Title: The point of no return

Author: MidKnight

Fandom: Harry Potter

Pairing: HP/DM

Notes: Lyrics are by Andrew Lloyd Webber from The Phantom of the Opera.

Across the crowded hall Draco Malfoy’s and Harry Potter’s eyes met. Even as they sat at their respective house tables a sense of longing was conveyed between the two boys. Draco wondered if Harry even understood his feelings; though he had made several passes and overtures to the dark haired boy they had been ignored, as if he didn’t understand?

Harry sighed, looking at the fair boy; why was it he no longer wanted to strangle the enemy, but rather do something even he had no words to voice? Their harsh words of the previous years had stopped slowly, shifting into playful banter and almost affectionate teasing. As if they were friends.

Draco shook his head and cleared his throat. Well, if Harry wasn’t able to understand what he wanted, maybe he needed to be clearer. Using a simple spell he called his Eagle Owl from the school’s owlery as he pulled out a parchment and began to write.

Harry. Meet me in the Library.

Looking at his hastily scrawled note Draco felt a certain amount dislike for it. If he wanted Harry he wouldn’t drag him off somewhere secret and tell him. No reason not to mark his territory…Kill two birds with one stone, as the muggles said. He crumbled the note even as he opened his mouth.

“You have come here, In pursuit of your deepest urge In pursuit of that wish which 'til now has been silent Silent…”

Several people at his table had turned their heads to see what he was doing. Some were frowning.

Draco stood and raised his voice, letting the melody catch people’s attentions.

“I have brought you that our passions may fuse and merge In your mind you’ve already succumbed to me Dropped all defenses, completely succumbed to me Now you are here with me No second thoughts, You’ve decided Decided…”

Several of the girls at the Slytherian table were grinning at him, thinking his words were for them. With a wave of his hand he dispelled them. The Ravenclaw table had gone silent and by now half the Hufflepuffs and half the Gryffindore tables were quiet as well. To Draco’s supreme delight Harry was red as a beet.

“Past the point of no return.” Draco moved away from his table, turning his back on Harry, then looking back over his shoulder. “No backward glances. The games we’ve played ‘til now are at an end. Past the thought of ‘If’ or ‘When’. No use resisting. Abandon thought and let the dream descend. “ He winked at Harry, as he moved farther around the Slytherian table, to the center of the room. “What raging fire will flood the soul? What rich desire unlocks its door? What sweet seduction lies before us? Past the point of no return. The final threshold. What warm unspoken secrets will we learn, beyond the point of no return?”

Draco stood in the center of the great hall, feeling every set of eyes in the room glued on him. But all that mattered was Harry…

Harry felt the eyes directed onto himself suddenly, as everyone realized whom Draco had been singing to. He gulped, seeing the look on Ron’s face out of the corner of his eye. Even Herimone was looking at him strangely. Harry gulped again, looking back to Draco. As he met the violet eyes of the singer he felt a rush of something near his heart.

He was supposed to sing if he loved the boy…

With that thought the past months of conversations, the odd things Draco had said to him suddenly made sense. So did that empty feeling he had…

Sing if you love him…

Harry forced himself to his feet to the shock of the other Gryffindors.

“You have brought me To that moment when words run dry To that moment where speech disappears into silence Silence…”

Harry looked around at all the shocked faces as he sung back to his enemy. But the look on Draco’s face made him sing again.

“I have come here Hardly knowing the reason why In my mind I’ve imagined our bodies entwining Defenseless and silent And now I am here with you No second thoughts I’ve decided Decided…”

His voice faltered and he felt his blush rise at the intimate things he spoke of. Harry pushed away from the table to circle it.

“Past the point of no return. No going back now.” That was sure, with them declaring what they felt for each other in front of everyone. “Our passion play has now at last begun. Past the point of right or wrong. One final question? How long are we to wait before we’re one? When will the blood begin to boil, the beating heart begin to race, when will the flames at last consume us?”

Harry stood in front of Draco now and held out his hand to the other boy, who accepted it with a tight squeeze. In unison they started together.

“Past the point of no return. The final threshold. The bridge is crossed so stand and watch it burn! We’ve passed the point of no return!”

Draco slid his free hand around Harry’s neck, pulling him close as their lips suddenly met in a passionate kiss.

The entire great hall was dead silent. A cricket echoed somewhere in the castle.

But for the two boys, everything was suddenly like fireworks.

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