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The Invincible Campaign

Invincible Heroes

The Invincible campaign is based out of Briarwood, The city state of the Invincible overlord. Recorded here is the account of their adventures.

Adventure Summaries:
-1st-Darwell’s Tower:
-Ug, Malistation, Mergin, Kozar-
The party was formed through coincident. They were the only 4 people in the tavern at the time. The tavern was of course the Copper Cat tavern in the city of Briarwood. A knight named Sir Jeffries hired the men to steal the orb of grave mists, an evil artifact of terrible power. The problem was that the orb was being kept within Darwell the sage’s tower. Sir Jeffries informed the party that Darwell was actually an evil necromancer. The party traveled into the tower defeated some goblins and hobgoblins and finally recovered the orb. They nearly met their death however at the hands of a vile chain ghoul. Sir Jeffires gave them their reward and took orb.

-2nd-Pursuit of Evil:
--Ug, Malistation, Mergin, Raimius, Kozar-
The party found them selves summoned to the temple of war. There they found Sir Jeffries sick and dying and transferring into an undead state. The priests at the temple were working to stop his degradation. Sir Jeffries informed the party that his 2nd in command had stolen the orb. His second in a command had been a female knight named Janice. The party then set out to base of operations for Sir Jeffries knighthood. They found the building condemned as a crime scene, they tried to enter but Captain Smiladon stopped them. Later on they bribed some guards and investigated. They found evidence that led them to Janice’s house. After a short encounter with some skeletons they party battled the fleeing Janice. She cut most of the party down. After regrouping the party went to get healed and again ran into Janice. She battled them for a while until the priests of war stopped the fight and detained the party. The party was charged with destruction of property and disturbing the peace. After bailing the lizard man out of jail the party proceeded to track Janice back to Darwells tower. Darwell was still out of town. Once there the party battled and defeated Janice and again recovered the orb. After the mission Kozar having endured unending hostility from the group declared he was leaving. Ug, the lizard man attacked and slaughtered him. Malistation had him healed. Mergin led the party in divying the treasure without Kozar. Kozar later stole the magical longsword that Ramius had gotten during the adventure.

-3rd-Demense of the fire mage:
--Malistation, Mergin, Raimius, Labrynth, Malick, Kozar, and later Ug-
The chratcres wear summoned by Shayrul the fire mage to travel to her former mentors keep and determine what had happened to him. Upon arriving the characters found themselves trapped within the keep and later learned that the keep was cursed. Due to unnatural magical experiments the keep had fallen into a state of temporal flux in which it was resting upon a nexus caught between planes. The group found there were others trapped within the keep. Factions had been aligned and an ongoing war was persisting within the keeps walls. The party had to face evil fiend blooded culprits of unnatural power. They did however befriend a group of trapped azers. They eventually found the firemage’s significant other. An aasimon named Maeril who was mourning the loss of the now dead firemage. With her help the party was able to shift through the elemental planes and return home after breaking the keeps curse. 3 of the party members were to lost in the elemental plane of air. So the remaining party members were forced to make a deal with the aasimon for her to save their friends. By the end of the adventure all of the party members had become bonded to a quest spell which would make them have to try with all their efforts to resurrect the dead firemage or slowly die. Finally having befriended a frost giant and defeating a winter wolf the party escaped.

--In between adventures the quest spell was removed by some mysterious being--

-4th- The Sewer Fiend:
Brinkerhoff and Gilliam showed up in town and were quickly befriended by Mergin who works for Gilliam’s uncle Slim. They decided to chase dwon some adventure. They ended up being hired by Twin princesses to find a baby dragon who had escaped from the home of the princesses. The party had to find the dragon before the princess’s guardian found out. Their guardian was Captain Smiladon. The chase took the party into the basements of the homes in the plague quarter. From there they decended into the sewers. They had to battle past giant rats and monstrous centipedes. Before descending past the sewers into an underground cave network. The dragon had wondered into a warren den of Ratmen. After quickly sniping their leader the party escaped with dragon and barely got a way.

5th-To kill a theif:
-Mergin-Brinkerhoff, Gilliam, UG, Briarwood,-
Briarwood black joined up with the party after meeting Ug in prison. Befor ethis adventure evn began there were numerous encounters between the group and Kozars new party. Kozar and Ug battled many times. Then the party was summoned to a house where lived an old and grizzled warrior named Gargian. Gargians adventuring party had been betrayed by the parties theif named Turkyl. Thus the adventure was to head to a passage in the underdark via the dungeon of underdeep and kill turkyl as he attempted to trade items with a group of duergar. If they could not kill Turkyl they were instructed to retrieve the icon of the spiderqueen from him, as the icon was soul gem that had the essences of Gargians former adventuring party within it. The party fought their way through the dungeon having to kill many prismatic goblins and eventually set up an ambush. Kozars party arrived later to help in the ambush. When Turkyls party arrived however both groups were momentarily stupified. Turkyl simply teleported away. The group later killed the duergar but overall failed the goal of the adventure as Turkyl got away with the Icon of the spiderqueen.

6th-The Spear of Lohgin:
The party headed north after their last adventure to get Brairwood black healed. They reached the Town of Ashvan only to learn that it was being ravaged by a plague. While Briarwood black rested the party excepted a quest to recover a stolen peice of the Spear of Lohgin which had been taken from the church of Lathander. The party tracked the theives back to a cursed swamp where followers of Bane were known to live. Their entered the cursed Lohgin keep and battled many undead. They discovered that a Bane priest named Porphal had started the plague and stolen the peice of the spear. He was going to use the spear to complete a magical ritual that had begun long ago in which a demon would be brought into Calandia. The heroes defeated the priest and his minions and reformed the broken spear of Lohgin thus sealing the gate and banishing the demon. Upon returning to Ashvan the group, now calling themselves Mergin's Madmen, was hailed as heroes and even congradulated by Colonel Pholtus of the Overlords army.

7th- Vecna Reborn:
The party was summoned back to the town of Ashvan to investagate strange mists that were emanating from the swamp. As the party enetered the swamps they found themselves transported to a new world that they would later learn was Ravenloft. Once there the party became unwilling particpants in a plot to free the lich god vecna from his prison domain. The cult of vecna was attempting a series of rituals which would allow Vecnas soul to be transfused into that of an unborn baby that would be born outside of Vecna's domain. Thus freeing him of Ravenloft. But the party learned of this plan and were able to destroy the cult before they could complete the ritual. With this done they found themselves swept away by the mists and returned home.

--Moving Up/ Moving In:--(module interlude)
The entire party found themselves drafted. Instead of serving in the army however, Colonel Pholtus had something else in mind.The colonel had investigated Darwells tower as per advice of the party. He had discovered evidence of evil experiments within the tower but no trace of Darwell. In addition he found portals in the towers base which he thought might pose a threat. Instead of having the party serve in the army he tasked them with guarding the tower and the portals within. Once inside the tower the party moved on in. Then they began to investigate the portals. They learned that the first portal led to some distant sanctum on Toril. The sanctum apparently was some kind of testing ground for adventures. Within the sanctum lied 3 portals to each of the 3 worst dungeons in the universe. They were The banewarrens of Scarn, The temple of elemental evil of Oerth, and the Undermountain of Toril. If a specific magical chromatic sword was recovered from each dungeon the heros would gain a ring of seven wishes. The party immediatly set off for the Banewarrens.

8th- The Banewarrens: Part 1- (supermodule)
The party eager for some adventure headed through the portal to scarn to search for the chromatic sword hidden within the depths of the horrible dungeon known only as the Banewarrens. Once on the world of Scarn the party found themselves in the city of Ptolus. They learned that the Banewarrens had long ago been a prison to lock away all the worlds most foulest creatures and relics. Under an abandoned house the party found a tunnel that someone had dug to reach the Banewarrens. They transcended the tunnel and found it to be the lair of an umber hulk. They slew the viile creature and moved on. They soon came to outter vaults of the Banewarrens. Inside they battled many terrible things. During the adventure they encountered a Paladin named Kalurecent . Kalurecent told that the party that the tunnel had been dug by a group called the Pactlord. An alliance of monsters that were trying to aquire something of evil from the Banewarrens. But the paladin had manages to reseal the main entrance to the Banewarrens, a giant steal door that could only be opened via a wish spell. The party unable to pass this door just explored and conquered the upper level of the outter vault. Then they returned home to rest. But soon they would return the Banewarrens and transcend to the lower level of the outter vaults. But they still had no idea how they were gonna get past the Sealed door.(-A link to robs Banewarrens page is at the bottom of this page-)

Banewarrens Part 2:
-Mergin-Ug-Malistation-Briarwood-Labrynth-Gilliam (NPC)
The party returned to scarn to find entrance past the magically sealed door in the Banewarrens. They met with Sir Nicolan of the knights of Chord. He told them that there was a key to the door and it was held by the evil Noble House Vlaadaam. The party entered the house under guise and through deception and stole the key thus gaining entrance into the banewarrens. Unfortunatly the key was stolen back from them by an invisable being just after entering the Banewarrens. They transversed much of the first level but were eventually met in combat by a lightning casting troll like female. As the party was about to defeat the creature she used a ring of some unknown magics to teleport them away. The party found themselves 3 miles above the city of Ptolus falling to their death. Luckily Briarwood had a flying potion which allowed him to save all but one of the party. Gilliam was killed. The party returned to Toril and to the city state of the invincible overlord. Once there they paid the Temple of war to resurrect Gilliam. Then they returned to scarn once more to try and steal the key back from house Vlaadaam. They enetered the house and were told by Lady Vlaadaam that she knew they had stolen the key and guards were coming. The party cared not and charged for the vault in the basement. City guards soon arrived and UG and Malistation began cutting them to peices. As the rest of the party joined the battle the house Vlaadaam guards arrived and turned into werewolves. Lady Vlaadaam ordered them to kill everyone and she dimension doored away with the key. The party killed many more guards and escaped. They later returned using a locate object spell to hunt down lady Vlaadaam. They pursued her accross the entire city and eventually caught her in her disguise as Sir Nicolan. Finally having regained the key the party returned to Toril to take some rest and perhaps gain more training before entering the banewarrens for the 3rd time.

10th- The Banewarrens Part 3: Banished:
The party returned once more to Scarn to enter the Banewarrens for the 3rd time. Upon their arrival they found themselves trapped by a guild of wizards known as the Inverted Pyramid. The guild turned them over to the city guard for their crimes of slaying more then a dozen city guards. The party should have been executed but managed to secure the service of councilor Maxwell. The best lawyer in Calastia. With his help the party managed to get a reduced sentence which was basically to be sealed within the Banewarrens as they were now declared Banes themselves. And so the party was locked inside the foul dungeon. In addition to this Ug had his arm served by General Kargarak. The party managed to conquer the second level of the outter vaults before they reached another Sealed door like the one that stood at the entrance to the Banewarrens. Without Banewarrens Key (now in possession of the pyramid) they were stuck. They encountered the second Grailquest team consisting of many monstrous members of the Pactlords. The party barely escaped with their lives. Finally the party was led through the sealed door by a mysterious dove. They were now in the inner vaults. They party eventually tracvked down the grailquest team for a rematch. They defeated the pactlords save for one crafty ogre magi that managed to escape. During the course of the adventure Gilliam had lost touch with his gods and Malistation had been slain. With the rest of the party running low on resources their future was uncertain.

