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In the never-ending battle of good against evil, the odds often seem unfairly stacked in the favor of the forces of darkness. The black-hearted denizens of the lower planes have always used mortals to enact their plans of violence, debauchery, and mayhem. In answer to these all-too-frequent fiendish corruptions, the celestials chose to empower select mortals with their own sacred energy, creating a new breed of holy warriors known as the infused.

The infused are mortals which the Upper Planes deem worthy of becoming agents for good in the mortal realm. Each infused is bound to a specific celestial, who resides within the infused. As the chosen mortal performs good deeds and battles the forces of evil, the celestial grants the mortal more of its powers. Each of those mortals given this honor receive a holy mark, an icon of glory that is the physical manifestation of the celestial’s presence.

The process of becoming an infused tends to impact a character’s personality, as the pure goodness of the celestial seeps outward into the soul of the infused. Though infused are chosen from the ranks of mortals who already revere good deities, the forces of good also seek to redeem those who have fallen from grace, and will sometimes select a evil character as a celestial’s host. As the infused advances, the celestial bonded to her soul pushes her towards performing more and greater acts of good. As she grows to accept the celestial’s agenda of good as her own, the celestial allows the infused to access its stronger powers.

Hit Dice: d8


In order to qualify to become an infused, a character must meet the following criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +1

Base Will Save: +3

Special: The character must share his soul with the personality of a particular celestial. Some situations which may lead to such a predicament include the attention of a good deity, celestials seeking the atonement of a character, contact with a blessed or good item, a blessing which affects the character’s family, or other similar situations.

A character who has recently died may choose to make a bargain with a celestial, offering it a place in her body in return for renewed life. Such a character must still meet the other prerequisites of this class. Assuming she does, the character is returned to life at full health, with no negative levels or other penalties. However, the next class level the character takes must be a level of Infused.

Class Skills

The Infused’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int), and Spot (Wis). See Chapter 4 of the Player’s Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Spellcasting
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Specialization, Purified Soul, Icon of Glory -
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Celestial Power I, Beneficence +1 caster level
3 +2 +1 +1 +3 Minor Physical Change +1 caster level
4 +3 +1 +1 +4 Celestial Power II +1 caster level
5 +3 +1 +1 +4 Exalted Standards +1 caster level
6 +4 +2 +2 +5 Moderate Physical Change +1 caster level
7 +5 +2 +2 +5 Celestial Power III +1 caster level
8 +6 +2 +2 +6 Tongues +1 caster level
9 +6 +3 +3 +6 Major Physical Change +1 caster level
10 +7 +3 +3 +7 Celestial Power IV +1 caster level

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Infused prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An infused character gains no new proficiency with weapons or armor.

Specialization: The celestial within the tainted’s soul quickly learns to adapt its tactics to match its host. Upon gaining his first level in this class, the character must designate whether he will advance as a spellcaster or warrior. Should the character choose to advance as a spellcaster, he uses the above table normally. Should he choose to advance as a warrior, the character does not advance his spellcasting power at any level of this class, instead gaining a fighter’s base attack bonus progression (+1 base attack bonus per level), good Fortitude saves, and an increased hit die (d12). Once chosen, the character may not change the way he progresses in this class.

Spellcasting: An infused character continues training with magic. Thus, at every level after 1st, the character gains new spells per day and spells known as if he had also gained a level in whatever spellcasting class he belonged to prior to adding this prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that level would have gained (improved chance of controlling or rebuking undead, metamagic or item creation feats, etc).

Purified Soul (Su): No matter what their alignment, infused characters cannot cast spells with the “Evil” descriptor. Spellcasters normally unable to cast “Good” spells (such as clerics gaining their spells from a evil-aligned deity) have the option of casting “Good” spells appropriate to their class. Clerics and other characters who channel negative energy to rebuke undead or spontaneously cast inflict spells now have the option of using positive energy to turn undead and spontaneously cast cure spells.

Icon of Glory (Su): An infused character’s true identifying mark, an icon of glory is a powerful glyph encoded into the flesh of an infused. Typical icons of glory are runes in the Celestial tongue, the holy symbol of a particular deity, or another powerful emblem of righteousness. The infused gains a +4 sacred bonus on Diplomacy checks against any non-evil creatures who can see these marks.

