Feast your soon-to-be-blinded eyes on the carnage of orange abuse, through the unforgiving art of photographic film. Thanks a bunch to my associate Erin for doing the dirtiest research work. Do not fail to notice the fact that these instances of orange abuse touch on the darkest sides of human nature. Rape, pornography, serial killing, genocide. All have connections to the abuse of the oranges!

Disclaimer: This page contains images of peeled oranges, orange juice and other disturbing images. While your compassion for the lustrous fruit known as sinensis, the sweet orange, or aurantium, Seville sour orange, may make it difficult to tear your eyes away, at least drag the younginns (Read As: If Your Aren't Dead) away from the computer screen and brainwash them with a nice Disney movie. Even Disney, the evil arm of Satan, is less polluting than these simple photographs of Orange Abuse!

See this girl standing in front of these corpses? Even the innocent may be unaware of the unforgivable sin which they are committing. Even the innocent may be unaware of the eeeeevil that pervades their soul with icky gross nasty fingers of doom!

This huge, jolly smile hides the face of the orange abuser. If you tear your eyes away from the kind, fatherly face, notice the two body bags he is holding, equivalent to mass graves! Que horrible!

Even this "friendly" magician is capable of orange abuse. He doesn't pull rabbits out of hats -- he makes oranges suffer!

Gadzooks! What is this?! An orange juicer and bedpan in one?
We've discovered that this dish is used in the ritual drainage of orange blood. It holds the life liquid of the innocent fruits until...

...This neo-vampyer drinks the sweet tangy blood of the orange. Satanists? No...this cult is much worse. The Cult of the Orange Abuser!!!! The orange is sliced in half, squashed into this pinnacle, twisted and mangled into a pulpy fragment of what they once were. Not even the Moonies are this bad...

This is a low blow: using sex appeal to lure in innocents! However, this saucy temptress intends to abuse those oranges she's clutching in her foul hands of sin! And do you really want to shag a woman who abuses an innocent orange? I should hope not!

What in the name of all that is sacred and holy is this? Is it some sort of educational device for orange torture? Or is it some sort of idol for an orange worshiping religion? The world may never know...

How is this different from a baby being impaled by a spear? How is this different from rape? HOW CAN YOU WATCH A TROPICANA COMMERCIAL AND NOT THINK OF THELMA AND LOUISE? HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF THIS HAPPENED TO YOU?!

Look at these sad, battered fruit! The mangled skins scarred and bruised! Like Victor Frankenstein's hideous monster, these oranges are clones! Just read Frankenstein again and replaced the monster with a vicious orange clone, big and genetically altered! It's really scary, I've tried it!

I don't know what's up with this but its just creepy. Is it a mutated orange? A sadistic cookie? A baby alien come to spawn and take over earth by fornicating with the populace? Only the photographer might know.

Confused? Well, this has a story.
I was in the Memphis airport recently and they confiscated my mother's orange. I decided this had something to do with racial profiling. Do you hear me Memphibians? YOU PROFILED MY ORANGE, DAMN YOU! Those airport personnel...orange abusers all of them. With their little cups of orange juice on those horrible planes...well. I guess they were just afraid my mother was trying to smuggle an orange to freedom from the oppression of cruel, dastardly people like themselves. A thousand years of darkness upon the orange abusers and orange profilers!

See the true carnage of this concentration camp for oranges. Notice how the creators of this dread machine gleefully describe all the terrible little instruments of destruction. The features of death. The designes of torment and endless automated suffering. Yes. Mass killings. Nothing more can be said of this horror. So many little lights being put out in ONE HORRIBLE INSTANT... I can't type any longer...

Torn and twisted by the pain of coming to grips with their sick obsession of torturing and consuming oranges, see what comes from the mind of a psychopath who was once an orange abuser like you may be.