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(January 20-26, 1968)

By LTG (then COL) John H. Cushman

On January 18, 1968, the Second Brigade Task Force of the 101st Airborne Division, usually…

Hq and Hq Co, 2d Bde
1-501 Abn Inf Bn
2-501 Abn Inf Bn
1-502 Abn Inf Bn
1-321 Abn FA Bn 2d Plat,
A Btry 1-11 FA Bn, 2nd Plat
C Co, 326 Engr Bn
B Co, 326 Med Bn
2d FASC Plat, 501 Sig Bn
2d Plat, 101 MP Co
Team, 101 MI Co
265 Radio Research Co
34th Photo Interpretation Team
Support Units, 101 Div Spt Cmd
incl 2d Plat, A Co, 801 Maint Co

…had been in its base camp near Cu Chi, west of Saigon, for about a month.

Arriving in mid-December by airlift from Fort Campbell, KY, its battalions had been conducting “in country orientation and training” operations in areas near its base camp, where there was a fair amount of enemy but not much in the way of results considering the casualties we suffered. The battalions had completed Operation Normandy, which consisted of “search and destroy” operations run by brigade from its Cu Chi command post.

Orders from division had then sent the 2d Bde TF to operate under division control in mechanized/airborne infantry operations with the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment in the Michelin rubber plantation near An Loc to the north. After four days beating the bushes with little contact, on 22 January we learned that General Westmoreland had ordered the brigade task force to move hundreds of miles north to come under the operational control of the 1st Cavalry Division.

That morning, while part of the 1/501 was helicopter-borne in a combat assault, we were told to cancel that operation and to assemble the entire 1/501 at Cu Chi, to move by C-130 aircraft the next day from its airstrip and that the rest of the brigade would follow.

The brigade journal, 23 January: “1-501 Inf and A-1-321 departed Cu Chi with all essential fighting equipment for Phu Bai, RVN, as the initial element of the 2d Brigade… A total of 21 C-130 sorties lifted 806 personnel, 51 vehicles, and 7 equipment pallets… The first chalk departed 0835 hours and the last chalk departed 1916 hours. Rear detachment of 1-321 Arty and communications for the Bde HHC will depart Cu Chi on 24 January for Phu Bai.”

At 0733 on the morning of 26 January, with the brigade tactical command post, I left Cu Chi. The 1st Cavalry Division had decided that the 1/502, our last battalion to depart Cu Chi, with an artillery battery would fly directly to Quang Tri where it would be opcon to the Cav’s 1st Brigade. By the evening of the 26th the bulk of the 2d Brigade task force that was scheduled for Phu Bai had arrived, and the 1/502 would close into Quang Tri on 27 January.

From the brigade situation report of 1500 January 26, to the CG, 101st Airborne Division: “2d Bde Tac CP group arrived Hue approximately 261000 Jan. CO and party moved to 1st Air Cav Div CP. CO reported to CG, 1 ACD, at 261130 Jan. 2d Bde CP opened at 1200. J H Cushman, Col. Inf, Commanding.

The adventures of the Second Brigade Task Force were about to begin. (To be continued)