punk pod cont. 10;26;02

okay im bored and taking quizzes...
Romy & Michele Quiz @ Malandi.org
Star Quiz @ Malandi.org

punk pod 10;26;02

okay wow i have been working my toosh off forever trying to get everything made and up. This layout is pretty simple, but I just opened this((for all you who didnt know)) and so this is like ALL new stuff and it's hard to get it all up but i'm almost there so woohoo. I still have to put up the content and my writings and maybe some drawings, but that should be done by the end of the weekend so i'm hoping this will look pretty good. I dont know about the lay though..i might start working on a new one already! What do you guys think?

i went and saw the ring lastnight. oh gosh that was a freaky movie. i was about to die the whole time, i had my hands close to my face so i could cover my eyes quickly. that's how scared i was. wow. I went to see it with my little sister but we got there an hour early so we walked to the mall((even though mom told me not to..oh i'm a bad ass now. haha))and jenny and lizzy were there so i talked to them for a while becuz my sister found her friends and were talking to them. my sister's friends were seeing the same movie as us so we all walked over to the movies and stuff. It's cool but they were all about a year younger than me but some of them were cool so it was fun.

after the movie i came home and talked to chris online and he was asking me why i didnt ask him to come to the movies and stuff and he said he wants to do "stuff" with me. in chris's language stuff=sexual things just so yah know. And he was like asking me what i'd do with him and i was just like umm i dont know. It was getting a little personal, but he's cool so i was just talking. I dont know if he really likes me or if he just wants to do stuff, if he just wants to do stuff then i'm not going there, cuz i need to stay away from the slut thing cuz i'm not one.

i cant wait to go see jackass the movie. It looks so funny i think i'll see it tonight. I love bam,steve-o, and johnny knoxville they are so friggin funny!

i have to get some money out of mom so i can go thrift store shopping today. I really need some stuff and so she better give me some money cuz i'm a poor girl.

steffany exhaled at 9:24am ;
plug;sign it

new everything 10;24;02

wow i love this so very much! i just opened this up so not everything is gunna be up and stuff i'm just seeing if i can get it started so wait a little while for me to get everything up!

steffany exhaled at 9:29pm ;
plug;sign it

the patient

basicsi'm a 14 year old girl in 8th grade living in the suburbs or kansas city.I'm half black and half white and i have light brown skin,brown eyes,and dark dark brown hair. I guess brown is my color? I'm tall-5'6 and i have a "medium" build i guess. I'm not stick skinny or fat. alot of guys say i'm "just right" yeah whatever they say.
likespunk rock,skaters,billy from GC, skaters,punks,black eye liner,hot topic,dark colors,linkin park,blink 182,art,poetry,people
dislikesfailure,rejection,fake people,wannabes, liars,mean people.


thinking:i need to get content up!
wishing:for money
happy level:6
sad level:3


wearing:baggy blue pants and white shirt
nail polish:black baby
jewelry:a single ring..sad
watching:some dumb show on mtv
listening:nothing yet

the asylum

This layout is just um..something I thought of when i was really bored and had nothing to do? Well it's kinda scribbly. I really like the word insane, for some odd reason, and so i decided to use it in my layout. I got the fonts from mandy and i had all of the brushes already and i dont know who i got them from. So if you see your brushes *thanks!*

plane insane

this is just weird things about me..
You are 43.9% freak



link me


linkin parkfanatic
I have /razor glitter.
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