In addition, the infused character gains darkvision to a range of 60 feet. Should the character already possess darkvision, the range of his darkvision instead increases by 60 feet.

Celestial Power I: At 2nd level, the celestial begins to gift the infused with its divine powers. The power granted depends upon the type of celestial bonded to her soul (see below). When spell-like abilities are granted to the infused, they are cast as if by a sorcerer of the infused’s character level.

Beneficence (Su): Starting at 2nd level, the celestial bonded to the infused’s soul begins to reward her for performing acts of good. Whenever the infused performs an act of good, the celestial grants her a +2 bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for one hour. This bonus disappears immediately if the infused performs an evil or selfish act.

Minor Physical Change (Ex): At 3rd level, the infused character’s body begins to show the first signs of the celestial’s influence inside her. This change does not grant any special bonuses or abilities, but often unnerves those who see it. The exact change depends upon the bonded celestial (see below).

Celestial Power II: At 4th level, the infused is deemed worthy to receive more powerful gifts. The power granted depends upon the type of celestial bonded to the infused (see below). When spell-like abilities are granted to the infused, they are cast as if by a sorcerer of the infused’s character level.

Exalted Standards (Ex): By the time the infused has reached 5th level, the celestial bonded to her soul has placed a great deal of trust and faith in its ward. If the infused should somehow disappoint the celestial, through such means as committing an evil act or failing to help someone in need, it becomes slightly disgusted by her actions, and imposes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 day.

Moderate Physical Change (Ex): At 6th level, the infused undergoes a more severe physical change. The exact change depends upon the bonded celestial (see below).

Celestial Power III: At 7th level, the infused’s increasingly noble efforts cause the celestial to grant her mo powerful benefits. The power granted depends upon the type of celestial bonded to the infused (see below). When spell-like abilities are granted to the infused, they are cast as if by a sorcerer of her character level.

Tongues (Su): An 8th level infused can communicate with any creature, as if continually under the effects of a tongues spell.

Major Physical Change (Ex): At 9th level, the infused undergoes an extreme physical change, leaving no doubt as the celestial bonded to her soul. The exact change depends upon the bonded celestial (see below).

Celestial Power IV: An infused of 10th level is deemed worthy to receive the celestial’s most powerful gifts. The power granted depends upon the type of celestial bonded to the infused (see below). When spell-like abilities are granted to the infused, they are cast as if by a sorcerer of the infused’s character level.



Angels cause the infused to become honorable and trustworthy.

Astral Deva
Those bound to Astral Devas tend to watch over lesser beings of good alignment.
Celestial Power I Aid (Sp): Once per day per class level.
Minor Physical Change The infused’s skin takes on a bronze sheen.
Celestial Power II Uncanny Dodge (Ex): The infused gains the uncanny dodge ability, as if she had a number of rogue levels equal to her class level. This ability stacks with any other uncanny dodge ability the infused may possess.
Moderate Physical Change The infused’s muscles grow stronger, increasing her Strength by +2.
Celestial Power III Blade Barrier (Sp): 1/day.
Major Physical Change The infused grows beautiful feathered wings, granting her a fly speed of twice her base land speed with average maneuverability. In addition, her skin hardens, granting her +3 natural armor.
Celestial Power IV Heal (Sp): 2/day.

Monadic Deva
Monadic Devas challenge their host to seek balance between law and chaos, and to consider the needs of the common man.
Celestial Power I Aid (Sp): Once per day per class level.
Minor Physical Change The infused’s eyes become a piercing green color.
Celestial Power II Deliverance from Death (Ex): The infused becomes immune to all death spells and magical death effects. She is likewise immune to ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain.
Moderate Physical Change The infused grows beautiful feathered wings, granting her a fly speed of twice her base land speed with average maneuverability.
Celestial Power III Ethereal Jaunt (Sp): 1/day.
Major Physical Change The patience and persistence of the monadic deva flows through the infused, increasing her Constitution and Wisdom scores by +2 each.
Celestial Power IV Raise Dead (Sp): 1/day.

