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The Freedale Campaign

The Party

1st-The Captured Caravan
Milo-Arkon-Argile(cheez)-Kegdar (Ken)-Buckley-Milos (Amy)
Aspiring adventurers met up at the Red Dragon Tavern in Freedale. They forged an alliance and one that would soon lead to peril. The bartender known as one armed Mcgintey was delighted to meet Milo, the halfling monk and his lady Melos, the halfling rogue, aswell as Arkon & Argile Locreedus, 2 half drow brothers, one a wizard, the other a ranger. Kegdar the aloof human warrior, and Buckley. During this adventure the party successfully saved a young unicron from a pack of evil goblins. This brought them some notoriety and they were soon hired to protect a caravan heading to Shadowdale. Together the party fought off some orc pillagers. After this outting the party traveled back to Freedale and sought the help of a Sage. For the first time they encountered the wise wizard Netheril. With their knew found gold the party sought to create a base of operations. They purchased a house and outfitted with a great iron door. They were soon summoned by the Lord of Freedale, Lord Alstott, a powerful if not Tyranical War priest of Tempus, god of battles. Alstott informed them they would have to pay extra high taxes as adventurers and thus the conversation drifted toward the angry side. The party left in outrage. The party headed down to the Red Dragon Tavern were unfortunately they would again encounter Lord Alstott. Argile provoked a fight with the lord and battle ensued. Alstott dispatched Argile with little effort. During the mayhem that ensued Milo was able to entangle lord Alstott with his magic rope. Having attached the end of the rope to a horse, Alstott was soon carried away. The melee continued until atlast put to a holt by the great magics of the powerful wizard Netheril. The party would later learn that Netheril was brother to Alstott. One by one Netheril released all involed. The party began to make preparations to war against Alstott when they received summons from Lord Mourgrym, ruler of shadow dale. They went to the meeting and found Lord Morngrym dining with Elminster and Alstott. Alstott was humble in this setting and agreed to resurrect Argile. This still did not quench the parties penchant for hatred. Non the less Lord Morngrym forced all parties to a truce. The party however agreed never to return to Freedale and thus that did would find their base burnt to the ground. Marked now only by a free standing Iron door of some impressiveness.

2nd-House on the Harrrow Hill:
Milo-Argile (Rob)
A great time at past and Milos and Argile found their path bringing them back into Freedale, a place they thought never to see again. Strangely enough they found themselves summoned by Netheril the wizard. He needed adventurers and the party needed gold. And so Milos and Argile joined up with 2 new adventures of Freedale. They were Eberk, the dwraven cleric and Kerwin, the human rogue. Netheril had hired them all to seek a friend of his named Taran, the elf lord. Apparently this so called elf lord had been doing some studying into a dragon orb and when at once he had gone missing. The party set off to find him. During their travels a storm forced to them to seek shelter. The house they came upon was curst. They became trapped in this house which was filled by undead. They eventually succeed in defeating a villainous ghost named Gunther.

3rd-The orb of dragon kind
Still traveling with Eberk and Kerwin the party tracked the elf lord Taran to the former Tomb of Damara which had been converted into an orc stronghold.. They battled many goblins and eventually faced the Bugbear warlord Bonegnasher who was trying to gain information on a dragon orb. They freed Taran the elf lord who later rewarded them with gold and magic.

-------The Second Series of Freedale Begins--------------------------------

4th-Out of Sight, out of mind
-Lohgin (rob)-Ronin(buck)-Carmella(cheez)-Eban(papo)
New heroes emerged in Freedale. They were Lohgin foegrim, the Druid, Brother Ethan Carmella the socerer monk, Eban the rogue, and Ronin Tynan. They were hired by Tremno Infer, the Zhentarium constable of Daggerdale. He sent the party to enter the tomb of Turn Ageal and to loot the place on his behave. On their travels they passed the outlying areas of Tilverton which were all but destroyed. The Tomb turned out to be suspended over an active volcano held up by large chains. Once inside they met with Theordore the ghost who aided them in mapping and exploring the place. The exploration proved to be difficult as the place was infested by creatures. In the end the tomb itself was lost into the depths of the volcano leaving the party under assault by fire memphits and a possessive spirit Nescent. They recovered very little but the job was completed.

