[pic town]

Hehe, I thought that was cleva, PIC town, get it? Picktown? Pictures? Pic? My Pickerington people know how I flow, yo! Hahahaha....well I thought I was clever...

~LMAO~ don't deny it!

Here I am at T.A.T.'s for my 14th birthday

You can't really see me, but isn't tha lake pretty? Cherise took this of me when we went up to the cabin

Chillen in Alicia's ride

Ally took a pic of me before the May Dance

Some imbecile took a picture of me in the movie theatre

Lauren and me waiting to get into Teen Night, and NO we are not stoned or drunk!

Katie and Me at Teen Night

Me and the Jamester hangin out at Teen Night!

Dancin around and being giddy at Reese's apartment

Well hello0o0o...I am a devious one, that I am

Strike a Pose

July 4, 2001 - Mandy's house

Aww I wuv my mandawoo!

Fo shizzle on the badizzle you hizzle? Word.

::hums theme from mission impossible::

MWAAAAH!!! Toodle loo!