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Notable People of the Flaeness

Anfaren silverbow:
The high preist of the spindrift isles represents the elven gods of the flanaess and has nearly unimaginable spellcasting powers. By his his order the elves have recently expelled all non elves from their isles and covered the isles with illusions and magical fog.

Basmajian Arras:
The commander of the sea barons. He is lord amongst all pirates. He retains that his men stay nuetral and not get involved with the greyhawk wars.

Belvor the IV:
The Paladin king of Furyondy. A man of unequaled bravery. He used much of his families wealth in his last expedition against Iuz and is politically weakened by this.

Cobb Darg:
The lord high mayor of iron gate is wily old man. A political genius with an unmatch grasp of intrigue. Cobb was not fooled by the scarlet brotherhood agents sent to his realm to spy. He captured them with ease and had them all slain.

Drax the Invulnerable:
The Lord protector of Rel astra is a noble wizard totally opposed to Ivid V. The now animuse Drax continues to vie for power with the other dukes of the great kingdom.

The Canon of Veluna is a preist of Rao, god of reason, with exceptional spellcasting abilites.
the king of Suundi is a multitalented gray elf. Being both wizard, preist, and fighter. Hazendel is politically wise listening to the counsil of the elves, gnome, human, and dwarves who populate his realm. Hazendels worst fear is the scarlet brother hood to the south which gains more power each day.

Iggwilv the Archwitch:
Iggwilv was the most power wizard who ever lived second only to Vecna. She became a powerful witch and through unknown to any she was able to trap the demonlord grazzt and bear his seed. She aided her son Iuz many years ago in summoning demonic armies from the abyss. In the end their plan was thwarted and she dissappeared.

Iuz the Old:
The child of the human female necromancer Iggwilv and the demonlord Grazz’t, Iuz gained control of a small realm in the howling hills almost a century ago ending its borders in a campaign remembers for its massacres. For 65 years Iuz was imprisioned beneath castle greyhawk by an alliance of adventures led by Zagig. 17 years ago Iuz was freed by lord robilar and Riggby, patriarch of Boccob. Bigby and Tenser arrived almost immediately intending to kill Iuz but failed. During Iuz’s incarceration he had transformed and emerged a demigod. He dreams of destroying greyhawk city and those who nearly killed him. He now maintains an awsome empire in the north whose armies are comprised and thousands of humanoids and even demons conjured for the cause.
Overking Ivid V: (now known as Ivid the Mad)
Lord and king of the collapsing great kingdom. Beleived to be a madman. Ivid has brought monsters into his ranks to assist his troups in the wars. Apparently in league with devils for many fiends serve him.

The Mage of the Vale:
In the easterns regions lies the valley of the mage. An area conquered and ruled by a strnage and mysterious wizard. They say he holds little interest in the affairs of Oerth as he seeks endlessly to discover new magics but his valley remains as dangerous as ever.

Lyzandred the Lich:
Legends of Lyzandred the lich have persisted for over 1,000 years. He is the equivilent of the boogie man to the peoples of the Flaeness. Lyzandreds tomb holds respect as being one of the most dangerous dungeons on Oerth.

Lord Robilar:
A powerful but unstable warrior, lord Robilar is treacherous, untrustworthy and a liar. He is responsible for the freeing of the archfiend Zuggtmoy from imprisionment. In addition he was part of the group that accidently freed Iuz from his lanquishing beneath castle greyhawk. Some speculate that he had planned to enslave or ally with Iuz but regardless Iuz has sworn revenge upon him. Some years ago Rary of the circle of eight turned evil killing his fellow wizards. Tenser should have survived but instead Robliar now allied to Rary invaded Tensers castle and killed all of Tensers clones. Since that time Robilar has remained with rary in a region they conquered in the Bright Desert.

Sith Theigis:
Sith Theigis was a necromancer centuries ago. Resurrected by a cult he has comne back. He ends are unknown but it is said that he dwells in the ruins of the capital city of the former great kingdom, the fallen city of Raxes.

Millenia ago he was the most powerful wizard who ever lived. He forged an empire that spanned the continent. In time he grewed bored with his rule and gave administrative control to his first henchman, Kas the destroyer. To ensure no one would stand against Kas, Vecna created the Sword of Kas, an enormously powerful artifact. This however would be his undoing as the sword held so much power it began to forge its own identity. It became a thing of sentient mind and convinced Kas to stand against Vecna. IN the battle that ensued both were destroyed. All that remianed from this was the sword of kas aswell as the hand and eye of Vecna. Over the centuries Vecna name became myth and legend. Many came to believe him so greatly as to make him live again. The archlich found resuurection as a god. A few years ago Vecna unleashed a plot in which he was able to cut off the other gods from Oerth. He then attempted to time gate his legions from his empire thousands of years in the past. If successful he would have become the one true god of Oerth. Fortunatly the heroes of Greyhawk were able to free kas from vecnas shadow prison and togther they were bale to cast Vecna through an eternal void.

