Avatar Help

Avatar help! Yah!

'Click Here' Avatars
You can get the following avatars by simply clicking on the links given!
(report any broken links to imkuul2)

Helpful Zafara: Refresh here (it might take a while)
Defender of Neopia Aisha: Click Here
Defender of Neopia Lupe: Click Here
Pirate Shoryu: Click Here
Pirate Krawk: Click Here
Pirate Scorchio: Click Here
Pirate Aisha: Click Here
Kass Minion: Click Here
Ruki: Click Here
Battle Jubjub: Click Here
Yurble: Click Here
Darigan Peophin: Click Here
Faerie Grundo: Click Here
Maraquan Krawk: Click Here
Baby Pteri: Click Here
It's Alive: Click Here
Dr. Death: Click Here
UsukiCon Usuls and Shopkeeper(2 in 1): Click Here
Angelpuss (#1): Click Here
Techo Master: Click Here
Grey FaerieClick Here
Jeran Hero: Click Here
Goldy: Click Here
Mutant Graveyard of Doom: Refresh Here
Mutant Draik: Click Here
Weren't those the easiest 26 avatars ever?

Items we can lend you!
Take a piece of Bread here!
Do Not Eat—Feed you pet an item with the word carrot in it.
Gnome!—With a gnome in your inventory, go here.

Super Easy:
Library Faerie
Complete the Faerie Crossword---Get the answers here.
Poogle WinnerWin at Poogle Racing
Emo Usuki—Change your Shopkeeper to ‘Usul – Gothic’ (If you change it to something else, you will lose the avatar)

Try, Try, Again: (you might(GrUnDo) have to try a few times)
Island Mystic
Get a fortune with the word ‘Kyrii’ in it.

Jelly Processing Plant—1000+
Dubloon Disaster—800+
The Buzzer Game—300+
Freaky Factory—1250+
Meerca Chase—750+

Feed 75 Kadoaties

Coming soon: More!!

I swear

Names and Birthdays
Ranking Info
Neopets Helps
Faerie Crossword Help
Avatar helps!
Donation Shop
1 Np Auctions
Free Food!
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