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The Lost Campaigns

The Lost Campaigns


Over the years there have been many campaigns that never quite made it. Some ran for 8 or more modules but ran out of juice. Others just died after a module or two. Some were even discontinued and later revived as entirely different campaigns. Others were combined. Some we’d like to pretend never happened at all. There some too that simply died and the DM could find no will or reason to bring them back. Others were just the result of one night’s boredom. Like a drunken hump, easily forgotten in the morning. These are Lost Campaigns and they will be detailed here.


The Viking Campaign: 1994-1997

Soarogg Dragonaxe: (Booth) Blood sea Minataur Berserker

Sulv Skullspliter: (Groza) Lightning Gnome Runecaster

Atraymis Entearson: (Pete) Aquatic Elf (Dargonesti) Fighter

Idonis: (Cheez) Irda Bard

This campaign comes the closest to being a real campaign. I guess in the end there was no plot to the campaign or to the characters. In any scenario this campaign was inspired by the second edition Viking Handbook. The Campaign revolved around a group of sea faring characters on a Viking vessel. They often battled sea creatures and fishmen. On the best of days there were other Vikings or pirates that meant exciting ship-to-ship combat. Sulv hailed from the Whalebone islands in the seas of northeastern Forgotten Realms. Groza decided his Lightning Gnomes had emigrated there and survived by hunting whales. Soarogg hailed from the Blood seas of Krynn (Dragonlance) as did Atraymis. In actuality Sulv had originally hailed from the Scandanavian earth like world presented in the Vikings handbook. It was necessary to create an interplanar gate to fix this. Thus was conceived the Dragon passage. This was a mountain island with a cave. A water way went in the cave large enough for a ship to travel. Inside the water split into dozens of others routes. There on a platform was a massive planar dragon. He requested toll and loved magic items. As a result the Viking Campaign often jumped worlds and was funner for it. The only villain to speak of was Scarzanius, the gnomish pirate of waterdeep who was not only a secret member of the Xanathar thieves guild but also specialized in black powder weapons. In an a cross campaigning coincidence Scarzaney had also come to possess a 20th century earth Glock Nine handgun which had been carried back to Forgotten Realms by Drazzius from his adventure to Skokie Illonois (Wrath of the Immortals) and promptly sold on the black market. The party never had any other ambition then the ill-conceived Pete generated goal of bringing back the dead three. The people involved did not even know who the dead three were (3 evil gods killed for involving the time of troubles in the Avatar trilogy) but the name sounded cool. Still they had some great adventures and fund. Pete quickly lost interest in his character cause he was a stupid aquatic elf and his original was in fact a total plagiarism of an increasingly popular D&D character Artemis Entrearee. Booth and Papo carried the campaign while they could. I even reintroduced one of Groza’s abandoned PCs Skrogg Longhorn as an NPC and first mate to Soarogg. Their ship gained much popularity as it was lined with skulls trumped with a massive Dragon Turtle cranium. In the end Sulv retired as long of the Whalebones. He gave birth to Vindolf who who Groza would reprise in the Planescape Campaign. Soarogg had a realm of rulership on Mithas in Krynn but was generally understood to have spent his remaining years traveling the high seas.


The Little People Campaign 1994-1999

Nyjul Greentree: (Booth) forest Gnome Rogue, Mayor of Peeksden

Labrynth Lostmaker: (Ring) Kender Fighter Thief Cartographer

Doc Wud: (Groza) Tinker Gnome Wagon salesmen and Gunner

Finder Ruskettle: (Pete) Halgling Homesteader

Giles Oakenale: (Cheese) Halfling Cleric Bar Owner

Flogan Claggenwood: (Fred W) Dwarf/Gnome Fighter

Pockets Greentree: (Jboy) Forest Gnome Rogue

Grendal Kristoferson: (Buck) Kender Bard Spellfilch

Guizer Blacktoe: (Buc-shot/NPC)

Devaro, Branar, & Coors: (NPCs) Devaro & Branar are Brothers, Coors is Giles’ fatbro

This remains one of the funniest Campaigns ever played. It was inspired by The Hobbit. It took place in the small halfling community of Peeksden. All the PCs played little characters a lot of them with mundane town professions. The adventures were usually something small like finding the missing piece to the broken windmill but still it was always fun. There was actually a campaign idea involving the mythology of the town and its founder Peeken. Whatever it was it never came to fruition. The climax of the campaign was probably during its segment of Malar's Manifest (MM was an all campaign spanning super module). The White master of the Cult of Dragon was somehow involved in something that brought him through Peeksden. The whole town banded together to battle the master as he took form to a White Dragon. The Mayor Mobin Madmuffin was killed in that battle. Nyjul greentree won the ensuing election and remains mayor of Peeksden aided by the wisdom of local sage Wyrmeldius Fromaldahyde.


