Haldir spent most of the following day waiting impatiently for The Steward to find time for him. He wanted to get his Lord's concerns laid out before Denethor and then leave. He walked the gardens and explored the ancient library. He ate some of the fruits the Steward had provided him and visited his horse in the stables.

He caught sight of Faramir in the garden but avoided crossing his path. He would not encourage his own gentle feelings for the Gondorian after the unpleasant conversation with his father the night before.

The day went by, and suddenly it was night. Although tired and annoyed by his fruitless waiting Haldir still felt obliged to show up at the court when the night fell. Besides, he would not give the Steward the pleasure of seeing how the proud elf bent to his words, how they afflicted him.

He had hoped that the hall would be full, that there would be local nobility and foreigners there, a place where he could be seen but would not have to participate, not have to deal with The Steward and his family. It was not so however, there were only ten other people in the hall, three of them The Steward's family. Haldir saw the brothers standing in a corner, smiling affectionately at each other. They had a bond of love then, Haldir mused, even if they seemed different at the first glance.

He bowed slightly for the Lord, although his eyes held nothing but loathing when he greeted him. The Steward smiled, it would have been gentle enough had it not been for the way his eyes roamed the elven body, lingered teasingly on his crotch.

Haldir found himself a glass of wine and sat down by the fire. With his back to the room he closed his eyes and tried to relax. He did not like this, not at all. It was not dangerous, not like the danger he was used to, but it was unnerving and uncomfortable to be treated like this. To be forced to stand the Lord's eyes on him; more intimate than any touch. When he opened his eyes again he found two pair of eyes on him. One of them, a Palace Guard who watched him with undisguised desire and an expression on his face that reflected too well the thoughts in his mind. The other pair belonged to Faramir. He had moved across the room and lingered in the opposite corner,obviously unsure whether he dared approach him. Questioning eyes met his as the youth lifted the goblet to his lips. Haldir was about to motion for him to come closer when his elven ears caught a quiet discussion behind his back. The voices of the Steward and his eldest son. Haldir froze when he heard his name mentioned. With his goblet half lifted to his lips he sat and listened as the unbelievable conversation unfolded behind him:

"He is beautiful...almost like a woman, but still...so *very much* a male." Boromir said.

Denethor chuckled;

"He is proud as a princess as well," he said. " Ah! He brings the youth back to my loins, it is as if I am burning each time my eyes fall on that fair creature..."

"The one who could lay his hands on him..." Boromir followed up. " What bliss is to be found in that slender body...?" he mused.

"They *are* hot blooded, you know " The Steward told his son. "And they have a temper as well," he laughed. "I still have a scar after my encounter with him in my youth."

Boromir laughed as well.

" I can only imagine, " he marveled. " how he must be in bed, on his back with a man between his thighs..."

"Preferably a Man of Gondor," Denethor chuckled in reply. "And you know what they say," he added, "a piece of elven flesh will preserve youth in a man...make him live longer; fade slower."

"I would have him without those benefits..." Boromir said in a distant voice.

"Try it, then!" his father urged. "Let's see if you can do what I could not..." he challenged. "No warrior would look down at you for bedding such a beautiful creature," he encouraged his son further.

Boromir laughed. A low, lustful laugh.

"Yes..." he said at last. "Let us see if I can..."

Haldir rose quickly from his chair and left the hall without looking back. He shot Faramir a dark look when he walked passed him and climbed the stairs leading to his room in a fury.

How dared they, he thought. How dared they think of him...look at him... like that....! He thought he had made his feelings, as well as his lack of interest, apparent years ago when he slid his blade across the human's thigh. Tried to teach him a lesson in courtesy. Apparently it had not worked as intended. Haldir paced the floor in his room. He did not like this, to have to hide like a mouse, stay in his chamber to avoid assaults. It was not the way of a proud Galadhrim... all his years he had never faced a challenge like this one, but it was a challenge and he was an elf, and he would not run from it. With clenched jaw, he lifted his long elven blade from the table in his room and hid it in his crimson robes. Then he opened the door and entered the corridor.


As expected Haldir was approached by Boromir when he entered the hall again.They sat down together by a small, wooden table in a corner of the hall. Boromir sent for more wine, told Haldir he wanted to know the elf better.That he knew so little about the Elven people.