Movanic Deva
Movanic Devas cause the infused to nurture a burning hatred for fiends of all types, while increasing her love of the natural world.
Celestial Power I Bless Weapon (Sp): Once per day per class level.
Minor Physical Change The infused’s skin and eyes turn a metallic silvery color.
Celestial Power II Soothing Presence of Nature (Ex): The infused gains a calming presence that is pleasing to inhabitants of the natural world. Whenever the infused encounters a creature of the Plant, Animal, or Fey type, that creature is automatically assumed to be friendly towards her. Such creatures will not attack the infused unless magically compelled to do so.
Moderate Physical Change The infused grows beautiful feathered wings, granting her a fly speed of twice her base land speed with average maneuverability.
Celestial Power III Celestial Sword (Su): Any sword wielded by the infused immediately bursts into flames, effectively becoming a holy flaming burst weapon for as long as she remains in physical contact with the sword. These properties are in addition to any other properties the weapon may otherwise possess.
Major Physical Change The grace of the movanic deva flows through the infused, increasing her Dexterity score by +4.
Celestial Power IV Holy Aura (Sp): 1/day.

Planetar-infused often seek out fiends to slay, and often rise to become generals of great armies.
Celestial Power I Speak with Dead (Sp): Once per day per class level.
Minor Physical Change The infused’s skin becomes turns an emerald hue as all imperfections are smoothed from its surface.
Celestial Power II Lesser Protective Aura (Su): The infused is considered to be protected by a magic circle against evil at all times. This aura has an additional effect similar to a lesser globe of invulnerability, except that only spells of 2nd level or lower are protected against. The aura can be dispelled, but the infused can create it again as a free action on her next turn.
Moderate Physical Change The infused grows beautiful feathered wings, granting her a fly speed of twice her base land speed with average maneuverability.
Celestial Power III Blade Barrier (Sp): 1/day.
Major Physical Change The infused’s skin toughens, increasing her natural armor by +5.
Celestial Power IV Mass Charm Monster(Sp): 1/day.

Solar-infused typically become great benefactors, and rarely pass up an opportunity to provide charity.
Celestial Power I See Invisibility (Sp): Once per day per class level.
Minor Physical Change The tainted’s eyes begins to glow with topaz light.
Celestial Power II Power Word, Blind (Sp): 1/day.
Moderate Physical Change The infused grows beautiful feathered wings, granting her a fly speed of twice her base land speed with average maneuverability.
Celestial Power III Slaying Arrow (Su): Once per day, the infused can make any arrow she fires from a bow into a slaying arrow. She must declare the creature type the arrow is to affect before she makes her attack.
Major Physical Change The tainted’s skin becomes either silver or golden, and she gains damage reduction of 10/evil.
Celestial Power IV Prismatic Spray (Sp): 1/day.


Archons tend to make the infused more willing to follow laws, so long as they do not oppress people.

Lantern Archon
Lantern Archons tend to be blunt in their dealings, and somewhat flighty.
Celestial Power I Light Ray (Su): The infused gains the ability to shoot rays of light at his opponents, which require a ranged touch attack to hit. On a successful hit, the light ray deals 1d6 damage to that creature, ignoring any damage reduction it may possess. This ability has a range of 30 feet, and may be used any number of times per round.
Minor Physical Change The infused’s voice becomes soft and musical.
Celestial Power II Gaseous Form (Sp): Once per day per class level.
Moderate Physical Change The infused’s skin becomes slightly transparent, and she gain electricity resistance 20 and immunity to petrification.
Celestial Power III Damage Reduction (Su): The infused gains damage reduction 10/evil.
Major Physical Change The infused glows brightly, shedding light as a torch in a 20-foot radius. While glowing in this way, the infused suffers a -10 penalty to Hide checks. She may activate or deactivate this ability as a free action.
Celestial Power IV Greater Teleport (Sp): 1/day, self plus 50 pounds of objects only.