5th-Fang, Beak, and Claw
Brother Carmello-Ronin Tynan
Some terrible murders were occurred near Freedale. They investgated ad tracked it ddown to be an owl bear. They killed the thing but pursued deeper to discover it was an evil Druid of Malar named Jorren. They killed him.

6th-One last Riddle
The party was hired by the ghost of a slain Sphinx to hunt down and kill those who had killed him. The party hunted down the tribe of kobolds who were responsible and killed them all.

7th-Base of Operations
Tremno hired the party to go into an abandoned keep and clean it out of monsters. The party defeated Trolls and the ruling pack of winter wolves.

8th-Jerimonds Orb
The party was traveling when attacked by a strange creature that when killed reverted into the form of a boy. The party backtracked the boy to the town Treefall. There they found a populace under terror. Every night murders would take place. At length it was revealed that some of the town folk would take the form of these brutal creatures called Maythorns and would pray on the rest of the town. The party eventually learned this was because a man named Cal Jenkins had removed the orb from the town statue of Jerimond. Once this was done a curse was unleashed. The party defeated the creatures and captured Cal Jenkins. When the orb was returned to the statue the curse was broken.

----------------The 3rd Series of Freedale begins-----------------------

9th-That which does not die
Milo-Argalon (ring)-The Dwarf with No name (Papo)-
Milo having taken a great rest joins up with new comrades in the city of Saerloon. They are Argalon, the dragon man Enchanter, and a warrior this chronicle will regale as “The dwarf with no name“. They had some dealing with Marty Blackhand, an agent known to associate with the rivaling factions of both Daggerdale and the Zhentarium. They were later hired by a merchant named Nicelan. Nicelan was in fear of his life and needed body guards. He wished to leave Saerloon and get as far away as possible. The party agreed to take him to the Dale lands and to protect him. Along the way they were attacked by many undead, including skeletons and wights. Worst of all they were pursued by a revenant, an undead abomination that never rest, never sleeps, and never stops. It doesn‘t feel pain, or remorse, its just kills, THAT’S ALL IT DOES. The party defeated the creature over and over but the thing would not die. It became apparent that there was no escape. The party returned to Saerloon to face the horror head on. Eventually it was discovered that Nicelan was indirectly responsible for the killing of Ulfelar, one of his competitors. Now Ulfelers revenant was stalking the land hunting those responsible. The party realized they would have to help in this quest of vengeance otherwise the revenant would never stop. They found the people actually responsible for Ulfelars death and killed them. Nicelen actually dealt the finally blow and the revenant appeared to declare a debt repayed.

10th-Sign of the Skull
Featherdale had had no lord for many years. And then came news that a man had usurped it. Information was coming in that there was much turmoil there. Milo and Argalon hooked up with another known adventurer of Freedale named Lohgin Foegrim. Together they got a boat and traveled to Featherdale to investigate. Once there they came to a large keep. The new lord named Lord Tomastt hired the party to investigate what was killing his villages. The party traveled to help but it seemed the villages were being destroyed too fast. They party met up with Laramus Lightbringer, priest of Torm and together they formed a plan where Laramus would evacuate villages while the party dealt with the threat. In time the party tracked the raiders and found them to be an orc warlord and an orc shaman commanding goblin riders using Katal Beasts. The party failed in their initial incursion but successfully fled. There were simply too many. But they did find evidence that Lord Tomastt was making payments to these orc raiders. They returned to the keep and confronted the lord. In the course of these adventures this chronicler would come to see that no Lord or a Dale was beyond confrontation. Lord Tomastt pleaded ignorance and some of the party members believed him. Argalen tried to hit Tomastt with a hold spell which failed. Many guards came and it seemed victory was impossible. The party surrendered. Once bound Tomastt revealed the party had been right the first time. He was evil and this was all part of his plan. With that news Lohgin hopped out the window. Milo and Argalan freed themselves and escaped. But so too did Lord Tomastt. Soon after their escape the orcs having not received payment marched on the keep. The party followed in to clean up. They defeated the orcs and their warlord and shaman. They never found Lord Tomastt though. After this the party took over the keep and helped the villagers rebuild. They traveled to Saerloon for a time to deal with magic items and of course speak with Blackhand. The party would return to Featherdale to control and maintain the captured keep.