Patiently Haldir drank with him, watched as the wine made the determination grow in the young man's eyes. Made his eyes more daring, his hands as well. Gentle touches. A finger brushed Haldir's hand, a hand lay friendly across his shoulders. The Man's skin was covered by a thin layer of sweat. But as the wine took hold of him it was more due to lust than nervousness, Haldir mused. Boromir's eyes fell hungry on him. The man even wet his lips once ortwice while his gaze lingered on Haldir's mouth.

Haldir waited.

Boromir spoke nonsense. It could have been the wine, but Haldir suspected it to be a mixture of anticipation and nervousness for what he was about to do... Seduce The Elf...Be the Man between his thighs...

Haldir smiled and listened patiently to long rants about the traders of Gondor, the barbaric customs of the people of Rohan, Boromir's pride over the White City...it's charms, it's hidden treasures...

Haldir smiled. And waited.

And all the time he felt Denethor's eyes on them. Never leaving the two of them. Dark eyes, wrapped in and shaded by his own lust, an additional pair of eyes on Haldir's body... and Faramir, standing by his father's side...Was that jealousy on his face...? Probably, Haldir decided.He was the Steward's son after all...

And Haldir waited, and smiled to the man. Batted his lashes slightly. He knew this game as well as any. He *was * this game when he wanted to be.

At last Haldir decided that the time was right. He had been friendly to Boromir all night, even allowed him to touch him. He knew the minds of men, knew what was doomed to follow next.

"My Lord, Boromir," he said, "I am weary and will return to my room." He rose from the chair and bowed to the man. " I bid you a good night."
"I think I'll follow your example," the Gondorian quickly replied and rose as well. "Let us go together," he said. "Your room is on the way to my chambers..."

Haldir just smiled and nodded.

When they left the hall together the Man's father and brother still watched them . One of them with a lustful, triumphant expression. The other one with pain.

They had hardly reached the first corner of the stairs when Boromir's hand slid around Haldir's waist and his mouth came to press a kiss to his cheek. His eyes, blurred from alcohol and arousal, met the elf's with confidence.

" Do not waste time on me, Gondorian," Haldir warned him, knowing very well the warning would be fruitless.

"Why not? " Boromir replied. "You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen..." he continued and leaned his head on Haldir's shoulder.

"It will not lead anywhere" Haldir continued with his warning.

"Why not?" Boromir asked again. "I know you sleep with males as well as females," he continued. "All elves do..." he trailed off.

"But I wont sleep with you," Haldir replied. "Let me go now," he demanded, " and we can forget this ever happened....".

But Boromir's arm didn't move.

" Are you afraid of me, Elf?" he asked. " Men might be a little rougher between the sheets, but I promise I wont hurt you!" He gave Haldir a teasing glance and tilted his head to kiss the Elf again.

" I have *had* Men between my sheets," the Elf smiled. "But you have no place there... not tonight, or any other night." he added.

"Don't be so sure, Elf. " Boromir said. " I could show you a trick or two..."

Haldir laughed out loud;

"And what would a young man like you possibly teach a Galadhrim old enough to know your first ancestors, the founders of the name and the title you so proudly bare?"

"Are you mocking me, Elf?" Something dark had come in to his eyes making them look almost threatening when they met Haldir's.

Haldir met his gaze with a calm confidence:

"I am merely telling you, what you wish for will not happen" he stated. "Now remove your arm, Boromir of Gondor!"

Instead of following Haldir's advice, Boromir just tightened his grip more firmly around the other's waist. His face showed anger now, anger and confusion. With a swift movement he embraced the Elf and pressed his lips hard to his mouth. Haldir remained motionless as the Man continued to kiss his mouth,let the tongue run along it, let it search for an entrance. Lack of air finally forced Boromir to give up his mission. His head fell back:

"Oh, gods! That scent!" he cried out. His eyes were hot and shiny when they met Haldir's cool distant ones. "You don't see..." he told the Elf: "I *will* have you!"

His hand ran over Haldir's back, the other one gently massaging his hip as the man drew a deep breath.

"I *must* have you," he continued and pushed his hips to Haldir's. His pounding arousal pressed firmly against his thigh.

"No!" Haldir answered. " I will not give my consent...I do not desire you,Boromir. You will not have me..."

"But I will," Boromir repeated and rubbed himself against the elven body while his nostrils flared and his eyes clouded. " I must..." he said. " I am sure you will enjoy it, Elf...you're such a passionate being...don't play your games with me, I can see right through you," he continued in a low insistent voice. " I know what it is you desire...please, just let me come to you" he begged. "Please..."

