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The Raven's Wrath Campaign

The Party

Adventure Manifest:

-0-: Campaign Start: (Emmeck)
The partys home city was attacked by Dragons. They escaped onboard The Raven's Wrath.

1st: Wreck Ashore: (Seawell)
The party killed some Troglydytes at a Lighthouse and saved the Raven’s Wrath.

2nd: An Icey Grave (Luskan)
The party got trapped in a cursed monastery during a massive snowstorm.

3rd: Scourge of the Howling Horde (Silverymoon)
The party infiltrated a Goblin lair and killed all of them.

4th: Bogged Down (Pearl in Dambrath)
The party hunted a Bog Mummy through a massive swamp.

5th: Vorbyx's Watchpost (Melvaunt)
The party fought entered a complex within a plateau defeating some kobolds and small dragons while utilizing a jade key and finall recovering a lost dragon egg.

6th: Chambers of Bone(Melvaunt)
The party continued to quest for the lost Tomb of Vorbyx. They were tracked by a Kobold Scout who they eventually killed. Finally they defeated a Skeletal Minataur only to learn this was yet another false Tomb of Vorbyx.

7th: Ogre’s Stronghold (Melvaunt)
Aislien was captured by the bounty hunter Gnarth but later returned to the party. They negotiated their way through an Ogre Stronghold to reach the Tomb of Vorbyx.

8th: The Tomb of Vorbyx (Melvaunt)
The party finally entered the Tomb of Vorbyx and began assembling pieces to a hammer. Once it was assmebled it revealed a portal which deposited the party some where far away near Myth Drannor.

9th: Lost in Cormanthor (Cormanthor)
The party found themselves stranded in Cormanthor. They met some Wild elves and fled a battle vs. Dragonmen and Kobolds.

10th: Sarrukh Ruin (Cormanthor)
The party worked for the Wild Elves on a mission to infiltrate a Sarrukh excavation site. After they traveled the Harrowdale.

The Full Manifest:

The party members were all raised together at an orphanage in Emmeck run by the Church of Lathander. One night while returning from a theatre show featuring the story of Serbian Lightbringer they found themselves under siege. The city of Emmeck had come under attack by an army of Dragons. The marauding beasts were destroying everything and it appeared that the orphanage was their primary tactic. As the party tried to hide they soon fell prey to winged kobolds that were conducting house-to-house searches. Together the rag tag group of teenagers managed to slay one of these creatures but more were coming. Just as things seemed desperate one of the priests from the orphanage found the boys and rushed them on board a sailing vessel that was quickly departing the city. The name of this vessel was The Raven’s Wrath.

1st: Wreck Ashore
The party put into port in the small town of Seawell. They each took up odd jobs making some coinage where they could. Eventually they took up a mission they found hanging on the wall at the bar. It seemed the local Lighthouse had failed and the Mayor needed some men to remedy the situation. The party brandished what weapons they could and set out. They all nearly perished at the hands of the world’s most powerful crocodile. They narrowly escaped and proceeded. They found the Lighthouse infested with Troglodytes. The Troglodyte bastards had been using the Lighthouse to make vessels crash. Then they would loot the cargo. As the party reached the pinnacle of the Lighthouse one such vessels was about to share this same fate. The party killed many troglodytes including the leader but more were coming. The party managed to get the Lighthouse Lit saving the ship below. Reinforcements from the ship soon arrived killing the remaining Troglodytes. The party recognized these men as the crew of The Raven’s Wrath. Having saved the ship Captain Torsair invited the party members to join the crew.
-1-16-07- (800 XP)

Interlude: Over the next few months the party would not only learn how to sail but indeed would take up adventurer professions.