11th-Against the barrow king
Milo-Lohin-Argalon-Xander(Rob queen)
Blackhand approached the party in Freedale. Blackhand working as a double agent of the Zhentarium but actually loyal to Randall Morn of Dagger dale gave Milo a chance to redeem himself for selling some property to he Zhentarium. He sent the party to help a town in diress north of Dagger dale. He aided the party further by sending a Physic warrior named Zander with them. Upon arriving in the village the party learned there had been many kidnappings. The party tracked it back to the barrows. A woodland gravesite. Now occupied by orcs and undead. The party assaulted them and pushed through to find their leader. The evil warrior Abraxius. Abraxius and his cult had been kidnapping people to do experiments. They killed him and finished off these vile creatures.

12th: Covenant Hill
Milo, Lohgin, Sander, Ebon (Papo), Huntar (Joe Hunt),
The party was relaxing in Freedale when word came that much was afoul in Saerloon. They were soon met by a fighter named Huntar. Huntar had been sent from Saerloon on behave of the Temple of Torm. They were seeking aid. The party agreed that since Laramus Lightbringer, preist of Torm had aided them not long ago that it was both fate and rightious to aid the Tormites now. They set off for Saerloon the next day. During their travels Lohgin reuntied with his old friend Ebon who joined the party. Not long after the party had to kill some owlbears. In Saerloon the Party was hired by the Temple of Torm to capture the Phylactory of the evil lich Ulron. The party traveled to Oron's Garrision. Before leaving the city the lich himself appeared to the party and explained that his apprentice had betrayed him and his phylactory had been captured. He had subsequently been banished from his Garrision. The party entered the Garrison and killed many undead. They rescued an apprentice named Maddac who explained that Ulron's first apprentice Jethritch had turned on him and was now raising an army fo undead. The party sent Maddac back to town for safety. Both Sander and Huntar did the same having sustained many injuries within the garrision. The party quested into the armory where they could find this Jethritch. They successfully bypassed some Wraths and found a room littered with undead knights. The melee began and as it continued the party came under magical attack. It was Jethritch the evil. Lohgin entered into a magical duel of necromancy with him. He was mostly successful but in the end it took the combined might of the party to bring the Necromancer deservingly down into death. After the victory the party recovered the Phylactory and chose to return it to the good lich Ulron. He rewarded them greatly and thanked them many times over. Afterwards the party returned to the Temple of Torm to explain the situation. But the Temple could not understand or nearly condone what the party had done. The party was ejected from the Temple and willingly ejected themselves from Saerloon.

13th-Crypt of Saint Bethesta:
The party was recovering in Saerloon as Lohgin was studying with Ulron the lich. Milo and Sander decided to celebrate and drank heavily. While returning home drunk they soon stumbled upon a dead body near the Graveyard district. Not long after the guards arrived lead by Captain Hurell. The party members were arrested for murder. After a long debate they were starting to convince the captain that they were in fact innocent. He agreed to let them try and prove themselves. And so the party dispatched to find the true killer. All evidence seemed to lead into the cemetery and eventually into the Crypt of Bethesta. Inside they battled Ghouls, Monstrous spiders and even a shit beast Otyugh. In the end they had found the killer but not exactly as they had expected. The killer was revealed to be a WormWraith. A large parasitic worm that would infect a humanoid. Devour its guts and thus killing it. The worm would grow inside and could control the body like a puppet master. Here in the depths of the crypt the party found the thing but it proved to powerful. The party fled. The worm wraith pursued and eventually ran into the town guard. The party returned and with the aid of the town guard slaughtered the creature.