11th- Banewarrens part 4: Creeping death
After exploring most of the inner vaults level the party took refuge in a barracaded room and tryed to revitalized for what they surely knew would be their last adventure. There was little hope of success. The party contined exploring and came accross some kobolds scrying for the pactlords. They also figured out the Inverted pyramid had left a scrying device on Ug. They encountered Kalurecent and other members of the church of Loriem searching for something called the sword of lies. The group refused to work with the party because of their past exploits. Eventuallyn the party recovered the bane helmet that Tyrannus the etherial wore. They used it to bring back malistation. During an ambush by some Slaadi frog creatures Labrynth lost maker was slain. The injured party coinued to travel and Ug picked a fight with an ice elemental. The elemental immediatly turned Malistation to ice. Killing him again. Then the creature tore Gilliam apart, the former cleric was killed. Finally the creature slashed ug to pieces. Mergin found himself ripped through a portal. On the other side of the portal 2 men crossed over into the banewarrens. Apparently fleeing something that Mergin would now have to deal with. Only Briarwood reamained now, alone in the Banewarrens.
---Cross sub adventure--Journey into darkness: -Caldwell-Valador-
The powerful bladesinger Enray Delnivien began a quest to enter the ruins of Myth Drannor to hunt down an evil drow bladesinger. He enlosted two adventurers from Zhentil keep to aid him. Caldwell the conjurer (fred) and Validor the cleric (ring). The adventures entered the ruins and found themselves pursued by endless fiends. They took shelter in the basement of a building. Once there they were attcked by an ettin. A moment later a Demon arrived and started attacking the ettin. Caldwell and Validor backed off to find a portal open behind them. A mysterious dwarf and a bugbear came through. Caldwell and Validor leaped through the portal to escape the demon. The portal abruptly shut. Once on the other side they found bodies everywhere and a mysterious figure telling them to run from an ice elemental. They did. They had joined up with Brairwood black and they agreed to help each other.

12th- Banewarrens Part 5: Forsaken:
Brairwood now joined up with Caldwell and Validor went back to find ug miraculously still alive. They revived him and rested up for some time. Then they set back out to try to explore the few remaining rooms in the inner vaults. With spellcasters now in their ranks the party found it possible to get past some obstacles. But without Mergin they were bumbling into unknowing danger. Eventually UG opened a door that unleashed a bane of killer mist. Ug was hit by the mist and immediatly lost all knowledge of his life, he did know who he was or where. And the mist continued to sperad. The party fled with briarwood doing his best to drag Ug. The deadly mist would not stop. It came at great speed and began spreading through the entire banewarrens. Nothing would stop it. The party split up. Caldwell and Validor ran one way while brairwood and ug another. Validor led caldwell into an electricution trap that killed the conjurer. Eventually Valdior found that the fog could not permeate the magical energies in the pool room. So validor lived but was trapped in a 2 room area. Meanwhile briarwood and ug ran through traps and gases and falling rocks eventually made it to a vault room which contained a semi friendly Xorn. The vault door stopped the mists from getting in. But now the pair was trapped in a small room with a Xorn. After sometime Validor left using crafty magic to explore through the mists but he damned himself to the same elctrical trap that had killed his friend. Yet another adventurer died. Things had gotten worse. The invincible madmen of Brairwood had perished. Only Brairwood and a lizard man with no memory remained. But they were trapped for all time. And with limited water.

13th The Banewarrens Part 6: Despair:
-Mergin-Bidwell-Chalk-Shorty (NPC)-
Mergin found himself back on the world of toril but no where near the Invincible Overlords realm. He was instead in a place called the Ruins of Myth Drannor. There he met up with a bladesinger named enray who helped him go back through the gate to the banewarrens. Mergin was sent to find Enrays companions Caldwell and Validor. Mergin would be protected from the dread fog by a scroll of protections from evil/ Enray would reopen the portal when the time limit on the protection scrolls had run out. to let Mergin back out. While traveling back in the Banewarrens Mergin met up with 3 adventurers who had lost their memory due to the fog. They were Bidwell the socerer, Chalk the archer, and shorty the halfling theif. Togther they explored more of the Banewarrens. They found the dead bodies of Gilliam, Labrynth, Malistation, Caldwell, and Validor. They returned to meet the portal but it never opened. Chalk, Bidwell, and shorty fled when it became apparent that the portal would not open. Mergin stayed in wait and eventually fell victum to the fog. Chalk, Bidwell, and Shorty also fell victum to the fog but managed to make progress by writing notes to themselves. Eventually they broke into a vault room and freed bastion. A powerful Celestial who Esthalagos had imprisioned. Bastion returned the characters memories of all their time in the banewarrens. He also returned their memories of thier trades and skills. But he would not return their memories of life prior to the Banewarrens claiming that they had lived unscupulous lives before and were better to live out their new lives with no memory of their past. So Bidwell, Chalk and shorty would never know their origins. From there Bastion returned the 3 adventurers to the city of Ptolus.

14th The Banewarrens Part 7: Resurgence:
Back in Ptolus Bidwell, Chalk, and shorty found themselves summoned by brother Tobius at the temple of Lothian. Brother Tobius hired the adventures to venture back into the banewarrens to locate Kalurecent and his group of Lothian followers who had entered the Banewarrens some time ago. Brother tobius had a banewarrens key and said he could let them in. To get back out they would have to find Kalurecent and use the paladins communication mirror to summon brother tobias to open the door. Brother Tobius also informed the party that bastion the celestial had returned the dread fog to its source. The party agreed to go back in after hiring a barbarian named Rathgar to help. And so the party enetered back into the depths of the Banewarrens. They found Mergin sleeping but with his memory back in tact. Then they came upon UG but rathgar attacked him. Ug killed Rathgar. Then the party came upon Brairwood black still alive. The were able to locate a secret passage which led them further into the Banewarrens. Out of no where Ramius arrived. He had apparently come through through the portal to Scarn looking for his friends. The invirted Pyramid assisted him in getting into the Banewarrens. So the a new party had been forged and would push deeper into the Banewarrens. The group ascended through the inner vaults and eventually reached the Baneheart. They battled some Banebrutes and ogres and many other monsters. The were temporariuly imprisioned in something called the darkstar gem. Brairwood managed to free the party but not before summoning whoever this Darkstar was. The party did not stick arround to find out. They ascended the Baneheart and came to a room lined with chairs with helms imbedded in them. The party sat in the chairs and put their heads in the helmets. They discovered that by doing this they could control some giant mechanical golem that existed in some unknown place. Togther the party made the golem move. The Golem eventually came upon a planetar. The Planetar attacked and the golem killed it. In the creatures treasure the party located the chromatic sword. using the teleporting powers of the golem the party had the sword and other items transported to them. They had got what the original party jhad come for. But Bidwell, chalk and shorty had still not found Kalurecent. In anycase the party agreed they should rest up before trying to head out of the Banewarrens.

15th- The Banewarrens Part 8: Exodus:
Having retrieved the Chromatic sword the party was ready to evacuate the Banewarrens. They descended the Baneheart but not before encountering the terrible Blue dragon Darkstar. The party first attempted to barter with the dragon. Brairwood gave up a spellbook so the dragon would leave them be. But Bidwell could not leave the dragon alone. He entranced the Dragon with the magical effects of his bardic music. But the dragon seemed to be so enthused about the entertainment he would not allow the bard to stop. While exploring accross the way Ug and party let out the vile chainmaster. A battle ensued between the chainmaster and drakstar. The party used the diversion to escape. On the lower levels of the Baneheart the party located Kalurecent and his party. All but Kalurecent were badly wounded. The 2 parties joined up to make their exodus. On the lower levels the party collected the dead bodies of gilliam, labrynth, caldwell, Validor, and rathgar. Kalurecent was able to contact brother tobias at the temple of lothian. Tobias used the lothian church's banekey to let them out. Just as they were about to head to the surface all hell broke loss. 2 powerful members of the inverted pyramid appeared and demanded that mergin, ug, and briarwood be sent back into the Banewarrens. Bastion the angel appeared with anotyher mysterious figure. Bastion defended the party and accused the Inverted pyramid of using the party to scry the Banewarrens. But before Bastion could finish he noticed the presence of numerous invisable creatures. He revealed them to be another squad of Pactlords. Vile monsters of various kind surrounded the party. They claimed they had come for the grail and for the parties heads. The party was ready for a fight but not for what happened next. With a thunderous roar Darkstar appeared. The mysterious figure with Bastion revealed himself to be Saggaryntis the silver dragon. The two beast crashed and as they did the wizards of the inverted pyramid attacked Bastion. The party clashed with the Pactlords. An enormous battle ensued. Saggiryntis lured Darkstar back into the Banewarrens and Bastion sealed the door. Just as he did one of the inverted pyramid wizards banished him. Brother tobias managed to kill one of the wizards but both wizards teleported away. Finally the party won ouit over the pactlords. But the troublesome ogre magi managed to escape again. It all mattered not as they could finally leave the Banewarrens. After a breif encounter with mark chillers the party dug their way to the portal and returned home. They used the riches they had procured to have some of their old friend resurrected. Malistation, Gilliam and Labrynth had returned. The parties dreadful expedition into the Banewarrens had finally ended. But what next?

-Shellshocked-(module interlude)
Having returned home the party seemed somewhat unable to return to the normal world. All were exhibiting strange behavior. Malistation went into months of combat training to prepare himslef for what was ahead. The other took time to take care of private aspects of their life. By the time the group reunited they just did not seem to gel. Gilliam above all was in the worst shape, his girl friend leeza had apparent ly hooked up with kozar while Gilliam was in the Banewarrens. Gilliam had took to drinking. Ug having drifted into vitual madness was arrested for harassing the captain of the guards and subsequently resisting arrest. After weeks in prison Ug commited a murder upon his release. He had visited the temple of war to find some new priest banging Gilliams girl. Ug insulted him and then the man attacked ug. It only took a few seconds for the awesomely powerful UG to slay the man. Ug was again arrested and sentenced to one year in prison. While inside he hung out with his old friend Brinkerhoff. Meanwhile on the outside the party took the advice of Captain smiladon to do some good. They joined up with a community housing program and worked for 11 months to renivate a ruined part of the city. Finally Ug was released and the party set out to finally find adventure. But where?.

16th- The Temple of Elemental Evil: Part 1
The party failed to find adventure elsewhere so they decided to return to the trinagon of Wyvernspur and continue with the Wyvernspur quest. To find the second chromatic blade the party would have to enter a vile place called the temple of elemental evil. With little knowledge of what lied ahead the party proceeded. With captain smiladons consent they entered the tower and crossed through the portal. They arrived on the planet of Oerth (Greyhawk) in the town of Hommlet. They wasted some time in town and then proceeded to the temple. Once inside they descended into its depths. They battled earth and fire elementals until they were finally repelled. They returned to homlet to the inn of welcome wench. There they would rest until they could again set forth back into the temple to find what truly vile evil lurked within.

-17th-The Temple of Elemental Evil Part 2: -Mergin-Ug-Brairwood-Chalk-Malistation-Gilliam(NPC)-Ramius- Having rested up at the Inn of the welcome wench in the Homlet, the party returned to the temple. This time they were more rested and better prepared. Ramius finally joined them in the middle of this mission. They easily descended to the third level of the dungeon. It became obvious that the size of the Temple was enormous. They began exploring room by room. They encountered many vile creatures including ogres, hobgoblins, ettins, and others. After taking on countless adversaries the party found themselves exhausted and forced to return to town to rest before their next incursion.