2nd: An Icy grave:
After a few weeks travel including stops in Waterdeep and Calimport the party set into port in the northern city of Luskan. The captain arranged a mission for the party. They met with a Gnome named Jabedo at “The Silver Ring Tavern”. Apparently the Thunder Clan Barbarians in the north had taken up mining and had come into some riches. They were using these riches to purchase many fine things from the folks in the south. One such shipment needed protection on its way north. The party was contracted for just such a mission. A chest bearing goods needed transportation and the party was up to the task. But tonight the party needed to party. Aislien went to bed early while the rest of the party lived it up. Torril seemed to develop a Black Lotus addiction in a matter of hours. The following day the party headed into the cold reaches to the north. They came into a storm and soon were facing death. Just as it seemed the storm would swallow them up they caem upon an abandoned monastery. They got inside to find everyone within slain. A few hours later it seemed the snow storm had the party trapped. In the days that followed the snow would not let up. People began dying and it soon became evident that this monastery was cursed by a great evil. The party explored the complex battling many undead and other unspeakable things. Eventually it was revealed that the evil could manifest every night at midnight. The party made ready for this and battled the fiend. On the second try the party was successful. The following day the storm lifted and the party was freed. Unfortunately the Barbarian King Vermond was killed during the exchange. The party decided to take his body and his shipment further north to the Barbarians. What they found was that the Barbarians had actually unearthed an ancient temple to the Goddess of Ice Auril. They had looted the temple for all its possessions. As a result the great evil was loosed. Now all the barbarians were frozen dead. The party collected what looted belongings they could find and holed the temple back up. The party then returned to Luskan and traded this information to the temple of Auril for some potions and gold. As the party returned to the docks The Raven’s Wrath was already setting sail.
-1-23-07 & -1-30-07 (300 & 400 XP)

3rd: Scourge of the Howling Horde:
-Grendall-Torrill-Ok-Larry-Weston (NPC)------Rob DMed
The Raven’s Wrath left Luskan and sailed back down past Waterdeep then inland to the city of Silverymoon, “Gem of the North”. They took rest at the “Bright Blade Brandished Tavern”. There they came across a post asking for adventurer’s aid in the nearby Hamlet of Barrow’s Edge. On route to this town the party found a merchants wagon under attack by a group of Goblins. The party defeated these Goblins and arranged to escort the merchant (A halfling named Sten) back to Barrow’s Edge. They arrived in town and quickly met up with Mialee, the local tavern keeper. She told them that the Goblins had lived peacefully nearby for decades and only in recent months had they turned malicious. The party agreed to solve this problem for the modest some of 500 GP. The party next interrogated one of the Goblins they had captured on their trip to town. The Goblin agreed to give up the location of the Goblin Lair in exchange for his freedom. The party set out the next day to the nearby mountains. A cave complex known as the Howling Hills proved to be the lair of this small Goblin Horde. With the party battled numerous Goblins, Hobgoblins, Dire Weasels, Giant Spiders, and a particularly proud Bugbear. After basically clearing the complex the party came upon the Horde’s recently proclaimed Master. A Young black Dragon and his Dragon Blooded Hobgoblin Henchman. The Hobgoblin was quickly slain but the dragon proved difficult. Even such a young and small dragon caused numerous problems. In the end however the party brought the beast down. As the party exited the complex the Horde’s Shaman was just returning. He was gathering the children who had survived the onslaught. The party made him promise to raise the children to be nice. After slaying many monsters and procuring a fine amount of treasure the party returned to Barrow’s edge to paid and celebrated. Not long after Aislien arrived to usher the party back to Silverymoon where Captain Torsair was eager to disembark.
2-7-07-------(1200 XP)

4th: Bogged Down:
The Raven’s Wrath departed Silverymoon and headed into the southern lands of Dambrath. During their journey they came under attack by The Crimson Corsairs. A pirate organization consistent of vile and wicked elves. The ship survived the encounter but took a great deal of damage. Afterwards Captain Torsair used a magical tattoo to bring the vessel to a secret safe-haven city (?). After a short layover they set into port at the City of Pearl. The party was contracted to delivery a merchant shipment to a town nearby. After a short travel a great storm came upon the party and forced them to stop off at the town of Lurtons Hollow (?). The rain has raised the water level of the nearby swamp making the road impassable for a few days. The party soon learned that an undead creature had attacked the town. The party agreed to help even though the town’s councilman Dunibraun seemed not to want it. The party tracked the undead creature for many miles into the swamp. After a short encounter with a Lizardman they found the being the townsfolk called The Witch. As it turned out the Witch was merely a human female. The wife of the town’s last heretical ruler. Both were thought to have been killed by Lizardfolk. As it turned out, they had actually both been executed by Dunibraun so he could take control of the town. The wife survived miraculously and all evidence was beginning to indicate the undead creature might be her husband Sethan. The party marched on and soon came to the ruins of the old city sunken into the swamp. They entered town hall battling some Dire Possums and a Brown Mold. Eventually they came upon the undead beast, it was as expected Sethan, now a Bog Mummy. The undead was powerful but very slow. Employing clever tactics the party was able to defeat it. Afterwards the party recovered some lost records that the town wanted and returned to Lurtons Hollow (?). They tried to reach the church in hopes of avoiding a confrontation with Dunibraun. But as they entered the church Dunibraun and his men were waiting. The party cut this men down but Dunibraun revealed himself as a Yuan-ti and escaped. The party tried to smoke him out his underground tunnel complex but he had appeared to escape. Soon the town fell into pandemonium at the mention of the Yuan-ti. People were lynched, houses burned, and a lucky few sodomized. The party tried to stop them by any means possible. Even by attacking them but it was to no avail. The town fell into madness and savagery. The party made what good they could in cooperation with the town’s cleric of Lathander, Denythane. As soon as possible the party completed their original mission and returned to Pearl to once again set sail aboard The Raven’s Wrath.
-02-13-07--(1100 XP)

