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Lilith, Lady of Freedom

"The world is what you make of it."


            Celestially and corporeally, Lilith is the same, for Lilith has never died. She is a woman in her early thirties, with a wealth of auburn hair and brilliant emerald eyes, with pale skin and delicate features, beautiful and elegant. The only difference is that, celestially, she bears Geases on her arms and round her neck, and wears Geas-gems as jewelry.




            A Servitor of Lilith cannot unfairly or arbitrarily deprive another being of its freedom. This includes soul-killing anyone, but not Vessel-killing. It also does not include extracting a Geas from someone, as this is considered an even trade.

            Note that all Free Lilim have Lilith's dissonance conditions, as their Hearts are all created by her. However, they can get a Heart from another Archangel (breaking their original Heart) and thereby trade dissonance. Lilith will also grant her Rites to any angel who asks, but they must accept her dissonance conditions as well.



Choir Attunements


            All Lilith's Choir Attunements are refinements of her angels' natural resonance, making them at least partially restricted. It is unknown as to whether this is deliberate, or if she simply could not create a different kind.

            All of Lilith's Servitors have access to the 'Lilim Grapevine' of celestial gossip and information. They may roll 1d6 before any Intelligence roll related to celestial current events or the identity of a specific celestial, and add that number to their target - but initial contact with the Grapevine minimum must be roleplayed before the Intelligence roll. (Lilim serving other Words are officially part of the Grapevine, but are less skilled at manipulating it. They can't use this bonus.)


Seraphim (Partially Restricted)

"Cognoscetis veritatem et veritas liberabit vos." (You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.) - Anonymous

            Lilith's Seraphim automatically succeed on their resonance when seeking the Truth about a person's freedom. Roll anyway for the check digit. These Seraphim are also very very believable when speaking: anyone attempting to convince themselves or someone else that the angel is lying, or at least inaccurate, is at a penalty equal to the Seraph's Celestial Forces.

            (Anyone can take the penalty to be disbelieved, as long as whatever they're saying is true to the best of their knowledge.)


Cherubim (Restricted)

Cherubim of Freedom can sense when their attuned is in danger of losing their freedom (as per the Malakite of War attunement for sensing danger in canon.) Further, by making a Perception roll, the Cherub of Freedom can tell whether the 'imprisonment' is warranted by something the attuned has done - these Guardians often take Roles as defense lawyers, the better to liberate those unjustly accused of crimes.

            These Cherubim do not take dissonance if their attuned is imprisoned, but feel a strong Need to free their attuned for the duration of the imprisonment (or the attunement.)


Ofanim (Restricted)

Ofanim of Freedom are able to use their resonance to find the safest route to lead one or more people to freedom - including a number of individuals who can assist in the escape equal to the check digit. (If no route offers safety, or all are equally dangerous, then the Ofanite detects the fastest route to freedom, instead.)

If the prisoner(s) that the Ofanite is attempting to liberate are posing as such in order to lead the Ofanite into an ambush, this will be detected on a check digit of 6.


Elohim (Partially Restricted)

"Freedom is not something that anybody can be given; freedom is something that people take and people are as free as they want to be." - James Arthur Baldwin

Elohim of Freedom may use their resonance to detect what attitudes and beliefs prevent another from seeking freedom (either from physical imprisonment, or from mental domination such as that imposed in an abusive relationship.) They add the check digit of their resonance rolls to Psychology rolls used to help others throw off such mental shackles, and typically take roles as deprogrammers.

On a resonance roll with a check digit of 5 or 6, Lilith's Powers may choose to know what one action on their part would best aid the target in gaining their freedom, instead of one reaction to a given action.

Note that this is available to other Choirs - namely, Mercurians can take this Attunement, just as Elohim can take the Mercurian of Freedom Attunement. Mercurians with this Attunement still detect the attitudes via their resonance, still get the bonus to Psychology, and may detect one action at 5 and 6.


Sworn Malakim (Restricted)

When resonating, these Malakim also determine if their targets were forced into any of the actions or situations detected, and to what degree.

It should be noted that this mirrors the Dark Malakite of the Deal Attunement, something that makes Asmodeus nervous (especially as a large number of Lilith's Redeemed were once Marc's Servitors, and vice-versa...)


