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"To see the world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower. Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour."

All About Me

The Less Important Stuff
Name: Faerunner, AKA Dawn, Aurora, DW, Kryptonite, or Otter depending on who you're talking to.
Age: Old enough to drive, young enough to still be learning. Not too old to live at home, not too young to be home alone. Go figure it out for yourself.
Height: about 175 cm (about 5'9")
Weight: about 57 Kg (about 125 lbs.)
Hair color: Chestnut/ medium brown
Eye color: Hazel/green

The Important Things
I like: Cats, writing, nature, music, my angelic boyfriend <3.
I dislike: Apathy, environmental pollution, n00b-speak/AOL-er, rap (I wouldn't deign to call it music).

I'm an active RP'er on Furcadia and write some original fiction occasionally, some of which can be seen at FictionPress, so I've come up with myriad characters to run around with. Forget the descriptions, though. I've given up on RP lately and nobody needs to know who I am anyway. An angel with broken wings...

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss that never lessens and always blows your partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you?
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