He moved in to kiss the other again, moistening his lips with the tip of his tongue. Haldir tried to move back but Boromir grabbed him by his shoulders and held him in place.

"Let me go!" Haldir demanded.

"No!" The Gondorian growled and ground his hips more violently against him. " I will not let you slip away from me," he panted. " I *will* have you...!" He was so lost in his desire that he didn't notice Haldir's face suddenly changed expression from patient to determined. Not before the long blade rested against his throat. Cut slowly in to his flesh, causing a trickle of blood to run down the curve of his neck. Then, he froze.

"Now, Gondorian will you let me go?" Haldir's voice asked coldly. Whispering the words in to his ear.

"You ...sneaky ..creature!" the man hissed.

"So I am the sneaky one," Haldir tilted his head. "Not you...not your father..." he continued. " I can only imagine, " he repeated the Man's words slowly, his mouth close to his ear: " How he must be in bed, on his back with a man between his thighs..."

"You...you heard us?" A sudden burst of shame in the other's expression.

"Denethor," Haldir said "always underestimates the Elves...our senses...." he explained. " I can see and hear a lot that you...humans.." he spat the last word, "can not!" he finished his sentence. His eyes caught the eyes of Boromir. Cold and superior he stared at the Man, his sharp knife still pressed against his throat. "Let me offer you a piece of advice, Son of Gondor," he said at last. " Do not believe all that your father tells you...find your own honor, do not always believe in his..."

"Do not speak ill of my father!" The Man spat over the shining blade.

" Do not speak ill of the man who attacked me in my bed?" Haldir asked with arched brows. " Do not speak ill of the man who came naked and aroused to me and tried to force himself on me?!"

"What do you expect," the man said in a strained voice. "The way you look...the way you move..."

Haldir pretended not to hear him;

"Much as you just tried, " he continued, " I will choose my own lovers, Boromir of Gondor." His blade pressed in to the skin again. Broke the thin surface and caused another trickle of blood to run down the man's neck. He pressed a little harder this time. Making sure that the Man felt it; the metal cutting in to his flesh. A muffled cry of pain and finally fear came seeping into his eyes.

"You will not kill me over this?" he asked, trying more to convince himself than the elf.

"No..." Haldir said and removed the knife. His eyes never leaving the other's. "Not this time," he added. "But be aware of this, young one...your heritage means nothing to me...it will not protect you from my anger!"

With his hand pressed to his bleeding neck the Man turned without a word and ran down the stairs. Haldir followed him for a few steps; far enough to see Faramir standing by the foot of the stairs. His eyes wide and his mouth fell open when he saw his older brother come running down with a pained expression and the Elf with the long blade held casually by his side and fury in his eyes.

" Come..Faramir...come!" Boromir called with a scared, muffled voice when he rushed passed his brother.

With a last long, lingering gaze on Haldir, Faramir turned to follow his him. Shock and surprise on his features; a touch of fear.Respectful awe for the creature in the staircase.


The morning after Haldir decided to ignore the rules of formal wear. He didn't want to dazzle or blend, he wanted to feel strong. Comfortable. He slipped in to his normal clothes, the grey tunic of the Wardens. His soft, black boots, a short grey cloak... he wanted to dress like a warrior. Make his point even more clear to the ignorant humans. He was no fair maiden! He was the Captain of the Lady's Guard! An Elven warrior, among the finest of his kind.

He decided that if Denethor had not time for him this day he would stay only to get the furs and then leave. This was not a good place to linger. Not for his peace, not for his already low opinion of Men. The Lord and the Lady would understand, they knew him well. Knew that he would not choose such a simple solution if he had had another choice.

He walked down the stairs in search for one of the Steward's advisors to ask if the mighty man had time for him.

Instead of finding one of them, he found the man himself. He stood alone in the King's Hall, the ever present goblet in his hand.

Haldir drew a deep breath and approached the man carefully, not knowing in what mood he would find him this day, since he assumed the boy had showed him his wounds.

Denethor turned when Haldir was just a few steps away from him.

"Ah! Haldir!" the man said and curled his lips. "You had a bit of a clench with my son last night didn't you?" the Gondorian chuckled. Startling Haldir a little with his frankness. His lack of subtlety.

Healdir gave him a stern smile in reply;

" I do hope he learnt his lesson," he said. "Once again my blade was red with the blood of your line, Denethor..."

