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The Realm Of Hobos Fan Poems

The Realm Of Hobos Home Page

This is the site for your hobo poems.
#1.We are holding a hobo poem contest. Send
us your best hobo poems. E-mail them to and make the subject "HOBOS" 
and the best ones will be picked to be on this site. 
Keep checking back to see if yours makes it. 

We don't have a winner yet becaue we don't
have enough poems yet.. but here it what we

"Hobo's Life" 
Someday I'll be a hobo 
I'll ride upon a boxcar 
I'll play on my harmonica 
And sing old hobo songs 
Quite loudly and off-key 
I'll build myself a little fire 
That blazes in a trash can 
And cook up beans in old tin cans 
The children will be curious 
Instructed not to talk to me 
Their mothers say don't bother me 
As I sleep in my park bench bed 
With old newspaper blankets 
But I won't mind it, not a bit 
Because I'll be a hobo 

well thanks, enjoy! 

 "Hobo For Alwayz"
Hobo up town, hobo up the street, 
hobo laying at the bottom of my feet.
Hobo with a dog, hobo with a cane, 
hobo who travels all down main.
Hobos in the alley, hobos in a box, 
hobos in the woods, hunting for a fox.
Hobo in a daze, hobo all shocked, 
at how much food he had managed to stock.
Hobo today, hobo tomorrow, hobo for alwayz, 
til the day that he drops.
By: Andrea Fodder
14 years old from Walters, OKlahoma
"The life, Grimes, and various skin diseases of Harry the Tramp"
       My good friend Harry had leprosy, most terrible of afflictions
       His nose and chest and jowels resembled those of Richard Nixon's
       But do not fret my good tramp friend there soon will come a cure,
       Hang on what's this I hear you say you'd rather drink lecures
       But you silly hobo don't you see that that would kill you
       "Death would be welcome if there's Carlsberg special brew"
        Harry your an idiot a Rotter and a spaz
        The word Harry is far to long I think I'll call you Haz
                    The end