18th- Temple of elemental evil Part 3:
The party headed once more into the depths of the dreaded temple. Beyond the 4th level of the vast dungeon they discovered the old temple. It had been reconstructed by a cult bent on their cause of reviving a fallen god. The party was almost slain by 2 Ropers who guarded the entrrance to the temple level. They set out on a seek and destroy mission. They slew many ogres and a rakhasan spell caster. Caladon was nearly slain by a purple worm but the party saved him. Later the party was forced to avoid a pair of Iron golems. Finally the party reached the actually temple and killed many cultists. Beyond the temple they party was repelled by the appearance of the demoness of fungi Zuggotmoy. After they had rested they returned to find it to be but an illusion. They battled the aboleth who had orchestrated the masquerade. In a chamber beyond the aboleth they found the true Zuggotmoy imprisoned. The party was wise not to meddle any further. Concentrating on their goal to find the chromatic sword they discovered a teleportation chamber. But first they would need to rest.

19th- Temple of elemental evil Part 4: The Prince of fire
The relentless madmen returned to hopefully end their dreadful excursion into the temple of elemental evil. The decened to the 5th level where they had discover the teleportation chamber. There they encountered Kilrizad the paladin and his party, which of course included the dreaded Kozar. The 2 parties faced off as it seemed a conflict was unavoidable. But with the combined efforts of Kilrizad and Mergin cooler head prevailed. Mergin learned that the teleportation chamber had conduits which lead to 4 elemental node. 4 separate levels beneath the temple each representing a separate element. Kilrizads party had been put in charge of Darwells tower during the long period the party had been sealed in the Banewarrens. They too had discovered the trinagon of Wyvernspur and had embarked to find the chromatic swords. They had already serched the air and water levels. With Kilrizads party heading to the earth level the madmen decided it wise to go the other way. Into the fire level. Once there they were immediately ambushed by a powerful fire salamander guardian. They battled their way through the level and eventually met with another powerful member of the cult. A fire blooded Medusa. She was no match for the party but before she fell she summoned the lord of elemental evil, IMIX, prince of flame. A 50 ft tall planar being of enormous power. But the madmen had no intentions of running. An epic battle ensued and when the flames had died down the Madmen were victorious. Beyond the trone the party found the chromatic sword. They had conquered the temple of elemental evil and fulfilled 2 thirds of their quest.

20th- Dragon Hunting:
The party having no wish to rush right into under mountain decided to search out other adventure. But on this day the adventure would find them. Ug had been given the deed to Darwells tower by Pholtus in exchange for taken on the task of being a defender of Briarwood. Upon excepting the tower Ug was forwarned that he might have to take on missions of enormous danger. On this day Ug received a message from Pholtus telling him to locate Targarus the white and to exterminate him. Ug rallied the men and they set forth for the Charan mountains just east of the city. Along the way they learned that Targarus was a white dragon that had lived peacefully in the mountains for centuries. Now abruptly the creature had begun attacking villages. The party decended into the ice caves and killed a white dragon. After the battle they determined the dragon was too small to be Targarus. They came upon the true targarus later. The creature appeared to be sleeping but was later revealed to have been already slain. That’s when the black dragon that had killed her attacked. The party battled bravely and repelled the dragon. Ramius persued and was nearly slain. The pary packed up the treasure and headed out. On the way out the dragon returned and gave them one last breath to remember him by. Mergin and Ramius were killed. At was at this point that Gilliam unveiled his newest trick. The ability to revive the dead. After this semi successful expedition the party returned to briarwood.

21st- Undermountain Part 1:
-Ug-Caladon-Ramius-Malistation-Gilliam (NPC)
Ug, Ramius, and Caladon seemingly growing impatient set out through the trinagon and into the portal which would eventuall lead them to under mountain. Once through the portal they found themselves within the sewer system of the grand city of water deep. They made their way to the closest bar and got the good eats. After asking arround the party learned that their was a well where people could pay to be lowered into under mountain. They set off at once. Once inside the dungeon the experience party mad ehaste. They quickly put down the pathetic monsters that tried to challenge their overwhelming might. They decended to the 3rd level with little trouble. They battled a formaian giant and a frost salamander but nothing of any real power. Gilliam growing concerned left to go get rainforests and returned sometime later with malistation.. After slaying a mated pair of Dragoons the party found themselves teleported away.

22nd- Undermountain Part 2:
-Ug-Caladon-Ramius-Malistation-Gilliam (NPC)-Briarwood
The party found themselves summoned by the Paladin Peirgeron and the arch wizard black staff. They now stood before the assembled lords of Waterdeep. Apparently Blackstaff had been aware of the parties presence for some time. He had even divined and scryed to learn of their orgins. The parties unique experience had prompted Blackstaff to summon the party for a mission of great peril. Only a few hours prior something terrible had occurred. Halaster, The lord and creator of under mountain had vanished. Now the lord of water deep had little love for the mad wizard but without him the gates in under mountain had begun to destabilise. They were now opening randomly all over the city. Monsters were appearing everywhere and people were vanishing. Blackstaff and the other lords would have to tend to the city but something more was needed. At the exact moment of Halasters disappearence a message had been telepathically sent out to all spell casters within 100 miles. The message said to seek him at Aqitiocrun. An ancient word roughly translated as Treasure room. Blackstaff had seen this aqiticrun himself within under mountains depths. He tasked the party with entering the aqitiocrun on a mission to find and restore Halaster to under mountain. The party agreed after the lords offered to reward them with a feif of property worth 250,000 GP. Blackstaff further promised to search for their chromatic sword at a later date. Blackstaff teleported the pary into the deepest depths of under mountain. There they found themselves within a crystal labrynth. They set forward but the labrynth proved difficult as all the walls are invisible and they shift. Boynd the outer walls and floor of the labrynth was a vast sea with many vile sea beasts. Due to the nature of this maze the party could see monsters that were actually in entirely separate parts of the maze. While in the maze the were encounter by a powerful fire giant of which they slew. Later Ug went one on one with a demon who meteor swarmed him when he tried to flee (100HP of dam, no save). But the brave and wise Gilliam kept him alive. Ramis and Caladon negotiated their way out of the maze only to find it lead into the deep bowels of intermountain. To find halaster they would have to get to the center of the maze. As they neared closer they came upon an opening in the maze floor. They were immediately ambushed by 24 Sealions. A grueling battle ensued. In the middle of which the fallen fire giant returned and sneak attacked. The party was however successful. After the masacre the party decided to find a secure spot and rest up.

23rd- Undermountain; Part 3 -Stardock:
-Mergin-UG-Briarwood-Gilliam(npc)----Caladan-----with a little Ramius and Malastation-
After resting and regrouping the party set off again on their quest to find the mad wizard Halaster and retore him to undermountian. After solving the crystal labrynth the party traveled through a magical gateway. The gate brought them to a dead asteroid near the planet of toril. The asteroid had long ago been a spell jamming star dock but had since been seised by some unknown sect. The Party entered the undergound fotress within the asteroid and came upon their target. Halaster was held in torture at the hands of Blackstaff. It did not take the party long to see through the illusion. Soon after they were ambushed by an Illithiad wizard and an Illithilich. The wizard unleashed the most deadliest of incantations but the party stood strong. Though Caladan was slain the party was victorius. Gilliam raised Caladan back to life and the party retunred to water deep. Once back in the city of splendors Halaster immediately began regenerating. He thanked the party but bid them farwell as he now had a score to settle. With Halaster back in under mountain water deep was saved. Blackstaff rewarded the party with a massive land estate (Lupsincopse) in water deep. The party decided to sell the estate for over 200,000 GP and leave water deep. Blackstaff was also able to determine that the illithiad wizard they had faced was named Priamon, a leading member in an evil organization known as the Twisted rune.

24th- Undermountain, Part 4 -Maddgoth’s Castle:
The Party was contacted by Blackstaff of water deep with the information black staff had agreed to get them. The location of the 3rd chromatic sword in Undermountain. Blackstaff determined it was on one of the deepest levels of undercounting near the mysterious castle of Maddgoth. Without hesitation the party set off with some teleportation aid from Blackstaff. Once their the party began exploring the unworked level of under mountain. With little resistence they reached the floating castle of Maddgoth. Curiously the entire castle was surrounded by a strange magical field. After crossing the threshold of the field the party found themselves shrunk to 6 inches in height. Now the small matter of getting to castle had turned unto a journey. After battling some perspectively giant Stirges the party marched on. They were soon met by a flying boat with a mysterious undead boatman. The party was wise and chose to utilize this ferry. Once the group had reached the castle mergin used spells to determine where exactly they must go. They were attacked by a sneaky fairie dragon who due to circumstances appeared twice as long as a man. The group stunned the creature while Ramius held it subdued. The strange creature seemed somewhat resigned and agreed to converse with the party. He told them that Maddgoth had been slain many years ago and replaced by and imposter. In the end they found the chromatic sword out in the open with no Guardian. Once they had gathered the sword however they encounter Maddgoths imposter. The imposter was accompanied by the devious theif Turkyl. The imposter revealed himself to be the same being who posed as Darwell the sage. Darwell almost let the party leave but in the end it was Mergin who set off the attack. Battle commenced as mergin was cut off from his comrades. Drawell revealed the black crystal orb and used it to conjure a Deathknight. The death knight was non other then the reanimated form of Gargian. Weiling a powerful sword the death knight began to tear through the party. In the melee both darwell and Turkyl escaped. Briarwood was nearly slain but Caladan finally brought down the Death knight. The party gathered the sword and made haste as they returned to water deep and finally back home. Once home the party learned that the blade the detah knight had used against them was an artifact known as the Blade of Twillight Doom. A vastly powerful weapon and bane to all good creatures. The party, in Boromirish fashion decided to weild the weapon of the enemy. It would be UG’s new BOOMSTICK. The dicision for the lizard man to weild the weapon resonated uncomfortably through the party. Worry for some, jealousy for others.

-At this point the party had aquired all 3 chromatic swords-

-Interlude- The party discovered that Ugs sword of the twillight doom was a blade of evil sentient intelligence. They traveled back to the star dock and heaved it off into outer space. They took a short detour to water deep and helped a group of young adventurers hunt down and kill a Goblin king. Finally they visited the temple of war in Briarwood to get as many healing potions they could. They learned that Kozar was now a member of the temple of war.

