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The Sites I Recommend

The Stores

There are three store fronts, Stewey, and Rent My Dad. Check them all out today!

Picture Description
The Store
George The Fish Store
The CLD Photo Shop: Store Open During Construction
The Ninja Shredz Store: GRAND RE-OPENING
Holiday Store: ALL NEW Christmas Item!!
Stewey, The Rabbit Store: Store under construction

If you like the site but hate the ads and popups you can help out, all you have to do is give a dollar to my 'Mike's Ad Free Site in 2006' donation fund. Of course I will stil have my store's ads but none of the random flashy ads or pop ups!

Animation and Flash Games
Oddtodd is best known for being unemployed. I can relate. His animation makes me laugh!
Have you ever wanted to see movies, done in 30 seconds, reenacted by bunnies? Do I sense doubt? Trust me, this site rocks.
Forget Emeril this octupus can cook! This site is amusing and the recipes certainly seem valid.
The Helicopter Game. This gam is super addictive I played it over and over again. Check it out it is easy to learn how to play and it provides great entertainment.

Writing Sites

Rose Alley Press
This is a site I found by first meeting the owner at the Wordstock Festival in Portland, OR. We talked several times and he is an amazing guy. His name is David D. Horowitz and he publishes books of his own and select books from other people. His books range from writer resource and guides to books of poetry. I have seen the samples and the guy is awesome at what he does. I think his poetry is worth owning and as soon as I can afford to I will.

Other Fun Sites
I found this site when I was creating my tombstone inscription. It was a lot of fun to play with.

My Space

I have a Myspace page.
What is Myspace? I am not real sure but I have a site there and I end up going there everyday. I have reconnected with a lot of old school friends this way.
Dj Quik has a Myspace page too. He is a legendary rap artist with a new album. I am a big fan of his music.

Sites With a Purpose
This will give you your states branch of congress and your representatives. Let them know how you feel, they will respond. Sometimes the senator even does it personally.
This box will take it up a notch and give the senatorsrepresenting you in DC. Exercise your rights as a citizen of the US, tell them how you feel. You pay their salary they will respond. Then pay attention to how they vote, and when it comes time to vote you will know who these people are.

Technical Advice and Web Page Services

Design and Sell Merchandise Online for Free
These people will supply an online store for you and your designs. They have the items, the secure payment methods and the customer support all figured out for you. If you want to do this just mention that you heard about it from me, my referral store id is: crazedlunatik

Angelfire Home Pages
These people supply my website for free. Want a website? Go here.
This place will teach you how to build a site. My site has definately been helped by them and will continue to be.

This site will set you up with things like polls and feedback code. You get the easy way to make your site more interactive. I have used the Guest List and Feedback gear from them.
I recommend Mozilla's Firefox web browser for browsing the web! It is free to download and use besides it is way cooler then Internet Explorer! Go there, check it out and find out why a lot of people are switching to Firefox!

Got Questions? Ask Netgod!
This is the man that solves all computer issues we encounter while gaming. If your computer is acting up ask Netgod.


Would you like to see your site here? I would love to hear from you. Drop a line and I will get it done.

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Copyright © 2006, Mike Williams
Revised: March 10, 2006