5th: Vorbyx’s Watchpost:
-Weston-Aislien-Grendal-Derbian (NPC)-
The Raven’s Wrath came into port in the City of Melvaunt. While relaxing at the tavern they picked up a mission. A local gnome named Ronston was acting as an advocate for someone seeking adventurers. The party traveled witgh this gnome outside town where they met his employer, A Brass Dragon named Lyn. The Dragon explained that a Dragon egg had been stolen by Kobolds and that a mysterious Jade Key would unlock the secret to finding it. After returning to town the party had the key researched by the local sage who gave them a hint as to the location of the Egg. The party traveled out into a boggy expanse until finally reaching a cave within a plateau. Within the structure they battled many Kobolds and even some miniature beholder-kin. Eventually they battled a mass of Kobolds led by one small Black Dragon and one small White Dragon. Both Dragon’s were steeds for winged Kobolds. The party killed everything save for one of the Winged Kobolds and the Black Dragon who escaped. Within they found a map on a wall with a key hole. Placing the key in the hole revealed the location of a the mysterious tomb of Vorbyx. The party recovered the Dragon Egg then returned to Melvaunt where they collected reward. During this mission the party also picked up the services of a half orc named Bootstrap. They also encountered another adventuring party who had accrewed aboard the Raven’s Wrath. These were Memnon, the Sorcerer, Ty, the Monk, Falum, the Swashbuckler, and Crackjaw the Goblin.
-2-20-07----(2500 XP)---(Adventure taken from the Mysteries of the Moonsea HC)

6th: Chambers of Bone
The party was still in Melvaunt following up on a clue as to the location of the true tomb of Vorbyx. The party had gathered an idea as to the location from a map they had found on their last adventure. They headed out of town and soon found themselves under attack. They defeated a troll and proceeded on their week long trek. Throughout the course of the week the party suffered continuos attacks by an unseen assailant who utlused endless traps and sniper tactics. On the third day this assailant came on the party again as they battled an Ettin. This time the party was able to catch the assailant in the open. After falling the Ettin the party was able to corner the assailant and cut him down. The assailant was revealed to be a Winged Kobold Scout named Vyn’exel. On the Kobold’s body the party found a letter which proclaimed the party to be the Bastard’s Children. This Vyn’exel had been hired to kill the party by someone calling himself “The Sire”. A few days later the party arrived at what they believed to be the true tomb of Vorbyx. After semi solving a riddle the party proceeded to a burial chamber where they discovered this was yet another false tomb of Vorbyx. It was however the resting place of a massive Skeletal Minataur. The party defeated the creature and recovered some considerable loot. They returned to Melvaunt where the local sage was able to provide them with another clue as to the still unknown location of Vorbyx’s Tomb.
-2-28-07---(XP 3000)--(Adventure taken from Mysteries of the Moonsea HC)-