25th- For Duty and Deity:
The party having gathered all 3 of the chromatic swords decided to finally unlock the ring of seven wishes held for so long within the Trinagon of Wyvernspur. Each character made their respective wish. Mergin wished that Sir Jeffries be turned back to life from his undead state. Ug wishes that General Kargaraks son would be brought back to life. Ug had slain the generals son long ago and now sought to redeem that injustice. Caladan wished to be stronger. Briarwood wished for a spell book he had lost in the Banewarrens. Gilliam wished that his former girlfriend truly loved him. Ramius wished for his chain weapon to be of greater power. For each wish made a crytal ball appeared with an image within it. Each image reflected one of the wishes. Soon an armored woman appeared before the charcters. She identified herself as Alias and claimed she had come to speak on behalf of the god Finader wyvern spur. She told the party that the entire reason the tower was constructed was to find the worlds most mightiest adventures and to task them to undertake a quest of unimaginable danger. The quest qas to rescue the fallen goddess waukeen from the abyss. Waukeen had been goddess of commerce merchants and trade on toril. When the time of troubles came she like the rest of the torilian pantheon was cast down upon the world in avatar form. She tried to escape toril through magical means. Instead she found herself captured by the vile demon lord Graz’zt. And there in the abyss she has been held ever since. The party was sent threr forth down spiral steps that had appeared in the floor of the Trinagon. They found themselves in the Faerun city of Athkatla. There they were met by a powerful priestess of Selune who helped transport them to a place called the infinite staircase. This strange and magical place existed somewhere in the otter planes. It was in fact an infinite staircase with door ways all along it which lead to different places throughout the multiverse. Here the party encountered many strange creatures. They learned of the Lillendi, a race of serpentine like creatures that protect the infinite staircase. The party futher encountered artisans of all kinds. Painters and builders alike. They rested at a large junction in the staircase where many travelers had gathered. It was a bizarre of sorts known as the Nowhere inn. They also survived an ambushed of tentacle like creatures known as Grell. Eventually after days of Travel they found the door to Azzagrat, Grazzts domain within the abyss. The portal brought them to a strange abyssal city. A sinister place constructed to resemble a prime material city. Demons and all variety of creatures crept about in the streets. Not long after their arrival the party fell ambush to group of ape like demons. After killing them all the party set out into the city to try and gain some information. UG picked a bugbear and began to bully it. The bugbear did not take any shit and Ug killed it for its insolence. When Ug went to search the creature he found himself approached by Balor. One of the abyss’s most feared denizens. Ug would not back down and a battle insued. The demon seemed to be able to take all the party had and just kept coming. The fiend called down a wrath of fire from the sky destroying an entire city block. Ug fell victum to the creatures socerery and fled. The party did the same. Eventually the demon teleported away leaving the party to deal with a swarm of endless demons. The party was forced to retreat back to the infinite staircase. There they would rest until they could return better prepared for the dangers of the Abyss.

26th- For duty and Diety Part 2:
-Mergin-Ug-Briarwood-Caladan-Ramius-Gilliam (NPC)
After resting on the infinite staircase the party regrouped to eneter the abyss once more. This time joined by Ramius. They set off into the abyssal city of Samara. From there they tried to venture on to the capital city of Zelatar where they believed they could locate Waukeen. This trip would take them through the periless Viper forest. An unnatural forest of viper trees. Growths with viper like branches that would attack any unsuspecting travelers. Not long after entering the forst the party was ambushed by a band of Chasme demons, insect like demonic fiends. The party quickly fell pray to their bizarre magical abilities. Ug and Caladan were slain and the rest subdued. Briarwood managed to recover the partyy members. After returning to the infinite staircase and to the temple of selune in Athkatla they had their compatriots raised from the dead. They set off again into trhe vile abyss. This accompanied by a Paladin and a cleric of selune (Haden and Grover). After a few days of travel they eventually surpassed the viper forest. From there they used a strange magical fire gate to bring them to Zelatar. After exploring the city for some time they learned that Waukeen was being ushered by way of caravan and would be arriving in Zelatar within a day. The party set off on the road and prepared an ambush. The whole thing fell apart however when mergin seised an opportunity. He accusted waukeen and teleported to safety leaving the party to fend for themselves. Most of the party managed to escape. The paladin and the cleric of selune were left to perish. Gilliam had left the party not long before the ambush. He had decided to leave the group after an argument with caladan and Ramius. The party returned to toril and the church of selune had lady waukeen returned to her home realm. The party was granted their wishes and they retunred to briarwood. Seemingly victorius.

Interlude--Gladiater:organized a combat tournament in the briarwood arena. Many of the cities most powerful warriors joined. In the end Ug won out and gained much fame in briarwood. The other party members continued to buy building in town.

27th-Unfinished Business:
The party seeking revenge for the killing of two of its members sought to find the black dragon Azurphax. They had last encounter the monster in the lair of the white dragon Targarus (see 20th module). After some investigating by Caladan the party learned that the dragon lair lied in an abscure mountain range in the north. It took them many days but alas they reached the cavern. With the mountains tunnels they battled werewolves and encountered a cleric of Bane whom they dispatched with ease. In the depths of these tunnels they came upon the dragons lair. Utilizing an illusionary wall in the ceiling the dragon ambushed the party. Luckily they had taken the precaution of magically protecting themselves from acid. The battle was long and tedious and yet still they could not slay the beast. The creature fled but the party pursued. It tried to slow them down with a wall of ice. The sly creature lied in wait to ambush the party again. This would finally prove to be its undoing. When again it sought to flee the party had one last shot. Brinkerhoff launched a fireball that exploded the dragon. In the lair of the dragon the party found the remains of 6 of dragons and further evidence which seemed to suggest that Azurphax had been hunting other dragons for some time.

Interlude: Repercussions: Malastaion got involved in some bad business with the theives guild. He had his crew burn down a whore house that paid dues to the BAT (local thieves guild). The Bat put out a contract on Mal’s head. Mal took revenge by going to a front business of the guild and kicking ass. That night Malastation was assassination whilst he slept. Ramius had him brought to Gilliam and resurrected. Some arrangement was made where the lease to Malastations building was turned over to the former owner and operator of the Whore house.

Interlude: Scouting out Shadowdale: Briarwood seeking to return to the abyss found he could not reach the infinite staircase from the trinagon of wyvern spur. After a meeting with the powerful wizard Crandel Briarwood learned that a gate to the staircase lied in the distant city of shadow dale. He had the teleported send him there. Once there he utilized the Gate to reach the staircase and finally the city of Samara in the abyss. He had some dealings with the weapons owner there and he departed. Part 2: After hearing of this shadow dale Malastaion and Ramius set off to the region to find adventure. After learning of a dangerous forest the duo left shadow dale and ventured into the Cormanthor forest. They met up with a scavenger gnome named Tandras who told them they were near the magical ruined city of Myth drannor. The duo hooked up with the gnome to help save his cousin who had been captured by a cult. After destroying a ruined undergound complex the group proceeded to place called the tower of bones. They killed many cultists and zombies before finally saving the gnomes cousin. The tower was apparently an outpost for the dreaded cult of the dragon. After this adventure Ramius returned home while Mlaastion decided to remain and get to know this region called the Dalelands.

28th- Lord of the Iron Fortress: Part 1:
After a short absense Gilliam having resolved his problems with Caladon, Gilliam returned to the group. Malastation also returned after a spending some time at the Abbey of swords in Battledale. The party convened at a dinner party at Ramius’s house. This meeting was interrupted as Ug was informed there was an intruder in his tower. It was none other then Alias, the servant of the God finder wyvern spur. She informed the party that the being they had rescued from the abyss was not the goddess waukeen but instead it was an infidel demon. Placed through guise by the demon lord Grazzt. Wishing little more to do with Grazzt and the abyss the party just let this slide. Not long after this encounter the Tower of uG had some new visitors. A small army of dwarves known as the Impossible emirates, led by a dwarves master builder named Kardazarn. Kardazarn told the party that they had come from the world of Scarn. They had been sent to find mergin whom they had heard about through the silver dragon Saggarintys. Kardazarn was on a mission to resurrect his great grand father Gilmarn Soulforge. A great weapon forger whom had been long dead. They had recovered the body and performed the proper rituals but were unsuccessful as Gilarns soul was trapped somewhere. They asked the Madmen for help. Without a second thought the party agreed to help. After a divination from Gilliam and much research the party learned that they must travel to the Outland city of Rigis. The party set out through the portal in ugs basement, then through the portal to water deep via the Trinagon of wyvern spur. Once in water deep they found their way to the top of mount water deep where lied a doorway to the infinite staircase. They used the staircase to reach the door to the outlands. Once there they traveled to the city of rigis. While barely in town for a few minutes the party had a disagreement with a group of mercy killers. This led to battle and battle led to the death of the mercy killers. They then decided to speak with an armor merchant. This conversation also went bad and led to battle. The dwarf was able to subdue Ramius and it ended there. Not long after the party chased down a steel predator and killed it aswell as another. The party eventually learned of a portal to the outter plane of archeron that they would have to go through. The party arrived in archeron to find a plane of infinite war composed of thousands of massive floating cubes. Gilliam led them on and through many synergies spells the party arrived at their final destination. The Iron fortress. Before gaining access to the fortress the party had to destroy 2 steel predators and an iron golem. Once inside the party began to explore. They soon encounter a rakhasa which weilded powerful enchantments to turn the party back. When the party had finally regrouped the creature had fled. As the party attempted to purge deeper into the fortress they met great resistence. 3 steel predators had lied in wait for them. As the party managed to turn the tied matters grew worse, 2 more invisible steel predators joined the battle. In the end the party was victorious but badly beaten. They elected to rest up before attempting to venture any further. They traveled some distance away from the fortress and rope tricked for safety. What they had encountered thus far had been extremely difficult to kill. And they felt worse was still to come. This was only heightened by Braiwood rambling about a demon he had seen while within the fortress.

-Interlude-Scattered-While resting in the rope trick (an extra dimensional space)the party was awakened to see an evil looking dwarf scrying on them. Before they could react magical energy erupted within the space tearing a hole into the extra dimension plane. The party was sucked in. Caladon and Ug latched onto one another and eventually landed on a huge piece of floating fabric which they soon discovered was a bag of holding. After they crawled out they found themselves on the outter plane of the beast land. They joined up with a gnome named Felix and entered into an adventure to find a sage. Meanwhile back in the extra dimensional plane Ramius, Gilliam, and Brinkerhoff had managed to group themselves. Through cooperation Gilliam and brinkerhoff were able to locate the other party members and teleport themselves there. With the party regrouped they quickly located the sage and abruptly ended this meaningless side quest to return to the outland city of rigis. Still intent on conquering the iron fortress and recovering the soul of Gilarm soul forge.

