromm, Rezzle, and Arkon the Conjurer. This force had located the source of this evil. In the mountains north of Vraath Keep lay the Fane of Tiamat. Within dwelt the masterminds behind this invasion. The party teleported to Vraath keep then Xromm guided them into the mountains. After defeating a squad of Blackspawns the party rested. The following day they utilized Phantom steeds to reach the Fane. Not long into their preparations the party fell under attack. Two of the Fane’s most powerful denizens had seized upon the party. They were Vrathian, the Fiendish Advanced Behir and the Great Blue Dragon Tygarian. Sparks’ magic proved too powerful for the Dragon but Vrathian managed to devour the wizard. With the combined might of the party both fiends were defeated.

The party bypassed the trapped doorways and traveled within. They fell under attack by more Blackspawns and numerous Abishai. The party fought off these forces but found themselves sufficiently drained. They teleported back to Rethmar to recover, planning to return the following day.

21st: The Red Hand of Doom: Part 11: The Inner Sanctum:
The party had finally reached the Fane of Tiamat. The culmination of the Red Hand assault had come and gone. Now the party was entering into the heart of the enemies dominion to face whatever dark powers had orchestrated this invasion. After an initial assault into the Fane of Tiamat the party had met massive resistance. They had teleported back to Rethmar and were returning the following day. The Ranger Jor took his leave of the party to deal with some trouble near his home. He was replaced in the party by a Drow named Janth whom had been sent to give aid against this evil. The party teleported back into the Fane and once again met with immediate resistance. A gang of Blackspawn Raiders was waiting. After cutting through them the party came into conflict with a squad of Greenspawn Razorfiends. After defeating the Greenspawns the party proceeded to encounter an Osyluth and a group of Wyverns.

The party dispatched this group and met a B-line directly to the heart of the fane. They came upon a ceremonial room inhabited by numerous Hobgoblin Battlepriests. As the party engaged this group they were ambushed by Wraiths. This battle nearly went bad but the party prevailed. Beyond this chamber was a shaft that led up to the Inner Sanctum. Within this Sanctum were five Red Abishai and the Lord of the Red Hand Horde. The party had heard the name of their enemy but this would be their first encounter with the fiend. Before them now stood Lord Azar Khul, a Half Blue Dragon Hobgoblin.

The party had time to prepare and did exactly that. The party came upon Azar cool flying and invisible. But the Lord of the Red Hand was prepared. The room had been protected by an Unhallow spell attached to a Silence spell. This effect rendered spellcasting by the party virtually impossible. While the party dealt with the Red Abishai Azar Khul began to empower himself with many protective spells. Chief among these was his Anti-Life Shell. A standoff ensued which went on seemingly forever. In the end Azar Khul’s hunger for battle was his undoing. He broke the antilife shell to attack the party. As he did the party swarmed in around him. Ludwig met the warlord head on and stood his ground. This distracted the fiend from the death blow Magnus would dealing rising from the shadows to smite the beast. The party took a moment to breath in their victory. But a moment was all they would have. Seconds later a magical reaction began and a gateway opened. From the sky above Tiamat looked down in dismay at her failed minion. Her blue head reached down and swallowed the body of Azar Khul. The remaining 4 heads sneered down at the party. Seconds later the gate collapsed but the magical energies did not disperse. Instead they coalesced into an Aspect of Tiamat. The battered and depleted party looked up in agony. There was but one battle left to fight.

22nd: The Red hand of Doom: Part 12th
-Magnus-Ludwig-Sparks-Xromm-Janth (James)-
The party now stood before the Aspect of Tiamat. They had put down the Red Hand Horde and defeated its mast Azaar Khul. Tiamat herself had opened rift into the Prime Material plane to claim the body of her champion. In here wake divine energies coalesced into the form of the Aspect. The party was vastly depleted but still stood in defiance. Tiamat would get no quarter. The great beast opened the battle with simultaneous breath weapon and melee attacks. Magnus and Sparks were nearly slain. The party surrounded the Aspect and pounded away with righteous vengeance. Within a matter of moments the Aspect had fallen. Victory at last, the party rejoiced. They were greatly weakened and thus immediately teleported back to Rethmar. Once there Lord Jarmath threw them a celebration. The town’s people came out and exalted the heroes. Even Emerstal the Red praised the party as Jarmath gifted them with great magical treasures. Magnus went to locate Captain Sorona Anita. He learned that she had been captured at some point during the war. If she was being held anywhere the party expected it to be back at the Fane. The party reprovisioned and returned to the Fane for some house cleaning. They found that most of the Fane inhabitants had fled. The dispersion of the Red Hand Horde was clearly underway. After some exploration the party came upon two devils. They had many prisoners including Soronna Anita. Sparks immediately began running his mouth to the powerful fiends. The fiends proposed a trade and the party agreed. The party took Sorona and handed over Sparks. A battle ensued and Sparks could not nearly live up to his threats. Like a coward he fled. A teleported back to the party as the Devils came upon them anew. The party defeated these Fiends and all was well again. The party cleared the Fane and looted many treasures. They returned anew to Rethmar were they were granted Lord and title in those realms. The party made Vraath keep their base of operations while in the region. They each began renovation their lands that had been savaged. Magnus rebuilt Drellin’s Ferry and put Sorona in charge. He would later marry the brave captain.

The party’s adventuring days had seemingly come to an end. Their lands in the south would regrow as the party took to retirement. All threats abated, all enemies slain it was time to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Though they would enjoy these days of peace they would always keep their weapons sharp for day when the forces might forget or neglect the name of Dread.


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