Hound Archon
Those infused with Hound Archons tend to be team players, and may become protective of their allies.
Celestial Power I Expert Tracker (Ex): The infused gains the Track feat, and always considers Survival to be a class skill. Should the infused already possess the Track feat, she instead suffers no penalty for tracking while moving at her normal speed.
Minor Physical Change The infused grows a dog-like muzzle.
Celestial Power II Change Shape (Su): Once per day, the infused may assume the form of any canine creature within one size category of the infused. This effect lasts for one hour per class level, or until the infused returns to her natural form. For the purposes of this ability, canine creatures are considered to be any dog- or wolf-like creatures of the Animal type. The infused loses her ability to speak while in animal form, but may communicate with other canine creatures as if she spoke their language. This ability otherwise functions as the druid’s wild shape ability.
Moderate Physical Change The infused’s teeth sharpen into a powerful set of fangs, granting her a bite attack dealing 1d8 damage, plus her Strength modifier.
Celestial Power III Spell Resistance (Su): The infused gains Spell Resistance equal to 10 + her class level.
Major Physical Change The infused’s skin hardens, granting her a +3 increase to her natural armor. Her leg muscles strengthen as well, adding +10 feet to her base land speed.
Celestial Power IV Greater Teleport (Sp): 1/day, self plus 50 pounds of objects only.

Trumpet Archon
Infused who are bound to trumpet archons tend to sing merrily while traveling or in combat.
Celestial Power I Minor Trumpet (Su): The day after the infused gains this ability, she awakens to find a gleaming trumpet lying at her feet. The trumpet functions as a masterwork musical instrument. As a free action, the infused may transform the trumpet into a masterwork greatsword. This greatsword may be enchanted normally. Transforming the sword back into a trumpet is also a free action. The infused gains the Martial Weapon Proficiency (greatsword) and Weapon Focus (greatsword) feats as bonus feats. The trumpet immediately reverts into a useless chunk of metal if another character attempts to use or wield it. If the trumpet is ever destroyed, the infused must seek an atonement spell to replace it; if she does so, a new trumpet appears on the following day.
Minor Physical Change The infused’s skin turns a green color.
Celestial Power II Greater Trumpet (Su): When in greatsword form, the infused’s trumpet is considered to be a +2 weapon. If the greatsword already possesses an enchantment, its enhancement bonus is instead increased by 2 (to a maximum of +5). The infused receives the Weapon Specialization (greatsword) feat as a bonus feat.
Moderate Physical Change The infused grows beautiful feathered wings, granting her a fly speed of twice her base land speed with average maneuverability.
Celestial Power III Complete Trumpet (Su): The infused’s trumpet reaches its full potential, increasing its enhancement bonus to +4. While it is in trumpet form, the infused may blow the trumpet, creating a paralyzing blast of sound up to three times per day. All non-archons and characters without at least one level in this prestige class within 100 feet must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + the infused’s class level + her Charisma modifier)or become paralyzed for 1d4 rounds.
Major Physical Change The infused’s skin thickens, granting her a natural armor bonus of +3, as well as damage reduction of 5/evil.
Celestial Power IV Call of the Heavens (Su): The infused’s trumpet can now be used to call for heavenly aid. Twice per day, the infused may blow her trumpet and invoke a summon monster IX effect that can only summon creatures of lawful good or neutral good alignment.


Eladrins tend to make the infused more rebellious and free-spirited, though never to the point of eschewing goodness.

Bralani-infused tend to become more passionate and wild, and are prone to laughing merrily.
Celestial Power I Tongues (Su): The infused is able to speak with any creature that has a language, as if using the tongues spell. This ability is always active.
Minor Physical Change The infused’s clothing and hair always appear to be windswept.
Celestial Power II Whirlwind Blast (Su): As an standard action, the infused can attack her opponents with a scouring blast of wind, dealing 3d6 points damage in a 20-foot line (Reflex save for half, DC 13 + the infused’s Constitution modifier).
Moderate Physical Change The infused gains the grace of the wind, and her every move grows more graceful. Her Dexterity score increases by +4.
Celestial Power III Alternate Form (Su): Once per day, the infused may assume the form of a whirlwind, effectively duplicating a gaseous form effect, but with a few notable differences. While in whirlwind form, the infused gains a fly speed equal to three times her base speed, and a maneuverability of perfect. The infused may attack with her whirlwind blast ability while in this form, and may use any spell-like abilities she possesses, but may otherwise may not attack or cast spells. This effect lasts for one hour per class level, or until the infused returns to her natural form.
Major Physical Change The infused’s body draws power from the bralani, growing healthier and granting her damage reduction of 10/evil.
Celestial Power IV Lightning Bolt (Sp): 5/day.

