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Name - Shaudes
Age - ???
HT - dragon - 20 ft Human - 6'1
WT - Dragon - ??? Human - 180
Eyes - Silvery grey
Hair color - Dark Blue
Hair style - long, straight
Race - Dragon
Realm: Dragon
Weapon of choice while in human form - Long Broadsword

Background - (past) grew up with Hybrid in small village. (present) Known
as the "Negotiator", he was the one who was able to bring peace between the Dragonian kingdoms. When his kingdom got word of a vampire attack, he was sent to warn all the kingdoms due to his tremendous speed. When he was headed to the last of the kingdoms, he saw a fort below being attacked by the vampires. He flew as fast as he could to his destination and told them the attack was close. After a short rest, he flew at top speed back to his home. After all it had been more than a month since he had been dispatched to warn the kingdoms. On the way he thought to check on the base that had been attacked. When he flew by, he saw that nothing remained standing. He wondered if the vampires had
just attacked and left or stayed to ambush. If this were to happen and he hadn't checked it out, he thought he would never be able to forgive himself. As he landed, he saw a large explosion to the east. It kept expanding until it was dangerously close. He then fled because he thought the explosion would wipe out any danger that had lied in wait at the former base. It closed in on him until it consumed him. He laid d unconscious for who knows how long until a heavy rain awoke him. He found that a large piece of debris had saved him from the attack. He had a major gash on his leg but he thought he would be able to fly. And so he flew home to make sure the vampires had not attacked there. When he got there, he saw only smoldering remains of what had been his home. He could not believe that this had happened. If only he had thought that the invasion might come to his home then he could have stayed. No. That was the selfish thing to do. He had warned the other kingdoms. That was the respectable thing to do. Even if his small village had been destroyed, he had warned others of the oncoming attack so that they may be saved. Small price. Heh. Right. The lives of 403 people. Small. Right. Well, he thought to himself, might as well see if any of the other kingdoms remained. So he took flight and from 20 miles back he knew that the closest kingdom lay in ruin. He flew on towards it in hopes of finding at least one survivor to find out what had exactly happened. No luck here. The same result for the next three kingdoms/villages he checked. Finally he went to check one last on and what luck to find one survivor. It was a dragon girl. She told him everything that had aspired that day. That is when he learned that it was actually a dragon that had ruined everything. He thought to himself how a dragon could let loose on so many places. What had happened to this fabled dragon-destroyer of so much? He flew to the next kingdom in hopes of shelter for the little one. Nothing but ruin. They found what appeared to be a cave in the rubble and rested there for the night. The next day they flew on. At the end of the day they finally found a village intact. They flew down and yet something seemed awkward about the town. Where were the people? It was only 5. “Hmmmmm” Shaudes said. “Where is everyone?” the girl asked. “You wait here. I’ll go check it out.” Shaudes found the girl a hiding place and left her there while he went and scoured the town for life. He found a person and asked him where everyone was. The man did not answer. Shaudes asked again. No response. Finally, fed up with the man, he threatened to attack the man if he did not answer him. The man slowly opened his mouth to reveal two huge teeth in front. “A vampire!” exclaimed Shaudes. The dragon nearly dodged the attack. Suddenly he and the man were surrounded by vampires. They all lunged at the dragon. He flew into the air at top speed and turned around and launched fire at top heat all over the hell-spawn. He flew back to where he had left the girl and found her laying dead on the ground. Rage began to surge through his body and he let loose a roar that people on the other side of the world would have heard, were they not already dead. He vowed then to eliminate the one who had done this to the girl. Suddenly, something materialized behind him and nearly bit into him. Had he not dodged at top speed, he would have been bitten. He turned and unleashed a fury of blaze that consumed the creature. When the smoke dissipated, Shaudes found that the being had not been harmed at all. ”How can this be?!” exclaimed Shaudes. “If that won’t even scratch him, then how do I defeat him?” The being hissed “Because of this shiny thing I found long ago. It has protected me through the centuries and kept me alive, even when assaulted by the fiercest attack.” The creature pointed to its finger. A large, black ring with swirls on the jewel. Shaudes and the creature then ensued in combat. They fought like true, trained warriors and in the end, the creature was worn out. Just before the would-be death-blow, Shaudes said “Give it to me and I will allow you to live or free you from your tormented prison you call a body. I will do it either way. Your choice.” “I do believe I have killed enough people in my `life time`. I think I am finally time to call it quits.” And with that the creature slid the ring off and slowly turned into a pile of dust. “Wow. That sure was easy”, said Shaudes. He then collapsed and slept for an entire week before finally awakening. He was not sure how he had avoided detection from the other vampires, but took it as a sign that he was meant for something. But what could this hidden purpose be? He noticed a broadsword lying on the ground not far from him. He strapped it on and noticed the ring he had fought so hard for. He picked it up and was suddenly transported to a place of shadows. Nothing was visible because of the lack of light. Where was this? How did he get here? Those were only a few questions that had formed in his mind and yet they multiplied in numbers by the second. How could he get out of this…this place? What was his fate that lied in wait for him in this dimension? And then the one thing that he had been doubting the whole existence of his being ever since the whole mess started in his own world –Was this the place where he would feel he belonged and was this the place where his specialties would be unearthed? (ya. the whole point to this character is that he is looking for a place where he is actually worthy something. sorry if ya missed it. o well. get over it.)

Resonance of the Shadow Realm