Other Characters

  Watari Yutaka is part of the main cast of Yami no Matsuei. Born on April 18, 1953 he is very genki and optimistic most of the time. He gets along with Tsuzuki quite well but is the only one of the three who doesn't seem to have a "thing" for him. He is the scientist and doctor (veeery smart person), oftening creating strange mechanical items. He is usually accompanied by a small owl called 003. Some wonder if 003 is his work. Watari's powers lie in his ability to bring drawings to life but he lacks the artistic skills to do much. I love Watari's sense of humor and beeaauuutiful long hair. And those cute lil glasses he wears...*screams in delight* He's such a funny and loavable guy! What he died of or when is not known...ooooo, I like this mystery sense. AND, for some unknown reason in the world, he wants to develop a sex changing potion. He hasn't succeeded yet but the others already fear taking food from him. He tends to turn them to test subjects. By the way, I am the owner of Watari's kiss! See why here.

  Tatsumi Seiichirou, the penny pinching secretary. He is always making Tsuzuki feel bad (and sometimes stupid) but that's very funny to read too. He used to be a shinigami along with Tsuzuki but they didn't get along well, even though Tatsumi cares about Tsuzuki VERY much (and doesn't show it). I hear he is rather shy or something in that range in front of women.o_O;; A very powerful person. Sure, Tatsumi doesn't have shikigami but he can move the shadows to his will and that's quite enough. All I know about his past is that he was a rich boy, yes, rich! I guess that's why he's obssesses with counting money (and worries about it often too).

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