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  -Episode I
  -Episode II
  -Episode III
  -Episode IV
  -Episode V
  -Episode VI
   Star Ships:
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  -Alliance Fighters
  -Imperial Capital Class
  -Imperial Fighters
  -Naboo Ships
  -Trade Federation
  -Other Ships

  -Episode I
  -Episode II
  -Episode III
  -Episode IV
  -Episode V
  -Episode VI
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Welcome to Star Wars Home 1
Star Wars Today
the latest from

Keep up to date with Star Wars Today!
Character of the week:

Luke Skywalker
Ship of the week:

Corilian Corvette
Episode I
Episode II

Episode VI
Episode V
Episode VI
Alliance Symbol Star Wars Trilogy Imperial Symbol
Star Wars Home 1 is still under
CONSTRUCTION. Please check often for future updates.

Site Created:
-=| 3/17/2002 |=-
Site Updated:
-=| 6/01/2002 |=-
Star Wars Home 1 is a site dedicated to Star Wars. Most the information on this site is either Star Wars or Star Wars related. I hope you will enjoy this site and will tell others of its exsistence. If you have any questions, comments, or complaints to email me at "dk14agdi". Thank you for looking at my site and please come again!

Site Status:
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Web Master:
-=| Daniel K. |=-
Lucas Arts:
-Star Wars Games-
Bounty Hunter
Jedi Starfighter
The Clone Wars
Rogue Leader
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Galactic Battlegrounds

Contact Info: Email Me