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Greyhawk Character Backgrounds

Einhonder Dragonseed:

Einhonder was born in the city of Varnin. He had 4 sisters and a twin brother. Einhonder’s family were all furriers and lived relatively simple lives. These lives were all cut abrubtly short one night. A great storm had swept accross the land. Einhonder had run out into the rain. As the lightning lit up the sky Einhonder could see winged figures high above. That night the entire city was destroyed by a flight of black dragons. Some people did survive the assualt but were killed the next day by barbarian raiders. Being only a child Einhonder hid in the bell tower of the temple of Mayheine. From there he witness the carnage that the dragons wrought and the slaughter that followed. His sister Serena was taken by the barbarians for gang-raptual purposes. Einhonder wondered out of the ruins the next day. A week later the starving child was found by mountain men. These men were highborn, humans that have orc blood in them. These highborn brought Einhonder into the mountains and set him to manual labor. The leader of the Highborn was a cruel man named Sadium. Sadium was determined to construct a great rock fortress in the mountains. Einhonder along with other prisoners was put to this task. For ten arduous years Einhonder served without a single word. During that decade he became a war machine, a thoughtless beast of burden. Einhonder had no memory of his past, only that tommorro the sun would rise and he would work. One night in Einhonder’s 10th year of captivity a storm swept accross the land. Einhondered wondered out into the rain. The faded images of his sad past came to him. Einhonder looked to his muscled body, a far cry from the frail child that saw his people slain. In a fit of rage Einhonder rushed to highest level of the fortress to the room where Sadium and his family slept. Sadium awoke in his bed to hear a muffled cry in his dark room. A lightning flash in the window revealed its source. Einhonder stood there holding Sadiums 4 year old child by the neck. A moment later a crack could be heard. Then the Einhonder spoke for the first time in a decade. You took my childhood and so I have taken your child. I will give you the ten years you gave me. Then I will return to reunite you with your son. The petrified Sadium only wept. With that Einhonder left. Some time after Einhonder came upon a cave in the mountains. Within he found a slain white dragon. An armored figure approached Einhonder. This man was Oridin Drakis, a paladin wyrmslayer. Oridin took Einhonder as an apprentice. For 3 years Einhondered traveled with Oridin in a hunt to find a dragon called Ancalagon. One night Einhonder awoke to find Oridin gone and an envelope waiting. Inside the envelope was a ring and a message. “Seek your own fate”. Einhonder tryed to find his mentor but could not. Now Einhonder travels to the land of the Flanaess to the great city of greyhawk. There he hopes to find his fate.

Einhoder’s adventures in Greyhawk:
Einhoder joined up with other heroes in Greyhawk city. With these heroes he had many adventures. For a time he unknowingly carried the sword of kas. And enormously powerful artifact created by the archlich vecna millenia ago. It has once been used by Kas, one of Greyhawks greatest evil warlords. It was the sword of kas that actually severed the hand and eye of Vecna. Among the adventures Einhgonder had he and and his campanions had battled against the ancient necromancer Sith theigis. They had also on numerous occasions battled against the archwithch Iggwilv. Ancient socerous mother of Iuz. It was during one of these conflicts that the party had recovered the last remaining clone of tenser the archmage. Not long after this the party had actually faced Iuz himself as well as the devil fiend known as the Garkin. In alliance with Mordenkainen and Tenser the party had banished the imprisoned demon lord Pazrael thus banishing his enslaved armies and saving Greyhawk city. Finally in perhaps the parties greatest feat they had stopped the lich god vecna from achieving supreme divinity of Greyhawk and had cast him through a black void banishing him forever.

Balthazar the Executioner:

Balthazar was born in the city of Blackstone. His mother died of mysterious causes when he was only 7 years old. After that it was only his father and his 4 brothers. Balthazar’s father was a mortician named Robert H. Auchmoody. Being the oldest of his siblings Balthazar was often assisting his dad in his work.. At a very young age Balthazar became fascinated by death. This lead him to the temple of Wee Jas in Blackstone. When Balthazar was 10 he snuck within the temple to find the beginning of a human sacrifice. The priests found him and brought him before Skullmatron Jenin, the matron saw the curiosity in Balthazar’s eyes. She allowed him to witness the sacrifice. Over the next few years Balthazar would often sneak away to see the Matron. The priests of temple were awed by how the child had charmed the black heart of the matron. The matron had found a bright new life in a world of death while Balthazar had found a mother he had lost. By age 16 Balthazar was part of the temple. At the age of 17 Balthazar hooked up with a traveling executioner named Feneral. By the age of 20 Balthazar was freelancing. As the Greyhawk wars continued to rage work became scarce. With thousands dying there were few left to execute. Balthazar was forced to go north to the lands of Iuz. In the war front Balthazar found a purpose. The expanding armies of Iuz continued to invade into the lands of Furyondy. When this happened the humanoid armies of Iuz would take control of the cities. The people of these cities were often rebellious and defiant to occupation. Examples had to made in order to break the will of the people. Balthazar could provide these services with skill. At first the humanoids treated Balthazar much like the humans they occupied. Over time the creatures grew to respect him as a man of great skill and one to be feared. Long public sessions of torture were held all ending in death. Balthazar became an Icon to the foul creatures he served. Many of the humanoid warlords would come to see him work.. Thousands died at the hands of the executioner. During this period Balthazar became friends with a hobgoblin warchief named Garrkin. After years of this the peoples became more docile. Few executions were needed. After 4 years in the evil lands of Iuz Balthazar sought to return to the lands of the Flanaess. Now Balthazar returns to his homeland. A far different man than the boy who left. The executioner has come home.

Baalthazar’s adventures in Greyhawk:
Baalthazar joined up with other heroes in Greyhawk city. With these heroes he had many adventures. Among the adventures Baalthzar had he and and his campanions had battled against the ancient necromancer Sith theigis. They had also on numerous occasions battled against the archwithch Iggwilv. Ancient socerous mother of Iuz. It was during one of these conflicts that the party had recovered the last remaining clone of tenser the archmage. Not long after this the party had actually faced Iuz himself as well as the devil fiend known as the Garkin. In alliance with Mordenkainen and Tenser the party had banished the imprisoned demon lord Pazrael thus banishing his enslaved armies and saving Greyhawk city. Finally in perhaps the parties greatest feat they had stopped the lich god vecna from achieving supreme divinity of Greyhawk and had cast him through a black void banishing him forever.

Popaxe was born in the dwarves city of thunderstrike within the Principality of Ulek. His father was Gindar Faraxe, a dwarves warrior. Faraxe had many women and many sons. 17 in all. This women would live with him within his stronghold raising his strong sons. Faraxe would test his sons in combat. It was on one of this occasions that Faraxe’s eldest son Blackaxe accidently killed him. It was whispered that perhaps it was no accident. As blackaxe inherited the stronghold. He sent the other mothers away. Popaxe’s mother Torga took him and traveled to the capitol city of Gryrax. There at an adolescent age she left him in the church district. An old preist of Moradin found him and aided him for week with food and such. In time Popaxe was a young man and enlisted in the army of Ulek. The old man Dorak died some time later. His stint in the army was a short lived one. The Gryehawk wars were just beginning and fear was in the hearts of many. Popaxe’s platoon deserted. Leaving him to stand an outlying post alone. There was nothing for Popaxe back in Grygax and so he set off to the Free city of Greyhawk to see what he might see.

Popaxe’s adventures in Greyhawk:
After arriving in Greyhawk Popaxe learned of a new porfession. Adventuring. These men would go out and kill things and return with enormous sums of coinage. He immediately joined up with a young adventuring party consiting of Einhonder dragonseed the Paladin, Baalthazar the executioner, Targalen the elf, Krust the thug, and Rhymind the wizard. This core of adventures would remain friends and have many adventures. Though the majority of Popaxe’s travels had him working with Krust, the elven ranger Markos Bowmen, and lead by Rhymind. There was one incursion where half the party had disappeared into the vile Tomb of Horrors. Popaxe and his party traveled with Rhymind to this terrible place. Inside they found the dead bodies of not only their friends but also te entire company of the torch including Caldwell the Conjurer. They managed to recover Baalthazar and Einhonder and together they sought to finish the adventure. Popaxe along with his friends were slain. Einhonder alone was able to conquer the tomb. He had his friend Baalthazar resurrected and with the executioners power all of those heroes were raised from the dead. Aftre the Gryehawk wars ended Popaxe slipped into semiretirement. But now he once again feels the call of adventure.