-29th-Lord of the Iron Fortress Part 2:
-Caladon-Ug-Ramius-Malastation-Brinkerhoff-Gilliam(NPC)---later briarwood & a little Mergin-
The entire party save for Mergin and Briarwood had regrouped and were heading back into the plane of archeron. They used the route as before to return to the Iron fortress. Once there however they found the doors blocked by a wall of force. Luckily brinkerhoff was able to bypass it. Once inside they encountered a demonic Cloud giant and a 10 headed CryoHydra. The party defeated them and continued on. They were unexpected joined by Mergin who had finally found and saved Briarwood. Briarwood had stayed outside the fortress however to scout out the area. Once reunited the party found their way to steps leading into a basement were heavey work was being done. They had to battle 2 iron golems to gain access. Malastation made short work of them. Then using planned tactics the party drew out the foes from the basement. These consisting of 2 azers, a bladling, and 2 Iron dragonnes. The battle was difficult but the party prevailed, malastion again rising to incinerate the constructs. Briarwood arrived just in time to join the battle. Before heading into the basement Mergin suddenly decided to depart. Strangley, the party did not find this odd. In the basement below the party found a massive foundry of forges. Here were many imprisoned forge masters. Among them was Gilarm Soulforge. The party learned that these were all great forge masters whom had been brought here to reforge an ancient evil artifact known as the sword of fiery might, forged long ago by the sultan of the efreet and subsequently destroyed. Now a being known as Imperagon had intentions of reforging the blade and using it to march an army into the prime material plane. This Imperagon was a dwarves like race who claimed to be descended from a legendary red dragon. He was said to be aided by a Pit fiend. After processing this the party refocused on their goal of recovering Gilarm. He told them they could not freely leave as a result of a domination. This discussion quickly ended as the thought of aquiring the blade of might became more important. The party was informed that partially reforged sword laid beyond the steel door before them. Though they were warned it was guarded by fire elementals and an azer named Ignitius. The group began to debate how to approach the door when Ug decided to open it. He was immediately assaulted by greater fire elementals. He urged the party to run but it was 2 late. A massive battle insued against 2 greater fire elementals, 1 elder fire elemental, and Ignitus the azer who for a time remained out of sight. The elemntals took Malastion down first. As half of the party began to fall back Gilliamran in to save malastion. He did just that only to be slain a moment later. Shorty after due to lack of protection Brinkerhoff found himself face to face with an elemental. He did not last long and so too did he loose his life. With the battle going bad and the more powerful party members falling back Briarwood was forced to charge in. A moment later he found himself slain by the azer Ignitus. Finally as the rest of the party fully re-entered combat they defeated there opponents. Malastion feeling a sense of urgency urged the party to pull an immediate retreat. The rest of the remaining members of the party decided to search first. Ramius and Ug came upon the blade of fiery might banded down to an alter. Ramius attempted to break the bands and found himself instantly slain. With 4 of the party members dead, Malastion left the party with no option. It was time to leave. They carried out their dead some distance from the Iron fortress before relizing that they had no means to escape archeron. Some of the party took hope that Mergin might return. But how long could that take, and how long would they last… Stranded in Archeron….

30th-Lord of the Iron Fortress: Part 3:
-Ug-Mergin-Briarwood-Malastation-Caladon-Gilliam (NPC)-
After leaving the rest of the party in Archeron, Mergin was returning home. Just before reaching the tower he met up with Tordec the dwarf. A journeyman from scarn who had been hired by Kardarzarn to help the madmen. Upon reaching the tower mergin found a horrible site. The tower had been raided and everyone but benny was dead. Once inside the tower what every magic that had suggested mergin leave archeron had faded. Benny told Mergin that a fire giant named Imperagon had raided the tower and that now this imperagon would be waiting for him on archeron. Mergin was distrustful of Benny and so enlisted the help of his halfling friend Kinny Cosmo. Together Mergin and the replacement madmen set off. Following back through his original course Mergin once again returned to archeron. He teleported the new party to the Iron fortress but their was no trace of his companions. In a flash of lightning mergin saw a piece of parchment on the floor. Suspiciously it was a note from caladon saying that most of the party had been slain and that they were hiding. Mergin set out into archeron using detective magics to locate his friends. Tordek, benny, and Kinny remained behind, in front of the fortress… Of doom… Alone. After some time he finally found his friends. At least he found some of them. Only Ug, malastation and Caladon still lived and Malastion had fallen into a trance like state. The 3 remaining madmen had been wandering in archeron for days fending for their lives. They had hidden the bodies of the dead party members in cave miles away. With mergin back, the party now had a means to escape archeron so they elected to recover their fallen comrades. This journey took them 9 hours while the replacement madmen waited… in front of the fortress… Of doom… alone.
After returning to the bodies mergin was able to use a scroll to bring back Gilliam. Once healed Gilliam raised Briarwood but was unable to bring back the others due to lack of spell preparation. So the party rested. On the following day Gilliam tried again to bring back his friends but it again failed due to some outside interference. Brinkerhoff and Ramius would remain dead. The party readied themselves to storm the Iron fortress one more time. The madmen would not be denied. Gilliam departing from his “heal only” motto even prepared the party with powerful incantations. When they returned to stand before the tower tordec and Kinny were gone. Benny was alive but hurt bad. He told the party that they had been attacked by Steel predators. Not long after Mergin revealed benny to be a fake and caladon quickly killed him. Upon his demise he returned to his true form. That of a Rahkasa the party had battle before. In the basement the party was again found the many forgers whom imperagon had held captive. Mergin now learned of Imperagons goal. He had captured the greatest dead forgemasters from all worlds and were using them to reforge an evil artifact known as the blade of fiery might. Once the blade was reforged he planned to march an army onto the prime material plane. They party also learned of Imperagon minions of which their were many. Chief among them they learned was pit fiend, a fallen angel, and merciless duergar. Ug finally decided there had been enough talk and mergin agreed. The party went to settle the matter. They came upon a large room and waiting for them was Imperagon himself accompanied by a fallen angel. A short verbal exchange ensued. Imperagon insulted the madmen with a villainous “you are fools to stand against me”. Mergin retorted with “you are the fool, and caladon cackled as battle erupted. 2 invisible steel predators attacked. Gilliam was able to dispel one invisibility. Meanwhile imperagon grew to take form as a fire giant. Mergin and malastion teleported in behind while caladon launch some arrows. Briawood took to aerial combat. The first to fall was Gilliam as the fallen angel smited the life from his body. An invisible creature continuously bombarded the party while creating illusions to confuse them. But the madmen persisted and in time only Imperagon would stand to fight alone. Malstation was finally fell and Imperagon escaped. The party quickly regrouped and brought malastion back up. Then began the pursuit. They chased the fiend through the skies of archeron. In the end it was caladons bow that would end the saga. After slaying imperagon the party spent some time finding gilarm soul forge. They determined that the gilarm they had saved was a petitioner. The materialization of the real gilarms soul. They helped gilarm and 4 other forgers return to their home planes and began their own trip home. Tordek accompanied them carrying the dead body of Kinny cosmo.

-Interlude--Picking up the pieces-Much destruction had occurred on the parties last mission. 3 of their members were still dead. The party was now in water deep on route to go home. Malastion decided to visit the temple of tempus to seek help. And help he got for the battle master Thastar agreed to resurrect what remained of Gilliam for a small price. The resurrecting took time but was successful. From there gillaim was once again was able to raise Ramius and brinkerhoff. Upon returning home Ug found all his followers dead. Gilliam was able to bring back benny and also bring back kinny cosmo. The madmen informed the kardazarn and his dwarves that gilarms soul was free. Kardazarn said he would return to Scarn and try again to bring back the long dead forge master but would return to repay the debt. Tordec accompanied them. Only one more thing remained. What to do with the partially reforged Blade of fiery might. Mergin and UG resorted to an old trick. They teleported to the asteroid Stardock they had visited while in under mountain. From there they heaved the sword off into space. On a more domestic note, after a disagreement Ramius kicked Caladon out of his house. Caladon tried moving in with Ug but it just did not work. So caladon got a rent a room.

-31st-Back into the Abyss: (duty & deity part 3)
After a month of recovering from their last adventure much had changed. Mergin had apparently packed up his things and left town. Gilliam called together the men he could find and told him he planned on retiring again soon. He asked if there were any goals or loose ends the party thought they should correct. Many ideas were mentioned most stemming from suggestions mergin had made to Gilliam before departing. Of these were darwell, turkle, the pact lords, the inverted pyramid, and waukeen. Finally it was decided they would once again enter the abyss and try and save waukeen. The group was soon joined by Tordek, the adventuring dwarf from Scarn whom they had nearly left in archeron. He had come to join a grand adventure. And so ug led the group into the depths of his tower and through the portal to the trinagon of wyvern spur. From there they went to water deep. Most of the party went to the library to research while malastion headed to his temple to seek guidance. From there the ascended mount water deep and entered once again into the infinite staircase. After a breif encounter with builder gnomes they found their way to the door to the abyss. Back into the domain of azzagrat, the domain of the demon lord Grazzt. They quickly made their way through the city of samara to the fery portal which would take them across the river of salt and into the viper forest. Their intended destination being the capital city of Zelatar. Upon reaching the biper forest the party was once again assaulted by the gorilla like demons, the bar lgura. They managed to defeat them but learned that a vrock had also been in the battle but escaped. Tordek suggested reviving one unconscious Barlgura and interrogated him. They took him hostage and held him in tow while interrogating him on the way. They learned the bar lgura worked for the lady of the counting house whom sortof ruled the city of samara for grazzt. After that the creature teleported away. After surcoming the viper forest the party utilized another fire gate to enter the city of Zelatar. Once there they divined long and hard but could not detect or locate Waukeen. Finally it was decided that they would assault Grazzt Ardent palace for they assumed she must be there. They had Gilliam detect if there was a secret way in. He learned that a portal form a layer of the abyss called the plane of infinite portals led directly into the palace. But now they had to figure out how to get to the layer of the abyss known as the plane of infinite portals. They sought the library in zelatar and learned it could be reached via the outland city of Plague-mort. They were also advised that better info could be found at the hall of records in sigil. They began to backtrack through the abyss until Gilliam informed them he had a scroll of plane shift which might take them to the outlands. They attempted this and found themselves many miles above the outlands and falling fast. Briarwood saved have the party while brinkerhoff teleported the other half to the outland city of Rigus. They united later in the city of Sigil. Once in sigil they visited the hall of records where they learned of this plane of infinite portals on the abyss. They learned of a place in that plane where they might learn more. They would probably have to go on to plague-mort soon but not before they rested and found themselves a guide.

-32nd-Duty & Deity: Part 4:
The party was still resting in sigil. Gilliam contacted Mergin through use a hired magician. He then had mergin brought to sigil via plane shift. With mergin back in the mix the party decided that going into the Ardent palace would be suicide. They instead elected to visit the lady of the counting house in the city of samara in the abyss. They hired the planar guide tlemizar to guide them. He brought them through a gate at the base of a well in sigil and then through the plane of infinite portals. After crossing through the appropriate portal the party found themselves outside the city of Samara. They set up a meeting with the lady of the counting house. They tried to bargain for waukeen but the lady did not seem to know what they were talking about though the party learned that grazzt also had the spider queen imprisoned. The party left and returned sometime later to attempt to kidnap the lady of the counting house. They teleported in and force teleported her out. She attenuated to escape and caladon killed her. Later after returning to the invincible city Gilliam communed with her dead body. They discovered that there was a female prisoner being kept below the city of samara. And so they set off again into the abyss. Once in the city of samara the party utilized a fiery gate to gain entrance to an underground dungeon. They were immediately met by 5 Babau demons. Before the battle was finished more demons who had followed them through the gate appear. 10 Bar lgura (apelike) demons ambushed them. But on this day the madmen would be unstoppable. They slew the demons by the dozen. They began investigating the compound and came upon a Nabrezu demon engaged in some perversion with succubus. The party quickly dispatched them. Finally they reached the heart of the complex. They saw a balor waiting for them but immediately discerned it to be an illusion. But the invisible marilith demon was for real. The party overwhelmed the demon and crushed her. In a chamber beyond the party found the female prisoner. She was badly beaten and missing a mandible. They communicated with her via a ring of telepathy. They forced her to drink a potion of truth and interrogated her. They learned she was an evil wizard whom had long ago made enemies with Grazzt. She bargained with the party that if they freed her she would help them. Seeing their options completely diminished, the party agreed. They teleported out and returned to the infinite staircase. From their the female wizard let them out a door into some unknown prime material world. Once there she ahd them teleport to strange place called Tsojcanth. She lead them through a secret passage and into an underground fortress. Once there she had them rest while she studied. She returned the next day with her mandible repaired and fully revitalized with equipment and everything. She asked at this point how she could repay them for freeing her. They asked about Waukeen. She vanished for a time and returned with an answer. She explained they were on the world of oerth (greywacke) and that here on this world lived a powerful half demon demigod named Iuz. This demmigod tyrant is infact the offspring of Grazzt and the human female wizard they had just rescued. She explained that she had long ago trapped grazzt and this son came from a union between the two. The son had been allied to her up until recently. Now he was allied to his father grazzt. Grazzt knowing no one would suspect it had given waukeen to Iuz to hold for him. And now she lay prisoner below the palace in the city of Dorokka. After all this was explained the lady teleported the party to greywacke city. There they would rest until they could set out for the city of dorokka.