Firre-infused are often artistic and creative, and may travel miles simply to hear a new poem from a famous bard.
Celestial Power I Bardic Music (Ex): The infused gains the bardic music ability, as if she were a bard of a level equal to her class level. Should she already possess the bardic music ability, this ability stacks with any bard levels she may possess.
Minor Physical Change The infused’s eyes are replaced with flickering, dancing flames.
Celestial Power II Alternate Form (Su): Once per day, the infused may assume the form of a pillar of fire. While in this form, the infused gains a fly speed equal to twice her base speed, and a maneuverability of perfect. She gains a slam attack dealing 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage (1d4 for Small creatures) plus her Strength bonus, plus 1d6 additional points of fire damage. Creatures struck by this slam attack must succeed on a Reflex save to avoid catching fire as normal. While in her alternate form, the infused cannot sing or cast spells, but she may use any spell-like abilities she possess. This effect lasts for one hour per class level, or until the infused returns to her natural form.
Moderate Physical Change The infused’s body temperature rises dramatically, granting her cold and fire resistance 10.
Celestial Power III Gaze (Su): The infused gains a gaze attack, effective up to 30 feet away, which deals 2d6 points of fire damage and renders the victim blind (as per the blindness/deafness spell). Affected creatures may attempt a Fortitude save (DC equal to 14+ the infused’s Charisma modifier) to negate this damage and the blindness effect. This ability otherwise follows the standard gaze attack rules. This ability may not be used while the infused is using her alternate form ability.
Major Physical Change By this point, the infused has been saturates with the firre’s natural confidence and inspiration. Her Charisma score increases by +4.
Celestial Power IV Prismatic Spray (Sp): 1/day.

Ghaele-infused tend to become leaders of freedom-fighter bands, inspiring the common folk to rise up against tyranny and oppression.
Celestial Power I Light Ray (Su): The infused gains the ability to shoot rays of light at his opponents, which require a ranged touch attack to hit. On a successful hit, the light ray deals 1d6 damage to that creature, ignoring any damage reduction it may possess. This ability has a range of 30 feet, and may be used any number of times per round.
Minor Physical Change The infused’s eyes become pupilless and pearly white.
Celestial Power II Lesser Protective Aura (Su): The infused is considered to be protected by a magic circle against evil at all times. This aura has an additional effect similar to a lesser globe of invulnerability, except that only spells of 2nd level or lower are protected against. The aura can be dispelled, but the infused can create it again as a free action on her next turn.
Moderate Physical Change The infused’s muscles bulge with righteous strength, increasing her Strength score by +2.
Celestial Power III Alternate Form (Su): Once per day, the infused may assume the form of a globe of light, effectively duplicating a gaseous form effect, but with a few notable differences. While in her alternate form, the infused gains a fly speed equal to three times her base speed, and a maneuverability of perfect. The infused may attack with her light ray ability while in this form, and may use any spell-like abilities she possesses, but may otherwise may not attack or cast spells. This effect lasts for one hour per class level, or until the infused returns to her natural form.
Major Physical Change The infused’s skin takes on a pearly white tone, granting her damage reduction of 10/evil.
Celestial Power IV Chain Lightning (Sp): 1/day.


Guardinals cause the infused to become mor peaceful and slow to anger, but transform her into a fearsome combatant when faced with evil.

Avoral-infused are more at home in the sky than on the ground, and can often be found gazing longingly towards the sky.
Celestial Power I Speak with Animals (Su): The infused gains the ability to speak with animals, though doing so does not require any speech or sound on either her part or the animal’s.
Minor Physical Change The infused’s arms grow feathers, and her hair takes on a feathered appearance.
Celestial Power II Dimension Door (Sp): Once per day per class level.
Moderate Physical Change The infused’s arms transform into wings, giving her a fly speed equal to twice her base land speed, with average maneuverability. Her hands are unaffected, but she cannot hold large or bulky items while she is flying.
Celestial Power III Lightning Bolt (Sp): 3/day.
Major Physical Change The infused’s eyes become hawk-like, granting her a +8 bonus on Spot checks. In addition, her skin thickens, increasing her natural armor bonus by +2, and her claws sharpen, allowing her to make claw attacks dealing 1d8 damage each, plus her Strength bonus.
Celestial Power IV True Seeing (Su): The infused is considered to be under the effects of a true seeing spell at all times.

