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Pimpin' Cupid
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The Sparkive
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TheSpark's Amazing
Death Test

Ever wonder how long you'll live? If you're the quiet, boring type, you might just live to 100. On the other hand, if you're like us, maybe you should be dead already.

Brought to you by Fox Searchlight Pictures
and 28 Days Later.

The Sex Test

Ever wonder exactly what's in store for your sexual future? If you're like us, you wonder.

The SexTest will tell you what kind of a lover you are, and how much of a champ (or chump) you're going to be.

Brought to you by Focus Features
and Swimming Pool.


The Date-My-Sister Project!


From the Sparkive...
Heroic Family Dog Drags Problem Child Back into Burning Building

Poor Spelling Children Pay Dearly for "Letters to Satan"

Troubling Study Reveals Nation's Moms Have No Game

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TheSpark's Test and Answer Series. Here you'll find all of our infinitely famous exams.

Featured Tests
The Personality Test 10,982,577 taken
The Pickup Test 367,968 taken
The Compatibility Test 137,901 taken

Other Tests
The Sex Test 10,905,979 taken
The Love Test 561,409 taken
The Dateable Test 1,414,203 taken
The Best Friend Test 335,668 taken
The Gay Test 6,297,850 taken
The Gender Test 5,209,427 taken
The Slut Test 6,969,976 taken
The Bitch Test 8,443,760 taken
The Un-Telligence Test 5,334,035 taken
The Death Test 13,765,252 taken
The Purity Test 11,844,408 taken
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