14th-Dead Man’s Cove:
The party having returned Freedale awoke to hear a scurrying off in the woods. Upon further investigation they came upon a platoon of Tempus priests doing battle with a woodland adventuring party. Some of the priests were slain but the woodland party was captured and brought back for interrogation. As it turned out this party of woodland adventures had come to the dales to collect a bounty. A bounty on the party of Milo, Argalon, Lohgin, and Sander. The party was summoned to the tower of Netheril were the wise wizard asks them to leave Freedale until some things could be sorted out. After Milo tongue lashing the party agreed and left Netherils tower. The next morning upon the party’s departure they saw the bounty hunters being hanged in town square. The party decided a long boat trip was in order. 30 days later they arrived in Urmlaspyr, a large city in Cormyr. They immediately found employment with the wealthy merchant Cedrick Mornstar. Mornstar’s shipments had long been plagued by pirates and thus he hired the party to hunt down the land base were he had recently learned these pirates were based from. He would pay the party the wealthy sum of 9,000 gold or gold acquired on the mission. The party could decide which reward to take upon completion of the mission. The party found the base easily and scout4ed it out. Milo snuck in and began to assassinate the pirates in their sleep. Alas they came upon the main bunker of the pirates. The party doused the entire structure in oil and Argalon set it ablaze with a fireball. The pirates were burned alive. Their scream of agony tore through the night. The party continued to explore using a small rowboat to reach nearby islands. The boat was capsized however as undead sailors came from beneath the surface. After dispatching these creatures the party discovered the main cove of the pirates. They found records of the pirates which implied that a large pirate ship would be coming in soon. Inside this cove Milo fell victim to a trap which rendered him unconscious. The party left him be and read more about this ship that was to arrive soon. It seemed fires were to be lit to guide the ship safely in. The party changed the position of the fires and caused the ship to crash on shore. But the ship had a wizard who managed to take flight before the collision. He came down on the party with magical fury. Sander fled to safety while Argalon remained to fight the wizard. A magical duel ensued. Argalon found himself feebleminded. But even in his feeble state he was able to muster a breath weapon that slew the wizard. After the battle the party searched what pirates they could find including the captain. They traveled back to Mornstar and decided they would deceive him. They would say they found nothing and request their gold. But Mornstar was wise and saw through their deception. A debate ensued at which point Mornstar became enraged. He agreed to pay the party half the gold (4,500) but told the party they would never work in that city again. The party traveled back home with more gold and less respect.

15th-The Red Isle:
-Lohgin-Ebon-Alltar (Nijul)
Lohgin and Ebon were returning from the Keep of Oron the lich. They arrived back in Freedale to learn that bounty hunters had come to Freedale stalking them. They had been defeated and dealt with but a threat remained. Sir Tomastt in league with the Zhentariu had taken out a price on all the party members heads. Netheril summoned Lohgin and Ebon and asked them to leave town for a time till he could sort things out. The other members of the party had already left for Urmlaspyr. Lohgin and Ebon agreed and took passage headed for Suzail. There Lohgin could research in the Grand cities library. It was winter now and the river was badly frozen. A storm came on and many went below to take shelter. For hours the storm bombarded the ship. The captain took it out to sea to try and weather the storm. This would prove folly as the ship would crash. Lohgin and Ebon woke up on a beach. They along with a cleric of tempus was all that survived the crash. The cleric was a member of the clergy in Freedale, his name was Alltar. They would eventually discern they were on an island some 100 miles out in the sea of the Fallen Stars. The companions traveled the island till they came across another crashed ship still largely intact. The ship was called “The calling bell”, famous ship of the pirate known as Malick the Red. Malick was once a captain but was finally stripped of his title and his ship scuttled. With the remains of the ship the party battled a vile sea hag. After she was slain Lohgin took friendship upon the hags 2 guardian great white sharks. The sharks helped carry them to a nearby island where a cave complex lied. Inside the caves was a pirates retreat. There were many traps and undead but all were put to rest. Deep in the complex they came upon the master here. It was Malick the red now a damned ghost. The party battled long with him and thanks to the clerical abilities of Alltar they defeated the evil spirit. They packed up all the booty and worked out a plan to get home. Lohgin used his clerical abilities to make it possible for the party to breath in water and to also with stand the freezing temperatures. Then the 2 great white sharks would carry them home underneath the ice and water. The party of submariners arrived safely back in Freedale. There they paid Netheril to discern the powers of the items they had recovered. Alltar claimed the deck of many things and the party urged him to draw. He did and was imprisoned in the earth. The party traveled back home after this debacle.