Kyriotates (Restricted)

If their host agrees beforehand and doesn't resist, Kyriotates of Freedom do not have to roll to possess. They can also automatically succeed at possessing felines, with no resistance roll possible. (Why is unknown, but the number of cat-souls that wander around the Guildhall may have something to do with it...)

Lilith dislikes the Kyriotate resonance, seeing it as limiting the Freedom of their hosts; thus, most of her Dominations have a Servant (often a Soldier) who acts as a regular host, or choose to limit themselves to animal hosts and fellow angels' Vessels. Still, Lilith doesn't have many Kyriotates.


Mercurians (Partially Restricted)

"There is one fundamental right, the right to do whatever you please. It is coupled with the one fundamental responsibility, to accept the consequences." - Anonymous

            These Mercurians, when resonating, also determine how the results affect the freedom of the target. (For example, discovering a high estimation of the self may mean the target doesn't have any limits on his freedom, while discovering an overbearing boss may mean the target is often forced to do things she doesn't like in the workplace.) They may instantly recognize someone who is limiting or injuring the freedom of someone they have resonated on in the last (check digit of the resonance * 2) days.

            Many of these angels take Roles as psychiatrists/psychologists, guidance counselors, and lawyers - anything that lets them undo harm to another's freedom and therefore self-image, and stop the attackers from harming more.

            Note that this and the Elohim of Freedom Attunements are the only ones available to other Choirs - namely, Elohim can take this Attunement and Mercurians can take the other one. An Elohite with this Attunement detects how the results of his natural resonance for emotion affect the target's freedom, and how the results of Lilith's Elohite Attunement affect the freedom, as well as gaining the 'instant ID' ability.


Grigori (Restricted)

            Lilith's Watchers are greatly envied by their Choir-mates. They have complete control over their fertility - no Grigori of Freedom will ever sire or bear a half-human child unwillingly. With a Will roll and physical contact, these Grigori can extend that control to another being (of whatever plane) for the check digit in hours.

            It should be noted that it is dissonant for a male-Vesseled Watcher of Freedom to sire a child without the female partner's consent (and preferably awareness of her partner's and future child's natures, but this is not essential.) However, the same does not apply to female-Vesseled Watchers and their male partners, unless the Watcher abuses the parental link to force the father to do things. These Watchers generally prefer to limit intercourse with humans to Soldiers, Saints, and Sorcerers, all of whom would be aware of their partner's nature.

It should also be noted that Lilith is extremely willing to grant 'vacation' periods to Watchers with families, and a certain amount of lenience to those who wish to spend time watching their descendants. She is one of the only Archangels to be actively supportive of this, so long as the humans involved aren't being hurt in any way.


Lilim (Restricted)

"Ophelia was the rebel girl / A blue-stocking suffragette / Who remedied society between her cigarettes

"And Ophelia was the sweetheart / To a nation overnight / Curvaceous thighs / Vivacious eyes / Love was at first sight / Love was at first sight


"For Ophelia'd know your every woe / And every pain you'd ever had / She'd sympathize and dry your eyes / And help you to forget..."

- Natalie Merchant, Ophelia


            All Lilim start out as Servitors of Freedom - be they Free, actual Servitors, or eventually choosing to serve another Word - and thus start out with this Attunement - though those who serve other Archangels often lose it. This gives them the ability to perceive true Needs with their resonance. (For example, a man standing in the rain may want-Need an umbrella. He may Truly Need to be forgiven by his wife - the reason he's standing out in the rain. True Needs are typically things that would lead the target to their Destiny or away from their Fate - thus, Kronos' Lilim Attunement is this with a bonus.)

Lilim of other Words can buy this for 5 character points at creation, unless their Superior is Allied/Associated with Lilith, in which case it costs 3. Lilim of Necessity and Freedom have it for free.)




Servitor Attunements


Nor Prisons Hold

"I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up DOES rejoice. Still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone." - Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding, The Shawshank Redemption

By spending 1 essence, the holder can escape from any one form of imprisonment. If the holder of this attunement is handcuffed, tied up, and locked in a cell, for example, it would require three uses. For this reason, Uriel has issued standing orders that any servitors of Freedom who are too valuable to be killed outright are to be placed in as many layers of imprisonment as can be managed.




