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Writing Credits

ØPoem, Saved, accepted for publication at Survivor Haven, 12/01/01.

ØPoem, Saved (revised), accepted for publication at Ink Scribblers Magazine, 06/08/02

ØPoem, No Longer, accepted for publication at Survivor Haven, 05/31/02

ØPoem, Done Now, accepted for publication at The Writer’s Room, 06/12/02

ØPhoto Trio, The Sunset, accepted for publication at Thought Magazine, 06/26/02

ØPoem, Always There, accepted for publication in Phi Theta Kappa  Newsletter, 05/04


ØPoetry and Fiction Editor, The Writer’s Room Magazine, Publisher Simona Nielsen

ØFreelance photographer, various photos published

ØNewsletter/Web Site Editor, The Author's Corner, Publisher Michelle Fitzpatrick

Degrees and Awards

ØAssociate of General Studies degree, English concentration, graduated 12/03

ØMember Phi Theta Kappa, inducted 12/01