16th-Old Enemies:
-Lohgin-Ebon-Argile (rob)-The Dwarf with no name (Papo)-
Lohgin and Ebon had not been back in Freedale long. They were still waiting for their other party members to return. They went down to the inn where they made conversation with 2 other travelers of Freedale named Argile the ranger and the dwarf with no name. The group was soon summoned by Netheril. This was strange for Argile because long ago he had been slain by Netherils brother and even now held the skull of Netherils dead brother Alstot. When the party arrived Netheril told them the story of Salazar the evil socerer. Apparently Salazar was one of Netheril’s oldest enemies. Netheril had battled against him back during the times of the riders of the Freedale. Many years ago during the Time of Troubles this Salazar had procured an artifact of great power called the Mirror of Gods fane. This mirror if used properly could have ascended the socerer into godhood. This transpirance was however disturbed by Netheril and his brother Alstott. Because if Salazar could not complete the process only a fraction of divine power came into being and even that was trapped in the outer plane of Hades. Many years later after Lord Alstott had fallen his soul had continued to watch war against this Salazar on the outer plane of Hades. But since that time someone had tried to resurrect Alstot but the ceremony was botched. Thus raising a much younger Alstott with less then all his memories. This reborn Alstot had been traveling the dales for some time now. He had ran an expedition into Myth Drano. After that adventure he had at long last returned to Freedale only to learn that some evil power was still growing in the old sunken base of Salazar the evil. Alstott had entered this site outside Freedale sometime ago and had not returned. Netheril now wanted the party to go in as well. They would be tasked with making sure Salazar form in this world was still destroyed as well as the mirror of gods fane. The party agreed and were teleported inside this mound of dirt outside freedale. Once there they found that much of this structure was still intact only kept imprisoned in its sunken place beneath the earth. The party faced many powerful guardians most of which had been left by Netheril. The entire party was nearly slain by 2 gorgons. The dwarf with no name soon became the dwarf with no life. The party pushed on and battled Golems, constructs and magical beasts. They overcame many traps with the great skills of Ebon the rogue. At long last they came to a chamber containing the crypt of Salazar. There Salazar arose as a lich. Salazar employed a silence spell but luckily Lohgin was able to get outside of it. Argile and Ebon took up flanking positions and began to hammer away at the undead creature. Lohgin launched continuous spells. Some meant for damage and other meant to impede the liches spell casting abilities. Salazar wielded powerful magics but in the end was destroyed. The party recovered the mirror of gods fane in its shattered state. They packed up what treasure they had found and then proceeded to search for an exit. As the made their way out they soon met up with Lord Alstott. Alstott and Argile greeted one another suspiciously. But this was not the great and vastly powerful Alsott of ages past. He was again a young warrior priest with only a fraction of his once great power and knowledge. Alstot joined with the party and showed them the way out of the mound. As they exited they found more opposition in the cemetery. It was yet another evil socerer named Sinistran. The one who had been trying to free Salazar. Alstott was enraged and the battle commenced. Sinistran was not alone. He had brought rogues and evil rangers to aid him. With the power of Alstott now within their ranks the party was able to fight onward. The battle was long and vicious but in the end the party was victorious. Sinistran had now joined Salazar among the ranks of the slaughtered. The party returned to Netheril were the brothers Rimstone were reunited. Netheril paid the party for the mirror of Gods fane. After which the party took a note from Alstott and headed for the abbey of the sword. There they were able to have The dwarf with no name raised from the dead. Many old enemies had been slaughtered. But now many remained. Sinistran had been wearing the symbol of the Zhentarium. A symbol the party expected they would see again.