A refinement of Nor Prisons Hold, only offered to those who already possess that Attunement. With a successful Will roll, these angels may extend the effects of Nor Prisons Hold to another person (plus one other for every Essence spent by the angel) for a number of hours equal to the check digit.






These two Attunements are commonly associated with one another, given their similar effects.


Free Your Mind...

Any attempt to use a Song, Attunement, sorcery, or similar ability to influence the will of one holding this attunement suffers a penalty equal to the holder's Ethereal forces. This includes attempts at possessing the holder, as well as the Balseraph, Habbalite, Impudite, and Nephil Resonances, but does not include resisting Geases that the holder agreed to with full knowledge of their consequences.


...And The Rest Will Follow

Any attempt to use a Song, Attunement, sorcery, or similar ability to physically imprison the holder of this attunement suffers a penalty equal to the holder's Corporeal forces. This includes Asmodeus' Warder Distinction!




Spirit of Humanity

As per canonical Asmodeus' "Humanity" Servitor Attunement. (In Nomine: Core Rules pg 161)





Lilith doesn't give out Distinctions often, preferring to reward Servitors with Attunements and the like instead. Most of her Distincted Servitors are Lilim and Sworn Malakim, unusually enough.


Vassal of Freedom

If the angel did not have Free Your Mind, The Rest Will Follow, or Locksmith before, she receives any two with this Distinction. With a successful Will roll, she can extend the effects of any of these Attunements to another person for (check digit + Friend's Celestial Forces) in hours. (Locksmith already permits this for Nor Prison's Hold, but the duration is altered.)


Friend of Liberty

These angels can, with an effort, Free themselves (or others) from dissonance restrictions. (Note that this is not effective on Geases.) This is usable once per person per day. With a successful Will roll by the Friend, the effects can last for up to the check digit in hours, but the Freed person must spend Essence every other hour he wishes to remain Free. (One hour is free, two or three costs one Essence, four or five costs two, six costs three.)

Note that Friends of Liberty may not Free themselves or others from Lilith's own dissonance conditions without her express permission; she will not let her Servitors abuse her gifts that way. Angels of Freedom can be released from their Choir-dissonance, but others can only be Freed from Word-dissonance; it's harder to Free someone from their own nature than it is to Free them from a superior. Word-bound cannot be Freed from their personal Word-dissonance by Friends, as the Word has become part of their nature, though it's rumored Lilith can do so – and can even Free an Archangel or Demon Prince, if she so wishes...


Master of Choice

            Lilith's Masters are experts at the concept of 'walking a mile in someone else's shoes.' This works as per canon Yves' Master of Divine Knowledge Distinction (In Nomine: Core Rules pg?), with the following notes...

1. The Lilim resonance is available, though rare; rarer still is the Sworn Malakite resonance, but there are Masters with it! Lilith's rare Masters with the Sworn Resonance tend to be hunted by Purity and the Sword; Laurence and Uriel don't like the idea that anyone could copy their creations.

            3. Occasionally, these Masters (mostly the older ones) develop traits of their 'secondary Choir' - an Elohite Master (Mercurian) with fluffy white wings, a Malakite Master (Seraph) with six black wings, etc.




Lilith is generally a member of the Peace faction, though she has been known in the past to cast her vote with the more warlike Archangels – she does what she believes is best for humanity. However, she has her ally Andrealphus' dislike of Asmodeus, seeing his Rules as too restrictive of Freedom.


Except for her Allies and the Book, she expects her Servitors to use their personal judgment in situations involving other angels. If one of her angels dislikes Servitors of one of Lilith's Associates, the angel is under no obligation to help them. Likewise, if one of her Servitors likes angels under a Superior Lilith is Neutral to, those angels take priority over Servitors of other Words. Lilith expects her angels to offer aid to Love and Laughter and to be careful how much they tell the Book; other than that, it's their prerogative.



            Andrealphus, Kobal (Andrealphus, Valefor are Allied to Lilith)


Lucifer, Nybbas, Valefor (Kobal, Lucifer, Nybbas are Associated with Lilith)


Everyone else, except... (Everyone else is Neutral to Lilith, except...)