The Wizard Campaign: 1993-1993

Andrais: (Booth) Elven Bladesinger

Damanthius: (Pete) Wizard/Cleric of Mask

Karius: (Groza) Rock Gnome Rogue/Illusionist

This was the first attempt at a party of all wizards. All split class into different specialties. The party was super efficient but there was some inner turmoil. In the end the campaign was ended as both Damanthius and Karius were killed. They would later return but those events and these first modules are all covered under the Doomed Campaign.


Ravenloft 2:1998-1998

Vorlin: (Booth) Human Knight of the Shadows

Loom Junior (Albino) Human Fighter

This was a brief attempt to revive a beloved setting. In truth every aspect of Ravenloft was done to death in the campaign of that name. There were now new products that seemed promising and there was some interest in revitalizing the campaign. In any event this campaign made it no more then one module. It did serve as the first indication that Ravenloft was growing anew feeding off the newly imprisoned Vecna’s power.


The Westgate Campaign 1993-1993 (The ABC group)

Glavaran The Slayer: (Booth) Human Gladiator

Alowisis: (Jboy) Human Bounty hunter

Dragan Redmantle: (Pete) Human Cleric of Kelemvor, Graveyard caretaker

This was a short-lived campaign that had about 5 modules. It was based in a city called Westgate in the country of Robs Kharas. Jboy was phasing out of D&D at the time and so the campaign ended. We had started playing the campaign after Jboy got out of Basketball practice. Thus it was commonly referred to as The ABC group. (After Basketball Campaign)


The Hallows Eve Campaign: 1994-1996

Quilin Oakhaven: (Booth) Human druid

Javal Sorsworvian: (Jboy) Forest Gnome Fighter Rogue

This was a really cool campaign that actually did come full term. It concerned two forest dwellers struggling against those who would impede on the forest. The enemy of the campaign was the Warlock Mekari and the circle of Kartekian. Mekari’s mansion became an all time favorite adventure (The Twofold Talisman Dragon Magazine). The Defenders of Oakwood retired happily having defeated Mekari and saved their homeland. Party NPCs included Mooshindy the Druid, Cassius the Ranger, Cladivar the Centaur, and Eldonin the Wise in Westgate.


The Evil Campaign 1995-1995

Telkantar: (Pete) Elven Knight of Malister (Tiamat)

Malicus: (Vin Basso) Human fighter with Serpent theme

This was one of Petes manifestations concerning his then belief that Evil D&D was awesome. His character was created using rules in the back of a dragonlance novel (The New generation). The rules were for the Grey Knights of Takhisis from Dragonlance. Vins character was like a weird takeoff of GI Joes Serpentor and he even rode a lizard. They had a few semi-evil adventures before this campaign came crashing down.


The Fallen Campaign 1996-1997

Damanthius: (Pete) Human Wizard/Cleric of Cyric

Loom: (Albino) Human fighter

This was another evil campaign and truly evil at that. These guys raped, tortured, molested, and murdered. Both these characters had turned evil on their own accord with very little prodding from the forces of Ravenloft. Their adventures are incorporated and covered in Doomed Campaign. All their adventures have “Fallen” in the title.


The Elvin Campaign:1996-1996

Taldar: (Ring) Elven Knight

Unknown: (Groza)

This is one of the stranger campaigns that popped out of nowhere. Basically Ring and Groza were around and wanted to play. I pulled out a campaign concept that I had abandoned and ran with it. The campaign plot had to do with a massive magical emerald that was the gateway to the undying realms where elves go when they die. Long ago the city that housed the Emerald was threaten. Pieces of the Emerald were carved out and imbedded in blades to magically enchant them for defense of the city. The great elven heroes of that age kept these swords and they were lost to time. Now the Emerald was losing its power and it needed to be restored. The party would have to find and gather all the blades and as each new blade was brought to the source the blades the party were wielding would grow in power. As I write this that still sounds like a good campaign. However it only made it through one or two adventures before it ended.


The Monster Campaign 1998-1998

Will Stickum: (Booth) Hobgoblin Assassin

The Manster: (Cheez) Some big monster

This campaign was born of The Humanoids handbook. Booth always wanted to play a hobgoblin so he shook off the bindings of D&D and created a Hobgoblin Hit man who wore a business suite. Cheesebox made up something called an Aloghi which basically was a 9ft tall 900 pound sasquatch. I explained that he would be a monster and could not go into town. He seemed cool with that. At some point it was decided that Cheez was a Manster and this made everyone laugh (Maybe at Cheese) continuously. The Campaign lasted one module as the party made friends with a Hill Giant then went into town. The towns people attacked the scary monsters and killed them. Though some claim the corpse of the Hobgoblin was never recovered.


Dungeoneers Campaign: 1998-1998

Fizzle “The Fuse” Blacksmoke: (Booth) Gnome Rogue Black Power Technician

Judlow Pathfinder: (Cheese) Dwarven Fighter/Rogue

Malic Silvertree: (Albino) Human Cleric 2nd –(Dungeoneers Campaign)

Tyfus Greyfalcon: (Pete) Half Elf Harper Wizard

Scamatius Legendkey: (NPC) Gnome Cartographer

Yet another good campaign that fell short. This party was formed basically to seek out and explore dungeons. This was a great opportunity for the DM to utilize some famous Dungeon Crawl Adventures. The Campaign had about six modules before it ended. The only one I can recall Is the first edition adventure Hidden Shrine of Tamachan. The party operated primarily out of the city of Mulmaster in Forgotten Realms.


