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Greyhawk: Basic Information

The Campaign Setting of Greyhawk is the original d&d game world and thus it is medieval fantasy. The main theme being a region in constant turmoil. In current Greyhawk, the so called Greyhawk Wars haves just ended. These were essentially the WW2 of D&D. The Major villains of the setting is Iuz, a half demon demigod who maintains rulership of a massive empire in the north. Also there is Ivid V, also known as Ivid the Undying. Ivid was the currupt and evil overking of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy in the east. He was known to have alliances with devils and other fiends. His empire has since fallen he himself become utterly mad. Finally there exists an organization known as the Scarlet brother who maintain a country in the far south. They use lies, manipulation and assassionation to gain power throughout the realm. Finally there are many dark wizards most of whom have no alliances but instead seek evil through their own individual means. These include the arch witch Iggwilv, mother of iuz and a host of liches including Acerak, Azalin, Lyzandred, and worst of all VECNA. Between these evil powers lie dozens of nations vying to survive. In the center of it all is the Free city of Greyhawk.

Before I Proceed I will provide the basic information on the Greyhawk setting. It is important to note the difference between Greyhawk as the name of the setting and Greyhawk city. To the people who live in this world Greyhawk refers to the small region surrounding the free city.

Basic Info:
The Planet: Oerth
The Continent: Oerik
The Region: The Flaeness (this refers to the entire region dealt with in the main setting)
The City: The Free city of Greyhawk

More Basic- There are 12 months in the year. 28 days to a month so on and so fourth. There are 2 moons, a larger (luna) and a smaller (celene).

Greyhawk City:
The city itself is a thriving metropolis built by the great wizard Zagig so long ago. It is filled with many adevntures and is in fact protected by a group of automous wizards known as the circle of eight.

The role of gods in Greyhawk is much broader then other setting. There is no real structure to the pantheon. There are simply dozens of gods and the people are free to worship who they wish. Overall the peoples of Greyhawk are not overly religious. Among the gods are all the usual dieties of light and life and dark and death. The pantheons of elves and dwarves and gnomes are used universally in all dnd worlds so they too are prevalent here. There are also many demigods who were at one time mortal. Zagig infact is now a god as well as the lich vecna. Iuz himself is a god and maintains his presence on Oerth.