            Asmodeus (Nobody is Hostile to Lilith)





Role in the War


            Lilith is humanity's special patron. She is the First and greatest Sorceress, and all white sorcerers learn from her. She oversees all Soldiers and Saints, the placement of new blessed souls, and watches over the newly Redeemed as well. She tends to favor women over men, but she does her best not to act on her personal biases. But it's known that she pays special attention to female humans, especially pregnant women and children, and any of her Servitors who fail to aid them will have a lot to answer for. Lilith is also the special patron of the United States of America; she was the one who incited the colonists to rebellion, she urged the slaves to seek freedom, she began the civil rights and women's suffrage movements, and more. (The Statue of Liberty, one of her strongest Tethers, actually bears a faint resemblance to her.) Though it should be noted that she patronizes American ideals rather than what Americans really do; in recent years, she's become more and more disappointed with her 'adopted children'.

            Lilith is the only source of Lilim in existence. (If a Lilim or more than one Lilim wish to create a child angel, the child will inevitably be a reliever (if nine-Force at creation, it fledges upon receipt of its tenth) or a member of the other parent's Choir, unless the parents come to Lilith, who is usually willing to make the child a Lilim.) At creation, she offers her Daughters three choices - "be a Servitor of Freedom, though you may ask to switch service later; choose to serve another Archangel within the week; remain Free to serve as you please." Most Lilim choose the first or last options, though there are a few (mostly created especially for another Archangel, with his/her active participation, in the hopes of creating a Lilim with a unique affinity for his/her Word) who choose the second. Those who choose the third are effectively Free Lilim, but bear three Geas/3 owed to Lilith, which may be traded to others at her whim. They also get a Heart created by Lilith (requiring them to take her dissonance conditions), but are permitted to do what they please with them.

            Angels of other Choirs are not offered this choice. However, Lilith will almost always grant requests to 'temp' for or switch service to another Archangel with minimal questioning. Lilith's Redeemed are given a 'grace period', averaging at about a week, in which to learn about other Superiors. At the end of the week, they're expected to tell her who they wish to serve.



Lilith and Malakim


"Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem." (By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty.) - Official Motto of the State of Massachusetts.


For non-Lilim, Lilith is fully capable of making her own, and does so. However, non-Lilim creations of Lilith are vastly outnumbered by Redeemed and 'transfers'. Lilith is one of the two Superiors with the most Redeemed in their ranks; the other is Andrealphus. She also has the most Sworn Malakim of any Archangel save Baal and Meserach (enough to equal any other Choir of any other Word), and was the first to Redeem one - Timeus, Sworn Malakite Master of Choice and Angel of Honor, formerly a Baron of Purity. It is widely believed that this is because of either her near-complete willingness to let them do as they please, or the ... fascination all Malakim have with Lilim, and by extension Lilith herself.

Given this fact, many wonder what the two Malakite Princes think of Lilith. Uriel is obvious; with his obsession with control, he simply wants her and her Daughters under his power. Laurence, on the other hand ... when asked, he says nothing. Nothing at all, save to end the conversation - and possibly the hapless questioner. Yet, if one looked closely at his face when Lilith is brought up, one might be able to see hints of envy...




            Lilith and Andrealphus are the two Archangels with the highest Redemption tallies, though Lilith's Redeemed often choose to switch service eventually. The Lady of Freedom, however, has the smallest amount of permanent Servitors of any Word, Divine or Infernal. Her Free Daughters and Sworn Malakim nearly make up for this, but since the average Free is usually in service to another Archangel at any given time, Lilith has far fewer angelic resources available than other Superiors.

            What many people forget is that Lilith doesn't need celestial resources. She is the source of white sorcerers (other than the occasional renegade from Marc's ranks), she employs more Soldiers and Saints than any other Superior, and her status as the only Archangel to actively encourage Grigori-human pairings means she knows where most Children of the Grigori are. Beyond that, she has many Corporeal interests, letting her call on mundane humans through various companies, and the effectiveness of Lilim Geas-webs is multiplied tenfold when Lilith is the one starting the chain. And speaking of Geases, well, she has collected hooks on some (if not most, or even all) Superiors...



The Garden of Eden


"He who does not prefer exile to slavery is not free by any measure of freedom, truth, or duty." - Kahlil Gibran


"Thrice-blessed Adam, husband of thine Eve! / She brought thee for her dowry death and shame; / She taught thee one may worship and deceive; / But yet thy dream and she were still the same; / Nor ever in the desert turned thine eyes / Towards Lilith by the brooks of Paradise."

