Be aware that you will find many rants in the journal... and if I know you... they may involve you... haha. Scared? Nothing horrible is going to be on THIS journal. I save that for the one I actually write in!
The About page is exactly what it means. It's about me. My 15 minutes of glory!
The Quizzes page is just a bunch of quizzes I've taken from places like Quizilla and such. It may take awhile to load because I never really do one without pictures (unless it is completally interesting, mind you!).
The Random page is still being worked on... a long with the rest of the site of course! And Credits is just references to object and pictures I use if they are not mine.
Update: Monday, August 22, 2005- 12:50 AM
You may have noticed that there has been a lot of changes. That is because I wanted to make room for the AMV (anime music video) I made. I wanted to be able to host it from a different size, but because it is 12.7 MB and most free hosts only go up to 5 or 10, I had to use 75% of my angelfire account to host it on here. I'm not sad about it, if anything it is a good thing. I can easily like to other places for my blog, poetry, and stories.... but not my music videos. Unless you are a member of Which you should be, because that place is AWESOME!
Anyways, I will work on bad links and inserting good links another time. School starts in 2 days and I promised my mom I would go to bed earlier. Well, 1:00am is early for me considering my frequent trips to 6 am. So, goodnight!
Update: Sunday, 6/19/2005- 3:21 AM
I can only suppose you want to know why in the world is this random girl from Cincinnati, OH making a stupid web site from scratch. Well, I really don't have the answer to this question besides, "I got bored". However, with all the forums I'm joining and how often I find myself updating my AIM profile... I think this is a much better way to explain who I am.