Welcome to my web site! The links on the side will take you info from channellings from various sources also lots of good information about the meaning of life, please email the link to this site to your friends and share this knowledge. It is all free of charge the way everything should be, but if you want to make a donation since it was alott of typing, feel free my email address is below. I hope knowing this info will change your life for the better, make sure you realize that you create not only your own reality but the reality of the other people in your life so please don't add to the chaos and monitor your thoughts and emotions. The sooner all humanity can get along so the sooner we can move on to bigger and better things!! The
real meaning of life is to grow, create, interact, experience, and contribute to
the Universal Creative Force and Flow. It is not to be
greedy selfish, self serving animal who’s main goals include working to
live, going to church to worship an unseen god, which happends to be yourselves.
Since your thoughts and energy (soul) is a spark or piece of the source or what
you would think of as god. God has no gender it is not a he or a she, some might
find that offensive but that is because your are stuck in an illusion of
duality. Male-female, good-bad, conscious brain and subconscious. God is both
male and female it has both energies within it just as every human has male and
female energies within them, but have to chose to be only one for the sake of
procreation, since humans have forgotten who they really are and have to now be
born into this physical universe, unlike eons before when they could manifest
themselves a physical body by lowering the frequency and density of there
etheric bodies. Your earthly body is made from energy just like any other body you would occupy or create for yourself in any other dimension but the frequency and density is slower with greater density. Some lower angelic beings and people who live on other worlds in our universe have bodies but there atomic structure is different from ours so you cannot see them because the live in another dimension, yet occupy the same space as our dimension or physical universe. There atoms move at a higher frequency and are less dense, meaning the the particles aren’t as close as ours. There are angels and other beings that walk among us, even through us and invisible, speaking telepathically to us guiding us but they live in a 5th dimesional state unlike us who are in a 3rd dimesional state. Click here to visit a website which talks about Zero Point Energy Gravity Physics Of UFOs, Star Gates, Time Travel and Parallel Brane Worlds
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