17th-Revenge is a dish best served cold:
The adventure began as all the party members were reunited in Freedale after a two month hiatus. Though the party members had been separated they were all thinking the same thing. Lord Tomast was the name on everyone’s head. Lord Tomast who had tried to take over Featherdale and through his evil plots the dale had suffered nearly complete annihilation. Virtually all of its towns were destroyed and close to 80% of its settlers slain. The party had taken Lord Tomast’s keep but he had escaped. Now he had gone into business with the Zhentarium and had put out a bounty on the entire party for the enormous sum of 5,000 GP each. The party did not intend to wait around for assassins and bounty hunters. They were going to find Lord Tomast and end this. Sander contacted Blackhand the double agent of dagger dale. Blackhand had a man who knew of Lord Tomast’s current situation and would sell the info for a huge price. The party went to the meeting and eventually declined to pay. The man was obviously evil and they would not negotiate with that. Blackhand further aided the party by giving them the location of the lair of Sir Timothy. A man who had many dealings with lord Tomast and could be able to help. The party traveled to sir TimothyS keep and found the place filled with magic. They battled despicable chaos imps that could were both ethereal and invisible. The little basterds would possess items and then attack the party. But upon the destruction of the attacking item the Imps would simply possess another item. The party copped as best they could. There were others creatures encountered as well including a Cornugan Fire Devil. The party nearly met their match but thanks to the valiant actions of Sander and Ebon the devil was destroyed. Soon after the party joined up with Gurlzak the Kobold. Gurlzak was a sorcerer who had been trapped here and would now help the party to escape. The party located a journal which revealed Sir Timothy was now held captive under a helm of sleeping and that some creatures were residing in the basement. As the party entered the basement they encountered a dangerous host of opponents. 2 stone golems under the control of the chaos imps. They were at least another 2 dozens imps as well. The party slew them all and destroyed the magical machine which had let these creatures enter this realm in the first place. Milo released Sir Timothy and agreed to help. He told the party that Lord Tomast had a keep outside the large city of Zhental Keep. Sir Timothy explained he had had many dealings with Lord Tomast over the years. He agreed to summon lord Tomast so that the party could ambush him. Lohgin used his scrying ability and learned Lord Tomast was not coming. But instead he had sent 2 of his lieutenants. After much convincing the party agreed to go along with Lohgin on his long announced plan to teleport in on the sleeping lord Tomast. The party did just that. Lohgin scryed the location and in a moment the party was standing over the sleeping Lord Tomast. An immediate magical alarm sounded and 6 guards rushed the scene. Lord Tomast tried to battle but there was no chance. The party rushed him and beat him into utter death. As more guards arrived the party made there escape move. All of the party but Argalon were polymorph into birds by Lohgin. Argalon and the flock of birds flew out the window and into the night skies. This escape was interrupted as Alistair, wizard of Lord Tomast came upon them. He hammered the party with awesome sorcerers. In time Lohgin and Argalon were able to regroup and respond with sorcerers of their own. It was a long fought magical duel but in the end the arcane duo of the enchanter and the necromancer proved too much. Alistair teleported away. The party returned to Freedale but were worried that though they had recovered Lord Tomast’s body he might still be resurrected. Lohgin sought to prevent this and thus Reincarnated Lord Tomast to be a prisoner. The party raised and killed Lord Tomast until the reincarnation provided an acceptably docile form. Lord Tomast would live on now in the form of a Badger. Utilizing charms and animal communication spells Lohgin was able to befriend Lord Tomast and pump him for great extents of information. It was also during this time the party enjoyed some degree of torture and humiliation of their defeated enemy. An inquiry of which this chronicler will not indulge. The party was soon approached with an offer. Alistair the wizard some how knew or at least believed the party had Tomast captive and sent an offer for his release. The party refused and forced the messenger to beat some of them up. Not long after this the party moved into their new home. The magical underground complex that had once served as base for the lich Salazar. The complex resided behind an illusionary wall under a mound just outside Freedale. The magics Netheril had set up here would prevent any scrying. The party erected a modest home above the mound so as to avoid suspicion. There were many guardians still concealed in this complex but the party would deal with them later. This would be their new home and home also to their new Badger captive. The party rested easy for the night and took great comfort that Vengeance had been served.

18th: Friend of my Enemy…
The Party battled against Thomas’s ally. The wizard Alistair.

19th: The Dark Seed
The party battled against Sudomsa, son of Asmodus. They slew him and his massive Dragon.

20th: Lineage
The party was summoned to hell and brought before Mephistoles who was being served by Malastation. The party performed a service for him which freed the souls of Lohgin and Ebon’s relatives.

21st: A game of Souls
The entire party had their souls trapped by The Red Wizards of Thay. Lohgin moved to Thay and rented an apartment. He used great magics and an earth elemental to dig an underground tunnel to the castle where they were held. Once inside the vault Loghin was faced with Alistair, His brother Bannister, and their Master Halgrym. He escaped after recuing his party.

22nd: The Final Showdown
The party went to the final reckoning against the Red Wizards. They defeated them all and cast their bodies into a sphere of Annilation. All enemies were finally put to rest.


Robs D&D Homepage
Freedale Town Page
Dalelands Homepage