-33rd-Duty & Diety Part 5:
-Mergin-Ug-Malastation-Caladon-Briarwood-Gilliam(NPC)-Tordek(ken)- The group having rested up in Greyhawk city decided it was time to procure some transportation. But before they could disembark from the whistling fish bar they were joined once more by Tordek whom they had left in the Abyss. Tordek had no memory of how he got there. In anycase after an argument at the bar the party fled to the stables. But not before starting trouble with the guards. Upon entering the stables they scared of the stable master and elected to steal horses and leave money. After this they headed out of Greyhawk city and onward to the castle of the arch mage tenser. Not long after leaving Greyhawk city they relised that Gilliam had stayed behind. Mergin took some of the madmen and returned. Gilliam had stayed behind to clear up some of the trouble they had started. After a short meeting he rejoined the group. On the way to tensers castle the party was attacked by a Gray render and an unknown assassin. They killed the render but the assassin escaped. Upon arriving at tensers castle the party met with a golem that ushered them to meet the archmage. Tenser used a crystal ball to show the party Iuz’s undersgound dungeon. The only means to get there being teleportation. After this the party returned to greywacke city and visited the guild of wizardry to procure scrolls that could aid them in teleporting in and out of IUZ’s dungeon complex. Then they teleported in to immediately be assaulted by 2 Gorristro demons. Caladon quickly dispatched one of them. As the party moved to attack the second guardian it stamped its foot on the groun creating a rumbling effect which virtually paralyzed the party. Then a firestorm came down arround them. A unseen Balor appeared and began attacking the party. The gorristro demon was dropped many times in this battle but would continue to rise again. Finally Briawood was crafty enough to finish off both demons. Beyond the magically sealed doors the party came to a floating prismatic sphere. Within it was kept the goddess waukeen. In an act of absolute lunacy it was decided that mergin would try to pass through the prismatic sphere utilizing his party combined magic items and enchantments to protect him. He succeed but upon exiting the sphere Waukeen was killed. Fortunatly Gilliam was able to bring her back. The party teleported out and headed for the Infinite staircase. Waukeen now rational told them she must be taken to the outlands. The journey was long and hard but in time they reached their destination. Following Waukeen’s precise footsteps the party found themselves entering a massive trade city which Waukeen called the market place eternal. Waukeens servants at her palace were skeptical of the goddess’s identity. They took her in and left the party to wait outside. Soon a magical creature whom the party determined to be the goddess Llira arrived. After this Waukeen’s identity was affirmed. The party was invited to stay within the palace. They wished to speak with Waukeen but were denied as she had set out to seek revenge. The party was givin a bag of 7 gold pieces as a reward. The confused madmen set out on their way to return home. Upon reaching the Trinagon of Wyvernspur the party was met by Alias. The female who served the god Finder Wyvernspur. She gave them Finders thanx and told them that as an additional reward find would grant them each the answer to any question. Malastion learn the name and location of the assassin whom had killed him so long ago. Mergin learned that whom they had known as darwell was actually a dopple ganger named Kirz who now lived in the world of Scarn. Caladon learned the illitiad named Priamon who had killed him so long ago was now being held in torture by Halster. Briarwood discovered that the assassin who attacked him on Greyhawk was actualy a Babau demon bounty hunter sent by Grazzt. Tordek asked a question aswell but Alias banished him away. Apparently Tordek’s path had been altered by finder wyvern spur so that he could aid the madmen. Now he had been sent home. After this very informative encounter the party returned home. There they were met by Kardazarn and the impossible emirates. They had returned to repay their debt to the madmen. It was finally decided that the emirates would try and construct a castle for the madmen. The Madmen had totally fulfilled the wyvern spur quest and life was good.

34th- Invincible?
-Ug-Mergin-Caladan-Briarwood-Malastation-Gilliam(npcs)-others- Having fulfilled the trinagon of wyvern spur and rescued the goddess Waukeen, the madmen had little left to accomplish. With help from there friends Kardazarn and the impossible emirates they were constructing a castle. While this operation was continuing Ug, Mergin, Caladon, and Gilliam decided it was time to hunt down darwell. They knew he was now hiding in Scarn but they had left so many enemies on that world. Before they could go however Ug had one thing to take care of . He went down to the church of war and called out his old friend Kozar. Kozar was ready for battle. The streets cleared and the fight ensued. Ug cut down Kozar once and for all. After this it was time to go but Gilliam couldnot believe Ug had done this. And so he left the group even though Mergin pleaded with him to stay. The party then went forth through the portal and entered scarn. They were immediately met by a Mithral Golem bearing the sigil of the Inverted Pyramid. The golem was far more powerful then any they had faced before. Mergin was nearly killed and the rest of the group was forced to retreat. Upon returning to Ugs tower they found the pace being seised by the city guards. An apparent repercussion from slaying Kozar in the street. The party however needed a book on golems which was kept within the library in the tower. Mergin and caladan attempted to knock out the city guards there but failed to knock them both out. Their invisibility failed them and the guard saw who they were. After mergin finally knocked out both guards they got the book. After this the party went to Gilliams house mainly because caladan needed healing. Gilliam did not answer the door so mergin picked the lock. Inside they found Gilliam hiding. He said he would not heal them and that he wanted nothing to do with them. He informed them that he had resurrected Kozar because kozar paladin cousin had given his word that if he did so they would not seek revenge. After this Gillaim took his wife and fled from the madmen. This only enraged Caladan. Caldan began trying to burn down gilliams house. Mergin tried to stop him but could not. Mergin and Ug teleported away leaving caladan to do his dirty work. After burning down the house Caladan left proclaiming that Mergin had done it. Some time later caladan met up with Mergin and ug again. Ug hit him with a javelin off the bat. Caladan took it. Then mergin began yelling at Caladan for harming gilliams house. Caladan did not care and told mergin everything he had done. And so Ug hit him with another Javelin. Caladan responded with a full volley of arrows. Ug advanced and with a single swing killed the already badly wounded Caladan. Mergin fearing ug had gone completely homicidal flew off. He began attacking Ug with spells but it proved impossible to slay the epic lizard man. Mergin instead used a charm like spell to make ug want to resurrect Caladan. And so Ug under this spell picked up caladan body and set off back to invincible city with cladans body in tow. Mergin followed. Upon entering town Ug was accusted by guards. Ug ignored them. Ug was of course now wanted for killing Kozar. The guards began to attack ug but he ignored them and headed to temple of war. Upon reaching the doors Ug turned to face the guards. A massacre ensued. Ug killed 20 guards off the bat. Then he entered the temple of war to be immediately met by Battle master akkar. The head preist of tempus. Ug killed him quickly. Then more guards came. Ug killed them too. Still more guards came led by captain smiladon and ward the bear. Ug killed smiladon and many more guards. Smiladon transformed into a lycanthrope hybrid form of a sabre tooth tiger. Ward the bear transformed into hybrid form of a bear. But ug still killed them and all the guards. He began searching the temple of war for cleric to resurrect caladan. He wa smet by the top preists and their henchmen. He killed most of the priest until in the end an unknown appeared. Modot Lowman, a young yet brave cleric of talon utilized a hold person spell which struck Ug holding him steadfast. Wasting no time Modot dismissed the foolish lizard man. Ug had been slain. Malastation arrived just in time for this. But he knew it had been ugs fault. After this Modat helaed the high preist and the high preist magically transported all the preists and ugs body away. Soon dowons appeared. Dowons was the Overlords wizard and a power not to be tested. He had mergin arrested for assaulting city guards the day previous. Briarwood arrived and joined malastion in protest. Malastation and briawood decided they had to get mergin out. They went and got an audience with the Invincible overlord himself. The meeting went bad however and they were denied. Mergin was to be prosecuted to fullest extent which was estimated to be about 15 years. Malastation and Briarwood then departed to seek other means of rescuing mergin. In their travels they came across benny the goblin. He was wearing the finest close and driving the finest wagon lead by the finest horses. He was leaving town and bid the party fairwell. Malastion and briarwood then decided it was time to raise an army. For many weeks they set at this task. They enlisted Kardazarn and his 30 impossible dwarves emirates. Kardazarn returned to scarn and got 20 more men to help. They enlisted the 25 halfling Mergin had saved from the asteroid star dock. Malstion visited the churchs of tempus in water deep and battledale and returned with 22 war priests. In addition they took in intervals including the ratman breeder who had served caladan long ago. They enlist the shitman of water deep. A homeless wretch whom the party had come to know. They enlisted malastions street gang of 25 men. Finally they sent word to the town of ashvan for help. The party was popular there and got a great response. Duke omar of ashvan arrived with a force of 30 warriors. The people of ashvan packed their things and came to help. Their were 40 in all. The war priests of tempus began training and then it was time. Mysteriously the fallen Ug returned just then. Having somehow returned from the grave with the blessing of Waukeen. Ug would lead this army. Malastion, briarwood, and 2 emirates set off to inform the overlord. He met them at the gates. They told the overlord that he would release mergin or face this army. The overlord said they were fools and tried to arrest them. Briarwood fled while malastion made his stand against the guards. He must of killed a dozen before he finally came face to face with the invincible overlord. Malstation fought bravely but the overlords vorpal weapon severed his head. Briarwood returned to join the army and the battle began. The army of the madmen rushed the city. Many died at the hands of archers but the invincible gates were breached. The overlords invincible guards gathered to defend the castle. The armies clashed in a hellstorm of blood and steel. Briarwood kept back using spells of mass destruction to kill the overlords guards. Meanwhile dowons used even greater spells to strike at army of the madmen. In the melee Ug came face to face with the invincible overlord. Ug struck at him but could not kill the overlord. Then the overlord severed Ugs head. The army of the madmen was falling. Briarwood tried to sneak into the castle but it was too late. The wizards dowons had found him. Briarwood resisted a power word and having no other option he used a cubic gate to escape to an outter plane. At this point all of the madmen were either captured or dead. Only Briarwood remained. He found himself in hell. He tried using the cubic gate to get him home but it failed as the gate had only 6 function each leading to a terrible place. After visiting Gehenna, archeron, the negative energy plane, and the abyss, he finally found his way to the elemental plane of fire. He felt he had an advantage here because he carried a ring of elemental command. Traveling the plane he sought out an elder fire elemental to charm but failed. A battle ensued and Briawood was slain. It should have ended there but it did not… Briarwood found his way out of the unerworld and back to life with the blessing of waukeen. Having returned from the grave briarwood had been transformed. No longer an adventurer he was truly a madmen bent on a campaign of endless death and slaughter. He returned to the invincible city ill equipted and tried to enter the overlords castle. He failed. He instead sought out his old companions. He tried endlessly to break into Ramius's house but to no avail. He tried numerous times to burn down Ramius's dojo but could not suceed. He cause a great amount of damage but the building stood. He finally gave up. He found Brinkerhoff the mage and assassinated him in his sleep. He then souht out malic silver tree and assassinated him. He killed other old friends, he killed firemen, and guards, and citizens, and women. He burnt down houses and buildings. As dawn approached he had no intentions of stopping. Finally in the end it was black sword falling from the high reaches of a black sky which imbedded itself in the assassins head. The madmen had been slain and there would be no returning. Their lumbering adventures and idiotic quests had ended. Their greed and lust for power had brought them low and delivered them righteously to the grave.

