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~more to come soon~

what you shall become **Home**

$My Way$


~My Obsession~


angel of death The love that springs from the loss of innocence
Is the sweetest nectar
Poured from the broken heart
Of a lost child
So filling is the precious juice
Many drink and are filled
With the potent elixir
That damns the evil
And enlightens the good
It kills the pain
And lifts the soul
The lost flock to each other
Hungry for comfort
They drink of each other
Feeling the other’s pain
we all must die
better to go along
than fight with the inevitable
death comes to greet us all
his hands pull us forward
his empty eyes fill our vision
his breath freezes our voice
his kiss destroys our spirit
his hands lower our lifeless body
death comes to take us all
graves of the lost

death proclamation

thanks to the girl in the picuture