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To Mom



Mom is Someone


 Mom is someone who has loved me,

No matter how bad I have been.

 Mom is someone who comforts me,

No matter how much pain she is in.


 Mom is someone I love,

Someone I care for, honor, and protect.

 Mom is someone in my life

Who will always be someone I respect.


  Mom is someone full of depth,

Willing to comfort me when things are rough,

 Mom is someone I can count on

To be understanding and caring, yet tough.


Mom is someone who can make you laugh

When you are having a really blue day.

Mom is someone who can give you a gift

Just by smiling in her own special way.


 Mom, I promise always to love you,

No matter the time, season, or place.

 Mom, I will always know you have in your heart

The same joy and warmth I see in your face.


Copyright © 1999 Connie Spector