35th-Return of the Madmen: (Invinicible Encore Module)
-Featuring appearances by Kalurecent-Bidwell-Labrynth-& Kozar-
At this adventure began it had been 8 years since the massacre of the madmen. Ug, Caladon, Brinkerhoff, and Briarwood were all dead. Mergin had been imprisoned, Ramius had been banished, Gilliam had vanished, and Malastation had been brought to serve in hell. Mergin was awaiting his release in prison when he was visited by Labyrinth Lostmaker. Labyrinth had brought him a going away present. The Book of Mapping 2. Labyrinth said he wanted to be there when Mergin was released but he had a big adventure to go on. The next week Mergin was indeed released. As an addition to his sentence he was banished from the continent of Calandia. He was dropped off the shores of Calandia left with his equipment disenchanted and only a holy symbol that had been given to him by the Inquisitor. The situation seemed helpless. Until he released the holy symbol was magically enchanted as a light beacon. He was soon rescued by the sailing ship Mandible captained by Captain Steeljaw, formerly known as Ned Betters. Ned had picked up Ramius in the city of Virdistan which lied in the northern region within the City-state of the World Emperor. The captain brought Mergin and Ramius to Gilliam’s island. Once there they unloaded the bodies of Brinkerhoff, Briarwood, Ug, and Caladon. Gilliam resurrected them all. Briarwood was killed immediately by Ramius and afterwards would not return to life. Next Gilliam conjured Malastation from some dark and wicked demiplane. With the group reunited Gilliam explained why he had done this. Just days ago someone had broken into the Invincible Overlords castle. Raided the overlords vaults and had attempted to kill the overlord. The evidence mad it appear as though the attack was done by the madmen. Gilliam claimed that someone was trying to pit the Overlord against the Madmen. Gilliam refused to be cut down after all he had survived. And thus the return of the madmen. The following day the Overlords men came. They were a band of the Overlords most powerful allies. Captain, a lizard adventurer of great power, The General of the Overlords armies, The high priest of the Temple of War, and a powerful wizard. The battle was close but the madmen defeated these great adversaries. The Madmens next move was to track down the infidel behind this plot. Gilliam had divined that the intruder had escaped through Darwell's tower. They would have to go into the domain of the enemy. Gilliam arranged for the party to be smuggled into the city. The whole affair was paid for by Nilbog Enterprises. The company owned and operated by one Benny Nilbog, a now powerful merchant. Once inside the city the party was aided by THE B.A.T (Briarwood’s allied Thieves). The thieves took them to an astral gate. Apparently the guild had always maintained this gate. By crossing through the gate one would become ethereal. An invisible, intangible form. The thieves used these methods to keep watch on the city and other dark endeavors. The party used this to gain entrance into Darwells tower. Once inside they used the portal to reach the Trinagon of Wyvern spur. Gilliam divined and learned the enemy had crossed into the world of Scarn. The party followed and met up Matt Chillers. They spent some quality time with the man and enjoyed the comforts of his home. Malastation even helped move some furniture. Matt told them that the Pactlords had tried invading the city but that The Inverted Pyramid had thwarted them. The Pactlords had returned and attacked the Inverted Pyramid. The two factions had destroyed each other. After some delightful cheesecake the party slowly proceeded with their urgent quest. Mergin contrived the idea that perhaps it was Kurz Uthok behind the whole affair. No one in the party remember that Kurz was a doppelganger who had maintained many identities in many different places. One of these identities had been Darwell. Kurz was an old and illusive enemy. Had he come back. Long ago Mergin had used a wish to locate the man. He knew Kurz was living on Scarn in the city of Hollwfaust. The party bought some horses and wagons and traveled there. They found his tower and inadvertently bumped into him. They attacked but of course as Caladon had brilliantly suspected, Kurz teleported away. The party then tried to enter his home but the guards came. The party made it appear as though they were bystanders and someone had broken in. The guards tried to secure the area but were attacked inside the tower,. More guards came and asked everyone to disperse. The party decided to do so. The hung out at a bar and got drunk. The following day Gilliam told the party something he had been fearful o tell them before. He told them that he believed the Sword of the Twilight doom had returned. The massacre of the Overlord's city had ended with a sword falling from the sky killing Briarwood black. Gilliam had researched the artifact and learned that sword had magics which made it return to its master no matter what. Gilliam believed that the evil of that night had awoken the blade in deep space and that the evil had drawn it back. He feared that all these years the item had been held in the Overlords vaults and now had been taken by this mysterious intruder. Mergin agreed that this was possible and recommended that Gilliam try to learn the swords location. Gilliam did just that and discovered that the blade was now within the Baneheart. The core of the dreaded Banewarrens. The party returned to the place and found it guarded by a Cloud Giant. The Giant was unusually cordial and spoke with the party. He explained he was a Pactlord and was guarding the entrance. He told them there were very few pactlords left. But that the Pactkeeper, the lord of the Pactlords had come to the Banewarrens. Someone had broken in killing some pactlords in the process. The cloud Giant agreed to let the party enter as they would die anyway. The party negotiated the traps and the Banewarrens and reached the Baneheart. There they found the enemy waiting. The enemy wore the Helm of Tyrannus the ethereal and done the Sword of the twilight doom. The enemy revealed himself to be Malastation. The evil Malastation. It seemed that When Malastation had been brought to serve in hell he been reforged into a half fiend and a soul gem had been created for him to be held by his master Baalzebul. Some other adventuring party had destroyed the soul gem (**see Greyhawk Legacy Campaign 17th adventure**) and as Malastation began to rematerialized his body was claimed by a dreaded demiplane. This left Malastation Fractionalized. The part of Malastation that contained most of his humanity had been taken into the Demiplane of Ravenloft. That which was evil and wicked and born of hell had remained. This evil Malastation had escaped hell and returned to reap vengeance upon his enemies. His goal was to kill the Overlord but he had failed. He sought the Banewarrens to capture the powerful items within. The party now stood before their old friend and beside him. The evil Malastation beckoned the party to join him in his vengeance. Ug thought it was a great idea, so too did Ramius. Mergin and Caladon were against this. They would stand with the good Malastation. The evil Malastation sought to sweeten his offer when he revealed that he was in control of the Banemachine. This encountered was interrupted by magical sprites entering the room. It was the book of mapping, the first book of mapping. A moment later Labyrinth Lostmaker entered along with Kalurecent the Paladin and Bidwell the Bard. Kalurecent and Bidwell had been tracking Malastation for a great long time. Kalurecent meant to end this. The side of good was growing stronger. But always there is a balance. A moment later The Pactkeeper entered, he was an enormous minataur of awesome power. He was accompanied by a Beholder lord and a red dragon. These were the greatest of the Pactlords. As sides began to form the final enemy appeared. It was a great gold dragon. As the dragon spread its wings it revealed Kozar and his new master, The Invincible Overlord. The Overlord decreed that everything in the room must die and the Melee began. Kalurecent and the overlord went after the evil Malastation. The evil Malastation went after the good Malastation. Ug went after the Overlord. The pact lords went after everyone. The dragons went after each other and Labyrinth went for the door. Mergin and Gilliam managed to disenchant the Overlord's vorpal weapon and UG defeated the Overlord. Caladon killed the beholder. Malastation freed the angel bastion and then killed the evil Malastation. The gold dragon killed the red and escaped with the Overlord's body. Labrynth found the man operating the Banemachine and cut his throat. Kozar was trapped and sought refuge in a prismatic sphere. The party waited him out and tricked him. Then they slaughtered him together. The madmen had set things right. Bastion agreed to res4eal the banes and the Sword of the Twilight Doom. The party left and returned home. Ramius animated Kozar's corpse and the party had some good clean dead defiling fun. The Madmen had finally returned.

36th: Madness Never Dies
These three members of the Madmen reconveyned in a poorly devised attempt to rekindle the bonds of fellowship.What started out as a yearning for adventure developed into a sadistic need for unwarranted venegeance. Plans to attack the Invincible Overlord’s city came into planning. The party’s efficient was consistently legendary. Legendarily bad. A few honest men were killed but the assault ended there. Mergin was left alone in Tomb of Heroes unsure of what to hope for first. The death of his companies, or his own demise. But at last, MADNESS NEVER DIES.

