*Disaster approaches when we find out what terrible things
Mi-chan can make with just her Curry*

~Note: Konnichiwa minna! =P. Yes, Mi-chan is even lazier than we thought
she was isn't she? She even got Hotti-chan to
type up her fanfic. What a lazy, lazy girl...

Shaolan- why is she talking in third person?

Director- She's crazy, I'm telling you!

Shaolan- No kidding...

--- ANYWAY!---

*Shaolan is pushed on stage*


Directo- because Mi-chan is busy stomping and ranting about the eleciton.

-crashes are heard from backstage-

Mi-chan-*yelling from behind the curtain* DANGIT! DANGIT!

Shaolan- O.O gotcha.... so anyway, konnichiwa...
this is the intro. Ja Ne...

Director- Oh well *sighs* ...that will just have to do

-curtain closes and grabs Shaolan on the way-

Director- Oops...

-Scene shows the rest of the DBZ Group sitting together
dripping tea after they hear the bang-

Marron- Oh, its probably just Mi-chan cooking up her
psycho meals. Dang, she's gonna kill someone with those one day.
Hey, wait a minute... Didn't that come from Goten's house?

*everyone looks at each other and after a few seconds of
staring they raced off*

-Goten's house is shown... or what's left of it...-

-everyone comes stomping in the scene, running right over
unconcious Goten, Mi-chan-

Bulma- I wonder where they can be?

Marron- EEEEE! Goten! *Picks up Goten and immediately races
off , carrying him and leaving Mi-chan behind*

Trunks- ....All of a sudden she's that strong and that

-everyone shrugs-

Trunks- Oh well. Better get going *Picks up Mi-chan
and strolls away*

*everyone follows*

-Scene shows Marron's house-

Marron- Oh just look what Mi-chan did this time!

-everyone sweatdrops, knowing Mi-chan would eventually
kill someone with her awful cooking-

-Mi-chan and Goten are sleeping in two different
rooms, not yet conscious-

Bulma- All we can do is wait for them to wake up now...

-hours pass-

-Mi-chan wakes up in her room-

Mi-chan- Man, that was a good sleep! hmmm...
strange. I wonder why I feel like playing
sports and exercising all of a sudden....
I usually hate working out..

*Mi-chan's head snaps up and she looks...weird*

Mi-chan- *grins oddly* No! I loooove sports and working my muscles
*starts doing pull-ups*

*Mi-chan's head snaps up again*

Mi-chan- O.O what's wrong with me??
NO!! I hate working out!!
EEEEEE!! *screams*

-Goten's room-

Goten- Mmm...good sleep! But...why do
I have an urge to go shopping?

*Goten's head snaps up in a similar way
Mi-chan's did*

Goten- Oh my gawd! *high-pitch squels*
I really, really, need to shop! These pants make my butt
look waaay too big!!!

*head snaps up again*

Goten- O.O;;; OHMYGOD!! What's
wrong with me!?!

*screams simultaneously
with Mi-chan*

-Scene shows everyone
sitting in one room after
investigating the problem-

Bulma- Well, it seems like Mi-chan aused
both of them to have multi-personalities
now.... and of each others! They keep
switching back and forth. One minute they're
normal, the next, they have the other's personality!


Mi-chan- *wails* I'm not normaaalll!! *head
snaps* Why am I crying? How unmanly!!!

Everyone- ^.^;;;; behehhehheh.....

-End of Ch.2-

-Did everyone like that? =P Hope so!
It's all caused from Mi-chan's very very creative mind!

Shaolan- She's doing it again...

Director- Oh just ignore her...She's babbling again.

Mi-chan- I AM NOT!!!!

*stomps and rants again*

Shaolan- O.O Better close the curtain now.
Ja ne minna-san...

*curtain closes*