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Wildfire's Page 2

Christine Bostic

August 5, 2002 I've completed my chemotherapy treatments!! However my doctor is sending me for radiation treatment for my left breast. I'm scared and don't want to do radiation. Wish me luck.....

September 13, 2002: My father called me on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 and informed me that my horse Wildfire had died. It appears that she may have contracted that 'West Nile' disease. Anyways, when it became apparent that she wasn't getting better, my father put her down with a shotgun. She is now buried in the hayfield. Throughout her life she had 12 beautiful babies, taught me how to ride and showed me just how a horse could be your best friend.... I will miss her alot.

October 1, 2002: It looks as if I'll be starting the reconstructive procedures towards the end of this month, providing that my tests on the 16th come back clean. My hair is growing back in and it's PLATINUM blonde!!! Yay!! Exact color I want! My brother, Brian, came up from San Diego, CA, last week for a family visit. He introduced me to the theraputic activity of golf ball whacking - he took me to a driving range. Loved it, but was sore for 3 days after... I'm feeling better about myself - I'm getting back to normal!

March 2003: Everything's still clear and I plan to return to work in the next few months. Thought I'd post an updated picture of me so y'all can see the difference. Check it out!!!

Read my diary.

July 12, 2003: Hey Everybody! I'm back to work. I work at a medical office in the billing department. It's only 12 hours a week - I don't want to make TOO much and disqualify myself from my medical benefits. They are going to pay for my reconstructive surgery next year. Hair's growing like "Wildfire" - R.I.P. my beloved horse. More later!

April 22, 2004: Hello... The latest... I underwent a hysterectomy on April 6, 2004. Basically, since estrogen is bad for me (cancer risk), my oncologist wanted me to go into menopause. My GYN doctor suggested a full hysterectomy since I'd had my kids. Went in Tuesday, went home Thursday and was off the painkillers by Saturday. No incisions were needed!!! Yay! And my hair is SOOOOOOOOO fabulous!! I know, I know I need a new pic. Working on it... Ciao!

UPDATE: AUGUST 2004: My oncologist has finally cleared me for reconstructive surgery! YAY! I start the procedure on November 4, 2004, where I have a minor surgery done to get it going. I'm not going to gross you out with all the medical stuff, so let's just say that it will be about 6 months after the beginning that it will be completed. Wish me luck!

UPDATE: DECEMBER 25, 2004: Hello all! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Reconstructive surgery is going well: The skin stretcher is in and is about half way to the size I need for the implant. Maybe by April 2005 I will be done or soon after. I have a new picture on the way... it's in my mom camera, waiting to be developed. Sunday, January 2, 2005, is my birthday and I will be 37!! WOW!! 3 away from 40... That's all for now. Best wishes for the coming year.

UPDATE: April 15, 2005: Hello again! May is when I will be having the final reconstructive surgery - wheeeee! My boys, Sean and Jordan, celebrated their 15th and 13th birthdays, respectively, in March. WOW! I don't know where those 15 years went... Anyway, not much else is new. Just sitting here, waiting for May to get here. Wish me a speedy recovery, please. 'Til next time... stay safe.

UPDATE: July 1, 2005 - Happy 4th of July!! I had reconstructive surgery on June 23, 2005, and I am recovering pretty well. Right now I look like I was in 'Fight Club' or something - all the bruising - but it really doesn't hurt that much any more. Mom's on vacation for a week - YAY! That's all for now - just recovering...

10/17/06:New Pictures of Sean and Jordan

Ignore the dates on the pics...I haven't figured out how to set the date on the camera...LOL

January 28, 2011 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I now work for a company called DaVita - it's a kidney dialysis company. I started there in March 2009 (officially) but I temped there since August 2008. Before that, I was a Sandwich Artist at Subway (lol). In under two years, I've gone from a Document Prepper to Scanner Operator to Correspondence Specialist to Cash Poster/Credit Card Processor. Since I started, my hourly rate has almost DOUBLED!! Life is good for me right now - still cancer free. In April 2011, I will be participating in a fund-raising cancer survivor pageant - I'm the favorite to take the crown. Yay!! My sponsor is a drag queen, Vivienne Le Cher, who I work with at my day job. LIFE IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!


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