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With the recent release of the "Lord of the Rings" movies, the third of which is due to be released this winter (2003), most people know what "Middle Earth" is.  A land of eclectic races and diverse environs, where mankind, dwarves, elves and hobbits struggle against the dark species of orks, hobgoblins, goblins, and ogres. This is a struggle that has been waged for many generations before the "Books/Movies" time period, and rages long after as well. There are dozens of sites online about the movies, and numerous fan sites about the books as well. Much like Oz, so Middle Earth has quite a cult following.

Here I include only a couple, to help you get started--mainly because the books and movies have probably given most people the idea of what Middle Earth (Arda) is already. Middle Earth, is where the genre really got its start, and is the first fantasy-fiction series I read as a child (making me a devoted reader of the genre ever since).

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