Welcome to the website of the 48th Virginia Infantry, Company, D. The "Smyth Rifle Greys". Our members are mainly located throughout Central Pennsylvania, but we have members as far away as Maryland, New York and other parts of Pennsylvania. Feel free to navigate our site and don't hesitate to contact us with your questions and comments.
Last updated 01/16/09
Attention Company Members!!
Be certain you have registered for necessary events!
Check out what events we will be making our appearance at this season!
Events for 2009
See some After Action Reports!!
Some thoughts and ideas on caring for your rifle.
Think you might be interested in joining this unit or another? Please check out our recruiting page on information on how to get started and what you'll need.
Check out these useful links and add your own favorite links!
Access these links:
Do you know the salute to the Confederate Flag?
"I salute to the Confederate flag with affection, reverence, and undying remembrance."
See more pictures from Fort Mifflin and the guys!
We need writers for Battle Reports, general articles, and more. Please contact us if you are interested in helping us out!
Calling all NCO’s
Have your voice heard! Speak your mind! You are needed to write for the NCO DISPATCHES page!
Send your article to