Cevidal-infused tend to be protective of natural sites, and often take up guardianship of such an area.
Celestial Power I Hold Person (Sp): Once per day per class level.
Minor Physical Change A pair of long, curving horns grow from the infused’s forehead.
Celestial Power II Lesser Horn Powers (Su): Any creature touching the infused’s horns is instantly cured of any poisons or diseases, as if it had received neutralize poison and remove disease spells. The infused is considered to be immune to all diseases and poisons.
Moderate Physical Change The infused’s horns lengthen and thicken, granting her a head butt attack that deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage (1d4 Small), plus the infused’s Strength bonus.
Celestial Power III Powerful Charge (Ex): If the infused makes a charge attack resulting in a successful hit with her head butt attack, the resulting attack deals triple damage (quadruple damage on a critical hit).
Major Physical Change The backs of the infused’s hands grow thick plates of bone, granting her two slam attacks, each dealing 1d6 points of damage (1d4 Small), plus her Strength modifier. In addition, her horns grow thicker, increasing her head butt damage to 1d8 (1d6 Small). The infused may freely treat either her head butt or slam attacks as her primary natural weapon.
Celestial Power IV Greater Horn Powers (Su): The infused’s horns dispel any illusion spell they come into contact with, and dismiss (as with a dismissal spell) any summoned, called, or extraplanar creatures they touch.

Those infused with Leonals tend be proud and regal, and favor straightforward battles and situations.
Celestial Power I Lay on Hands (Su): The infused gains the lay on hands ability of a paladin, as if she were a paladin of her class level. Should she already possess the lay on hands ability, her infused levels stack with her crusader levels to determine the effectiveness of that ability.
Minor Physical Change A thick mane grows around the infused’s head (if male), and her body becomes covered in a thin golden fur.
Celestial Power II Lesser Protective Aura (Su): The infused is considered to be protected by a magic circle against evil at all times. This aura has an additional effect similar to a lesser globe of invulnerability, except that only spells of 2nd level or lower are protected against. The aura can be dispelled, but the infused can create it again as a free action on her next turn.
Moderate Physical Change The infused’s jaw extends, and her teeth sharpen into fangs, granting her a bite attack dealing 1d6 points of damage (1d4 for Small creatures), plus her Strength modifier.
Celestial Power III Hold Monster (Sp): 3/day.
Major Physical Change The infused’s hands change, resembling those of a feline. She gains two claw attacks, each dealing 1d6 points of damage (1d4 Small), plus her Strength modifier. In addition, her jaw muscles strengthen, increasing her bite damage to 1d8 (1d6 Small). The infused may freely treat either her claws or her bite attack as her primary natural weapon.
Celestial Power IV Roar (Su): Once per day, the infused may unleash a thundering roar, releasing a blast of sonic energy that affects a 60-foot cone in front of the infused as if it were a holy word spell, and deals an extra 2d6 points of sonic damage (Fortitude save DC 18 + the infused’s Charisma modifier negates).

Lupinal-infused prefer to work in cooperative teams, which operate much like wolf packs.
Celestial Power I Scent (Ex): The infused gains the scent ability, allowing her to track foes and detect hidden enemies through their scent.
Minor Physical Change The infused grows a wolf-like muzzle.
Celestial Power II Lesser Protective Aura (Su): The infused is considered to be protected by a magic circle against evil at all times. This aura has an additional effect similar to a lesser globe of invulnerability, except that only spells of 2nd level or lower are protected against. The aura can be dispelled, but the infused can create it again as a free action on her next turn.
Moderate Physical Change The infused’s teeth sharpen into fangs, granting her a bite attack dealing 1d6 points of damage (1d4 for Small creatures), plus her Strength modifier.
Celestial Power III Cone of Cold (Sp): 3/day.
Major Physical Change The infused’s legs warp to resemble a canine’s legs, increasing her base land speed by +10 feet. In addition, her skin thickens, increasing her natural armor by +3.
Celestial Power IV Howl (Su): Once per day, the infused may release a chilling howl, striking fear into her enemies. Every creature within 600 feet of the infused must attempt a Will save (DC 14 + the infused’s Charisma modifier). On a failure, creatures with 4 HD or less become panicked for 4d6 rounds; creatures with 5 HD or more become shaken instead. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. Celestials or creatures with at least one level of infused are immune to this effect.

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