"Oh," The Steward smiled teasingly. "But maybe you are worth some bloodshed,Galadhrim," he said and let his eyes roam Haldir's body once again.

Haldir could not believe what the man had just said. It was all just a game to him. The madman was still playing games!

" I will not bed you, nor your son!" Haldir said. Hoped the clear words would reach the man's fogged mind.

The Steward still measured him with his gaze:

"Sooner or later you will have to give in," he said. " I know elves," he continued, "their bodies bursting with need... the need to be taken!" The old man's gaze met Haldir's.

"If your son comes near me again..." Haldir said. "I swear I will hurt him!"

"But not kill him, Galadhrim...you can not afford that. " Denethor looked at him with self-assurance and Haldir could do nothing but agree. He could not kill the heir of Gondor, not over his own pride and chastity. "And as I said..." The Steward continued, "maybe to hear your screams of pleasure is worth a little bloodshed...a few scars!" The old man turned on his heel and left Haldir alone in the hall.

An anger he had not felt since his youth so long ago coursed through Haldir's body. Annoyance, hurt pride...the temper he had battled and forced under control centuries ago burst free. He hastened to his room and grabbed his bow and quiver. Hoping that the precision and control needed to fire the arrows would help calm him. As he was now he very well might kill the Gondorian heir, or the Steward himself. Red fog before his eyes as he ran down the stairs with the bow in his hands. He had to take control of this anger or he would explode!


Haldir entered the exercise field behind the palace just to find another annoyance.Faramir stood there all by himself firing arrows, with his back to the castle wall.

Haldir quickly walked to the other side of the field, tried to ignore the young man as he aimed his arrow and fired the first shot.

As expected the Gondorian saw him. His eyes met Haldir's across the field and he gave a slight smile to greet him. Haldir did not respond, just took another arrow from the quiver and kept shooting.

He could feel it, as well as saw it from the corner of his eye when it came. The warm gaze trailing his body. Hot and sticky, moving across his backside,lingering on his buttocks, moving slowly over his thighs.

He clenched his teeth and kept quiet. Held himself back with force as to not walk over and throw the youth to the ground. He drew a couple of deep breaths and forced his heart to beat slower. Still the rage burned bright,this anger would not pass so easily...


Faramir crossed the field to pick up his arrows and when he turned to stand and make his way back, his eyes met the point of an elven arrow - only inches from his forehead.

"Be careful what you aim at, Gondorian." the Elf's voice sounded cold.

"What?" Faramir asked, confused.

"Come!" Haldir said. "Get up!"

The young man rose slowly, his heart beating fast with fear. He remembered clearly the look on his brother's face the night before. The blood that poured from the wounds on his neck. Remembered how Boromir had cursed the elf, the fear he could read in his brother's voice. And now, the Elf was aiming at him with his arrow.

"What...where are we going?" Something in the Elf's eyes told Faramir clearly that this was no game. The elf was just as serious now as when he put the blade to Boromir's neck.

"Over there," Haldir gave a short nod towards the castle, to an arched corridor running along the rear of the palace.

Faramir moved, tried not to think about the arrow pointed to his head or the possible implications. What did this mean? Had the Lady of the Wood suddenly become hostile towards Gondor?

When they had walked for a few minutes under the arches Haldir finally told him to stop. He cast his bow and arrow aside and grabbed the youth by his upper arms and pushed him violently against the wall. His eyes were burning in to the other's. Anger, Faramir thought. He is angry...but what had he done?

He tried to move, on the brink of panic, he tried to escape but the Elf held him in a grip of steel. Those slim, fragile looking limbs proved to be stronger than any man's. Faramir felt his cloak being rubbed and ripped by the rough surface of the stone wall behind him. His front covered by the Elf's body. Tightly pressed against his own.

"What do you want?" Faramir asked in a cold voice, although his limbs were shaking.

"What do I want?!" the Elf answered, amused. A dark smile tickled his lips, his eyes roamed the face in front of him. Showing a passion Faramir hadn't thought the distant Elf capable of. All coolness, all distant pride seemed to peel off in front of the young Man's startled eyes, leaving a naked expression of something he could only describe as hunger.

The Elf bit his lower lip, sparkling eyes met Faramir's:

"I want you!" he said in a low voice and pressed his lips to the Man's. Sliding his tongue across the other's mouth.

Startled Faramir tried to turn his head but the Elf followed, his lips didn't let his go until the lack of air forced him.

"Don't !" Faramir burst out.