The Circle of Eight -Past and present
No living persons are more famous in the flanaess then mordenkainen and the circle of eight. These wizards serve as unofficail watchdogs on the continent, monitering oerik for trouble. Because most members are nuetral in alignment, the group is concerned with maintaining balance in its world, not allowing any faction to become too powerful or overwhelming. In recent years howver, as evil forces have threatened to seize control of the land, the circle of eight has worked on the side of good in order to contain these ever growing evils.
A few years ago the old circle was shattered when on eof its members (Rary) turned evil and slew 2 other members of the circle (Tenser & Otiluke.). Since then Mordenkainen has initiated 3 new members and restored the cirlce to full power. It is important to note that Mordenkainen is not a member of the cirlce of eight. He is more a presider.

Mordenkainen is an extremely powerful archmage who appears middle aged but is much older. He has cropped black hair, brown eyes and a black beard streaked with silver. A brilliant thinker mordenkainen feels responsible for the flanaess and manipulates political and military events to suit his vision of what the flanaess should be. While no longer a member Mordenkainen serves as director for the circle of Eight. Mordenkainen lives in his Obsidian citadel in the Yatils. The citadel houses Mordenkainen unequaled library which is said to contain spell books with every known spell, intelligence reports from accross the continent, and a continually updated history of the Flanaess.

Bigby is a lean severe looking man with brown hair and eyes who prefers dark gray hooded robes. He is known for being cautious, quiet, nervous and puritanical. Though a fault finder and nit picker, he is steadfast and has a fine sense of humor. He lives in the city of Mitrik in Veluna. He infrequently goes adventuring instead preferring to stay home and meddle in his numerous libraries and laboratorys. He nearly killed Iuz in a battle once and is utterly hated by the demi god.

Despite his age of 55, Drawmij is tall, slim, and young looking, with dark blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He is secretive and says little even to other members of the Eight. He is a dedicated foe to the mage of the valley. He maintains a special interest inspells of aquatic natire. He is rumored to have master underwater spell casting. The wizard makes his home in an underwater lair beleived to be looking far out in the azure sea. He seldom visits the city of greyhawk.

Jallarzi Sallavarian:
Jallarzi is the newest member of the Eight. She came in 5 years ago after the wizard Bucknard dissappeared. The only woman in the eight and one of the few leaning more towards good then nuetrality. She usual has a fresh perspective and is wise despite her relatively young age of 33. She is bueatiful with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She makes her home in the city of greyhawk. Her familiar is a psuedo dragon named Edwina.

The wizards appearance is that of a stereo typical absent minded mage. Tall, gangly and plain. Nystul has brown hair that looks as though it has never met a comb in all his 46 years. He has become a master of disguise to conceal his ridiculous appearance. Nystul has a special interest in spells involving light and darkness. He is also an expert in the use of spells of concealment and defense claiming that if a wizard finds himself in hand to hand combat he has not used his arsenal properly. He visits greyhawk often enough but is mostly occupyed with the wars raging in his homeland of Tehn.

Otto was once a preist of Boccob, the god of magic but is now a major wizard. Otto often poses as a rich cheerful merchant but is easily picked out due to his huge girth. He is a gourmet chef constanly in search of new and exotic foods and dishes. He has a natural talent for music and adds musical elements to his spell casting. Once a native of almor far to the east he now lives in the city of greyhawk.

Alhamazad the Wise:
One of the 3 newest members to the cirlce. Alhamazad is a thin elderly Baklunish man in plain robes and a simple turbin. He is in fact a highly powerful mage and has forged alliances noble elementals and genies. His primary goals are the maintainance of the modern Baklunish culture, society, and power.

Warnes Starcoat:
Also one of the 3 newest members to the circle. Warnes is a middle aged man with a bald spot in his long blonde hair and peircing pale eyes. He has a long standing interest in the politics of the central Flaeness.

Theodain Eriason:
Also one of the 3 newest members of the circle. Theodain is the only demihuman within the circle. He is a tall slim high elf with long black and silver hair. His manner is cold and he often seems disdainful or even evil, but he is in fact a passionate defender of regional stability.

Past members:

Rary the Traitor:
Rary was a gentle and quiet man from Ket. A skilled meditater and peacemaker. He was a master of non combative spells and charms. He is known to be the greatest sage of Oerth. But on the day of the signing of the treaty of greyhawk he slew both tenser and otiluke for reasons unknown. He escaped along with his companion Robilar.

Tenser was the strongest advocate for law and good within the eight. Often locking horns with those members who prize balance above all else. He was killed by Rary but a clone of his managed to survive. After returning to power Tenser chose not to rejoin the circle instead just keeping to his castle in the Nyr Dyv lake.

Otiluke apparently replaced the aged wizard Leomund when he retired. Otiluke was the president of the society of magic and member of greyhawks directing oligarchy. His term with the eight was short however. He was slain by rary.

Leomund was a clever and practical individual who invented numerous spells of contain used by adventures accross the Flanaess. He always kept his whereabout secret though he was generally thought to have lived in Medegia. He retired from the eight long ago and was replaced by Tenser. He turned up again during the Greyhawk wars to aid Mordenkainen.

Bucknard was the youngest of the eight. He was a famed arch maged known throughout Keoland and Nyrond. He dissappeared 6 years ago while exploring an unknown demiplane. Jallarzi replaced him not long ago.

Melf was a powerful invoker who never exactly agreed with all the causes of the circle of eight. He left after years of this disagreement. Otiluke replaced him.