The Death Group: 1997-1997

Marasmus: (Buck) Human Cleric of Ilmater

Muerto Sereno: (Booth) Paladin of Kelemvor(Death)

The Death Group was a good campaign empowered the PCs enthusiasm for their PCs. An unlikely candidate, this group had many adventures and tapped out about 8th level. Buck’s PC was sort of a Opus Dei style cleric utilizing self inflicted Torture. This party adventured in the realm of Robs Kharas.


The Wargod Campaign: 1997-1997

This was an ill-fated campaign with Buckley and Booth playing followers of Talon, God of War in service to the Knights of Duhmar along the Kharas wall. It lasted about half a module.


The Travelers Campaign 1995-1996

Komblee Shadowweaver: Goblin Rogue/Wizard

Torn: (Albino) Human Earth Elementalist Wizard (Dirtmage)

Hades Requistat: (Cheez) Human Paladin of Raiden (Lightning)

This party adventured in the realm of Argentia and somehow a Dirtmage had something to with things.


The Theives group 1996-1996 (Shadows of Briarwood)

Billy Bathgate: (Booth) Human Stalker

Souron Shadowleaf: (Cheez) Drow Cleric of Mask

Zofos: (Groza) City Gnome Wereraven Rogue

Brimcyrus Dimthorn: (Pete) Half Elf Ninja
Unknown: (Buck) Crusader of Mask (missing hand)

Spite: (NPC) Gnome Thief, Guide to the city’s underworld

This was the first campaign set in the City State of the Invincible Overlord.
The thieves bumbled their way through various heists having various degrees of success. In the great cleansing of briarwood the entire group was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment by the invincible overlord.

Night Below Campaign 1995-1995

Xendalix: (Cheese) Psionicist

Unknown: (Booth)

This campaign dealt with a region known as Harranshire. It was to be used with the second edition campaign boxed set Night Below. The Party seemed to enjoy the early adventures but the campaign never really got off the ground.


The Al Quadim Campaign 1994-1994

You play D&D long enough and you’ll try anything. Thus comes the Al-quadim campaign. We played this one night at Booths house. It degraded into everyone picking on Groza’s gnome Sha’ir Fatz. That was where the Campaign ended.


The Desert of Desolation Campaign 1994-1994

Hades Requistat (Cheez) Human Paladin of Raiden

Unknown (Booth) Sha’ir

Unknown (Buck) Crusader of Mask

This was another attempt at an Al Quadim style campaign. It was based in Robs realm of Sutaan on Korlandor. The campaign dealt with the Desert of Doslation super Module. The party never finished and the campaign abruptly ended. This was the first appearance of Hades who survived to enter other campaigns


The Dark Sun Campaign 1994-1994

This was the same type deal as the Al Quadim Campaign. There was a sourcebook so why not a Campaign. I don’t even remember playing but it did happen. Booth had a Mul Gladiator.


The Dwarf Campaign 1998-1998

Loomis Steelhammer: (Booth)

Unknown (Cheez

This campaign had a few good adventures but abruptly ended. The adventures they did have first dealt with dwarven affairs but then had the characters entering robs realm of Corthasia. Corthaisa was basically a Ravenloft clone and the characters had to deal with Count Lacrotus.


Seagoing Campaign 1995-1996 (Dusk till Dawn Campaign)

Dartanian Vitage: (Booth) Human Fighter Corsair

Idonis: (Cheez) Irda Bard

Infernius: (Groza) Lava Gnome Fighter

Jarde: (Buck) Lizardman Fighter

This was an awesome pirate campaign that just fell to pieces. It started with the Party on board Captain Fairhaven’s ship sailing around Krynn. The main city was Sanction. Eventually after the Campaign had ended Dartanis went on to join the Bracers Campaign. Idonis joined the resurged Viking Campaign. Infernius & Jarde became NPCs that would appear working on sailing vessels.


Cross-town Ravenloft Campaign 1996-1996

Mantissa Log: (Buck)

Unknown: (Brian Edge)

Unknown: (Tony Liecher)

Unknown: (Danny Martino)

This party was started after Tony Liecher accosted me at school. For the second adventure they brought in Dave Buckley who they revered as the greatest living role-player. I poached Dave Buckley from them and never DM them again. The campaign was just a replay of the original Ravenloft Campaign. We barely got through Night of The Living Dead before the campaign ended.


The Short Lived Campaign (2 hours in 1998)

Dotremer: (Buck) Fighter Lonewolf

Kovar: (Booth) Ranger Cleric

This is the shortest campaign of all time included here for humor. The party was killed during the first encounter with snake. I allowed the party to somehow come back to life and try again. They were killed again by the snake.

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