37th: The Last Word
The Righteous: Mordenthax and Alstott (of the Righteous Campaign) found themselves inexplicably in Freeport. The Pirate city that lied at the center of the Sea of the Fallen Stars. They had no idea how they gotten there but soon found themselves following their nature. They were in search of adventure and luck was on their side. They met up with the Paladin Moradon who entertained them for many days. Eventually Morodon put the Righteous duo in touch with Rezzle and Feywright.
The Pirates: At this point Rezzle and Feywright were semi-retired. They had but one quest left and that would probably never be fulfilled. For many years now they had been joined by Flint the explorer and Lucien the wise. Two kindred spirits who shared in their obsession with finding Yarrshad, the great booty and the Pirate god. Finding Yarshad was like piecing together a tapestry that had been spread out about the world. From time to time Lucien would find some obscure object in some distant land that Rezzle or Feywright would have to find. This time the object was The Aurmn Triangle. A magical compass like device that the Famous Cordell of Lantan had used to find the lost continent of Maztica. The last known location of the Triangle was in the hands of Vortis, an ancient Locksmith. Lucien had discovered that a man in town named Galeb (Gilliam in hiding) had information but that he would not speak on it. Rezzle and Feywright went to try their own form of diplomacy. This Galeb seemed to recognize the party’s stature within Freeport and thus agreed to speak with them. He explained that he once been an adventurer but knew little more about Vortis then them. He had only seen Vortis locks in the depths of great dungeons. After a while he admitted that he knew a man who could help. He would bring them to this man but they could not tell this man who sent them. The party agreed. They left for an hour so Galeb could have dinner. During that interim they were joined by Mordenthax and Alstott. The four heroes reconvened with Galeb and were teleported within a mausoleum.
Invincible: It had been six years since the last attempted revivification of the Madmen. It had all ended in Madness as was their way. The party members for the most part had gone their separate ways.
Ug: Had found a cave in east Calandia where he lived quietly.
Caladon: Had fled Calandia and sought Adventure elsewhere
Malastaion: Had spent some time in Waterdeep acting as a Sword for Hire.
Ramius: Had traveled with Malastation to Waterdeep and set up a new Dojo.
Brinkerhoff: Had settled down in the small town of the rebuilt Ashvan
Briarwood Black: Had settled down in Lanhkmar.
Gilliam: Unknown to all had left Gilliam’s Island and relocated in hiding in Freeport.
Mergin: After their last adventure he had sat to ponder for a time.
And so Mordenthax, Alstott, Feywright, and Rezzle appeared in Mergin’s Invincible tomb. There in its center they saw what appeared to be the statue of a dwarf. The party began touching him and slowly the dwarf awakened. Mergin had fallen into a virtual hibernation. Now he was awakening to strangers. The party explained what they were doing there and after some time Mergin agreed to help. Though ofcourse he knew little more then Galeb (Gilliam) of Vortis. Some form of obsessive madness lead Mergin bring the party right back to the one place in all the multiverse he should not have gone. To Briarwood, the Invincible city. There the party spent days trying to locate a phantom dwarf whom Megrin recollected as having a Vortis lock in his store. They asked questions, paid for divinations, dug up graves, harassed citizens and all to no avail. Eventually Rezzle stumbled across some information. A gnomish locksmith in town was able to tell him that Vortis had been born in Lantan. The party teleported back to Freeport where Karn the Curst agreed to sail them to Lantan. Three weeks later they arrived in the city of Samar, At first they could find little information pertaining to Vortis. Then it was revealed that the one man old enough to have known Vortis was just recently killed. The party got involved with the investigation and soon learned that three men had been present and that this man (Vald Grumbledun) had probably been killed by a necromancer. Neighbors and friends were able to relay to the party that many people had come to speak to Grumbledun because they were in search of the Vault of Vortis. Apparently at the end of Vortis’s existence he sought to unlock the final gate. The portal to the next world. Before he set off on this mission he created a vault and sealed in it all his worldly possessions. Among the men who had come for this information was Labrynth Lostmaker. The party teleported to Labrynth’s home town of Peeksdon to find out what he knew. Upon arriving in Peeksden the party learned that Labrynth had gone off into a nearby Dragons lair in search of loot. The party followed him there to find Labrynth running down a mountain laden with gold. A large Blue dragon in pursuit. The party fought the dragon off and teleported away with Labrynth in tow. Labrynth explained that he indeed had found the Vault of Vortis but it was impossible to enter. He brought the party to the Vault’s location. It seemed the vault had been built underground beneath the bottom of the Canyon of Dahss. Dahss had long been a wargod but had fallen from the heavens. Where he landed created this massive canyon in the earth. As a side effect to this magic sometimes worked inconstantly within the Canyon. After some exploring the party found the Vault to basically be a large steel box beneath the earth. Within it was a series of small rooms separated by 7 locks. The first lock was the Lock of the Mind. This had the party stumped until Mordenthax was able to disbelieve the illusion. The second lock was the lock of the smith. Mergin utilized his lockcrafting skills to give him insight into how to pick the lock. The third lock was The Lock of the Nimble. This room was trapped with an explosion of all 4 elements. Mergin’s evasion saved him and he was able to disarm the trap. The next lock was The Lock of the Golem. Here stood a massive Iron Mitral Golem. A key was maintained with a crystal sphere within his chest. A successful sneak attack to this critical point would freed the key but instead Mordenthax took the Golem down the hard way. The next lock was The Lock of Magic. There did not appear to even be a lock and Mergin successfully “Knocked” the door open. As he strode forward he fell victim to the invisible prismatic wall. He actual mad it through but he was insane. As the rest of the party discussed and experimented with ways to work this out Mergin came back through the wall and fell down dead. The following day he was resurrected and the party went back to work. They used the proper spells to bring the prismatic wall down. The next lock was the lock of the wise. It was a 3 channel lock much like one Mergin had long sought to build. Each channel with the lock could only be solved by answering a riddle.
Riddle 1:
What word fits the following? "My first two letters are a man, my first three a woman, my first four a brave man, my whole a brave woman"
Answer: The answer was heroine. Mergin got this quickly.
Riddle 2:
A beggar's brother died, but the man who died had no brother. How could this be?
Answer: The beggar was a female. Mergin again got this one fast.
Riddle 3:
What eight letter word only contains one letter?
Answer: The answer was Envelope. This had the party stumped for a time before Mordenthax seemed to have some intuition that Feywright seized upon to solve the riddle.
Now the party stood before the final lock. The Lock of the Body. There was no lock but simply a hand imprint on the wall. As the party discussed how to deal with this last lock Labrynth came up whispering that there were invisible people behind them. Mergin put his hand in the lock and found the door opened easily. As he did massive foot steps could be heard behind them. The party jumped into the final chamber and shut the doors behind them. Within this chamber were all the riches of Vortis’s life. The party made as many preparations as they could. Then they opened the door. They came under attack by none other then undead forms of Ug and Briarwood black. Mordenthax and Feywright were able to bring down Ug before he killed everything. Briarwood fell to combined might of Rezzle and Mergin. Moments later the party would discover that this was merely the first wave an onslaught intended to get the party to use their most powerful effects up. The second wave was much stronger. The remaining members of the now undead invincible party attacked. It seemed someone had found and located all the members of the madmen and attacked them while they were alone. After systematically killing the party members they had raised them as awesomely powerful undead. This was all the party members of course except for Mergin and Gilliam who had both lived continuously behind magical protections. In a flash Mergin had remembered a few years prior when had he briefly left his magical safe house only to be attacked by some sort of machine. So now Brinkerhoff, Caladon, Malastation, and Ramius were facing the party. This would be in some sick sense the last stand of the Madmen. Fortunately for Mergin and his new Madmen these undead forms were much less powerful then they were in life. They had no magic items and lacked the ability to perform many of their greater abilities. Brinkerhoff was the next to fall, then Malastation, then Ramius. Mordenthax was hacking through at an unstoppable rate. Caladon stood alone in the end and then did not stand at all. Finally when all the former Madmen were dead the progenitor of this injustice spoke. At the end of the tunnel now lay a wall of stone. Through Mordenthax’s gem of true seeing he could see someone had first cast the wall of stone, then stone shaped a small hole in it, then followed that up with an illusion making the hole unseeable. The man behind the wall spoke claiming that he only wanted the Skull Scepter that was found within the horde. The party was in no shape to fight on but this party was rolling with Mergin. An attribute that lent itself to poor decision making. As time expired on this offer the party was bombarded by a Meteor Swarm. The voice behind the wall gave the party another chance. This time Mergin recognized the voice. It was no other then Kirz Uthok. A doppelganger Necromancer who had long ago masqueraded as a Sage named Darwell in the invincible city. Mordenthax acted as though he would hand over the Scepter and approached the hole. Mergin snuck up next to him and used a stone shape spell to create a large hole in the wall of stone. Just as this occur Mordenthax saw an invisible rogue behind Mergin. Mordenthax attacked and was able to save Mergin. A massive battle ensued. As the enemy rogue became visible Mergin recognized him as Turkyl. The party did their best to get to Darwell but the wizard was fresh and prepared. The party was vastly depleted. Only Mordenthax was able to cause any damage at all and it was at such a slow rate as to make victory seem impossible. Rezzle saw the battle going bad and began to make preparations for an escape. Mergin too was on the lock out for an exit. Darwell proved to be a powerful foe and difficult to harm. When Mordenthax was fallen it seemed to be the end. But Feywright came fourth with an Antimagic shell rendering Darwell just a regular guy. Still it seemed the party had nothing left. Rezzle managed to barely harm Darwell while mergin tried to save Mordenthax. Turkyl began backstabbing Feywright. Feywright held on as long as he could but Darwell brought him down with a staff hit. At the same moment Mergin slew Turkyl. When Feywright fell so too did his antimagic field. Darwell’s magical protections came back into being. Rezzle and Mergin continued trying to get spells through but it seemed impossible. Final Darwell said farewell to party as he stepped out of melee. He told the party they would meet again and teleported away. It took a few seconds for Darwell to release his teleport had not worked. His eyes opened in realization and a moment later he was electrified to death by Mergin’s Chain Lightning. Victory at last. The party was able to get all their members healed up. They took what treasure they could and called it a success.
The Pirates: Rezzle and Feywright returned home with the Triangle and handed it over. They were one step closer to find Yarshad. The Righteous: Seeing the undead forms of the Invincible party had awoken something in Mordenthax. He had seen exactly this type of necromancy recently. In Shadowdale. His memories came back like a torrent. The Dalelands were under siege. He and Alstott were battling against this. Someone or something had banished them away with the lose of their memories. He had to get back. He rejoined with Alstott and headed for the Dalelands. Hopefully there was still time. The Madmen: Mergin recovered the bodies of his party members. He brought them and laid them in place in the mausoleum he had built for them so long ago. Mergin would have one more visit from the party’s other surviving member. Gilliam after being visited by the members of the Freeport party had divined into the state of Vortis. He had learned that infact Vortis had crossed over into the next world. He had down this via one of the three gatekeepers of Orn. A Zaradon called Khrisanthinor who laired on the northern shores of Calandia. Vortis had unlocked the gateway and passed beyond. Leaving behind all but the least of himself. What remained of Vortis cast into the waters below.
4-21-07 (Timeline. In the Righteous campaign these events took place after 12th: Hellspike Prison part 3. In the Pirate campaign these events took place after 12th: Hell in Freeport part 4)

The End of Madmen had finally come.

Here is the final ends of the many madmen:
Mergin- At rest behind numerous magic protections
Ug- Killed by The Invincible Overlord. Entombed
Malastion- Killed by Darwell. Entombed
Briarwood- Killed by Darwell. Entombed
Caladan- Killed by Darwell. Entombed
Brinkerhoff- Killed by Darwell. Entombed
Malic- Killed
Gilliam- With wife and son relocated to Freeport
Ramius- Killed by Darwell, Entombed
Tordek- returned home and sought further adventure.
Caldwell the conjurer- Killed and left in Banewarrens. Was resurrected and returned to his world of Oerth by the angel Bastion. There his adventures continued (See Greyhawk Legacy Campaign)
Labrynth Lostmaker- Returned to Peeksden and lived to play more games.
Benny the Goblin- Became a powerful and wealthy Merchant.
Bidwell the bard- Left Ashvan to travel world telling tales of Madmen
Kozar the cleric- Was at long last slain by the Madmen in depths of the Banewarrens. His existence continued as a Skeleton mockery.

Whos who:

In Invincible Overlord city:
Captain Smiladon: The captain of the guards. He is the guardian of twin princess’s
General Pholtus: General in the invincible army.
Sir Jeffries: A knight of the goddess Red kight whom you rescued from an undead state.
Darwell the sage: A popular sage in Briarwood who is actually an evil necromancer. The party robber his tower to get the orb of grave mists. He is finally dead.
Turkyl: The theif you were sent to kill but failed. Now with Darwell. Dead

In Scarn:
Kalurecent: The paladin the party encountered in the Banewarrens.
Danar Ratesin: The cleric who created the Banewarrens. He was later turned evil and became Malkrith.
Tirranus the ethereal: A doomed warrior found trapped as a bane.
The Inverted Pyramid: The wizard guild in Ptolus.
Lady Vlaadaam: The lady of the evil noble house Vlaadaam in Ptolus. She was the owner of the key to the Banewarrens
The Pactlords: An alliance of Monsters who are seeking something from within the Banewarrens.
Bastion & Saggaryntis: An angel and a silver dragon you freed from the warrens.

In Waterdeep:
Blackstaff: Archwizard lord of waterdeep.
Lord Pergeron: Arch Paladin lord of waterdeep.
Halaster: The mad wizard creator and lord of undermountain.
Battlemaster Thastar: Head priest of temple of Tempus in water deep.


Mergins Twisted Tales
The Banewarrens
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