- Agnes Mary F. Robinson, Adam and Eve



Rumors abound as to just why Lilith left the Garden. After all, wasn't it Paradise? Wasn't it perfect, peaceful, just her and Adam and every plant and animal in existence? Didn't she love Adam? (For she will admit freely that she loved him.)

But as Kobal and Beleth can attest, love is not necessarily the perfect thing people think. And it's known that Metatron corrupted the Experiment when Eve was there, so it's not impossible that he got involved before Eve. And the humans who wrote the stories seem to think Adam forced her to submit, to be his slave...

Lilith says nothing.


"So how explain / This chronic failure of eyes, of hands, to meet? / Those who come after will say it was / He who hulked between us like a wall / Of rock dividing countries, estranging / Sea from land. Will say that I abandoned / You to a life I would not stand. Or, I / Supplanted you in the garden with the man."

- Constance Merritt, Self-Portrait: Lilith, Eve


But despite whatever drove her from the Garden, Lilith loves the descendants of Adam and Eve. She liked Eve; or at least, what she knew of Eve. Lilith pitied her a bit for staying with Adam, but felt it was her Choice.

Incidentally, while Lilith is fairly sure Adam, Eve, and possibly their oldest children are all dead, she doesn't know where each of them finally wound up. Anyone who knows and tells her will earn a Favor in the future.





The Children of Lilith


"Made -- for what end? -- by God's great hand, / Frail enigmatic shapes, they dwell / In some phantastic borderland, / But on the hitherside of hell! / Children of Lilith, each a sprite,  / Yet wrought like us of Adam's clay, / And when they haunt us in the night  / What, brother Villon, shall we say?"

- George Sylvester Viereck, Children of Lilith


Everybody knows about the Lilim. How they are Lilith's Daughters (and Sons), how they are angels but have a strong dash of humanity in their Forces, how none has Fallen yet and none believe they will, how her first Daughter, Malaya, left Heaven and may have melted into human society, and how the rest of her Children serve whom they please, as they please.

But Lilith is human, and has a strong sense of family and stronger maternal streak. And as she is eternally whatever age she wants to be, which is usually early thirties, she is certainly capable of reproducing...

Rumor has it that Lilith has had human children. Depending on the storyteller, one might hear of her playing 'surrogate' for an infertile wife, taking the Role of a human man's mate until he dies and then watching over the family, having had children by Adam or one of his sons (most commonly Cain or Seth)... or having a half-human child with another Archangel.






·    Release someone from bonds they were not willingly placed in. (i.e., freeing a Renegade from Bound-inducing handcuffs placed on him by Judgement would earn Essence; freeing a master escape artist / magician from his straitjacket in the middle of his show would not.)

·    Meditate for two hours at a site associated with Freedom, such as the Berlin Wall or Liberty Bell, or Statue of Liberty. (This doesn't have to be a Tether.) Alternatively, walk the Freedom Trail in Boston, Massachusetts.

·    Help someone escape an abusive relationship. (+2 if the abused party is a wife or daughter.)

·    H



Chance of Invocation: 4


Lilith is the only Archangel who will let literally anyone Summon her. Humans are at a base chance of 0, other angels halve the standard 'not my Superior' penalty, and demons have a penalty of -10 to the base chance – and any demon trying to summon Lilith who isn't seeking Redemption or going Renegade had better talk fast. Lilith strongly backs Freedom, but she has more sense than to let demons summon her to get them out of trouble.


Asmodeus would be livid about this fact, if not for two things. First, it's nearly impossible for a demon to summon Lilith without promising a fairly high-level Geas, which is always useful. Secondly...well, Dominic turns the most interesting colors when he hears about Lilith sneaking Renegades out from under his nose, so there are perks.




+3 if summoner is a Lilim or human

+Geas level if you promise one while summoning (Lilith only claims the hook if the summons is successful)

+1: A set of broken handcuffs or other corporeal restraint.

+2: A set of broken Will Shackles, Bound Discord Bracelets, or other celestial/ethereal restraint.

+3: A caged creature set free.

+4: A pregnant woman (regardless of if it's obvious or not. +5 if the woman is giving birth.)

+5: A Renegade, repentant, or newly Redeemed (within the last 24 hours) demon (+6 if the demon is a Malakite.) The

      Summoner can be the demon in question.

+6: Overthrowing a corrupt government.