Caldwell the Conjurer:
Caldwells was born in the small town of Caltaran within the Land of Dyvers. Caldwell came from small poor family. His father Graden, was a fisherman. He but one younger brother Castwell, a fisherman like their father. Caldwell never took to fishing as from a young age he was terrified of water. When he was a small child his father had caught hold of a Locathah, intelligent sea creatures. Graden tried to free the thing but it attacked. Caldwell fell into the water and nearly drowned. His father managed to kill the thing with a harpoon and to ressitate Caldwell. But the damage was done. As Caldwell aged it was clear he was different. This was met by varied responses. Sometimes the outcast yet other times a standout. It was in this way he was noticed by Elara Verdane. The daughter of Caltarens ruling Count. The Count never approved of his daughters affection for Caldwell but little can stand in the way of true devotion. On night ellara had arranged for her and Caldwell to be eloped. She had arranged for a priest of Pholtus to meet them in the Gnarley forest for the ceremony. The two lovers set off into the forest but were soon overcame by darkness. Caldwell awoke sometime later unknowing of what had occurred. But Ellara was gone. He went to the priest but he said she had never arrived. Upon returning to town he informed the Count and pleaded for help. The Count was outraged and held Caldwell accountable. The guard were rough with him but Caldwell was perseverant. That night he relised he could not stay. Using his socerery he put the guards to sleep and set out into the night. He said farwell to his parents and vanished. He would head north to Furyondy beyond the grasp of the counts power.

Caldwells adventures in Greyhawk and abroad:
In Chendl, capitol city of Furyondy Caldwell joined with a group of young adventures and decided called themselves the company of the Torch. They had many adventures but relised that the risks continued to grow. They had become friends with a group of adventurers from Greyhawk and had struck a deal. Should either group ever fall the other would come to their aid. This favor was paid in both directions on more then one occasion. The worst of which was when the Greyhawk heroes went missing within the vile Tomb of Horrors. The company of the torch set off into the place and were all slain. Sometime later the found themselves resurrected. The paladin of the Greyhawk party had finally succeeded in banishing the evil forces of the Tomb. After this grim occurrence the company of the torch disbanded. Caldwell however was not finished. He sought out a portal which was said to give entrance to another. Indeed it did, he found himself on the planet of Abeir Toril, the forgotten realms. He found some adventure in the dale lands and traveled as far as Zhentil keep. He joined up with Valador and Enray delnivien on an expedition to explore the fallen elven city of Myth drannor. Once inside the terrible place Caldwell found himself transported to yet another world. A portal had trapped him in a terrible dungeon called the Banewarrens located in the distant world of Scarn. Here Caldwell met his demise again. And again he found resurrection. He was et free and returned to Greyhawk by an Angel named Bastion.

Drayo the Webmaster:
Drayo was born to the 97th noble house the the drow city Erelthei Cinlu, known to many surface adventurers as The Vault of the Drow. He was raised to be a wizard like most male drow in his family but in his second year in the University of Socerery he started to sense a calling. A sense that his destiny did not lie deep within the earth but on the surface. Over time this calling became stronger, he could feel the ancient vibrations of the earth. The intangible natural bonds that connects all living things. He would sneak out of the city when ever he could to be amongst the lithchen fields and the mushroom forests of the underdark wilds. A habit that cost him many beatings. He dreamed of escaping to a new life but he was a man of duty and his loyalty was to his house and the life they had planned for him. His only friend was his older brother, a drow ranger too stupid to have joined the wizards school he was trained as a tracker. His brother Vay'enrael was a fierce warrior but was very kind to his younger brother, Understanding what it was like to be different from your peers. His life went on like this for many years until one day on a family hunting trip lead by his brother they were ambushed by a horde of bugbears. All were slaughtered but him and his brother. His brother knowing that Drayo could never be happy amongst their people used the situation to send Drayo away and report him dead with the others. Drayo wandered the underdark for months surviving using the tools his brother had taught him. Until one day he came across hallways made of wood . He had found an abandoned gnome village built beneath an ancient Oak Glenn. Here he found the grandfather oak, a sentient tree with great wisdom. The grandfather oak taught him the ways of the druid. He would have been more than happy to spend his life alone in his grove with the grandfather oak but he knew that the humans would find his grove someday and destroy the forest that has stood for a millennia. For he set out into the would in the search for others of his kind to reestablish the druidic circle that guard the ancient oaks so many years ago.

Drayo's adventures in Greyhawk:
Very early on in Drayo's travels he came upon the Free city of Greyhawk. A metropolis of free willed creatures. Had he not sought the solace of the woodlands this might have made a nice home. It was here he befriended the ranger Markos Bowmen. An adventurer of some reknown. Drayo's travels took him further north into the country of Furyondy. It was here he formed a loose alliance with an adventuring party known as the company of the Torch. He traveled with them mostly at the bequest of his compatriot Caldwell the conjurer. Along side this company Drayo had many adventures including an excursion into the dreaded Tomb of Horrors. Eventually this group group disbanded and Drayo returned to his Grove. His ultimatye goal not fulfilled he expected to set out again very soon.
