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Daggerdale is located in the Dalelands region of Eastern Faerūn in the Forgotten Realms. Dagger Falls is the only town of any size in the dale, and it lies northwest of Shadowdale and due west of Zhentil Keep. The Zhentarim have long had an interest in Dagger Falls as a caravan stop on their route through the Anauroch Desert. For that reason they've subverted the legal government, replaced the ruling Morn family with their own stooges and sent troops to occupy the town. Randal Morn and his sister Silver are the last members of the ruling family. Silver married a Cormyrean nobleman and now resides in Cormyr. Randal conducted a 30-year guerilla campaign against the Zhentish forces occupying Dagger Falls that culminated in the retaking of that town in 1369 DR. More information about the

Official sources describe Daggerdale as a land of broken hills and valleys. The soil is rocky, but fertile and there is ample vegetation. Trees grow thick in the rich soil of the valleys and ravines while the hill tops tend to be rocky and grassy. Many small streams cut through the hills and run down to flow into the two rivers which flow through the dale, the River Tesh and the Dagger River. One thing which can be deduced from studying a map of the area is that there is a ridge separating the two river valleys that has its highest point in approximately the area of Castle Enneth. This ridge extends northeast from that point to separate the headwaters of the Cold Rush from the valley of the River Tesh and join with the Dagger Hills. The largest town in the dale, Dagger Falls, gets its name from the falls where the River Tesh flows over a sudden drop in this ridge line north of where it joins the Dagger Hills.

History of Daggerdale:

The following is a timeline for the Daggerdale area. All dates are in Dale Reckoning.

796/Year of the Gray Mists

1267/Year of the Groaning Cart