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an artist's discontent.

hello kiddies. i'm Lauren, or for those of you who may know me better, Charlie. i decided i needed a secluded place just for my educational/political/protest artwork, as i've been asked for it a bit lately. i dont know HTML, go good luck navigating this sucker. but anyway, what you will find below and in the corresponding pages is artwork by me or artwork that has influenced me. some of the subjects covered are, Queer/LGBTQ youth issues, transgender/gender variant issues, womens issues, suicide/depression, anti-violence/hate crime education, and others. all artwork is by me unless otherwise noted. please contact me if you wish to reproduce or use my artwork in any way: thank you, enjoy.

because of this crappy template, there are only 3 pics per page, so to continue on:

page 2

page 3

site updated 7/14/02 (comics coming soon)

The Mind of an Activist

this was my latest work, created and edited for use by the GSA network (gay-straight alliance network), a california based non-profit org. that helps foster anti-homophobia and empowerment in students. i do volunteer work for them, they kick major ass. check em out:


one of the many edits for GSA network, this one will not be used. but, its still pretty cool!

Revolutionary Tool

one of my favourites submitted to the gsa network, a very simple image, but a profound message and symbol.