How to Speak Bastard

99 " If you hear a bastard saying this it means that they are going to the house usually as fast as they can get out of the door."

A Hair " usually stated as a dare, meaning you aint got the balls to do it or you aint got "a hair" on your ass if you dont do it."

Bastardized " When something bad happens to you, you get Bastardized."

Blivit " 100 lbs of shit in a 1 lb bag. Usually regards someone who is so big they look like a mushroom cloud."

Clabber-Codded "A Cock that is so nasty its juices are all clabbered like old milk."

CockWeyller " A dick licking dog. Also see Steve."

Garp " To inhale a fart just as it is being cut; direct butt to lips method can be used, or for those who prefer, the funnel and hose method also is very efficient. Most of the time however it is usually forced upon someone"

Haired Over " When something sits around so long that it forms hair (Dust)it is known as hairing over."

Haw Saw " This is the international language for Hello, Goodbye, or OK"

House " Means we are going to the house we have had enough shit for one day"

Larry " Lame, the opposite of Billy or Billy-BadAss. Larry is short for larry-LameAss."

Mealie-Mouthed " To smart off to someone or to purposely insult someone."
Example of being Mealie-Mouthed: " Steve you are one raging Hemoroidal Homo!"

Morture, (pronounced Mort-Chur) "Something that is Billy bad ass, tough and macho is said to have Morture.
Example of Morture:" Dave and Kenny have so much morture that all the other bastards were a-feared of them."

Picening " (Pronounced Pys-un-eng)When someone has severely pissed you off; Extremely Pissed off"

Piece of CSI " Same as a piece of Shit."

Piked " When someone narks on you."
Example of Piked:" That stupid Son of a bitch went and piked on us."

PFCS "Puss filled Cunt Sores"

R squared A " Stands for Roasted Rats Ass, Real nasty food that has sat for a long period of time until there is a nice layer of hair on it. If you are lucky it will be living with maggots and will look like wind blowing over plants. Wendy's Chili makes a real good R squared A."

Runkle " Means Really uncool"

Steve " A Queer"

Turd Nodule " A smaller piece of a much larger turd. That last little piece that usually gets stuck to your ass, and unless you violently shake your ass and make it fall off it becomes what is known as a dingleberry"

Twat Knots " A delightful snack that tastes like Twat but its not, its Twat knots."

Twats That " Feminine Hygene spray."

VCOD " Vinyl Club O' Death, A device used to beat the hell out of misbehaving bastards. Also another device to use is a VBOD which is Vinyl Ball O' Death which is used in long range attacks."

Woopus" A big ole' dookie shit, to take a dump..etc...Woopus is most commonly called Uncle W."

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