In the beginning oranges were abused and no one was there to hear their cries...but then those of P.A.O.A! had their lives changed forever when the veil over their eyes was pulled away and they saw the dark, sadistic world of orange abuse! Here are their stories...

Kjersti's Story
The lights fade and the screen that magically appeared in front of you goes to a solid black and a deep masculine voice begins.
..It all began one glorious summer morning. As usual Kjersti woke up before the crack of noon. She took care of her personal hygiene then promptly skipped down the stairs to eat an early breakfast. Kjersti decided that she would like to create a huge mess in the kitchen that she would later have to clean up when all the batter was encrusted on the counters and stove. But she wouldn't mind cleaning up, she was a happy and joyful girl, she didn't mind cleaning, in fact, she enjoyed it. Kjersti brought oh yeah...forgot to tell you. The screen has been playing a movie while the guy talks...It's not just sitting blank...In fact, I believe that a rather beautiful actress in playing the part of Kjersti. Oh wait! That IS Kjersti! Kjersti brought out the premixed pancake batter and preceded to mix in the eggs, milk, and whatever else you have to add. Several burnt pancakes later, Kjersti was sitting at the table with her nice warm fluffy pancakes that her older sister had made. She poured on the syrup and slathered on the butter. Then she inhaled her pancakes all at once. Not a crumb was left. After eating all those pancakes, Kjersti was quite thirsty. So thirsty in fact that she ran to the fridge and grabbed the oranges juice. She almost gulped in straight from the bottle but she remembered her manners and poured herself a glass. It was then that she realized that the juice was not orange, the color of healthy happy oranges, but RED. She fell upon her knees and cried and cried, the life blood of the oranges had been squeezed from the tender fruit just so she could feast upon it! Immediately her physical thirst left her, only to be replaced by a new and great spiritual thirst. She knew that she HAD to save the Oranges. There was no way around it! She must! Kjersti soon learned that she was not the only one that felt this urge to save the Oranges...And she has found comfort here. Knowing that with the help of the rest of the group...Things CAN and WILL be accomplished! The credits role. You notice that most of the names after the titles are Kjersti ...You wonder to yourself about this strange yet intriguing person...You know that you must meet her! *ahem* anyway...The Screen goes away to its happy little world

Jack's Testimonial
When I first heard about this crusade for morality, I was skeptical, but now my eyes have been opened to the evils of the world. As I was walking through the grocery store, no long ago, I saw a swarthy man fingering some innocent citrus fruits. Was he just being friendly? I didn’t think so! How can the world just ignore such an atrocity? Now I’ve joined the struggle for the betterment of society.

Pepper's Chronicle
It was a beautiful evening. The wind chimes were singing in the breeze, and the air inside was warm and thick with nagchampa and michore sugandhi dhoop incenses. A medley of dieing sunlight and pale moonshine struck the kitchen counter. A pretty plastic dish, dusty and a little sticky, sat on this counter and sparkled a bit in the light. A pretty young woman with raven waves in her short hair was standing with her alabaster hands on the counter staring dreamily out the window. She had just gotten up fro a long, pleasant nap and was still waking up. Suddenly she heard something that sounded oddly like the insect-man from "The Fly". "Heeeeelp meeeee. Heeeeeeeelp meeeeeeee." the voice cried. She shook her head, convinced it was either her imagination or the wind chimes. Deciding to check her e-mail, the girl went to her iMac in the living room and shook the mouse to wake up the hibernating computer. WELCOME PEPPER, it announced on the screen. Within a few moments Nirvana riffs were emanating from the computer. Pepper went back into the kitchen to get some ice-cream. Just under Kurt Cobain's grunge rock wailing, she heard it again, "Please heeeeeeeeeelp me. Pleeeeeeeeease." Pepper ran to turn off the song and went back into the kitchen, she was positive she had heard something. Then she saw it. In the dusty plastic fruit bowl lay a net satchel of oranges, unopened. The oranges seemed strangely alive though. It was the fruit crying out for help! "Please! Tell me what you want!" asked Pepper, falling to her knees. "The oranges of the world are horribly abused! You have heard our cries, as so few do! You are destined to protect and fight for us, because we oranges cannot fight for ourselves. Please help us!" explained the terrified fruit. "I vow that I will protect you at all costs." swore Pepper. She ripped the net bag apart with her bare hands, liberating the oranges. She knew at that moment that her life was to be forever altered. The she was no longer a simple civilian destined to work in a cubical (not that she ever planned on such a menial labor), but she was a Crusader, a holy warrior of the oranges! And nothing, not Hell or wet paper, would prevent her from completing her sacred duty.

I'm a shy, sensitive punk rocker, the most artistic of them all. I'm Kurt Cobain!
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