7th: Ogre’s Stronghold
-Weston-Grendall-Aislien-Torrill-(some Derbian, Bootstrap, & Memnon)
The party was still in Melvaunt questing the find the true Tomb of Vorbyx. They now had a map in hand and were on route. Not long after leaving the city the party was ambushed by a group of some 20 bandits led by a formidable Gnoll Ranger aided by 3 dire hyenas. The party quickly released they were outmatched. Weston and Grendall fled but Aislien fell in combat. The two surviving party members returned to town to figure how they would try to save their comrade. They enlisted the aid of shipmates Derbian, Memnon, and Bootstrap. Derbian informed the party that he had heard that a bounty was out for them. After some information gathering the party learned there was a 5,000 GP per head bounty out for them. They also learned that if one needed to collect on this bounty they needed to bring the prisoners to Vorbyx’s watch post of which that had visited on a previous adventure. Soon the party was met by a messenger bearing word from the Gnoll ranger that had taken their friend hostage. Apparently this gnoll was the famous G’Narth, a ranger more famous then even Drizzt Do’urden. He now held Aislien captive and was offering to sell him back to the party for 8,000 gold. The party assumed he was giving them an opportunity to outbid the originator of the bounty. Still the party had no way of paying this fee. So they instead claimed they needed time to raise the money. They hoped this omission would give them time to get to the watch post. The following day the party set out. Not long into their travel they discerned they were being trailed. This time the party set an ambush of their own. They quickly slew the 4 bounty hunters as they came upon them. These bounty hunters turned out to be the brothers grim. Shortly after killing this idiotic bounty hunters the party was joined by Aislien and Torrill. Weston and Grendall were shocked to see Aislien whom they were actually on their way to save. Aislien said that the bounty had been paid and he had been freed. He had subsequently met up with Torrill who was back on the ship attempting a detox. The party now reunited decided they would still go back to Vorbyx’s watchtower. Only this time it was not a rescue mission, but a murder mission. This bold idea was shot to hell as the party saw a large red dragon resting atop the watch post on the following day. The party considered that this dragon may have been behind the bounty and that this might hold some connection to the destruction of Emmeck (The party’s home city). In any event the party had no intentions of taking on a Red Dragon. The party altered course once more to proceed onto their original mission. To once and for all locate the true Tomb of Vorbyx. Luckily anything of any importance in this part of the world was all located off the same single road (The Glister Road). The following the part came to end o0f their map to find a massive Ogre Stronghold awaiting them. Ogres at the gate proclaimed that it was safe to enter. Inside the party met the Frost Giant Lord Dagred who knew immediately why the party was there. This stronghold was indeed built on the Tomb of Vorbyx though no one had yet found a way to enter it. Other adventurers had tried and failed and so Dagred had no qualm with letting the party try. Though it would cost them 30GP. The party descended into a dungeon where they found a manticore held beyond a portcullis. The party saw no reason to tamper with the creature and this proceeded on. They soon came upon a mosaic on the floor inlaid with jade. Within the center was a small hole just large enough for the Jade Key the party had recovered some weeks ago. At long last the party had located the Tomb of Vorbyx.
-3-6-07----(1000XP)—(Adventure taken from Mysteries of the Moonsea HC)

8th: Tomb of Vorbyx:
-Weston-Grendall-Aislien-Torrill-&-Rocky (NPC/James)
After many weeks and many adventures the party had finally discovered the true Tomb of Vorbyx. The Tomb itself lay nestled beneath an Ogre Stronghold north of the city of Melvaunt. Having utilized a Jade Key the party had just entered the Tomb. Once inside the Tomb the party came upon an altar that apparently required multiple pieces of a hammer. Completing this effort seemed reasonable. The party went on into the next chamber to a series of cliffs atop which stood a statue holding piece of a hammer. As Grendall attempted to remove the hammer with his Rope of Climbing the statue became a Flesh Golem. The party opted to flee but Torrill was caught by the monster. Luckily Weston managed to Slow the creature and distract him long enough for Torrill to escape. After the party exited the room they discovered the Flesh Golem could not. The next chamber the party entered was a giant magical gemstone room. It was as if the party was standing within a massive gem. The magical properties of the room were constructed as so to imbue weapons with magical elemental properties. The party was about to take advantage of this when a Gibbering Mouther came upon them. The creature quickly managed to magical Confuse almost the entire party and then to blind Weston. The party began attacking each other and generally acting erratic. Though the madness they did manage to clay the monster and regroup. After the battle the party utilized the rooms magical properties to imbue their weapons. They had at this point been sufficiently drained and thus opted to rest. They tried to go out the way they came in but it was barred. They instead returned to the gemstone cavern and took rest there. After revitalizing the party set out to explore the remaining chambers. They soon came across a trapped Djinn named Vorlush. The party conversed with the being before it became obvious that a battle was eminent. The Djinn was quickly destroyed and within the surrounding area the party located the next piece of the Hammer of Vorbyx. Behind this the party came to a seemingly empty chamber where they were ambushed by an Invisible Stalker. They killed the creature and recovered the last piece of the Hammer. Upon assembling the Hammer and implanting it within the altar the party heard walls falling. In the last chamber in the complex the party found a portal that had subsequently been protected by multiple Prismatic Walls. The Hammer had opened these walls to reveal a portal. Vorbyx had faked his death and apparently escaped through the portal to a distant part of the realms. The party entered the portal and found themselves in the Woods of Cormanthor not far from the ruins of Myth Drannor. It appeared it would be quite some time before they saw The Raven’s Wrath again.
-3-6-07--&-3-20-07(500 XP)—(Adventure taken from Mysteries of the Moonsea HC)-

