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The Main Villains

The Evil.....Within..

There comes a time in every DBZ saga, where a villain emerges. From the start of Frieza, until we finally meet and showdown with Buu, all enemies have their place. Moving on, I'll cover as many main villains as I can...

Lets go in proper order first. Radditz- The very enemy of DBZ. He came to Earth to check on Goku(Kakarott) and get him back into destroying planets like a true Saiyan. Goku rejected the proposal, and Radditz kidnapped his son, and told Goku if he didn't kill 100 Earthlings by the next day, he'd kill Gohan. Goku never did it, but confronted Radditz instead, for a showdown. He and Goku are killed when Goku holds him down, so that Piccolo can get a clean shot...Radditz is never seen again, and never heard from again, even in the afterlife. Frieza- A manical tyrant, bent on ruling the universe. He's one of the most crutial main villains in DBZ, as he destroyed Planet Namek, killed practically every Saiyan, and their home planet. And caused the first SSJ transformation, of Goku. He's destroyed by Goku after Goku becomes a SSJ, and gets blown up pretty bad. He's found by his father, and is put back together, using some android parts. He goes to Earth seeking revenge upon Goku, but finds the Future Trunks instead. He's killed by SSJ Trunks, after being sliced up with his sword, and then being burnt to a crisp with a ki blast. Frieza later returns in noe of the DBZ movies, only to be defeated by Gohan as the Great Saiyaman. Then we have King Cold- Frieza's and Cooler's father. he's much more powerful than Frieza and Cooler, but is still easily defeated by SSJ Trunks. After being blasted from the inside by Trunks, he's not seen around....except in the afterlife of hell. Cooler- Frieza's older and more powerful brother, only appears in the 5th movie. He comes to exact the revenge of his dead brother who was defeated by the SSJ Goku. But Cooler has a trick up his sleeve, another trnasformation. As it appears he's found another level above the one Goku fought Frieza in. But ultimately, even Cooler's fourth transformation isn't enough to stop the SSJ. He's hurdled into space by his own power, as Goku deflected it back on him. he flys into the sun, and is killed. He later returns in the 6th a metal cyborg. Moving on, we have Garlic Jr.- He was in the first DBZ movie and got immortality from the Eternal Dragon, making him almost impossible to beat. He later returns after the defeat of Frieza. It's up to Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Kami, and Mr. Popo to stop Garlic Jr. and his hoard of zombies..(he turned everyone on Earth into zombies upon his escape from his Dead Zone.) This saga and villain are kinda pointless, as Goku and Vegeta aren't even on it's pretty gay. And btw, Garlic Jr. actually came before King Cold. Android Frieza- This is when Frieza makes his return to Earth, to find and destroy Goku. But when he arrives, he doesn't find him, and is killed by Trunks as mentioned before. His power is extremely stronger than his third transformation that took place on Namek. Androids 16, 17, and 18- The three Androids appear after three years have gone by since Frieza was seen. And the mysterious Future Trunks told the Z Warriors to train for this future occurance. Android 16 later becomes good and even helps the Z Warriors. Android 17 and 18 are brother and sister, and are pretty ruthless. Android 17 is later absorbed, aswell as 18. But A18 is wished back later on, and settles down and marries Krillin. Android 17 is never seen again, until DBGT. Android 19 and 20( Also known as Dr. Gero- Come with the other androids, but are way weaker than Andoids 17 and 18. Vegeta fights with A19, after Goku fight him, but then retreats due to his heart disease. Vegeta proves more than a match for the android in his SSJ form, and destroys him. He also destroys Android 20, the form Dr. Gero took after he wanted to become more powerful, so he got rid of his old body and got an android one. Cell a.k.a. Android 21- Comes from the future, but also has an exsistance in tha past, but his body wasn't ready in the past. Anyways, he comes to the past to destroy the Z Warriors before they have any time to regroup and pose a threat to him. He's made up from the cells of the world's greatest fighters, including Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, and various others. He easily defeats all of the Z Fighters, but then Goku has Gohan step up to the plate and take on Cell, he's ultimately not enough for Gohan, as he transforms into SSJ2 for the first time. Cell is then killed. Babi Dee- Son of Bibi Dee, he finishes out his father's plan with a creature he created many years ago. The creature was Buu, and due to it being uncontrollable, Bibi Dee sealed Buu away, for good. but now his son, Babi Dee wants Buu out, and ressurects the power of the Majin, using hosts to energize Buu for his return. Babi Dee was cut in half by Piccolo, but not killed. He's later killed by Buu, after Buu gets tired of his insults. Majin Buu- The final DBZ Villain they must all face. He finally becomes Majin Buu after going through about 4 transformations. And he puts up a valliant fight, as Goku and Vegeta reach desperation and fuse and becoming Vegetto, they're still no match. But Majin Buu is finally killed by SSJ3 Goku when he uses the Ultra Spirit Bomb.