Darkness is the Light

AN: Yes, yet another fic by yours truly! -_-; Well, anyway, this particular fic, I feel you should know is actually based on the evil's point of view. Oh well, enjoy!

Chapter 1

A woman, no older than 25, was by herself in a store, trying to straighten things out. Humming to herself, she slid articles of clothing around the racks. A dark figure stood in the shadows, completely undetected by the woman until…

“Who’s there?” she turned around, after hearing a few footsteps. Her voice quivering in fear as she gripped onto the rack for support.

“Don’t be afraid, I only came to offer you something,” a sweet voice was heard. Out of the shadows stepped a beautiful young woman, her golden brown hair waving in an undetectable wind. She wore a brown halter-top, which went far down her chest in the woman’s opinion, and black shorts. On her feet she wore black lace up boots, stopping just below her knees. She had on a black leather coat that swayed around her mid-calves. She looked to be about 18 years of age. The woman looked at the younger girl’s face, which held a somber, yet mischievous expression.

“What do you want?” She held her ground, not letting this mysterious girl out of her sight. Not saying anything, she tossed a bag at her, black and white print all over it. The woman caught it barely, wincing at the force this girl possessed. She eyed the bag and the girl distrustfully.

“Don’t you like it?” the girl asked, raising an eyebrow.

“What’s wrong with it?” she asked suspiciously.

The girl let out a frustrated sigh, “there’s nothing wrong with it,” by my standards anyway. She added silently, smirking she slid her hands into her coat pockets. She walked towards the show window at the front of the small store, and looked out of it. Out of the shadows stepped another figure.

“If you don’t want it, fine, we’ll just give it to another store. It’s a new design you know, we’ll probably get a higher buyer anyway,” a masculine voice was heard from behind the woman. He was wearing a white wife beater, and black pants to accompany his leather jacket. To the woman, he was breathtaking, his blonde hair neatly combed back and his piercing blue eyes seemed to look into her soul, in the same manner as the girl’s honey-hazel eyes did.

“Who are you? How did you two get in here?” the woman asked them both, ready to sound the alarm at any minute.

“Lorena, don’t tell me you didn’t introduce yourself,” the man looked at the girl. The woman flinched, a look of pure fear appeared on her face.

“Lorena? The dark lordess and huntress?” she nervously glanced at the girl, who smirked at her.

“I see you’ve heard of me, then I’m sure you know of my brother,” she motioned her head in the direction of the man.

“Masterian, the dark lord of the underworld, how… why are you here?” she asked, afraid of the answer.

“I thought I already explained that! To give you an offer, now do you want the bag or not?” Lorena asked, becoming annoyed with this woman’s ignorance. Masterian walked towards his sister and stood next to her by the window. The woman reluctantly opened the bag and looked in, to see a digital clock reading five seconds and counting… down. She looked up at the dark duo with utter horror on her face.

“Have fun,” Masterian chuckled wickedly as they jumped through the window, shattering it on impact, at the exact time the store burst into flames. As Lorena landed, a large piece of debris hit her ankle, nearly tripping her. She regained her composure and stumbled next to her brother who was chuckling at her misfortune.

“That bitch, it’s her fault,” she blamed the now deceased woman. They watched as the building went up in flames and civilians gathered around to see what had happened. Police cars and fire trucks appeared in a matter of minutes, whilst the two figures disappeared down the street, evil grins playing on their lips.