9th: Lost in Cormanthor
The party had entered a portal in Vorbyx’s Tomb and been deposited somewhere in the Cormanthor forest. The ship was still back in Melvaunt and they had no apparent way to get back. They followed some tracks that lead them by a tree house. Within this tree house the party killed some undead. Apparently it had been the home of an Elvin family. The mother had locked herself in a room with her infant and died there without food. The following morning the party heard a rustling below them. It was an entourage of dragon men and winged kobolds. The head of this group was some unseen figure riding within a carried wagon. Many human slaves carried this large domicile on their backs. The party followed this group until they camped. The party also camped. During the night they were approached by Gabriel Gladesilver, A harper agent working with the Wolf Clan Wild Elves in the area. The party met with the savage elves and convinced them that they were not enemies. After this meeting the party returned to check on the camped draconians. Soon after a near identical group appeared. From the first group a Blue Dragon man exited the carriage. He then met with the leader of the second group who was a Red Dragon man. After this meeting the party set up an ambush for the returning entourage. They attack went off as planned except the draconian forces were stronger then the party had anticipated. Then from the carriage the came the Blue Dragon man. He spent round after round empowering himself with many spells. Then a Red Dragon joined the fray. All of the party members but two decided to retreat. Aislen and Ok stayed behind to continue the battle. Aislen had figured out that the Dragon Man was merely an Illusion and so was the Red Dragon. Together Aislen and Ok won the day without their comrades. The Wolf Clan elves also came to their aid. After the battle they collected evidence that who ever had been within the domicile had escaped.

10th: Sarrukh Ruin:
The party was currently lost in the Cormanthor forest. Their ship, The Raven’s Wrath was in far off Melvaunt. The party had just battled a contingent of draconic foes. Most of the party had retreated leaving only Aislen and Ok to finish the battle. After a few hours the cowardly party members returned to find their friends had won the day. The Wolf Clan elves were there as well. They invited the party to come back with them and the party did exactly that. After some time the party was allowed to speak with Chief Wolfbow who made the party an offer. It seemed these draconian forces were working on something nearby. The elves wanted to find out what. So a plan was made. The Elves would attack while the party infiltrated the area. This went off as planned and the party found what seemed to be an excavation. They descended to find a fully excavated ruined city. The party killed many Dragonmen while exploring the city. Soon it became apparent that these were the Sarrukh ruins the party had heard about. The Surruhk were an agent progenitor race of snake men. The party did as much recon as possible then returned to the elves to report what they had found. They took with them a craftsman slave named Leomund Bronze who had been serving the creatures by crafted weapons presumable made from Mythal for them. The party was well paid for their services and managed to acquire directions to get them to the closest settlement. After ruling out Hillsfar the party traveled to Harrowdale. Once in Harrowdale the party was reunited with some old friends. It was Derbian Lightbringer, Bootstrap, and Dice Mcgee. They had been sent to find the party. It seemed the Raven’s Wrath was still in Melvaunt. They had tried to leave but had been attacked by an Ancient Red Dragon. The Dragon was believed to be nearby and would not let the Raven’s Wrath leave. The party made plans to return to Melvaunt but had some things they needed to handle first. They sold many items and even paid to have some made or enhanced. They even rented a workshop where Leomund Bronze did some work for them. Weston went to see a Sage for information. The Sage said that “The Sire” was the name of an ancient Red Dragon thought to be killed long ago by the Platinum Knights. Now he had apparently returned.
-5-1-07—(Adventure taken from FR Serpent Kingdom, Sarrukh Ruin)
