taking a shower! There she was...humming away...la dee da...while The Brain and The Insano were trying not to look...but The Brain caught a glimpse of something pink...she looked again...was it what she thought it was? "barbie!" exclaimed The Insano.
"what is she doing with a barbie?" The brain pondered.
"playing with them...duh!" The Insano replied to the brain. The Brain hit The Insano on the side of her head.
"zoom in Insano!" The Brain ordered. The Insano had zoomed in on the video, still rubbing her head.
The Insano looked at the Ladybug....and looked at the ladybug....and continued to look at the ladybug. Finally she asked...uh...whats that for? The brain responded patiently that the LAdybug was not in fact a ladybug. But rather a BUG. The insano was confused..."you mean the ladybug isn,t a bug at all its a bug?" "Exactly" "Riiiiight..." The Brain realised that the Insano didn't actually understand at all. She explained "It's a high tech intelligence retrieving device that I have been employing for the past several weeks in order to precisely understand the daily activities of our arch nemisis, The Mind." "oooh, ok!" the Insano exclaimed, " and BUG stands fo Bio-technical Ultramicroscopic Gofer right?" "eh...no...actually I derived it from Butt Ugly Galumpher...but i think I like yours better. Anyway, back to the point. I have been deploying the BUG to gather information. Now follow me to my lab abd we shall see just what my BUG has seen " The 2 superheroes descended to The INsane Brain Lab and the Brain plugged the BUG into the television, and an image popped onto the screen. It was a suptrising video in everyway. It was so shocking that Insano fainted. So scarey that The Brain had to turn away. It seemed that The Mind was
And the Brain explained in intricate detail the plan which her amazingly brilliant mmind laid out for her...They planned and prepared and they worked and they gathered intelligence (not that the Brain reallly needed anymore but Insano needed all she could get her hands on...hehe..just kidding...I think). Finally after weeks of preparation it was time to set their plan in motion. The Brain opened the window and in flew....a ladybug?
"Oh! I know I know I know!" cried The Insano, jumping up and down, "we could...we could...brainwash them...yes...yes....YES!!!"
"Uh...i think you'd better sit down, Jess, your forehead is throbbing again....heh..." The Brain said, serching in her white lab coat for The Insano's puffer. "I think we should trick her...somehow...hmmmm...."
The Brain pondered, The Brain thought, The Brain said "Ah hah! I have an idea!"
After reading the note over and over and over The Brain turned to Insano and said incredulously "Huh?" Insano turned to the Brain and replied with a shrug "Maybe she had the wrong house it's pretty easy to get turned around when your hanging upsidedown by your ankle. And the lady next door has a hubby looks like you --" The Brain gave Insano a glare and Insano continued in a stutter "Uh..uh...i-i- mm-mean that uh...uh..." "Oh nevermind" The Brain interuptted, "Let's just worry about the matter at hand. Since that annoying arch nemesis of ours is convinced it was us, the general public will likely believe her. We must confiscate those incriminating photos!...but how?"
"LESBIANS!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right, I know the truth about the two of you! And I'm going to use it to blackmail you into helping accomplish my evil deeds and aid my dream of world domination!!!! Mwahh ha ha ha ha! How did I discover your terrible secret, you ask? I found out last weekend by accident, actually. Quite a hilarious and diabolically devilish story. You see, I was going to break into your secret laboritory so that I could find out as many things about the two of you as possible so that I might plan a counter attack against you. However, as I was about to lower myself (via a long rope) from the roof of you house to my intended destination (your upstairs balcony which I had discovered lead to the location of you crime lab) I accidently entangled my feet with the rope. As I attempted to untangle myself, I lost my balance and fell off of the roof. Because I had already anchored the rope securely to a weather vane, I was trapped, suspended, upside down, facing directly into your bedroom window. As I gazed in with hopes of seeing something useful to my cause, I saw one of the most shocking things that I have ever seen two women do together. I dare not repeat it, but I did manage to take a few photos of you two in the act with my miniature spy camera that I got out a box of Cheerio's. With that said, you have three days to respond to this letter. Otherwise, the pictures will be published and the two of you will lose the respect of the innocent citizens that you attempt to protect from my devious behaviour. Three days. That is all. -The Mind"
And that is how it all began. Luckily Jessie regained her sanity within a few days, yet when extremely angered (and during full moons) she would be prone to acts of great oddity. Now, 2 years later after the formation of the Dynamic duo 2 (Batman and Robin beat them to the punch there), Ginny and Jessie sit in the basement of Ginny's home in the Insane Brain Lab pondering over a letter they had just recieved from their arch nemesis, The Mind. The letter read...
[ Thu Jul 03, 06:21:26 PM | Ginny Burrell | Somehow there was a mistake. A very huge mistake. The Brain had ordered Jessie inside of an air-tight transparent cube (located deep within her laboratory full of James Bond quality inventions) with a bottle of "NO HAIR." From her control panel, the Brain watched as Jessie applied the solution to her hairy hairy legs (whose hairyness in comparisson with certain unmentionables is disputable). She noticed then that there was a thin pink vapour rising from the solution that Jessie was applying to her legs. To her horror, the Brain saw that Jessie was in fact inhaling the noxious gas. Almost immediately Jessie began to laugh...and laugh...and laugh....though The Brain could not comprehend just what was so funny. The Brain immediately engaged the air conditioner within the box and the gas was sucked out. She then ran over to the cube and unlocked the door. Jessie, still giggling, exited her trap and began running around wildly shrieking about frogs, farts and foghorns. And laughing histerically. The Brain watched on with mild confusion as she witnessed the birth of The Insano!
Thu Jul 03, 04:52:48 PM It all started when The Brain (Back then, her name was Ginnine), was expiramenting on her little cousin, Jessie (not yet the Insano). "Ginnine", was trying to make a 'NON-HAIR' potion. This potion would immiatiatly make all the hair come off of the users' legs, there for they don't have to shave. Jessie (not yet The Insano), had volunteered to be the "test", mainly because her legs were hairier than Tyler Iness's dick.