"Why not?" There was something teasing, wild and unpredictable in the Elf's expression. "Don't you heed your family traditions, Faramir? This is what your father and brother have pursued since the day I arrived!"

Shameful on the behalf of his family Faramir reddened.

"I don't..."

"No," the Elf interrupted; " because *you* are a *Man* of honor, aren't you,young one?" A sarcastic smile curved the Elf's lips." That's what I like about you," he continued in a mocking tune "...that and your..." His eyes left Faramir's and drifted across his face and hair with a dreamy expression.

"My what?" Faramir asked in a hoarse whisper.

"...beauty" Haldir smiled and his gaze came back to rest in Faramir's. The Elf smiled again; "I can not tell you how much I would like to..." his eyes drifted again.

"To what?" Faramir whispered. Confused now as to the Elf's intent.

The Elf made a low purring sound in the back of his throat. His eyes held a challenge. His body pressed in even closer and his hips rocked slightly against Faramir's. The Man gasped in surprise and Haldir used the opportunity to reach over and catch his lower lip between his teeth. His tongue eagerly played with it while his hips continued rocking and sliding against Faramir's body.

Faramir could not believe it when he felt his flesh harden towards the other, his pulse quicken and heard a slight moan escape his own lips. He was red with shame and embarrassment but that only made their little space warmer, hotter. Unbelievably so.

"No..." he muttered in to the other's mouth.

Haldir let go of his mouth;

"Why?" he purred with blurred eyes, his lips glittering moist in the dim light. "Don't you think me beautiful?" he whispered in the scared boy's ear.

"Yes!" Faramir burst out. "Yes! I think you are beautiful...but that doesn't mean that we can..."

"Oh! But it does," Haldir interrupted him. "It does", he repeated and sank in to the other. Made it clear that he knew very well what state Faramir was in. A slight push with his hips and Faramir knew very well which state Haldir was in as well. The worst thing was that the evidence of the Elf's desire just made his own grow worse. Waves of warmth coursed through his body when he felt the hardness of the other's arousal press against his own through the layers of fabric. His breath quickened and again he tried to turn his face away from the teasing Elf, only to feel smooth lips slide over his jaw and neck, forcing a whimper and a shuddering breath to break free from his mouth.

"Yes!" Haldir whispered. "Yes...."

"No," Faramir said again, almost crying now from the embarrassment. "I am not my father!" he burst out, "I don't take such things lightly!"

"Of course not..." the elf murmured somewhere close to his ear. Soft elven hair brushed his neck and caused another shiver to flare through the young boy's body. "Now, don't bite!" The Elf added and caught Faramir's lips. This time the kiss was different. The nibbling on his lips was left for a more persistent, more powerful exercise. The Elf's small, pink tongue pushed into his mouth before Faramir had time to react and immediately it was rubbing against his own, forcing it into life.Daring it to play along. Haldir's lips closed over his. Covered them completely. Massaging them roughly with his own soft and silken ones while his tongue demanded attention inside. Faramir heard himself whimper and sigh as the pleasure of it all finally forced all thought from his mind. When the Elf's hips pushed towards him he lost control and met the other's body with his own. Writhing and grinding towards him. A soft chuckle in the elven throat and he sucked Faramir's tongue in to his own moist cave. Forcing the Man to kiss *him*. Faramir lost himself to the taste of the kiss, the enchanting scent of forest and green herbs mingled with spices that lingered in the air. The smell of him, the smell of The Elf. The jolts of sensations in his body. His ears registered every small sound of pleasure from the other. Tried to hear them through his own louder moans and sighs that came in a seemingly endless stream while he kissed the elf. Kissed him with a passion so wild, so different from any passion he had ever experienced before.

Suddenly the elf broke off the kiss.

"You are right, fair one." he breathed and met Faramir's hazed gaze with stern eyes. "You are not your father...I will not be cruel to you."

His nostrils flared and he let Faramir go. Loosened the grip on his arms,though still with his dark gaze buried in the other's.

A low disappointed moan from the Man as their bodies parted.

Haldir smiled. A cold, superior Lorien smile while he arched his eyebrows questionably.

Faramir felt shame hit his gut like a fist; he gave quiet sob in despair.

Haldir's face was an icy mask. No touch came to comfort the Man.

"Indeed you heed your family traditions!" His voice came mockingly before he turned on his heel, grabbed his bow and left. His cloak billowed behind him as he crossed the pavement and disappeared under the stone arch.

