
Please forgive my sense of humor. I got it from my father and he wouldn't take it back. Some of these are complete or even functional at present, but I'm doing my best to cover what is most readily available to me. (This means that if it's available in America, it's here. Everything else will have to come later.)

The Big Screen
Shadow of the Vampire
Rowing with the Wind
The Cat's Meow
Killing Me Softly
Talos the Mummy

The Slightly Smaller Screen
The Buccaneers
The Scarlet Pimpernel

The Very Small Screen
Minor Television Appearances

No Screen at All
Stage Shows
Audio Work

EXPECT IN 2003...

"Lara Croft and the Cradle of Life: Tomb Raider 2"
This movie is expected in American cinemas on July 25 of 2003. Ronan plays Agent Calloway, and as soon as I know anything about the character, it'll be right here waiting for you.

I know even less about this release that "Tomb Raider". It's a 'sandal and sword' comedy about three unlikely women escaping Roman invasion. It may not sound like a winner to you, but Ronan is cast as Caesar, so I'll be there front row as soon as it's anywhere near me.