herez ma new fic! XD~~

To build a fire

Mi-chan- hmmm...sounds familiar huh?

*not really*

Mi-chan- well, only those who were forced to watch the movie in the book..or whatever. welcome to Mi-chan's reenacted version! _is_ kinda different..okay, very different, but, heck, who cares?


Mi-chan- *bounces in* you will _not_ believe what i found!!

hotti-chan- *sigh* what is it this time? a new hairstyle? a sale at abercrombie?

Mi-chan- hmph. NO! *whips out a magasine* a ski resort! cheap, cozy, and perfect weather!*flings curtains open to show all the snow*

hotti-chan- thats a thought!

Mi-chan- *beams* lets go show the others! I _have_ to take goten, and you _have_ to take trunks..and _maybe_ we'll string along some'll be fun romantic--- *trails off as she drags hotti-chan out the door*

-Goten's house-

Goten- a ski resort??

Trunks- huh. for once Mi-chan comes up with a good idea

Mi-chan- *glare*

Trunks- *cowers* O.O

Mi-chan- *cackles* XD

Goten- O.O;;well..seems fine to me!

hotti-chan- yay! now gimme that magasine so I can make reservations *snatches it away and serches for a phone number*

Marron- *bursts through the door* Goten samaaaaa!*stops* *eyes Mi-chan* what are _you_ doing here?

Mi-chan- *eyes her back* I was just about to ask you

hotti-chan- *scoots in between before things get violent* lets get along, girls *eyes them both down*

*Mi-chan and Marron both cower*

Marron- hmm...*notices hottichan reading the magasine* whats this? *takes it out of hotti's hands*

hottichan- hey! .....its a ski resort we're planning to go to...

Marron- Oo! can i come?????

hottichan- well...*glances at Mi-chan (still pouting in the corner)*

Trunks- why not?

Goten- I guess..

Mi-chan- *jaw drops* *sulks*

hottichan- *sigh* I guess so then

Marron- *grins* well, call me for details! I'll be waaiiiting! *skips out*

Mi-chan- *whimpers*

trunks- be a good sport

Mi-chan- *coldly stares*

trunks- O.o *hides*

hottichan- hm... I know what'll make you happy. come on *pulls mi-chan up* lets go to the mall and pick up some new clothes for the trip, huh?

Mi-chan- *perks* sounds good!! *jumps* byee booooys *blows kisses as she drags hotti out again*

Goten- *sweatdrop*

- The day of the departure-

Mi-chan- look at my new suitcase! *shows and enormous suicase even taller than Mi-chan...then again, thats not so showy considering how short Mi-chan is..but nevermind*

hottichan- O.o I didn't know they make them so big!

Mi-chan- of course! but it must be specially made! see? *turns suitcase around* my initials!

hotti-chan- ~_~;;

Goten- *enters along with trunks* we're ready! *eyes Mi-chan's suitcase* you're bringing that??? how will it fit in the car??

Mi-chan- we strap it on the roof silly

Vegeta- *enters*....hey, whats going on?

hotti-chan- we're---

Mi-chan- *zooms by picking up everything in her path...including vegeta* busy busy busy!

hotti-chan- hmm..*scratches head and looks around* where did vegeta go?....he must have left. oh well! *starts gathering her own things*

Mi-chan- *throws everything she picked up in her suitcase...including vegeta again..which _is_ possible for all you people considering the size of that suitcase*

Vegeta- *muffled* O.O;;

Mi-chan- *straps the suitcase together as she sits on it* whew! it fits!

Vegeta- O.O * finds an air hole*

Mi-chan- lets gooooo! *straps her suitcase on top of the car and everyone piles in the car ready to go* IM DRIVING!!!

Goten- o.o *silently muffles her and straps her to the back seat* nope. we want to live to get to the resort

- the voyage-

Mi-chan- 99 bottles of beer on the wall..99 bottles of beer!---

Hotti-chan- *tapes her mouth shut*

trunks- thank you

hottichan- no prob

Vegeta- *shivers* ;_;

- finally there!-

Mi-chan- *hops out* whee heeeeee!

hotti-chan- Oh wow! this is so cool!

-scene shows their huuge cabin*

Mi-chan ^o^ this is everything iv dreamed of and more!

Trunks- pretty good! talk about comfort!

Goten- oof *stumbles while carrying Mi-chan's suitcase* what do you have in here. rocks?? (close enough considering vegeta included ^_^;;)

Mi-chan- just clothes! -or so she thinks- you are _such_ a sweetie to help me carry it! *pinches his cheeks* lets go in now! I'll lead the way! *skips to the cabin with a struggling goten behind her*

Hotti-chan- there she goes again..Marron! wake up! we're here!

Marron- ~___~ I'm sleeping...*drool hangs off the corner of her mouth*

Hotti-chan- well, sleep inside *hauls her up and into the cabin*

trunks- *meekly follows*


Mi-chan- hmm....*sits on her suitcase*

Vegeta- O.O ommmphh...*bangs on the top*

Mi-chan- eh? O.o *looks under her* was dat my suitcase? *bounces on it just in case*

Vegeta- @.@ ahhhhhhh...

Mi-chan- so it is! *flings it open* VEGETA??? how did you get here??

Vegeta- *gasps for air**glare* you should know!!!! you were the one so involved with packing, you THREW me in there! I was near DEATH!

Mi-chan- i did?? o.o

hotti-chan- ver likely...~_~

Goten- *sigh*

Mi-chan- oops?

Vegeta- OOPS??? thats ALL you have to SAY??

Mi-chan- yes *glare* everyopne knows better than to get in my way when im thinking of clothes

Vegeta- ~_~

Mi-chan- *cackles*

Trunks- ^_^;; lets go get some hot chocolate now, huh? guess you're stuck with us now

Vegeta- .....

Mi-chan- good idea! and then we can go to bed and wake up fresh and early tomorrow to ski!

Hotti-chan- yea right...know you, you'll probably wake up at 11:00, take three hours to get ready, eat, and shower, and we won't be out till 2 -_-

Mi-chan- HEY! *throws a pillow at her*

Hotti-chan- *sticks her tongue out**dodges* its true! *runs out the room*



Mi-chan- ohohohoho! how was that?? Mi-chan's second attemptto write fanfics!-see "curry crises" for the first- *cackles..again*

Shaolan- she's really gone cackling _and_ third person speech!

Mi-chan- oho! you UNDERESTIMATE the mighty highness! bow down!

Shaolan- ...twit

Mi-chan- now thats PRINCESS twit to YOU!..wait..



Shaolan- you of course *skitters away*

Mi-chan- YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM ME! *....cackles again*

*anyway, questions? comments? refer to yes. thats QT PWINCESS to YOU!