
So ya wanna read about the Becmeista eh?? Well here's the facts. I was born in Illinois on an army base, my mom is Korean and my dad is Irish. We lived there for awhile until we moved to South Korea. Living overseas was pretty fancy I guess cuz I got a lil taste of Korean culture and food*GYYOOOD the food!!* and the scenery. And to those stupid people who just sterotype any other country as full of huts and stupid shit, I lived in the city, Seoul, Korea, and there were taxis, subways, malls, amusement parks, and it was probably a lot like New York. Just clarifying that, okey dokey, okey dokey?

Moving on, we lived in an apartment building on the 8th floor on an army base. Too much shit went down and I don't think you should know my personal biznass, but my parents split, and my dad was given full custody of my sister and I. We stayed with my grandma for a few weeks until we found a place in Chicago, Illinois.

Now Chicago, kicked ASS! Our house was phat, the view was phat. Overall PHATNESS! We actually lived in Ft. Sheridan near Chicago, but Lake Michigan was practically my backyard.

Wayne Thomas Elementary School

After I finished up the first grade, we packed up and moved to good old Pickerington, Ohio! I lived there from 2nd to the end of 7th grade and made many dear dear friends :)

Pickerington Elementary School

Couldn't get a pic of Pickerington Middle School, cuz it's an office now I think...

Pickerington Jr. High School

My dad decided to go back to college at OU in Athens, so I was forced to pack up my things and we left our little house in the suburbs on the last day of June 2001 and moved in with his g/f, Amy, and her kids, Amber(my age, sophomore), Monica, 3, and Oscar, 2.

When school started, I went to AMS for maybe 2-3 months. I made friends but I felt fake around them cause I was quiet and all nice and shit. And I am a nice person and all, but I'm more sarcastic...I duno there were a lot of snobby gurls there and snobby guys too. I was an office helper...during 9th period. I remember that. I would have to wait after school for Amber's bus then we would have to wait for her mom to take us home. I didn't get home till about 4. The only person I actually honestly liked was Adam Gibson. Not just cuz he used to go to Pickerington, he was the coolest person. He could do back flips all the way across the gym. Can YOU do that?!? Hmm?? And my dad pulled me out suddenly so I didn't get to say goodbye to him. So yeah, overall, Athens can kiss my ass.

Athens Middle School

Well then my dad transfered me to NYJHS. I went there for like 4-5 months. It wus a little better than Athens cuz the people weren't as snobby I guess, but damn there were so many rednecks and hiljacks I did not know what to do. The school had probably 200 people, 7th and 8th, compared to Pickerington, like 1700...so it was a big change. A lot more stoners and fights going down everyday. And the fact that I was the only asian in the school did show me how many ignorant people there really are. And it pissed me off cuz people don't even think I'm asian sometimes. Usually it's puerto rican, then hawaiian, then Indian. Then they ask if i'm asian. Cuz I'm only half, but I guess if there are none it's like...well yeah. But it was much more than that, besides dreading school everyday because I was pretty much a loner {after the so called popular "preps" wanted to be my best friend and I blew them off cuz they wanted me to be a cheerleader and were stupid and the fights I got into}, when I came home me and Amber would usually get into it about something, and I didn't like sharing a room, or anything for that matter if it's important to me. I would also get into it with Amy and my dad sometimes and I ran away a couple times...Eventually I got into a deep depression and I tried to commit suicide. It's wierd how sometimes you know it's wrong...but at that moment it all seems rational. Anyway, the pills had no effect, but I was depressed that whole year.

I couldn't find a pic of the school, so this was the best I could do. Wrestling is a big thing there.

During the last 3 months of school I think, my dad finally decided to let me live with my grandma in Reynoldsburg/Columbus. So basically I left my smelly room with Amber and the screaming little kids and Amy and I started living in my aunt's old room at my grandma's. So then I went to Yorktown, which is really REALLY ghetto, for the remainder of the year. The school was like 90% black. But I was glad because it wasn't full of stupid hillbillys. I went from country singin, hiljack twangin, to ghetto rappin, thug slangin. Ok not really, but so anyways, I gotta admit it, that school was silly. People there were so funny. Now I'm back with my dad and I have my own room now :) I also decided not to do public school. I figure it would be the same shit as before so I would rather not deal with it. I'm being homeschooled right now, though I'm not doing very well with it. I guess I'm so used to traditional school. So my dad is going to enroll me in charter school, where I have to be in an online classroom at a certain time. I'm glad about this, because if I do decide to go public next year, then they have to accept me because the work I did has to be counted for. With just regular homeschooling, they don't have to accept the work I did, so this is good. I actually want to get started on school because I've become such a bum.

Ok in case you're wondering bout my moms since I mentioned her briefly, I'm not really that close to her...I am a full on daddy's gurl! I love my mom and all, but she was never really there for me and my sister so it's like, eh. Plus there's a lot of shit she's done that has just made me hate her to the core. But she's my mother and I love her anyway. We visited her the summer of 4th grade and 5th grade during Christmas vacation but that's the last time we've seen her. She calls once in awhile like 3 times a year but whatever. I guess you could say I don't really give a damn about her.

*UPDATE* My mom came back awhile ago and stayed with us but it was too wierd and we weren't very nice to her or patient. Things got to where Alicia and me would get sick of her treating us like we were still little kids. We all hardly got along and she would say things that I don't think she meant but still pissed me off that she said it anyway. A big misunderstanding caused a big blow up between my mom & my sister and she packed her stuff and went to las vegas to stay with her friend. Me and her are still on good terms but she just acted like her and Alicia never had the fight...She's gonna be a dealer in the casinos, she says she's gonna send me money so thats pretty good. She hasn't though, and it's been awhile, and she left a $1,800 phone bill that I think she intends to pay but probably won't. I wished she would come back so I could have been more appreciative of her buying me things and trying her best to be a mom to us....but yeah, nowadays I don't know what she's up to. Last I heard she was going to marry some dude in New York for the very wrong reasons.

Welp that's it from my end of the world. Check out the other stuff in the Me section to learn more about moi! So...there ya go! *xoxo/me*